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EL NUEVO SIN ESFUERZO | EL NUEVO INGLES SIN ESFUERZO /“=<}V\1L, vw fl mayor provacho, sea fiel a su cita diatia con Assimil: Ja constancia sera la mejor garantia del exit. Cada siete lecciones, se incluye una de «Revision land notes » (ropaso y observaciones) que le ayudard 2 racapituiar lo que acaba de apronder y & perfec: cionar sus conocimientas A partir de la mitad del libro (se lo indicaremos. laramento}, habré acumulado suticiente vacabulario Y préctica para comenzar a construir sus propias frases, Asi pues, ademas de su loccién diarla, convendr’ ‘que repase una de las lecciones de! libro: deberd traducir al ingles los ejercicios y la leccidn, de viva yor © por escrito. Y asi hasta terminar ef libro, Esto fs un metodo eficaz y a la vez agradable de asimvilar El Nuevo inglés sin esfuerzo (148 lecciones) en poco mas do 7 meses. El resultado sera_un idioma bien aprendido, que podra utilizar y desarrollar, tanto por escrito como verbalmente, sin esfuerzo ni vacilaciones Pierde eu sonido ‘aracterisico y sitve nicaments para. alargar ia vocal a la que’ sigue En lina'«'' en el taxio inglés, debe saber (que Si esta sr ha sido transerita — da eome gue fa sre fovhaya sie Wanserta, deberdlargar {3 Vocal precedents, Inglesa tone dos sonidos. La Bronunciacion dependera, en cada 280, de la posicion que ccupe dicha ‘son cada palsbraa grupo do pa bras. Gon el signo was representa: ichramos el 2onida ‘carrionie de fa ‘roe castellana wah El sonido de este grupo de letras es muy simfar al de ia-« ch castelana funque en inglés es mas suave. Sls ‘condce, “reproduaca’ Ia pronunciac’on ‘ndaluta ae ia sch se, «dz» Con estas letras $0 hace reterencia al Sonido que expresa el ‘th. Cuando havamot Sonido como =? en la pronunciacion Migurada. prondnciola como una =? fspanola. Cuando inaique procuréiide que la lengua no sobre- salga entre Tos diontes ¥ apoyandola mas bien en les dientes superioree, tenant hacer vibra fas crdas 28 todo esto le parezca dificil; no Se preocupe scan a bractea y la ayuos ‘We Te proporcionaremos, lo Que ahora parece Complejo se convertia luego en tn juga de nits LA PRONUNCIACION FIGURADA Ls eracomos a contnucon am endo can prigeiglen Sonigos de ia lengua ingloa, con pronunciacien figured Se aga uno tal camo ln enconirard en las Toccionos No ‘ntente aprender este cuadro ce memoria opscuira poco pace ya medida que avanza en su estuclo, las Feglas. que rigen In pronunciaclen ingioss.. al mismo {emp ve sux acepsonae os Porto, resuerds ave le. pronunciacién do ur mismo ‘Sonido puede variar sens slemente en tune del scent {oriea (or paginas vi y Vi ioe atte Rept aclenes on vor aa. ain tear Soxagerar ef acento inglés y ao olvice que tnngamente la ‘eccucha continuada do nuewias.cinas do sudo, le pet flrs adguiir progresivamente un buen acer, Los SONIDOS INGLESES cn, indica’ un Sonido paresdo. ata =» fupatolaaunue menos Triengo y un poco mas able +B» Ingles, a eu vez, un sonido entre <0 > yeu, 0 200, que ae produce cuarce Esiocamos os labios para deco" Sexes = toy tte Ein dos Sods muy oats on Ingles” aue “correapanden al sonise CPUS yoo de eos muy ort ebro. {qs inclearomos con ta Vera sis oe ‘ha ‘similar oar! = copanwla,, més [argo y reaiada, ve representaremos con's dobie eva x hs La eh» inglosa no es como la eastel- vonora. So rata €o un “smerger cel fonds erganta. Es un sonido muy similar fl de la =| pero, mas suave, es deci. reat» cuando el 0 Fido = pase » por la lavinge. ‘deh » Se pronuncia apoyando fa punta de a Tengua sobre la cara Interior de. los Ineisivos superiores y emitiendo un s0- rida sch = sora, alge