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#14 Ch.16.

3: The Holocaust
OBJECTIVE: Understand how Hitler put his plan
of Aryan domination into place.
Anti-Semitism- hatred towards Jews.
The Holocaust- the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe,
more than half of whom were Jews.
Genocide- deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population.
Concentration camp- Jewish prison camps operated by the Nazis.
Ghetto- A segregated neighborhood.
Enemies of the State- Jews, Communists, Liberals, Gypsies, Freemasons,
and Jehovah’s Witnesses

Four Events that led to the Holocaust:

1. Removal of non-Aryans from government jobs-1933: Hitler’s first
act to achieve racial purity.
2. Nuremberg Laws- 1935: Hitler stripped Jews of citizenship, jobs, and
3. Kristallnacht- 1938: Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues
destroyed by Hitler’s troops.
4. The Final Solution- 1939: Hitler’s plan to eliminate all Jewish people
from Germany.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences

(Text p. 542-549)
1. What problems did German Jews face in Nazi Germany from 1935-1938?
2. How did the U.S. respond to Jewish refugees?
3. Do you think that the U.S. was justified in not allowing more Jewish
refugees to enter the U.S.? Why or why not?
4. Why do you think the Nazi system of systematic genocide was so brutally
effective? Support your answer with details from the text.
5. How might concentration camp doctors and guards have justified to
themselves the death and suffering they caused other human beings?

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