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stay from them from them ( avoid those )

*.avoid those who are fool

*avoid those who, think too much & do not do anthink

--thinking is very easy, therefore most of people JUST think but dont do anything
--by thinkinh too much you create problems that do NOT EXIST
--fist ruminate then execute

*avoid those who, do too much and do not think

--first think and understan then just do it ( jump on the parth of action )fist
ruminate then execute

and the person who not think just do it..

for he will
not drown alone,
he will take
you too

avoid those
who are dependent
and those
who always praised

the biggest problem of dealing with fools is gradually they drag you to their own

**dependent people will never say //

third type of people who should be avoided are those who are dependent on us, they
they will not tell us the truth for fear of infuriating us

**tariaf ker na wala

to eradicate your faults,first of all, WHAT are your faults

we perceive people as we are

they will tell your fault

at least you get to know where to start from

if people are right

IF people are wrong

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