menos wbrante fue Ta ch» espafola habitual Y AHORA... LET'S GO TO WORK! (jManos ala obra!) 1 one (van) First Lesson Preseniamos agu! as contacciones. Oaserve que se irate rneipimente congas fabio. I sing s0 forma one ‘pronomare y el pra! are se 1 — You're an excellent doctor. — Thank you, you're very polite, (1) 2— This is my brother Jona, — Helle, I'm. David, 3 — Oh dear, we're late again 4 — Itisn’t my fault. There isn't a clock in my house. (2) 5 — This isn't very ¢ifficult. — Not at all. I's easy. (3) 6 — She isn't vory pretty, — No, but she's kind, 7 I'm ‘sure this is our house. — Ne, it isn’t! (4) (N. 3) 8 am; I'm - you are; you're. 9 it is; it's - he is; he’s - we are; we're, 10 isn't: he fan't late, 11 aren't; we aren't polite, NoTEs Los pronombres personcles estan siempre presantes Junto ve ssi siempre ge supcien, A To vere PRONUNCIATION (Pronsieehén 1 ar eaten dtr. 2antve u8 wo teachin nen Si vids oe i TB fet at oa die hr ok heh. 8 aim Shui deine ix ae aes Satie 9 fin ie) fusa iat “0 her hivat iB sae at {tree (a Vor on ia gap 7, romunlcin oe) EXERCISES 1 He isn't vory kind, — 2 It's my fault, — 9 He's an excellent doctor. — 4m sure he's your brother. —— 5'On oear, we're late ageln, Flll in the missing words (noo wisn ves) elee Ios espace stares ls plas ue = 1 (Bia) 68 muy guspa (63) no 68 muy auapa ‘he -- very ore Sho ns a. very prety * she vary F3ne very pray 2 testa) same enn oaore) ne somes cor crs Woo. + pote * Wo. pote : pole 3 De nade. (Ee) es fic. (Elo) 90 68 tcl en ab st al easy. tte. not at al ea Second Lesson Insistnes on que reoverde usted las normas dades en le Imraduccion para (a pronanciacion oa" 1 — Where are you? (1) 2 — We're hore, in the house 3 — But where's John? (2) PRONUNCIATION Prondnscienén) wo uy 2 (Ty eres (usted es] un méica excelente (excelente Mebeor "Gisela, tw eros) tasted os) muy nab. — Ee cs ns nermano Jon, — Hola je) soy Davie = Wise! rotate! eganos estar) tarde ce — [Ely io os culpa mia (ri eulpa). No tenemos (hay tiny ro} en micaga toloe Se muy Sci, — Ee absolut, (Eo) 6 feo — Eis) no os muy guape. — No, pero tall) ee Smabia — Nop eioy seguro [de ave} esi 66 muesis casa usin (aye oe : Jo a0 "Paty: YO, 909 0 estoy leontracci6n 3b oso" etde fo lamin v used e5 Mostar as vorctras wosotres 218» “o'r este }stu roe watan et contaccié 9 (ibfise co esta" eio) c= 0 eats (correccon {oij'en -o- eatin: (Ei) wr -o cath (conaccion) {Soadtos) soma -0 enitmos iow son = estamos: Contraco. 10 { es 0 no sta Teorraccin). (el) ne loge fen tarde 11 Ne‘erae ono estés. no somos -o no esta No s0is-0'n0 cals, no one fo osige Mierto'de utes (ussoton) re somos amables NOTES (continues) Rud due's seca los incluimos en ln roueeid espe $Blay dows no, Contador eros primeraslecones, th nt frau en las que so supemen or sobaol bor {tamos Toe prowomtres entre partes {2} Agenas de ou pronamores. masclino y_femenino ‘Mgular (rey anol onate | nauto Tr qve’se empion a Tow objet para "a mayora de fos enmales Bara laisrena boreona del plral ay sclememe an proncmbre hey doe sgn eos @ eas (8) Ena cortracign if ines «8 dra, sorda com Ia "3s copa Po elemplo: is easy sos» ty lee ban on fa tonsa de ures sor Na} Esto siniea quo hay une nota especial en la (°\ ion devin de semana Ueaiones mupios de stl El numora se fener parogeta {st LESSON four oot) 4 4 Hote 90) soy John Hello, . .