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Test3 Reading Part 1 1D 2C 3B 4D SA 6B 7B 8A Part 2 9B WD NH RA BE 4C 15G Part 3 166 178 18D) 19/A 2c 2c 22/4 BC 24B %D 2B 2A wD DA WB Test 3 Writing Part I (page 114), Model answer 1 This model has been prepared as an example of a very good ‘answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of | several possible approaches. Hi Kay I've bought lots of things over the Internet and I definitely think it a good idea, 1 know some people have had problems sometimes but I've only had positive experiences. [agree with Mark that books and CDs ~ DVDs too ~ are some of the best things to buy online. It's much quicker ‘and easier than going into town and trying to find what ‘you want in a shop there. I would be very risky to send cash through the post. It could easily get lost. Websites all accept payment by credit card and i's safest to pay that way. | think if you don’t like what you're sent or ifit gets damaged in the post, then you probably have the right to return it and get your money back. There'll be information ‘on the website of the company you're using so read that before ordering anything, Good luck. Kumiko Part 2 (page 115), Answer guidelines 2 Style Neutral or semisformal Use a range of structures, sentence lengths and vocabulary to make the story more interesting forthe reader. Don't repeat the same ‘words al the time ~ you could, for example, use svilling as well as ‘exciting or an idiom such as my heart was in my mouth. Content Make it clear who the narrator is, eg. how old the person is and what kind of lifestyle they have. You can give some background 212 | Test 3 Key to the most exciting day and give reasons why it was so exciting Make sure, though, thatthe reader can follow the story easly, Organisation Begin with the sentence provided. Perhaps include a title 3 Style Neutral or semi-formal. Use language for describing, giving opinions and recommending ~ some interesting adjectives may help with this. Content ‘You must describe the game and give your opinion of it. You could give a general idea of what kind of game it isan adventure game fora sports game, for example, and could say what is special about it. You should also explain why you would or would not recommend the game to other people. You must make sure that readers have a clear idea about whether they would enjoy the game or not. Organisation Give the name of the game at the beginning of your review — pethaps in a sub-heading. ‘Write in clearly defined paragraphs ~ the first one might deseribe the game, the second might say what you like about it, the third ‘might point out a weak aspect of the game and the final paragraph ‘might explain why you would or would not recommend it to other players, 4 Style Neutral or formal Do not use contractions like I’m or I've instead of Fam or Ihave. Content ‘You may agree, disagree or even parily agree withthe statement but ‘you must make your opinion clear. You should give some examples Of climate change and suggest why its occurring. You must give reasons as o why itis difficult to prevent climate change. You should also suggest some things people can do to prevent climate change. ‘Organisation Write in clearly defined paragraphs. Include an introduction and make sure you come to a clear conclusion 5 Although Test 3, Question 5 in First Certificate Trainer does not refer to a specific author or book title, you need to select a title from the current or past ESOL set text list, Make sure you have read the book thoroughly or have seen the film before answering. the question 5a Style ‘Neutral or semi-formal, Use a range of structures, sentence lengths and vocabulary to make the article interesting, Content You should describe one event from the story which features someone in danger. Give alittle background to the event and «explain how the person deals with the dangerous event. You should tive your opinion on how the situation is dealt with, explaining Whether you feel the character handled the situation in an appropriate way. Organisation Write in clearly defined paragraphs. Perhaps include a tile 5b Style Neutral or semi-formal. Use language that makes your points in a way that the reader will easily understand. Content ‘You should clearly give the names of two actors, matching them to characters inthe text. You must explain why you feel these actors are suited to the roles — pethaps because of their appearance or because they have been good in similar roles. When you are writing you need tobe aware of your target reader ~ a person with a general interest but wito may not know much about the characters in the text or the actors, and so will need the Key points to be clearly explained. Organi Write in clearly defined paragraphs, Perhaps include a tile and sub-headings. Test 3. Use of English Part 1 1D 2C 3A 4B 5A 6C 7C 8B 9D 0D UB RA Part2 13 well 14 With/in 15 which/that 16 get 17 such 18 from 19 either 20 of 21 thisthat 22 account 23 the 24 Although/Though Part 3 25 unlike 26 entirely 27 Consequently 28 scientific 29 weight 30 difference 31 roughly 32 heat 33 descent 34 enables. Part 4 35 must have been surprised to 37 ittakes me twenty minutes 38 prevented us (from) going ‘getting 39 assoomas you hear 40 W/would rather you dida’t/ didnot 41 iss less keen on 42 Chloe how she was feeling 36 it hardly ever shows where the answer is spi into two parts For marking purposes, Test 3. Listening Part 1 1B 20 3448 SC 45 7 sic Part 2 9 second 10 China 11 4,500 years. 12 purple 13 (a)medicine 14 paintings 15 wet 16 cook 17 sun (fiom) 18 fuel Part3 9E OF UB WC 23D Part 4 MA 2B WC 27C WB WA 3B Test3 Transcript This is the Cambridge Fist Certificate in English Listening test, {I'm going to give you the instructions for this test. I introduce each part ofthe test and give you time to look atthe questions, Ar the start of each piece you will hear this sound: You'll hear each piece owice. Remember, while you re listening, write your answers on the question paper: You It have five minutes at the end ofthe test 10 copy your ‘answers onto the separate answer sheet. There will now be « pause. Please ask any questions now, because yout ‘must not speak during the test. ‘Now open your question paper and look at Part 1. PART | You'll hear people talking n eight diferent situations. For questions 108, choose the best answer, A, Bor C. (One. You hear an advertisement fora local tai firm. Which aspect are they emphasising? A low fares B reliable service C comfortable cars ‘ABC can provide all our taxi needs throughout the metropolitan area. We operate 24/7 365 days a year, so no matter when you ‘make your booking, you can be sure of getting where you want to {20. Our cars may not be the most luxurious on the road, but our ‘experienced professional divers wil take you safely to your chosen

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