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A Lesson Plan in Mapeh 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students should be able to:
a. Identify the different kinds of notes;
b. Count the notes according to its time value;

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Musical notes
Materials: Pictures of notes
Skills: Critical thinking skills
Values: Patience

III. Procedure

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Classroom Management
4. Review
5. Motivation
The teacher will group the students into five groups and each group will receive
a puzzle to solve which will reveal the topic of the day.

B. Presentation
1. Discussion
The teacher will show a picture of a note diagram and explain each note and its
corresponding time value.

2. Drill
The teacher will ask for a representative for each group, then the teacher will
say how many beats then, the student will race to the board and draw the
corresponding note.

3. Generalization
What are the different kinds of notes with its corresponding time value?

C. Production
The teacher will ask each group to make (10) questions about notes and its
corresponding beats that are to be answered by the other group.

IV. Evaluation
In a one-half sheet of paper, answer the following:

V. Assignment
Research the corresponding rest of each note and place it in a one whole short bond
paper. (50 pts.)

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