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PRIMARY (1st & 2nd grade) SCREENER

Name: _ _________________________ Birthdate/Age: _______ Date: _______________

Grade: _ _____ School Site:________ Primary/secondary language: _ _____________________
Reason for screening: _ __________________________________________________________________

1. Identifying Information

a. What is your whole name?

b. How old are you?
c. When is your birthday?
d. Who do you live with?

2. Retell a Story
Tell the student one story and ask him/her to repeat it.

a. Two white rabbits ran through the woods. They saw a hole and climbed into it to take a
nap. Later, they found two carrots and ate them up.
b. The boy went to the lake with his fishing pole. He caught a big fish. His mother cleaned it
and fried it for dinner. Dad said it was the best fish he had ever eaten.
c. Two sisters wanted popsicles. There was only one popsicle in the refrigerator. Their
mother took a knife and cut it into two pieces so they could share it.

3. Concept Comprehension
“Show me….”

a. On the box
b. In the box
c. Behind the box
d. Under the box
e. In front of the box
f. Next to the box

4. Syntax
“Repeat what I say….”
a. He needs a nickel.
b. She watches cartoons every Saturday.
c. I think I hear the doorbell ringing.
d. Dad is teaching me how to ride a bike.
e. They are running in the hall.

5. Grammar
“Finish what I say….”

a. Each child has a ball. This is hers and this is _______.

b. This bike belongs to Billy. Whose bike is it? It is ______.
c. Here is one dress. Here are two _______.
d. This man is painting. He is a _______. This man is driving a bus. He is a bus _______.
e. The cow is eating. The cows are _______.
f. The ducks are swimming. The duck __________.

6. Auditory Reasoning
“Finish what I say….”

a. Brother is a boy, sister is a ______.

b. In the daytime it is light, at nighttime it is _________.
c. The snail is slow, the rabbit is ________.
d. What do you do when you’re thirsty? _______________
e. What do you do when you’re cold? _________________
f. What do we do with our eyes/ears? _________________

7. Memory-Following Directions

a. Raise your hand, then touch your nose.

b. Clap your hands, stand up, turn around.
c. Blink your eyes, pull your ear, touch your knees.

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