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Pattern Recognition in 

Basketball Free Throws 


1. Grade 6- Standard 2.3​: ​Analyze and correct errors in movement patterns. 

2. Grade 6- Standard 5.5: Analyze possible solutions to a movement problem in a 
cooperative physical activity and come to a consensus on the best solution. 

Skills Learned/Used 

1. Basketball free throw 

2. Comparing/contrasting movements 

Equipment Needed 

1. 2 basketballs per group- 1 per group 

2. iPad/recording device- 1 per group 

3. Pencil and paper 


The students will get into groups of no more than 5 and no less than 3. They will 
designate an “expert” basketball player in their group and one person as a “novice” 
basketball player. One of the students will shoot first. They will take 10 free throws. One 
person will record them shooting their free throws from the side. They will also note 
how many did they make? They will repeat this process for the other shooter. The group 
will then watch the video of both the shooters. (Remember to be positive and not put 
anyone down).  

The group will then answer the following questions: 

- How many free throws did each shooter make? 

- What did they both do similarly? 
- What did they do differently? 
- What movement pattern you think was the biggest difference between the 2 

If time allows, have the students look up a video of a pro basketball player shooting a 
free throw and compare and contrast their form? 

Modifications (if needed): 

The following modifications can be applied when necessary: 

- For students who have a physical limitation, allow them to use a lighter ball. Also, 
allow them to shoot from closer or lower target. 
- For English Learners, allow them to partner with a more advanced group or have 
instructions in their native language, if possible.  

Questions to ask before/after the activity: 

- Is there one perfect way to shoot a free throw? 

- What was the most interesting you noticed between the two shooters? 


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