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Sidney Jackson

Professor Dean Leonard

Ennglish 1201-511

6 September 2019

Research Proposal: What is the correlation between the continuous exposure to pollution with

plants and animals dying?

My interest in pollution didn’t come to my mind until one day I was scrolling through my

social media and came across a disturbing video. The video that I had came across discussed

how plants and animals are being severely affected by pollution, which is the introduction of an

unsafe or poisonous substance in an environment. This video sparked a conversation upon me

and my friends. We began to discuss how the severity of pollution is overlooked, and how

dangerous pollution is long term. We also discussed if humans continue to keep polluting the air,

this could result in serious problems such as cancer and lung disease in humans and animals.

What disturbed me was when I saw an individual throw a vast amount of trash out of the window

without caring. People often don’t realize that littering whenever they feel can lead to air and

soil pollution.

I feel like pollution is becoming more of a problem over time. Humans continue to emit

dangerous and unsafe chemicals into the air, and continue to put harmful chemicals in the ground

that affects plant life. We need to begin to help regulate how much chemicals we put into this

earth before it becomes a point of no return. We have grown to not care about the problem of

pollution. We’ve basically become blind to the fact that we are destroying our planet. It would be

different if we wanted to do something about it but we aren’t even being proactive about not

caring. I think as I research this topic I will obtain much more information on the different types
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of pollution and how that type of pollution affects the plants and animals specifically. I hope to

also go in much more detail with each type of pollution, and to figure out what type of pollution

affects plants and animals the most. I believe that pollution has become such a great deal because

of the fact that we simply do not care about the health of our planet, or all of the things living on

it. This is what I know about pollution already. Pollution is when a hazardous or poisonous

substance is introduced into an environment. There are 5 main types of pollution: air pollution,

water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. Each type of pollution all deal

with the harmful substances but all in different ways.

As I begin to research my topic, I will have to go into detail with each type of pollution to

figure out which type of pollution affects the plants and animals the most. I would like to figure

out if animals are affected more affected by pollution than plants or vice versa. One important

question that I hope to explore is, does pollution result in the death of plants and animals and if

so how many? I as well would like to find out the causes of pollution and how it ties into plants

and animals being harmed. The answers to these questions will most likely be found through

magazine articles, online websites, newspaper articles, and also in some television programs.

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