- Jobe bee a Anne. {Ye no soy Anne. atl... det. not Anne, 5 Esto no 08 ac (eto) e8 eupa mia. itfeut +. my fut. 416 no 8 muy cate. — 2 (Elo) a culpa mia — 3 (69 9am eelete mec, "4 io) oon segue (que) wen race, Suveimana’ "= jvayaheguros fear) fade de rove. Te igiotcr se ei ent 2 ae are nt 8 Leccién segunda 2 — {Nosotros} estamos aqui, on la casa 5 — Pave : Donde esta vohn? ores (1) Presto usted stencin al grupo do letras « wh. En flguros easos, se pronumtara come al la "h no fxistera: en oste caso Tonemos la palabra where Ser y olros que mas, adelante voremos En ols Scasidnts, a pronunciacion corrcie se etectua ance ome" ngiearnas” en la intreduceion, bo vere por ue promunciatad orzosamento siempre” gual" pusce varar bastante la promunclacion se una palabra ond LESSON 7 seven (som) 2 2 Donde estd oi médico? — ¢ Dénde estan mis perié= ‘ices ?? Were. the doctor? Where... my papers? , the... Where aro 7 3 (EV std aqui, corca de los (Nosoros) no ilagamos Srbotos, {no estamos) tarde here, near the trees, We late "He .. here, .... the * We ‘ate. 4 Gracias (ti, vosotres, us Este periécico (6) no es fed, ustedes) eres (sais, muy bueno. 2, aon) muy arabe. Thank you very This paper. it very in, 00 Thank you. very ts... paper, it very 9008 amt 5 MMi periéaico esta sobre ia Ms poriddico no esta sobre peper.. onthe table... paper fon the table My paper is .. the table. * -. paper ..... on table. ¥ou ares notyouve king “Thin sent 8 My hy = te novons My ent: te No 20 olise ce fos nimeros de las pégines y de las Third Lesson ronunciacién de «ths. — Es uro de ioe sonidos més ‘omplajos dol ingise sabre todo para exploaria, Acemas como pude usted vor an Ia inroduecton. mo siempre 38 Dronupeia ce! mismo modo. Pero sigulendo las normas: Que Te Pemes dado podra usted "iegar = pronunciar este Sonige, Nose Gesanime sia! comenzo la reauita dil 1 — Here's the book. — Is it Interesting? 2 — Yes, it's very interesting ‘3 — There are the papers. — Where are they? 4 — There, on the bookcase, — Thank you. (1) PRONUNCIATION: 1 ge az8 dig rosin? — 2 la, ea wr nest — 3 ecb 128 popun, wer an ae"? — 4 Gabe cr aee buh boss © rise (ain) 5 — Hero’s your tea, James. Sugar? — No, thank you. 6 — Milk? — Yes please. (2) 7 — Ow! It's very hot. — I'm sorry. 8 — Where's the ashtray? — Here, with my cigarettes. 9 — Where are the matches? — There, near your hand, — Thanks very much. (3) 10 — Here's your tea, Here are my cigarettes. 11 —Thore’s the radio, There are the matches. (4) 12 It's hot. It ian't very interesting. 13 Hand; bookcase; matches, 14 Yes please. No, thank you. 5 hoe i ti, cenoims. sg 7 now ah — 6 mk? ins pi — 4 Bat i mt tn wh "8 re im anes? We al ‘yo arsine Ha mat sigue ate SES ‘ei, ea an det acne HE (ae No ene mst EXERCISES 1 Milk in your toa? — 2 Yes please, i's very hot, — 3 The sugar is near your hand. — 4'Where? — Here it is. — 8 Tho matches are on the bookcase. — 6 There's the ashtray and here are the cigaretes Leccién tercera tenga en cuenta que fos nifos ingleses tardan tiempo en liagar @'pronunciar este sonido. si pues, cuando’ en it pronunciacion figurada vea usted una’ =>, se indica Que 1 sonido es sordo.y ‘Jobe usted pronurciar Una «2 = ‘Sspavole pues e! sonido es muy similar Aqul este! lio, — 2 €s (6) interesante ? Ali esti tos poridicos. ~ ; Dance estan (ellos)? {ili Sobre la Moreria. Gracias. Notes (1) En una palabra compuesta, el acanta tonico principal Fecae sebre ia primera. os decir sabre Book (ef. thank You Case (kaite)" maletin caja; bookcase brea ten on) 10 Aqui ests te (su) 18, James, 2 Azicar? — No, oracias, — iieche7 — si, por favor = {Uy ete) esd Ruy caonto. Lo siento. = (Glnde esta al Genicera’? —- Aq, ean mis ciga- frllos © — Donde estan ias cerilas” — Al, cerea {del ws {su} mane. (Muy) muchas gracias, 10 — Aqui esta iu (eu) (6. Agu estan mis cigarvilos. 