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using sim card and usb cable

black and red cables of the simcard
free internet.
lan cable pair green and blue and pair orange and white and wind coil up on a
speaker then connect
on the speaker connectors the ends of the wire.

cmd with administrator

<UserGradeCoaxalConnection> "Usuable SIM Data"=9999996483
Nodes at 6amp> if unlimited data then open coax signal

electric generator
2 circular magnet
4 spark plugs
cable to woung the sparks plugs

connect six spark plugs in series, two by two like batteries then connect a 9volts

free call scratch a section of the simcard then try to use it to connect

connect an insulated wire on a spark plug and wind the coil on the
white part of the plug then finally connect to the other end.
The wind a thick cable on a circular magnet on the opp ends equal winds
then make the cable one then stick the spark plug on the magnet.
the connect usb cable on red and the black on th spark plug coil
then connect to a portable modem.

free internet
one end of usb cable connnect a coil to the metal part then wound the plastic part
of the
usb cable then connect it on the metal part.take a sim card and stick it othblack
part of
the usb end the connect blue and black as apair and white oth other end sects of
the sim card
the connect anothe end of usb red and black to end sections of the sim card.

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magnet big round and wind a big cable on the magnet, partly on oppssites sides
equal winds
and let out the. create two coil using insulated thick wire and connect the ends of
cable wound
on the cable to the end of the of each coil and stick it to the magne and stick the
other one on another
opposste sides of the magnet. the sit two spark plugs on the springs the connet the
ends of the spark plugs
to the ends othe coils. the connect on the metal part of the spark plug as
negative and positive.

internet free
wind the two ends of a adapter with thin coil then wind on two bolts with a thick
stick the bolts on opposite sides of the circular magnet. and stick the adapter on
side of the circular magnet.connet the coils on the bolts to the ones on adapter.
Connect to the phone then you have internet.

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