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Nutrition Lesson Day 5

Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Kira, Jillian, Madelyn Date: 11/13/19

Group Size: General Ed. Classroom Allotted Time: 35-40min Grade Level: 4th

Subject or Topic: Fast Food and the Effects

Common Core/PA Standard:

● 10.1.6.C.- Analyze nutritional concepts that impact health. Caloric content of foods,
relationship of food intake and physical activity (energy output), nutrient requirements,
label reading, healthful food selection.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● Students will be able to analyze nutritional concepts that impact health from their fast
food choices based on their lack of nutrients and their negative effects on your body;
while finding ways to make healthful food selections.

Assessment Approaches:
1. Thumbs-up or down if the students Observational
are ready to move on

2. Exploring the fast food website Observational

and understanding the nutritional

3. Choosing what they would order at Collecting comparison data from the t-
a fast food restaurant and chart
comparing it to how they could
make it a healthier food choice.

3. Collecting data on how accurate the students completed the t-chart by including a fast food
meal and a healthy alternative to improve the meal.
● This will be performed through a check system of check plus, check, and check minus.
● Each check will align with point(s).
○ Check plus= 3/3 points
○ Check= 2/3 points
○ Check minus= 1/3 points
● Provide the students with feedback
Assessment Scale:
● Check Plus= 3/3 points- Complete understanding on how to complete a t-chart including
three meals from the menu on the left side and how to make healthier choices for each
meal on the right side.
● Check= 2/3 points- Understood how to complete a t-chart including at least two meals
from the menu on the left side and how to make healthier choices for each meal on the
right side.
● Check Minus= 1/3 points- Needs some more practice with understanding how to
complete a t-chart; and only included one meal from the menu on the left side and how to
make a healthier choice for the meal on the right side.
○ Provide the students with feedback

Subject Matter/Content:
Prerequisite Skills:
● Be able to read
● Be able to understand the negative effects of fast food on the body
● Be able to read nutrition facts on menus

● Fast Food: a type of mass-produced food designed for commercial resale and with a
strong priority placed on "speed of service"
● Calories: A unit of energy that describes how much energy your body could get from
eating or drinking it.
● Serving Size: A standardized amount of food for one person
● Saturated Fat: A type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly
single bonds. Foods containing high amounts of saturated fat include: butter, cheese,
pizza, and coconut oil.
● Trans Fat: A type of unsaturated fat that occurs in small amounts in meat and milk fat.
Foods containing high amounts of trans fat include: cake, breakfast sandwiches,
microwave popcorn, and doughnuts.
● Sodium- White chemical element found in salt, this is found in most foods
● Cholesterol- A type of fat found in meat, fish, eggs, butter, cheese, and milk
● Sugar- A carbohydrate that is used to sweeten or preserve a food

● Use the Fast Food Powerpoint to begin, teach, and guide the lesson with.
● Reading a food label accurately by knowing the different nutrition facts.
○ Look at each component listed
● Understand portion/ serving size
● Being aware of what you are putting in your body by knowing what is actually in fast
foods and how to make better health choices when eating fast foods.
○ Choose fruits or vegetables- apples, applesauce or yogurt instead of french fries,
chips, or bread.
○ Choose water or milk instead of soda or juice
○ Mustard instead of mayonnaise on sandwiches
○ Low fat dressings on salads
○ Choose grilled options instead of breaded or fried
○ Order smaller portions- small sodas, small burgers, small french fries

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies create clear lesson goals:
● Ask the students what their favorite fast food restaurants are and how often they go to a
fast food restaurant to eat.
● “Warning!! Fast Food”
● After the video is played, say to class “ Today we are going to explore different fast food
restaurants and learn about their negative effects and how we can make healthier

Development/ Teaching Approaches:

