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Reading Response #8

The article “Shitty First Drafts” is written by Anne Lamott. The article was different from

the other readings that we’ve been assigned, it was very informal, and I could heavily relate to

the authors writing process. The article discussed her very long writing process for her old job

as a food critic, she basically wrote food reviews for a magazine. The article is much shorter

than most in the textbook but that’s what I like about it, it’s short and simple. The author writes

in a way that most people can understand and can relate to because it’s so informal and like

you’re talking to a friend.

When examining her writing process, she mentions how every good writer starts off

with a “shitty first draft.” Moreover, these beginnings to great books and papers are considered

so bad that most won’t be read by others. She describes the first draft as a “child’s draft”, one

that you can write everything and not worry about the length or the opinions of others. Then

she describes the second draft as the fixer upper, it fixes the first drafts mistakes and makes it

ready for the public. Finally, the third draft is described as the “dental draft” because you check

over every detail, just like a dentist cleans every tooth.

The author uses plenty of sarcasm and personality in her writing, which makes the

article more personal and more enjoyable to read. The article helps the audience to remember

that there is no one way to write, as she states, “very few writers know what they are doing

until they’ve done it.” I personally always start writing by just typing all my thoughts or anything

I find important into one big glob. Then I’ll separate the text into paragraphs and make sure it

all makes sense and flows. Overall this article is one of my favorites, not just because it’s short

worded, but also because it is very real and relatable to everyone.

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