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Bakery Management System


 Owner have owns several branches of bakery on different locations. Each branch has a unique code,
Name, Address, City, Area and Phone no., Opening date, and Working Hours.

 Every manager manages a particular branch. Each manager has a unique id, Name, Address,
Contact_ no, SSN, Salary.

 The Staff works in a branch. And staff is manages by the manager.

 Each product consist of Unique_id, Name, Manufacturing date, Expiry date, Purchase_Price,

 List of products available in a branch is described by inventory. It indicates how much quantity of each
is avaiable.

 A customer buys different products and pay a bill which has unique bill_id, date, total amount, received
amount, balance, payment mode (card, cash) and generated by the staff member.

 Each bill contains several products and their quantity with total amount of individual item

 Manager places purchase order to Supplier who supplies baking products to bakery branch. Each
Supplier has unique id, name, contact number, company and address.

 Each purchase order has unique purchase_order_id, order_date, delivery_date, total amount, payment
mode, advance payment, balance,

 Each purchase_order contains various products with their required quantity.

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