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Oxford Handbooks Online

The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies
Edited by Robin Cormack, John F. Haldon, and Elizabeth Jeffreys

Print Publication Date: Oct 2008 Subject: Classical Studies

Online Publication Date: Nov 2012

(p. xxiv) Abbreviations

Periodicals and Series

AB Analecta Bollandiana

ACO Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, 4 vols. in 27 pts. (Berlin–Leipzig, 1922–74)

AD Archaiologikon Deltion

AHB Ancient History Bulletin

AJA American Journal of Archaeology

ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt

BASP Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

BCH Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique

BF Byzantinische Forschungen

BMGS Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

BNJ Byzantinische neugriechische Jahrbücher

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BSA Annual of the British School at Athens

BZ Byzantinische Zeitschrift

CA Cahiers Archéologiques

CAH 12 A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey, and A. M. Cameron (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient

History, vol. 12: The Crisis of Empire, AD 193–337 (Cambridge, 2005, 2nd

CAH 13 A. M. Cameron and P. Garnsey (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 13:
The Late Empire, AD 337–425 (Cambridge, 1998)

CAH 14 A. M. Cameron, B. Ward-Perkins, and M. Whitby, The Cambridge Ancient

History, vol. 14: Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425–600
(Cambridge, 2000)

CCSG Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca

CFHB Corpus fontium historiae byzantinae

CMG Corpus medicorum graecorum

CQ Classical Quarterly

DCAE Deltion tes Christianikes Archaiologikes Hetaireias

DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers

EHB A. E. Laiou and others (eds.), The Economic History of Byzantium from the
Seventh through the Fifteenth Century, 3 vols. (Washington, DC, 2002) [http://

(p. xxv) English Historical Review


EMC Échos du monde classique

EO Échos dʼOrient

FM Fontes Minores

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GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies

ICS Illinois Classical Studies

IG Inscriptiones Graecae

IK Inschriften griechischer Staäte aus Kleinasien

ILS Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae

JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies

JÖB Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik

JÖBG Jahrbuch der Österreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft

JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology

JRS Journal of Roman Studies

JTS Journal of Theological Studies

JWCI Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

LBG Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität

LSJ H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, rev. H. S. Jones, A Greek—English Lexikon (Oxford,

1940, 9th edn.)

Mes. C. Sathas (ed.), Mesaionike Bibliotheke, 7 vols. (Venice, 1892–4)


NCMH 2 R. McKitterick (ed.), New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 2: c.700–c.900

(Cambridge, 1995)

NCMH 3 T. Reuter (ed.), New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 3: 900–1024

(Cambridge, 1999)

OCA Orientalia Cristiana Analecta

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OCP Orientalia Cristiana Periodica

ODB A. Kazhdan and others (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, 3 vols.
(New York—Oxford, 1991)

OMRL Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheiden te


PG Patrologia Graeca

PBSR Papers of the British School at Rome

PL Patrologia Latina

RE Paulys Realencyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft

REB Revue des Études Byzantines

REG Revue des Études Grecques

RSBN Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici

SC Sources Chrétiennes

SIFC Studi italiani di filologia classica

(p. xxvi) Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,

Sitz. Bay. Philosophisch-philologische und historische Klasse
hist. kl.

TAPA Transactions of the American Philosophical Society

TF Text und Forschungen

TIB Tabula Imperii Byzantini

TM Travaux et Mémoires

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TU Text und Untersuchung

VTIB Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für die Tabula Imperii Byzantini

VV Vizantijskij Vremennik

ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

ZRVI Zbornik radova Vizantološkog Instituta


Athens, Nat. Lib. Athens, National Library (Ethnike Bibliotheke)

Florence, Laur. Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana

Leipzig, Univ. Lib. Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek

London, BL London, British Library

Milan, Ambros. Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Naples, Bibl. Naz. Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale

Oxford, Bodl. Oxford, Bodleian Library

Paris, BN Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale

Sinai Mt Sinai, Monastery of St Catherine

Vat. Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

Vienna, ÖNB Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Texts and Editions

In general consult LBG, LSJ, and ODB.

