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This chapter discussed the steps in conducting the research. It consists of

decription of Research Method, Research Design, Instrument, Population and

sample, Data collection and Data Analysis.

A. Research Method

According to Hidayat and Sedarmayanti (2002) research method is a

discussion of the theoretical concepts of various methods, advantages and

disadvantages, which in scientific work are followed by the selection of the

methods used. In this research was used quantitative research method to get

the specific data of students’ reading comprehension in report text using

problem based learning and reciprocal learning.

According to Cresswell (2014), the research design is an enquiry that

has three types which are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method

approach that provides specified direction for procedures in research design.

In this research, the writer used quantitative designs. Furthermore, Cresswell

(2014) defines that “quantitative research is an approach for testing objective

theories by examining among variables that can be measured, typically on

instrument, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical

procedures”. Quantitative research contents two types, those are experimental

design and non experimental design.

B. Reseach Design

This research design is quasi experimental, the researcher will conduct an

experimental group and control group. An experimental group seeks to determine

if a specific treatment influence an outcome. The researcher assesses this by

providing a specific treatment to one group and withholding it from another and

then determing how both group scored on an outcome (Creswell, 2014).

A control group is the group in a study that does not include the thing being

tested and is used as a benchmark to measure the results of the other group.

C. Population And Sample

1. Population

According to Jhonson (1992) in Kaswan and Dasep (2016) the population can be

defined as the entire group of entities or person to which the result of study is

intended to apply. In this research the population of the study includes second

grade students of SMK TI Garuda Nusantara Cimahi, were two class of students’

who took part in the research, control class and experimental class. Each class

consists of 30 people.

2. Samples

Tavakoli (2012) in Kaswan and Dasep (2012) states the sample is “the smaller

group wich is a portion of the population”. Purposive sampling used in this

research, According to Sugiyono (2016) Purposive sampling is a technique of

sampling data sources with certain considerations. The reason for using the

Purposive Sampling technique is because it doesn't all samples have criteria

according to the phenomenon.

The samples of this research consists 60 students of 2 classes, XI ANM 2

as an experimental class and XI ANM 1 as control class of SMK TI Garuda

Nusantara where experimental were taught by using reciprocal teaching strategy

and control class were taught by using problem based learning.

Table 1. Research Samples

No. Class Total Type of Group

1. XI Anm 2 30 Experimental

2. XI Anm 1 30 Control

D. Instrument

The instrument is tools, equipment or other methods used by researchers to assess

and collect data on the subject or object of research Sadikin, Suprijadi and

Kaswan (2019). The instrument used in this research to collect the data were pre-

test, post-test, observation and interview.

In this research, it was used written tests which the researcher has done in this

research :

1. Pretest

The students’ in both classes control and experiment were given a test before

treatment, which consisted of a text and 30 multiple choice items. This test

intended to know the result of students’ reading comprehension before

receiving the treatment.

2. Posttest

Post-test was given after treatment had been conducted. It was aimed to

measure the effect of the treatment. The items and procedures of posttest was

the same as pretest. There were 40 multiple choice items.

3. Observation

The researcher observed the classroom activities to collect the data by closely

watching, noticing classroom activities, interacting of students in the classroom

during the teaching and learning process.

4. Interview

The researcher was interviewed with six representative students from

experiment class and control class. Two of them are students from the low

score, two students from the middle score, and two students from the high


E. Data Collection Technique and Analysis

1. Data Collecting Technique

To collect the data, there are some steps that conducted in this quasi experimental

research, Data collection techniques that will be carried out this research are :

a. Test

According to Tavakoli (2012), the test is any procedure for measuring ability,

knowledge, or performance. It is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in

order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be

assigned. It means that, the test can see the development of people's

knowledge with several procedures to see the results of achievement with a


In this research, the researcher collected the data by test as research

instrument. There were two tests to collecting the data; pre-test and post-test.

The researcher give different test for experimental class and control group test.

