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A. Hi Paul! Could you please help me?

P. Sure! What do you need?

A. My mother said she would give me bs50 if i cleaned the house. But she will be here in a half
hour! Could you please help me cleanin?

P. Ok Artur. But you must share the money after finishing.

A. Ok, thank you.

P. Look who is there! It's Sam. Should I tell him to help us?

A. Ok.

P. Hey Sam! Come and help us cleaning Artur's house. We will earn bs50.

S. Ok great. I will start here.

A. Thank you Sam.

S. Never mind. Shall I ask how much we will get for doing this work?

P. bs50

A. But we ough to finish in 5 minutes!

S. Ok. We finished and your mother gave you the money. Now yo will give bs25 to me and bs25 to

A. Oh ok :( here you are. I wish i wouldn't have asked you two for help.

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