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io (A-ga-rio) is an online multiplier game in which you control a “cell”

that gets bigger by eating cells from other players and food. Creating your
own techniques to play or succeed in will benefit you a lot during
the game. Developing your own techniques will also give you a greater
chance of winning or ascending in the standings! Choose your username in
the blank field. You can create a custom name or opt for one that is associated
with an existing mask. Writing certain usernames will give you a certain "mask"
or "background" as a cell. The masks will have no effect on your game, since
they are strictly for aesthetic purposes. If you choose a custom name, you will not
be able to get a mask unless you log in and get a “premium mask.” [1]

Learn how to move the cell. The first thing you have to master is how to
move the cell since this will be the main aspect of your technique. To
move the cell, simply move with the mouse (or with the mouse pad) and
the cell will follow the screen pointer. The bigger you are, the slower you
will move and the easier it will be for someone to catch you.

Learn to shoot "mass." This allows your cell to shrink to move faster or to
share your mass with others. To shoot part of the “mass” of your cell,
simply press the “W” key on your keyboard. The mass will fire in the
direction in which the screen pointer points.
Divide your cell when necessary. If you want to try harder to catch
someone or to eat someone smaller than you, you can divide your cell.
When you split, you will shoot half of yourself forward in the direction of
your pointer and eat smaller cells in that direction.

Sube en la tabla de posiciones! En, los picos aparecen en todo el mapa.

Utiliza estos picos para derribar a las células más grandes que te persiguen.
Disparar masa en estos picos con la tecla “W” los hará crecer hasta cierto punto.
Una vez que pasen ese punto, la punta se separará y la arrojarás en la dirección
en la que apuntas.
 Si buscas golpear con éxito al enemigo más grande y hacer que explote,
probablemente harás que huya por temor a ser comido. Por lo tanto, ¡te salvarás y
te darás la oportunidad de comerlo y crecer drásticamente!

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