The test use multiple choice question (MCQ) as a tool for testing to know

students‟ comprehension in report text. The pre-test conducted before the

treatment was given, it consists of 30 multiple choices questions. On the other

hand, the post-test conducted after the treatment was given, it consists of 40

multiple choices questions. The tests is aim to measure students reading

comprehension in report text. And the researcher will use SPSS for data


b. Observation

Observation is carried out in an effort to obtain a comprehensive picture of the

situation and the product of observation is a note and description Sadikin,

Kaswan and Suprijadi (2019).

The items observed in the class were about how students' enthusiasm at the

learning activity. students' attention to the teacher at the time of delivery of the

material, activeness of students in asking and answering questions, students'

skills in arguing or criticizing, student interaction when group discussions,

order when following the process learning, the appearance of student work in

groups, and work on evaluating learning outcomes.

Table 3.2.

observation while treatment

Name Student Activity Aspects

No of Total
Students A B C D E F G H
Total score
Percentage (%)
(Sumber: Adaptasi dari Parendrarti, Restika. 2009).


A = Listening to the teacher's explanation

B = Reading the material provided

C = Answering teacher questions

D = Actively in groups

E = Asking questions to other teachers or students

F = Following learning activities

G = Working on the given problem

H = Can work together in groups

c. Interview

According to Tavakoli (2012), the interview is a data collection method in which

a researcher and participant engage in a conversation focused on questions

related to a research study. These questions usually ask participants for their

thoughts, opinions, perspectives, or descriptions of specific experiences. It

means that, the interview is face to face with one student and the interviewer to

get information or expression of opinion about the research.


1. Are you happy with English lessons? what lesson do you like?

2. When talking about English, do you often pay attention to it?

3. When you are learning English, do you often experience difficulties?

4. What difficulties did you face in compiling learning English?

5. Does the teacher create a pleasant atmosphere while learning is ongoing?

6. Does your teacher often help and guide in solving problems if you have

difficulty learning English?

7. Does learning like group learning help you to understand English better?

8. Did you make a summary of the material explained by the teacher?

9. Do you always read textbooks before you study them at school?


1. Apakah anda senang dengan pelajaran bahasa inggris? pelajaran

apakah yang anda sukai?
2. Ketika mempelajari pelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah anda sering
3. Ketika sedang belajar bahasa Inggris, apakah anda sering
menghadapi kesulitan?
4. Kesulitan apa yang anda hadapi ketika belajar bahasa inggris?
5. Apakah guru menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan di saat
belajar sedang berlangsung?
6. Apakah guru anda sering membantu dan membimbing
dalam memecahkan persoalan jika anda mengalami kesulitan belajar
bahasa Inggris?
7. Apakah aktivitas belajar seperti berkelompok dapat membantu anda
untuk lebih memahami bahasa inggris?
8. Apakah anda membuat ringkasan dan materi yang di jelaskan oleh
9. Apakah anda selalu membaca buku pelajaran sebelum
mempelajarinya disekolah?

d. The process of Treatment

The test was given before the researcher taught the students by material created

teacher. The research will be conducted during 4 meetings.

1) The first meeting, students learn about definition and generic structur of

report text.

2) The second meeting, students learn about report text : mamals.

3) The third meeting, students learn about report text : mobile phone.

4) The last meeting, students learn about report text : bullying.

2. Data Analysis

a. Instrument of Analysis

The analysis of the result is to know validity and reliability before being used to

collect data. The validity and reliability are two important characteristics of any

measurement procedure in this research.

1) Validity

Validity is the most important consideration in developing and evaluating

research instruments. In general, validity refers to the suitability,

meaningfulness, accuracy and usefulness of the inference/conclusion made by

the researcher (Tavakoli, 2012). Validity is the ability of a measuring

instrument to determine suitability, meaningfulness, accuracy and usefulness

of the inference/conclusion made by the researcher.

Before the actual test is distributed, it is necessary to first test the

instruments on several students as samples. This is intended to eliminate the

text that are not appropriate, evaluate whether the words submitted in the test

are easily understood by students or not and to determine the length of filling

out the text.

