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English is the language most widely used around the world and to master the English

language can strengthen your value in the eyes of others and can make our career soared.
Smart English is not meant to shift the Indonesian language as the national language.
Indonesian remains the main language because it is one of our identity as a country
imdonesia. basically English is the language of communication that can connect us with
people in other countries.
There are five advantages if pintsr the English language are:
1. The roads out of the country without fear
If you master the English language we do not have to worry anymore, because
English is the common language merupaka use for travel. And although we are
traveling to countries that are not using English as its main language, then English is
the Savior.
2. Can access information that is not limited particularly on the internet.
Most of the information contained on the Internet is stored with the English language.
Therefore, by mastering the English language, we can get information that is not
3. The chance of getting a job
The most important reason for learning English is so easy to get employment diamana
A particularly abroad. And if we have the ability to speak the better then that one of
the values on us. Buakankah working abroad is one thing meembanggakan? So do not
waste your time now to not learn to speak English !!!
4. Can keep abreast of the times
skarang era is the modern age in which we would not underestimate if clever English.
By learning the English language course we will be more observant when viewed
with the times.
5. Increase knowledge
In today's world, we can learn a thing very easily from anywhere. Through the
medium of books or the Internet, we can easily learn them well. But, have you read
the books whose contents are very nice but the English language? If yes, it was
reasonable. Therefore, it can add to our knowledge. By learning English, we can get a
lot of knowledge about the source of a book or the internet using English notabenenya

Therefore, learning to speak English is very important for us semua.selain it, smart to
speak English also has many benefits that are useful to us later. Such as, By mastering
the English language we can get the job done with ease and can also add to our

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