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How To Lose Weight Through Calories


Understanding calories and calorie deficit

Counting calories is an effective way to manage your weight. Your body requires a very specific
number of calories for proper functioning. If your body receives an excess of calories, your
weight will be increased. Similarly, by decreasing the number of calories you can lose your

You can maintain your current weight if the number of calories you consume remains equal to
the number of calories you receive through biological or physical activity. Caloric balance plays
the main role in maintaining a healthy weight.

A calorie is a unit of energy. It is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram
of water by one degree Celcius. Calories are present in food, which provides energy in the form
of heat so that our bodies can function properly. Consuming the right amount of calories is
essential for human health. Intake of calories per day depends on sex, weight, height, body
shape, overall health, and physical activity demands.

Calorie Deficit
As you know the food you eat contains energy in the form of calories. To function your body
properly you need to consume calories. If we consume more calories than we need each day.
This creates a calorie excess or calorie surplus. The extra calories are stored in the form of fat.

To get rid of extra fat you create a calorie deficit. This calorie deficit happens when you eat less
during the day. You can develop calorie deficit by deciding to drink more water, make smaller
meals and set a specific time to eat.

Steps to create a calorie deficit.

1. Eat less food.
2. Get more active.
3. Combine diet and exercise.

Importance of diet plan

Whether you are fat, thin or in-between, remember that you need a balanced diet plan. Nutrition
is vital for the proper functioning of all the systems of your body, good nutrition will help you
maintain a healthy weight, reduce fat, provide good sleep and energy to your body, reduce the
risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

You should consider quality, not just calories. Food quality is also important in determining what
should we eat and what should we avoid to gain a maintain a healthy weight. High-quality foods
include vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, healthy source of protein and whole grain. Whereas, Low-
quality foods include snacks, refined sugar, high glycemic food, fried food, etc.

A balanced diet includes food like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, limit saturated fats, lean meat,
and low-fat dairy products. You should follow a balanced diet plan that includes food from all
the groups.

Chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and hypertension are growing rapidly in younger ages due
to unhealthy eating habits. Good nutrition and healthy weight decreases the risk of chronic

Benefits of a healthy diet plan:

Here we will discuss some top benefits of a healthful diet.

1. Weight loss

If a person is overweight, they have a higher risk of chronic conditions and diseases such as heart
disease, cancer, poor bone density, etc. Losing weight can help you to reduce the risk of chronic
If you are looking to lose weight you should reduce your calorie intake to no more than what you
require each day. To lose weight you should eat vegetables and fruits as they are low in calories.

2. Heart health and stroke prevention

According to the research cases of heart disease and stroke can be prevented by changing
lifestyle such as increasing levels of physical activity and eating healthfully.
Vitamin E prevents blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack. The foods which contain high
levels of vitamin e are almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and green vegetables.
More use of salt can cause low blood pressure which may lead to many health problems. If you
eliminate trans fats from the diet, this will reduce their level of low-density cholesterol.

3.Reduced cancer risk

An unhealthful diet may lead to fat, which can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer.
However, the use of vegetables and fruits may help to protect against cancer.
In nuts, vegetables, fruits, and legumes many phytochemicals found to act as an antioxidant,
which protects cells from damage that can cause cancer. Some antioxidants are lycopene, beta
carotene, vitamins A, C, and E.

4.Strong Bones and teeth

A diet with proper calcium and magnesium is necessary for strong bones and teeth. The foods
rich in calcium are low-fat dairy products, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, canned fish with
bones, tofu, legumes, many kinds of cereal, plant-based milk, etc.
The best sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.

5.Diabetes management

Eating a healthful diet can help you with diabetes to:

· lose weight
· keep cholesterol and blood pressure within target ranges
· prevent complications of diabetes
· manage blood glucose levels

5 diets supported by science are:

1. Low-crab, whole food diet.
2. Mediterranean diet.
3. Vegan diet.
4. Paleo diet.
5. Gluten-free diet

The 1200 calorie diet plan is the most effective way to lose 20 pounds in about 90 days. This 7
days diet plan requires you to eat healthy fats, carbs, and proteins without crossing the limit of
1200 calories per day. This diet plan can be followed by anyone.
Understanding the use of Macronutrients
Nutrients are environmental substances used for growth, bodily functions, and energy by
organisms. Depending on the nature of nutrients these substances are needed in larger amounts
or small amounts.
The nutrients that are needed in a larger amount (in gram range)are called macronutrients. These
are also called energy-providing nutrients.
Carbohydrates(sugar), lipids(fats) and proteins are three macronutrients required by humans.

These three macronutrients provide energy in the form of calories. For example:

 Carbohydrates consists of 4 calories per gram

 Lipids consists of 9 calories per gram
 And proteins consist of 4 calories per gram.

Energy is essential for the body to repair, grow, conduct nerve impulses and to develop new
tissues. Water also contains macronutrients.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. The human body needs carbohydrates in the
largest amount. Carbohydrates are important to the diet for many reasons. These are used as the
body’s main fuel source and exist in the form of starch, fiber, and sugar.
Carbohydrates are also helpful in fat oxidation and can be converted into proteins.

According to the research 10%-35% of calories come from protein to the human diet. Protein
provides amino acids and prepares most of the cell structure such as cell membranes. The
muscles in the body are made up of proteins, are used to provide energy and called muscle
wasting. Proteins are also important in the diet. Body is made of thousands of proteins.

Proteins are also used to repair tissues and produce new tissues for growth and maintain body
function. Enzymes are made of protein used for protection, digestion, and immunity. When
carbohydrates are not available, proteins may be used as a source of energy.

Although fats have a bad reputation concerning weight gain and heart disease but some fats in
the diet are essential for health and wellbeing. Fats are used in making hormones and serve as a
solvent for fat-soluble vitamins. Fats provide the largest amount of energy when burnt.

Dietary fats are of 3 types:

· Saturated fat: found in food like butter, cream, and meat.
· Un-Saturated fat: found in food like avocados, olive oil, canola oil, and nuts.
· Tran fats: found in snack foods, fast foods, baked goods, and some kinds of margarine
Saturated fats and trans fats are good for health.

Water is the most important component of our body fluids. Our body needs more water every
day than any other nutrient. Water removes waste through urine. It also helps in the regulation of
body temperature. It is also essential for the body’s metabolism.

Why Extra Fat Is Bad For Human Health?

Eating too much is not good for health. It not only affects physical health but causes a lot of
stress at the mental level also. Overconsumption of protein may lead to an increased risk of
certain health complications.

Excess weight or fat may increase the risk for many health problems such as high blood
pressure, certain types of cancer, heart disease and strokes, kidney disease, sleep apnea, fatty
liver disease, pregnancy problems, etc.

Due to excess weight breathing becomes difficult. Extra weight causes the breakdown of hips,
knees, and feet.
Here are a few of the major problems that being heavy creates:

· Heart problem
· Causes premature death
· Life quality becomes poor
· Causes back pain
· Depression
· Clothing does not fit
· Finding a mate is difficult
· You can lose respect
· Double chins and sagging skin

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