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Department of Training and Development

Venue/Name of the College-…………............



Priya had a good deal of her time studying. During her high school career, while other
kids were going to dances and enjoying themselves, Priya was spending all of her time
studying. She was not only going to go to KMC, she was also going to become a doctor
and she wasn’t allowing anything to stand in her way. Priya did have a few friends who
she hung out with in school, but she was not considered popular. She found it
increasingly difficult to form relationships with anyone.

Raj was in Priya’s class. It seemed that everywhere Raj went, he attracted a crowd. He
was gregarious and friendly to everyone he met and oozed charm. Raj was an average
student, but was able to talk his way out of just about any type of trouble. Raj was
elected class president and was voted “Most Popular” by the senior class.

Skip forward 20 years. Priya went to KMC, went to medical school and began practicing
medicine. She still has a difficult time with her emotions and relating to other people.
She married for a short while but it ended in divorce. She has a daughter who she is
grooming to go to KMC.

Raj started his own business after his graduation. He is a successful entrepreneur with
a happy marriage and with his two kids. He still keeps in touch with his batchmates and
is organizing the reunion.

Ironically, he and Priya live in the same neighborhood. Their paths don’t cross because
Raj is still a social butterfly and Priya still chooses to remain aloof. Priya doesn’t even
know the names of her next door neighbors. Raj has been voted the homeowner’s
association president.

Whose life seems more fulfilling?

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