41 — Alves la racio, Ail estén lan corilas 12 ilo} std caliente. (Elo) no os muy Intoresente 43 Mano! lorena cerlas 14 Si por favor. No, gracias. NOTES (continued) (@) Pleaso (pis): signica grado, agradar: su sentido ‘of siempre el equivalents a nucstto = por favor (@) Thanks (gracias) iene un aire mas informal y coloqul gue nam you (@) Leceibn 2, note (2) (8) 1s hot significa en e! contexto de esta leccién « (ele) feta ealionto pues se rehere al te Sin embargo la ‘misma expresion sits hot signiea tamblan hace ueRcicios 4 {utes} lecng con (en) 187 — 2 5, por fave, (toh indy lori. "~"3 6! agooar oa crea (09) (eu) ane) bogs foe) cota s'Eaeeorifaa seta sere a ibraria Pein eth concere y ag! est les serio, 11. atovon town) Fill in the missing words: 1 Aqui esta af tbr. Et azicar no esta agul the book The suger neve. the book. "The suger ..... here 2 (Ella) esi4 con tu (su, (El) no esté aqul Yuestro) bermano She .. with... prother. He neve with your He 8 Donde estd ty (Su, wues- ¢ Dénde estén las ceri fro} mecieo ? fas? Where .. your doctor? Where... the matches? Your eo? are the 4 | Ay! (ello) estd muy ca; Vaya! (ello) no es muy lien. ‘nteresante Ow. very On dea very interesting * Ow! ...- very hat cn very 5 gleche? No, gracias. —_¢ Azicar? St, por favor. Mik? Sugar? Respuestae Drotner Tsnthera. "), 3 — (Eile) 62 lunes, et primer aia hunca estoy bien los (er) lures, 4 — [Bongo esta Mian Street la calle, mavor). por favor? —“‘Esta ‘os High Street Por supuesta (muy) muchas gracias, 5 — Ep cae tu (au) coche? — No, mi jt [en ll extranjero. (Elo) e9 su coche. la semana; (yo) todavia eat Notes (1) Dos palabras muy usadas son aright y matter Alright {a af righ signif, itoraimente, toda correcte "62 Gece, spertectamanta >, «bien =, « esto marcha >, et Eeisie intenwy que pol fing. wy Bin hlater {iere decie asunto, materia, tema, provlema: whats tho matter 7:1 Que ocurre? z Cual 66 01 problema ? ‘Aunque aqul no presenta citieitad, la traduccion de tage ‘averblo negative le canazn ge fas trases nogativas, on general, no es igual en inglés due en espanel. En su momento, cuando surjan las Siicctados, encontrard sted las alaracione® opor (2) Leceion 5, nota (8 a twentytwo (vent u) 22 6 — {.Qub 0 e507 — (E30) 08 of caste (repracuctor 4 casetes) y osfe es 0! moznere. 7 — Muy bien. — Pesta tu (su, west) jee trecuen: tomonte [en elf extranjere > 8 — No'lo sulerente (no con Bastante frecuencia) 4 0 Cesta su (ae a ermano ya aqui? — No, todavia — {70} estoy bien: (nosotros) (elio) 68 lines de nueva. 11 Chaucer? No: gracias, (este) aa suticlente 42 — [Como esta tu (esta, su) Rermena? — No muy bien snes. eansados (a) Nice es una palabra de maltiple uso. Puede signiticar bien, apradabie, Bont, et (5) Cuidado con la pronunciacién de often: « etn» {® Cuidado con la pronunciacion de enough: = i» {) Ia (on, dentro de) quiero decir tambien: = aqui, «en casas, wen su despacho = et. Ho's in: (el eatd aqu {en su'despacho, en casa, vlc}. She lon! in: fella} Ro ste aul 1 {como eatin ue ete, au 2 ine SipGub oe ond? Seco 23, swontytvee wont) 3 {Dende estan mis casotes ?- All crea de la livera. my cassettes? — tha the bookcase 4 1h (a) au jt recuentemente en f(t) extrarioro? fo sincere, he your boss sores? — ten Seventh Lesson REVISION AND NOTES (bron: «hin ara») 1 Relea las notas siguientes, remitiondose en cada caso al texto correspondiente 1": (1) 2°: (2) (8), (6): 3: (1); Aes (1, (2), (Bs BF: (2), (8): 6: 2, (7). 