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uThe art of the deal - DONALD J.


1. You can’t be creative if you’re program is too structured.

2. Wake up early, read the news and don’t stop working until late at night.
3. If you are right, you have to take a stance or peole will start walking all over you.
4. I rarely go out to eat because mostly is a waste of time.
5. When you call sombody, do not waste people’s time.
6. Small talk is part of business
7. Be loyal to people that have done for you
8. Critic your critics
9. Always listen to your gut no matter how good a deal looks on paper
10. Stick on what you know
11. Sometimes the best deals are the ones you dont make
12. Be a practical guy
13. When the guy you are talking to doesnt have a response, keep talking until he tells
you what you want to hear. Hang up. Let him call you later.


1. Most people that want to get rich quick end up going broke instead.
2. Highly succesful entrepreneurs are obsesive, are driven, are single minded and
almost maniacal but its all channaled into their work.
3. Protect the downside and the upside will take care of its self. Never gamble. Be the
4. Anticipate the worst and be prepared for the worst.
5. Protect yourself by being flexible.
6. Dont trust fancy survais. Ask everybody you know.about it. Ask the people who leave
neat an area how do they like it there, the schools, the crime and the shops. Always
ask the cab driver questions.
7. Even though is good to get good reviews, dont care what the critics are saying
8. Never seem too desperate to make a deal. That makes the other guy smell blood
and then you are finished. The best thing you can do is deal from strenght. Use your
leverage. Find what the other person needs.
9. Sometimes you have to have imagination and salesmanship to convince the other
guy its in his best interest
10. You dont need the best location. You need the best deal. Just like you can create
leverage, you can enhence a location through promotion and through psychology.
11. Location has a lot to do with fashion. You can raise the value of something just by
atracting the right people.
12. The real money in real estate isnt made by paying the top dollar for a.location. You
can get killed by doing that. Also invest in promotion.
13. Get the word out about your product. The press is always hungry for a story.
14. Be straight with people. Dont deceive and dont get defensive. When asked an
uncomfortable question try to put a positive spin on it.
15. Promote using bravado. People might not be able to think big themselves but they
are atracted to those who do.
16. Fight for the things you believe in even if that means alianating some people along
the way - things usually work out for the best in the end.
17. When you are successful, jealousy and envy inevitably follow.
18. Deliver the goods. Salesmanship will only take you that far. Dont con people.
19. Get a good product and promote the hell out of it.
20. Contain your costs. Every penny costs because without realising soon enough,
pennies will turn into dollars.
22. Even small jobs can become out of control if you are not atentive.
23. Have fun. Life is fragile.
24. Always know what everything costs. Use your reliebility to get a good price. “You will
get paid and you will get paid on time"


1. Toughness, motivating people, competence and efficiency: get in, get it done, get it
done right and get out.
2. Don’t just be happy with the job, do well and get.qhead.
3. Love what you are doing because that is the only way to become it.
4. Stand up to people.and they will respect that.
5. Figure out what you need to do to get people on your side. Show strenght, but dont
try to intimidate or undermine.
6. Be a demanding taskmaster. Be there early and pound and pound. Know how to do
every job. Come in and take over if the job its not done the way you want.
7. Be proud of your degree. A lot of people might consider it prestigious


1. Read listings of foreclosured properties

2. Buy it cheap, get a mortrage for what you paid and then some to fix it up. You dont
have to put any money of your own. Cover the mortrage with the rent
3. Find good tenants. Dont rent to poor hillbillies that will tear the place apart
4. Fix up the windows, put in shutters for the feeling of warmth an cozines, change the
aluminium door with beautiful colonial white doors. Stay clean and invest in
cleanliness. Make it a priority. We painted the hallways, sanded and stained the
floors, keep the vacant apartments clean, landscape the suroundings and advertise
5. Never let.anybody sense that you fear them
6. When faced with an important job, skip things like lunch, especially when is your
money involved.
7. It never pays to be in too much of a hurry. When you make a contract try to put
clauses that fit your interest. Penalties if they dont close the contract, vacancies at
the moment of signing the contract etc.


1. Walk the streets. Get to know all the good proprieties.

2. Find the hottest place in town and start socialising. Know where the rich and
succesful people are.
3. Test people to see if you have common values.
4. Seek tenants who are neat, clean, have four times the rent in income and would be
good neighbours.
5. When you want to buy something, convince the buyer that what he sells isnt worth
very much
6. If you cant sell somebody on your accomplishnents, sell him on your enthusiasm and
7. “organisation" is a nice word that will make your company sound respectable
8. Contribute money to politicians
9. Learn to buy and develop proprieties with no money down.
10. Politicians dont care what things cost. Its not their money.
11. You need advertising the most when people are not buying
12. Be competitive. Bad mouth your competition if its necesary.
13. Win by wearing everybody else down. Never give up !