An. Komn. D. Reinsch and A. Kambylis (eds.), Annae Comnenae Alexias (Berlin,

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Anth. Gr. W. R. Paton (ed. and trans.), The Greek Anthology, 5 vols. (London, 1916–

Attal. Michael Attaleiates, Historia, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1853)I. Pérez Martín
(ed.), Miguel Attaliates, Historia (Madrid, 2002)

Chalk. I. Bekker (ed.), Laonici Chalcocondylae Historiarum libri decem (Bonn,


Chron. Pasch. L. Dindorg (ed.), Chronicon Paschale, 2 vols. (Bonn, 1832)

CIC Corpus Iuris Civilis, ed. T. Mommsen, P. Krueger, and others, 3 vols.
(Berlin, 1928–9)

Cod. Iust. Codex Justinianus, in CIC, vol. 2

(p. xxvii) Cod. Codex Theodosianus, 2 vols. in 3 parts, ed. T. Mommsen and P. M. Meyer
Theod. (Berlin, 1905)

De Adm. Imp. G. Moravcsik and R. H. J. Jenkins (eds. and trans.), Constantine

Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, vol. 1: Text and
Commentary (Washington, DC, 1967)vol. 2: Commentary (London, 1962)

De Cer. J. J. Reiske (ed.), De Cerimoniis Aulae Byzantinae, 2 vols. (Bonn, 1829–


Dig. Ak. E. Jeffreys (ed. and trans.), Digenis Akritis: The Grottaferrata and
Escorial versions (Cambridge, 1998)

Digest. Digesta, ed. T. Mommsen (= CIC, vol. 1; Berlin, 1928)

Doukas V. Grecu (ed.), Ducas Istoria Turco-bizantina (1341–1462) (Bucharest,


Eusebios, HE Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica: E. Schwartz (ed.), Eusebius Werke 2.1–

3: Die Kirchengeschichte (Leipzig, 1903–9)

Eusebios, VC Eusebios, Vita Constantini: F. Winkelmann, Eusebius Werke 1.1: Über das
Leben des Kaisers Konstantin (Berlin, 1975)A. M. Cameron and S. Hall,
Eusebius, Life of Constantine: Introduction, Translation and
Commentary (Oxford, 1999)

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Genes. A. Lesmüller-Werner and I. Thurn (eds.), Iosephi Genesii regum libri

quattuor (Berlin—New York, 1978)

Greg. L. Schopen and I. Bekker (eds.), Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia,

3 vols. (Bonn, 1829–55)

Hes. Works Works and Days, in H. G. Evelyn-White (ed. and trans.), Hesiod, the
Homeric Hymns and Homerica (London, 1959)

Isidore, Orig. W. M. Lindsay (ed.), Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum sive

originum libri XX (Oxford, 1911)

Justin C. Munier (ed.), LʼApologie de Saint Justin philosophe et martyr

(Fribourg, 1995)

Kantak. L. Schopen (ed.), Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris, Historiarum Libri

IV, 3 vols. (Bonn, 1828–32)

Laskaris, Ep. N. Festa (ed.), Theodori Ducae Lascaris epistulae CCXVII (Florence,

Leo Diac. C. B. Hase (ed.), Leonis Diaconi Caloensis Historiae (Bonn, 1828)

Lib. Or. R. Foerster (ed.), Libanii Opera, 3 vols. (Leipzig, 1902–17)

Lib. Pont. L. Duchesne (ed.), Liber Pontificalis, 3 vols. (Paris, 1886–1957)

Lyd. De Mag. A. C. Bandy (ed. and trans.), Ioannes Lydus, On Powers or The
Magistracies of the Roman State (Philadelphia, 1983)