2 Las contracciones no deben preccuparle excesi- vamente. Existen para facilitar 6| modo de hablar Sin duda las recuerda usted perfectamente : / am Tim; you are; you're: he is: he's, she is; she's: We are; were; they are: they're; is not. Isn't aro ‘not; aren't. Repitiondo en alta vor se ira usted ‘acostumbrando 'y -acabaré por lograr” un inglés completamente natural 3 En « Astérix en Bretana », los autores hacen hablar a los britanicos del sigulente modo: « Hace calor, {no es ello: si, ello 10 es ». Aunque ea un tanto ‘exagerado, se reproduce asi ia (érmula inglesa para Plantear una pregunta: it's hot, isn't?, Yos itis. She is-nice, isn't she?, Yes she Is. La respuesta no se Contras porque no sigue ninguna palabra, 225. twontytve teat te) casos, son tas que ofrecen un sonido «i» mas Semejante al del espafol -he, she, street, easy- pero lun poco mas alargado, 7 {Recuerda usted la pronunciacién de friends, of- ten, enough, where, television, chair, eight, high, Halon ? La ol pérafo 6 dovesta lee: 8 Pronunciacién figurada. — Es como una especie de chaleco salvavidas que Ie permite a usted flotar. aunque pueda resultar incdmodo. Poco a poco. conforme usted vaya comenzando a «nadar, itd Usted prescindiendo de él. Lo importante es que Usted se habitie visualmente al texto inglés y solo haga uso de la pronunciacion fiyurads para resolver twortyfowr (acetone) 28 5. Esta os Staion Steet y aquela es Bridge Street. 8 Sweet and s Steet Leccién séptima 4 La pronunciacion. — Es lo que mas nos preocupa fen estas primeras lecciones. No nos cansaremos de Gocirle que debe insistir especialmente en marcar Silaba que lleva ol acento tenico mucho mas que 3s otras. Este acento no va siempre en las mismas sllabas, por lo que debe usted retener lo mejor que Te sea posible su posicion on cada palabra. La «5 = ddl plural se pronuncia siempre. Como = ss» (es ‘evil, seyan la pronunciacion iguraua, «-s* surda tsi igual que la ecpafola) tras un sonido duro y s0rdo (tf, K. Bi) Pe). parents, books, cigarettes, etc. en cambio se pronuncia como = 8» (segun io fstablecido en la Introduccion para la pronunciacion figurada), es dacir «8» suave y siollanto, en los demas casos, p. e).: lends, cars, gardens, etc. 5 He's in his house in Holand. Intente pronunciar Fepetidas veces cata. frase_ (his in nis’ haus. hollind) sin pausas. No lo olvide nunca pronuncie la whe siempre, de la forma convenida, pues si no corre usted el riesgo de confundir palabras, como his con Fs, ete 6 No olvide que Ia «i» on inglés es bastante breve y de sonido sordo @ indeterminado: la letra =O» y flgunos diptongos como «ees, «ea, en algunos Imentyee uot sks) 26 Jas dudas relacionadas con la pronunciacién. Si dis- pone de las grabaciones, tiene usted este problema result 9 frend, ofan, ind, uer, televishén, chear, elt, hal steishen. Nos permitimos recordarle que su trabajo debe 1i- Imitarse por el momento @ comprender 9! texto Inglés, ya repotir en alta voz cada parrafo de las Tecciones y los sjercicios, inmediatamente después de haberlos leido. Esta simple repeticion, renovada ‘cada dia, 10 permitira, poco a poco, ir asimilando la lengua ingiesa, es decir, pensar directamente en Ingles sin tradiesion provia Eighth (8th) Lesson 4 — Can | help you? 2— Have you got any tea? (1) 3 — Of course. Do you want some? (1) 4 — Yes please. Give me two pounds. And a packet of biscuits. (2) 5 — Do you want some beans? Notes (1) Veamos el uso de some y any: some 30 usa en frases airmativas, any en frases nenativas 0 intetrooatvas. Su"tracuecion Seria, segun' os casos, "aigo da = PRONUNCIATION. 1 ina.» — 2... 20 61?— 3 of enor. duly uont sar? — 4 Tn, Dis" paunes. anda pal or hase —='8 "sam ne? Leccion octava 7 Puedo ayudarle ?) 