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Lab 7 1

Lab 7

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Date of Submission
Lab 7 2

1. What is the connection between sugar and starch? Think about what would
happen if you ate too much pasta (a high starch meal) and went way over your
daily value calorie intake?
Both starch and sugar are both carbohydrates and they yield a lot of energy in body.

2. Explain the glycemic index and glycemic response and give examples of food that
are high and low?
a) Glycemic index) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they

affect blood glucose levels. For example, pure glucose is given has the value of 100 while

those foods that body digest slowly are has the lowest value.

b) Glycemic response the effect that food or meal has on blood sugar (glucose) levels after

consumptions. For example, food that has high level of fibre and glycogen affects the

emptying of gastric slowing down digestion.

3. People with what kinds of conditions should be most aware of their sugar/starch
consumption? List at least 2 and explain why.
People suffering from heart disease and diabetes should avoid food with sugar or starch because

these food affects blood sugar levels and pressure.

4. Explain the function of the enzyme salivary amylase and how it acts upon starch
and/or glucose
Salivary amylase is found in the mouth. This enzyme breaks carbohydrates into smaller

molecules such as maltose which have sweet test.

5. Reflect on the data from this experiment and write a concise conclusion. Describe
how/why salivary amylase produced the color changes you observed on the
When I added saliva on starch, the salivary amylase present in saliva gradually acts on starch and

converts it into maltose. Starch keeps on giving blue color with iodine till it is completely

digested into maltose. At this point, no blue color is formed.

6. What can you conclude about the amount of catalase present when comparing the
different foods, you used?
Lab 7 3

The catalyst quickens the digestion of food. I can observe effects of a catalyst amount from the

bubbles produced in the experiment (hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst). Some food catalyzed the

hydrogen peroxide faster than the others. (depending on the nutrients found in such food such as

potassium magnesium and iodine)

7. Why was heat given off during the experiment during the chemical reactions?
During the chemical reaction, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen, water and

smaller amount of heat energy, the reason for heat.

8. Based on your results, how does temperature affect enzymes?

The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases we increase the temperature.

9. What can you conclude as the temperature moves further from room temperature
(extreme temperatures such as boiling and freezing) in regard to the actions of the
When the temperature is extremely low or high the enzyme is denatured and the activity process

slow down abruptly.

10. What can you conclude happens as you work in room temperature in regard to the
actions of catalase?
In room temperature any increase of the temperature increases the catalyst activities and the

reaction quickens.

11. What can you conclude about cooking food and enzymes based on this
Cooking the food with the enzymes destroy the enzymes completely. Food enzyme are sensitive

to heat and when temperature exceeds they are deactivated.

Lab 7 4

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