I Do:
● The teacher will use the fast food powerpoint to begin and use throughout the lesson.
● The teacher will use the fast food alert website and project it on the board.
● The teacher will scroll down and choose the link for Subway Nutrition Information.
● The teacher will explore the components of the website:
○ Menu/ meals
○ Nutrition facts
○ Ingredients
○ Allergens
● The teacher will click on the menu tab and choose a sandwich.
● The teacher will then look at the nutrition facts.
○ The teacher will record the serving size and compare it to the amount of calories
in that sandwich.
○ The teacher will click on the nutrition calculator and discuss the ingredients used
in the sandwich and how it can be adjusted to make a healthier version of that
■ Different kinds of bread, healthier meat, vegetables, no cheese, low fat
dressings, etc.
● The teacher will then record on the T-chart on the left side, the food options they
explored and then record on the right side ways to make that option healthier after
exploring the nutrition calculator.
We Do:
● The class will explore the Chipotle website. The teacher will project it on the board and
the class will get into 4 groups and explore the website on Ipads and follow along with
the teacher.
● The class will explore the components of the website:
○ Explore Chipotles values
○ Explore the nutrition facts
■ Look at meals/ the menu
■ Look at ingredients
● The class will choose a meal from the menu to look at as a class.
○ The class will agree on each filling to put into the burrito, tacos, or bowl.
○ As they choose each ingredient, watch as the amount of calories, total grams of
fat, protein, and carbs increase.
○ After choosing each filling, they will scroll down and look at the full nutrition
facts based on the ingredients they choose to put into their meal.
● As a class, they will record the calories, total grams of fat, protein, and carbs on the left
side of their T-chart
● Then the class will go back to the website and remove some fillings to make a healthier
○ As they choose an ingredient to remove from the meal, watch as the amount of
calories, total grams of fat, protein, and carbs decrease.
○ After limiting some fillings, the class will scroll down and look at the full
nutrition facts based on the ingredients they now have in their meal.
● As a class, they will record the right side of the T-chart, how their meal was adjusted to
make a healthier option.
○ EX: No queso, healthier meat, bowl vs burrito

You Do:
● The students will stay in their same groups as they were in for the “We Do” and will be
assigned to explore one of the fast food links on the Fast Food Alert website on their
○ Group 1: McDonalds
○ Group 2: Wendy's
○ Group 3: Burger King
○ Group 4: Arbys
● The groups will scroll down and choose their assigned link
● They will explore the components of the website:
○ Menu
○ Ingredients
○ Nutrition facts
○ Allergens
● The groups will click on the menu tab and choose a meal they would order if they went to
this fast food restaurant.
● They will then look at the nutrition facts.
○ The calories, total grams of fat, carbs, and protein.
● They will explore ingredients in each meal and possible allergy substitutions.
● They will then choose a side and a drink they would order and explore the calories, total
grams of fat, carbs, sodium, and sugars.
● The students will Record on the left side of the T-chart three food options they explored
and the nutrition components.
● Then the students will go back to the website on the ipads and explore healthier options
● EX:
○ Choose fruits or vegetables- apples, applesauce or yogurt instead of french fries,
chips, or bread
○ Choose water or milk instead of soda or juice
○ Mustard instead of mayonnaise on sandwiches
○ Low fat dressings on salads
○ Choose grilled options instead of breaded or fried
○ Order smaller portions- small sodas, small burgers, smaller french fries
● The students will record on the right side of the T-chart how their meal was adjusted to
make a healthier option.
○ EX: smaller french fries or apple slices instead of fries, water instead of soda, etc.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies approaches:

● Play the video “Supersize Me in 7 mins How too much of McDonald's will make you

● Print menus out with bigger font
● Provide a list of vocabulary words

● If students have difficulty seeing and reading the nutritional facts they will be provided
with a print out in larger font, instead of trying to read it off the iPad screen.
● Some students may also need a list of vocabulary words to be reminded of different terms
they learned.

● Other assessment types that can be performed on students with various learning abilities
can be through a verbal summary of what they know about food labels.
○ This can allow the student to explain their thoughts that they may struggle to put
into words on paper.

1. Computer, Ipads, and projector
2. Introduction video: “Warning!!! Fast Food”
3. Closure video:”Supersize Me in 7 mins How too much of McDonald's will make you
4. Powerpoint
5. T-chart
6. Pencils

Reflective Response:
● Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
● Reflect after the lesson is taught on how well it went including how well the students
understood the material and whether they enjoyed it, and how well instruction was given.
● Include remediation for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement
● Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection:
● Questions, written before the lesson is taught, pertaining to YOUR GROWTH as a
● Consider setting goals/focus to enhance your growth.
● Additional reflection/thoughts can also be included.
● Create notes on how well the lesson went and what needs to be fixed if it is again in order
for the lesson to be more effective to the students.

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