The researcher uses item analysis with the Micrososft Excel program.

a) To determine the validity of each item, enter the data in Microsoft

Excel into SPSS worksheet column. For that the first open SPSS

program, and then click Variable View.

b) Copy the data in variable view by clicking Data View, and then

Paste in item 1,2,3 and so on.

c) Then click to Analyze.

d) Click Scale.

e) Click Reliability analyze.

f) After that, the Reliability Analysis box appears then blocks item

1,2,3 and so on.

g) Click The Arrow so that all items enter the items box.

h) Click Statistics

i) After click to Statistics, the display will appear the Reliability

Analysis Statistics, then in Descriptive for, select in the box, Item,

Scales, Scales if item deleted. The last click to Continue.

j) After click Continue, then a box will appear Reliability Analysis.

Next click OK in the box.

k) After click OK on the work box Reliability Analysis, there will be

some output.

Output SPSS for the validity test is quite a lot, but what needs to be

interpreted in the validity test lies in the Item-Total Statistics. The validity of

each item can be seen in the value of the Corrected Item-Total Correlation

of each item. Interpretation : if the values in Corrected Item-Total

Correlation is equal to or greater than the validity index (0,3), then the items

are declared valid (Nitko in Sugiyono, 2013: 197; Pallant, 2011: 100).

From the results of the validity test of the practice questions that the

author has done in the XII TJA 2 class of SMK TI Garuda Nusantara, the

researcher got the following data.

The questions is declared valid if the calculated r value is greater than r

table, r table can be seen in the r statistical table, where df = N-2, here I use N

= 28 (number of students) then df = 28-2 = 26 , so we see the value d 28 =

0.374. If the r value of the item is less than 0.374 then the item is declared


Table 3.3.

Result of Validity

Question r Count r Table Information

q1 0.886 0.374 Valid
q2 0.694 0.374 Valid
q3 0.643 0.374 Valid
q4 0.694 0.374 Valid
q5 0.601 0.374 Valid
q6 0.489 0.374 Valid
q7 0.127 0.374 Invalid
q8 0.720 0.374 Valid
q9 0.273 0.374 Invalid
q10 0.886 0.374 Valid
q11 0.639 0.374 Valid
q12 0.468 0.374 Valid
q13 0.639 0.374 Valid
q14 0.686 0.374 Valid
q15 0.582 0.374 Valid
q16 0.582 0.374 Valid
q17 0.310 0.374 Invalid

q18 0.327 0.374 Invalid
q19 0.720 0.374 Valid
q20 0.412 0.374 Valid
q21 0.277 0.374 Invalid
q22 0.443 0.374 Valid
q23 0.489 0.374 Valid
q24 0.866 0.374 Valid
q25 0.546 0.374 Valid
q26 0.602 0.374 Valid
q27 0.653 0.374 Valid
q28 0.686 0.374 Valid
q29 0.263 0.374 Invalid
q30 0.525 0.374 Valid
q31 0.427 0.374 Valid
q32 0.750 0.374 Valid
q33 0.577 0.374 Valid
q34 0.863 0.374 Valid
q35 0.730 0.374 Valid
q36 0.514 0.374 Valid
q37 0.653 0.374 Valid
q38 0.905 0.374 Valid
q39 0.440 0.374 Valid
q40 0.637 0.374 Valid

Based on the table 3.3. result of validity, the total of invalid questions

there are 6 questions and valid questions is 34 question. From the data the

writer took 30 questions to be used as a matter of pretest.

2) Reliability

Reliability can be defined as the level of a test or instrumental measurement

of results that are consistent when carried out under the same/similar

conditions (Hatch & Farhady, 1982). Data instruments reported are reliable

equal to or greater than the reliability index (IR = 0,7) (Riazi, 2016).

Based on the definition above reliability is a test or measurement

instrument that determines quality. There are several ways to estimate

reliability between that are alpha reliability, split-half reliability and

interrater reliability. But, researchers used estimates from alpha reliability.

Table 3.34

Result of Reliability

Reliability statistics
Cronbach’s alpha N of Items

.704 41

The ways to estimate alpha reliability is the same as what is done to

estimate content validity. There are a number of SPSS output in this

procedure including Item-Total Statistics. Another output is reliability of

items is 0.704. This means that the above tests have good reliability because

they exceed the reliability index (0.41).