1. A good looking presentation goes a long way. Make it look expensive

2. If you are going to make a deal of any significance, go at the top. Do it with the
person in charge.
3. Everyone beneath the top guy is just an employee. He doesnt care about your idea.
He cares about his salary and about not upsetting his boss.
4. Get a partner you can be straight with
5. Dont fully trust busines and do busines only with people that you respect.
6. Never explain yourself too much. When asked why did I have given a 40 year tax
examption mu response was “because I didnt ask for 50”
7. Have confidnce in your beleiefs. The critics might end up loving your idesa.
8. Be the type of person that uplifts people. Make people feel better after they interact
with you.
9. When someone wants to control you, ask for so many directions until the person lets
you do whatever youbwant. Win by being friendly
10. There are people in your life that you always want to pay your respects to, no matter
the other circumstances.


1. Be relentless even in the face of total lack of encouragement. Ask again and again.
2. Dont invest emotions ( too many ) in people and things. This way you will have no
problem being ruthless.
3. Never shy away of using your connections
4. Use the lack of knowledge that the other person has to convince him to sell cheaper.
5. If the other person agrees with a deal, put it on paper. Negociate to take out clauses
that you dont like.
6. Have a way of talking down to people to make them feel guilty of they question you,
especially your integrity.
7. You want your beat custumers to feel special.
8. Employ security for your building to make sure the front street is free of pedlers
9. Learn to buy the land under buildings
10. Be generous with the people that do good work for you.
11. Some events might end up having much more significance that you thought. Dont be
the bad guy unless you absolutelly have to.
12. Wealthy people are not looking for the best prices. Are looking for the best.
13. Cutting prices is a sign of weakness
14. Never be in a rush to sign a contract. Play hard to get.


1. Go for the best locations, if the price is good.

2. When it comes to property, if you want to buy many adiacent parcels, you want to
make the deals contingent. Negociate directly with the owner/principle.
3. See very long leases with options to purchase
4. If the sellers are not native language speakers or dont play well with strangers, pay
somebody else to negociate on your behalf
5. There are always buyers for the best.
6. Leverage your credibility.
7. Once you invest a huge amount of money is hard not to accept every thing they are
throwing at you.
8. There is a way you can trust family that you can not trust anybody else.
9. When building use engineering. Draw complex plans.
10. Be aware of every tax deduction that you can get. Use depreciation.
11. The key is not to earn big. The key is to make big profits. Manage your costs!
12. Hire the best people from your competitors, pay them better, give them bonuses
based on their performence.


1. Never make the asumption that you are entitled anything. Work until you see the deal
2. There are times when you have to be agresive, but there are also times when you
have to lie back. Consider who are you talking to, make the other person feel
3. Fight when you feel you are getting screwed, no matter thw consequences.
4. Do not try to hard to look perfect. A lot of people will be put off by it.
5. Guilt people into respecting their words. Sometimes is better to act hurt, rather than


1. The rich have a low threshhold for even mild discomforts

2. You never act on an impulse, even a charitable one, without considering the
3. Never let yourself to be blackmailed.


1. In any partnership, you are only as good as your wealesk link.

2. The guys stanting to lose money are more likely to make a better decision than any


1. The press thrives on confruntation

2. The only thing to get a politicion to act is bad press.
3. Bullies are most often closed cowards. The only people bullies push around are the
ones they know they can beat. Confront a bully and he will easily run.
4. Leadership is the key to getting all the job done.
5. You can get any job done just by sheer force of will and by knowing what you are
talking about.
6. Never reward failure because you will get more failure.


1. Do not assume that you will be able to absorb any cost while building something.
2. While developing real estate, you cant really estimate the revenue you are going to
get because you are at the mercy of the market. The variabes include: how much you
get per unit, how long until you sell out and what your carying costs are along the
way. The less you commit to spend upfront, the less you are at risk later.
3. Do not do give aways in busines. Check every thing. Do not become your own
4. When you need to sell more, you have to market.
5. In real estate, never sing a letter of intent. Years can be spent in court becaus of a
nonbinding agreement.
6. Keep your options open to protect yourself



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