Maur. Strat. Mauricii Strategicon: G. T. Dennis and E. Gamillscheg (eds.), Das

Strategikon des Maurikios (Vienna, 1981)

Nik. Chon. J. L. van Dieten (ed.), Nicetas Choniates, Historia (Berlin—New York,

(p. xxviii) Nov. Iustiniani Novellae in CIC, vol.3

Pachym. A. Failler (ed. and trans.), Georges Pachymérès, Relations historiques, 5

vols. (Paris, 1984–2000)

Pan. K. Holl (ed.), Epiphanios, Panarios (Leipzig, 1933)

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Photios R. Henry (ed. and trans.), Photios, Bibliothèque, 8 vols. (Paris, 1959–77)

Prok. J. Haury, rev. P. Wirth (ed.), Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia, vol. 4: De
Buildings aedificiis (Leipzig, 1963)H. B. Dewing (ed. and trans.), Procopius, vol. 7:
Buildings (Cambridge, Mass.—London, 1940)

Prok. SH J. Haury, rev. P. Wirth (ed.), Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia, vol. 3:
Historia arcana (Leipzig, 1963)H. B. Dewing (ed. and trans.), Procopius,
vol. 6: Anecdota or Secret History (Cambridge, Mass.—London, 1940)

Prok. Wars J. Haury, rev. P. Wirth (ed.), Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia, vols.1–2:
De Bellis (Leipzig, 1962–3)H. B. Dewing (ed. and trans.), Procopius, vols.
1–5: The Wars (Cambridge, Mass.—London, 1940)

Proklos, Hom. F. Leroy (ed.), Lʼhomilétique de Proclus de Constantinople. Tradition

manuscrite, inédits, études connexes (Vatican City, 1967)

Psellos, Chron. S. Impellizzeri and others (eds. and trans.), Michele Psello, Imperatori di
Bisanzio: cronografia, 2 vols. (Milan, 1984)

Sokr. HE G. Hansen (ed.), Sokrates, Kirchengeschichte (Berlin, 1995)

Sphrantzes, R. Maisano (ed.), Giorgio Sfranze, Cronaca (Rome, 1990)


Theod. Met. L. Mavromatis (ed.), Theodoros Metochites, Presbeutikos in La fondation

Presb. de lʼempire serbe. Le kralj Milutin (1978): 89–119

Theod. Stud. G. Fatouros (ed.), Theodori Studitae epistulae (Berlin—New York, 1992)

Theoph. C. de Boor (ed.), Theophanes, Chronographia, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1883–5)

Theoph. Cont. I. Bekker (ed.), Theophanes Continuatus (Bonn, 1838)

Timarion R. Romano (ed. and trans.), Pseudo-Luciano, Timarione (Naples, 1974)

Veget. C. Lang (ed.), Vegetii Epitoma rei militaris (Stuttgart, 1872)

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Vita Alypii Vita Sancti Alypii: vita prior, in H. Delehaye (ed.), Les Saints Stylites
(Paris—Brussels, 1923): 148–69

Vita Io. El. A.-J. Festugière and L. Ryden (eds.), Léontios de Néapolis, Vie de Syméon
le Fou et Vie de Jean de Chypre (Paris, 1974)

Vita Petri A. Mai (ed.), Vita et conversatio Sancti Petri Argivorum, Patrum nova
bibliotheca, vol. 9.3: 1–17 (Rome, 1888)

(p. xxix) Vita A.-J. Festugière (ed.), Vie de Théodore de Sykéon, I: Texte grec; II:
Theod. Syk. Traduction, commentaire et appendice (Brussels, 1970)

Vita A. Vogt (ed.), ‘Vie de S. Théophylackte de Nicomédée’, AB 50 (1930): 71–

Theophylakti 82

Zepos, Jus J. and P. Zepos, Jus graecoromanum, 8 vols. (Athens, 1931; repr. Aalen,

Note: all urls are accurate as of June 2007. (p. xxx)

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