3) Research Data Analysis

a) Pretest Analysis

Pretest analysis was conducted first before the research. Analysis of pretest

experimental class and controls class taken at the beginning of the meeting.

This analysis aims to prove that the average pretest between the

experimental class and control class has no significant difference or it can

be said that the two groups are from the same starting point. The things

analyzed at this stage are :

(1) Normality Test

This normality test was conducted to determine the initial condition data

taken from the pretest values of the experimental class and control class

whether it was normally distributed or not. The normality test in this

research uses SPSS version 15 with the Shapiro-Wilk test because the

number of samples for each class is more than 33. The hypothesis in this

test is :

Ho : data is normally distributed

Rules of decision making :

If Sig > 0,05, then Ho is accepted, means that the data is normally


If Sig < 0,05, then Ho is rejected, which means the data is not normally


(2) Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test was conducted to determine whether the variance of

pretest data was homogeneous or not. Calculation of homogeneity test is

carried out by Levene Test by using the SPSS program.

The hypothesis is as follows :

Ho : m1 = m2 (variance homogeneous)

With criteria :

If Sig > 0,05, then Ho is accepted which means that the data is


If Sig < 0,05, then Ho is rejected which means the data is not


(3) Independent Sample T Test

This two difference test average is useful to find out whether the pretest

values of two samples have different averages or not. Calculation of two

difference test on average is done by Independent Sample T Test by using

SPSS program.

The hypothesis is as follows :

Ho : m1 = m2 (the same average)

Ho : m1 # M2 (the different average)

With criteria :

If Sig > 0,05, then Ho is accepted which means that the average is equal.

If Sig < 0,05, then Ho is rejected which means the average is different.

b) Posttest Analysis

After the two groups received different treatment then posttest was held.

From the final test, the data used were to test the research hypothesis,

whether Ha was accepted or not. The posttest analysis stage is basically the

same as the pretest analysis but the data used is the test data after being

treated. These stage are :

(1) Normality Test

The normality testing steps in this posttest are the same as normality test

stpes at pretest. The sample normality test is intended to determine

whether the distribution of research data obtained is normally distributed

or not. The following step are:

(2) Homogeneity Test

The test steps in this posttest are the same as pretest homogeneity test

steps. This test is intended to find out whether the two samples have the

same variant or not.

(3) Independent Sample T Test

Independent Sample T Test was conducted to determine whether Students

Team Achievement Division in the experimental class was better than

Discovery Learning approach in control class after treatment. The

calculation of the two difference test on average is done by the

Independent Sample T Test by using SPSS program.

The hypothesis is as follows :

Ho : m1 = m2 (the same average)

Ho : m1 # M2 (the different average)

With criteria :

If Sig > 0,05, then Ho is accepted which means that the average is equal.

If Sig < 0,05, then Ho is rejected which means the average is different.

The following steps are:

(a) Open data Pretest and Posttest

(b) Choose Analyzed in menu bar > Compare Mean > One T-test

(c) Insert posttest and to test variable > click option > choose

excluded cases analysis > Continue > OK.

c) N-Gain Analysis

After analyzing the results of the pretest and post test, the next step is to

analyze n-gain. This data is used to determine the improvement in students

in reading comprehension. In this case we use the formula:

N Gain = Mean Posttest – Mean Pretes

Skor Maksimum – Mean Pretest

Thus the n-gain results have been obtained. then the data is

analyzed using SPSS version 15 which consists of the normality test,

homogeneity test and Independent Sample T Test as well as the pretest and

posttest analysis.

4) Time of The Research

The research was conducted at the second semester at SMK TI Garuda

Nusantara Cimahi. This study was carried on XI grade Animation 1 and

Animation 2, and was conducted around February until March as illustrated in

the table.

Table 3.3.

Time of the Research

Activity January February March April
6 9 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23
1 Validity
2 Pretest
3 Treatment
4 Posttest
Process in
5 doing result

Process in Mei June July August

doing report

6 Chapter I
7 Chapter II
8 Chapter III
9 Chapter IV
10 Chapter V


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