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Jms_tibco_compress: This property of JMS is used to compress the message if the

message size is too large.It will make the process slower as the messages will be
compressed and then sent across.

jms_tibco_msg_trace: It enables the tracing of the message sent from producer to


jms_tibco_preserve_undelivered: This property specifies that the message is to be

place on the undeliverd message queue if the message must be removed.

Persistent Messages Sent to EMS Queues & Topics

Persistent Messages Sent to Queues::

Persistent messages sent to a queue are always written to disk. Should the server
fail before sending persistent messages to consumers, the server can be restarted
and the persistent messages will be sent to the consumers when they reconnect to
the server.

Persistent Messages Sent to Topics::

Persistent messages published to a topic are written to disk ONLY IF that topic has
at least one durable subscriber or one subscriber with a fault-tolerant connection
to the EMS server.

Non-durable subscribers that re-connect after a server failure are considered newly
created subscribers and are not entitled to receive any messages created prior to
the time they are created.

What is the use of Message Selectors in Tibco EMS

1. A message selector is a string that lets a client program specify a set of
messages, based on the values of jms message headers and properties.

2. A selector matches a message if, after substituting header and property values
from the message into the selector string, the string evaluates to true.

3. Consumers can request that the server deliver only those messages that match a

Setting Exclusive property to Tibco ems queue

1. What is the use of exclusive property?

When exclusive is set for the queue, the server sends all the messages on that
queue to one consumer. No other consumer can receive messages from the queue.

Instead, these additional consumers act in a standby role; if the primary consumer
fails, the server selects one of the standby consumers as the new primary and
begins delivering messages to it.

2. Can we set this property to Topics?

No, This property available only for queues.
3. How to set exclusive property to ems queue?

Set the exclusive property using addprop or setprop in tibemsadmin tool


the individual message, rather than all messages received so far on the session.


When we receive the messages and put their information in a database and if the
database insert operation is slow, you may want to use multiple application threads
all doing simultaneous inserts.

As each thread finishes its insert, it can use this mode to acknowledge only the
message that it is currently working on.

TIBCO JMS Message Compression

What is message Compression...?
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service allows a client to compress the body of a message
before sending the message to the server.
Compression option only compresses the BODY content. Headers and properties are
NEVER compressed.
Compression is specific for individual messages. Not on a per-queue or per-topic
EMS supports message compression/decompression across client types (Java, C and
C#). For example, a Java producer may compress a message and a C consumer may
decompress the message.
Message compression is supported in .NET clients when using the install package for
Visual C++ 8 / .NET 2.0 or above.
What is the advantage of Message Compression...?
Less memory storage for PERSISTENT queue messages or DURABLE topic subscribers.
How to add compression property to message...?
When messages are not stored, compression is not a good option. Why?
Because, Compression takes TIME…!

Using the configuration Files in EMS

The configuration files contain information about the various EMS objects like
queues, topics, users, bridges etc. These files are located in TIBCO_HOME/ems/bin

These files can be edited either directly using a textpad or using the command line
based administration tool. The administration tool will eventually read/write
to/from these configuration files.

Following are the key configuration files that are available in EMS server:

tibemsd.conf - This is the main configuration file. It has properties that are
concerned with the EMS server.
queues.conf - Queue configuration file.

topics.conf - Topics configuration file.

users.conf - All users configuration file.

acl.conf - Permission settings for users on destinations.

routes.conf - Routes configuration file.

bridges.conf - Bridges configuration file.

factories.conf - Connection Factories configuration file.

Wildcards in Topics and Queues

The wildcard * means that any token can be in the place of *.
For example: foo.* matches all two-part destination names beginning with foo.
including and, but not

The wildcard > matches one or more trailing elements. For example, foo.> matches and

Wildcards in Topics:
You can subscribe to wildcard topics.
You cannot publish to wildcard topics.
If is not in the configuration file, then you can publish to if
foo.* or foo.> exists in the configuration file.
Wildcards in Queues:

You can not send or receive to wildcard queue names. However, you can use wildcard
queue names in the configuration files.

For example, if the queue configuration file includes a line:

foo.* then users can create queues, foo.bob, and so forth, but not

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