7 Bor supueste, ¢ quiero usted (algo [de t6))? galletas, Zuiere ustes (algunas) justes ? NOTES (continued) Salgunolaiguna » o los pluraies de estas formas : any par emplearee on frases negativaa, puede traaucirse veces, por. = ningunoinnguna. En" oeasiones GI'te. del manda =. sino. aigo ce te. Son giros Usvales quo usted asimilara con el uso y la practica (2) Pound puede ser tanto la libra ssteriina, monada na Clonal Bntaniea, oma una medida de peso equivalents 20458 gramos, 27 twentyeovem (wnt eon) 6 —No thanks. We've got some at home. (N. 1) (3) 7 — Well, some bread? 8 — Yes please. Two loaves. Oh, and half a pound of butter. That's all 9 How much is that? (4) 10 — That's six pounds. 11 — Oh dear, I've only got five pounds. 12 — You can pay the rest next time, 13 — Thanks very much. Good-bye 14 — Good-bye madam. (5) EXERCISES 1 Can | holp you? — 2 Have you got any butter? — 2 Go you want suine bread? 4 Me cat ay NeXt time. '5 Give me some money. —~6 She's anly got ‘wo pounds, Put in the missing word: 1 Have we got ... sugar? 2 Thoy haven't got ... money 3 Wo've got .... beans at home 4 twat... sugar in my cote. 5 Well, do you want .... eigars? 8 .. hep you, madam? ‘Sehales ». — Si on fa laclén aiaria le resulta especial ‘mente cific’ do. entender una’ palaora, Ia forma: do una frase o algun dete de la pronunciacton, haga usted una 29 ewentynine (wei asin) Ninth (9th) Lesson 1 — I've got some; | don't want any. 2 — Have you got any peas, please? 3 — Yes, I've got some bia tins. (1) 4— Js anyone at home? | can hear so- meone. (2) (3) 5 — Yes it's me. I'm in the kitchen. (4) 6 — Do you want a cup of tea? — Yes please. (5) 7 — Come in then, 8 — Have a cigarette. — Thank you, | haven't gol any. 6) 9 — These are good! — Yes, they're Turkish. 10 — I've got a pipe, but I preter cigareltes. 11 — A pipe isn't as dangerous as cigarettes. (7) 12 — | know... but it Isn't as good! 13 — Have you got a light? — Thanks. (8) srovunciaron Bein Ss Pach a a SR ho tn, Notes (1) Las «i» muy breves: big, ting: tin agniica estano, e ahi qua, slendo antiguementa las itas Ge conser vas do estat, tonaran sl nombre de tins (2 Al igual que to dicho con some y any, someone se Usa con alirmatives y anyone con negatives, inter’. avs yrasee que hnplcan cua. = Nadi» se dice no-one (nova) (8) Los verbos de percopcién involuntaria, hear (or). see (vera), susien iF preceaidos de can en el presente, (@) Para cecir «soy yo, los ingleses utiizan esta f6r- ‘mula: 1's me, 0 sea, » eli os mis. Es una expresion oloquial ya Rech. Amontyeight went et) 28 No, gracas. (Nosotros) tenemos (algunas) en casa, Bueno. (algo do) pan” Si por favor, Dor hogazas (oarras). Ah, y media Tibetde maniequilia E50 es toe. 2 cuanto 6 7 eso)? 18 — (eeoles in Tora vere 41 [Vaya sata tengo ina bea, 42 — butte vstod pager e! rest ia) proxma vor 32 — Muchas gracia. Aaios M4 — feige sonora NOTES (continues) (8) Home es nagar, casa, At home en casa. (4) How much (money) cuanto dinero, Ai pie dela etre now mush seria s8mo mucho (Loe ingles c'dapansianta 9 muy educado. Se emplea cor facliga el nombre en lugar el apoildo, quiza de0id0 {cus elute no axcta yas esta ona forma ge incicar sencicios Hany. 2 ty, —3 some — some — 5 somo, — 8 Can ‘anor a!'margen el nimoro do la pagina on la gues Eneuentra la dicutad unas cvantas paginas mis adelante Glande, unos dias mds tarde. se cneuerira usted con esta Sofa To mas probable es que la vteuias haya dosspa reco porgue la expresién acuiose Nabra ico apar Giendd ‘an lecciones postoriores aera. can todo, Um Dresaucion wt En caso de persistir an su” duga nage ested, de nuovo, ola seal uns paginas més acolante shiny (ze) 30 Leccién novena (¥0) tengo (algo, alguno’a, algunosias); (yo) no Quiero (angus, ningunos/as) {liene (usted) (algunos) guisantes, por lavor ? ‘tay [est alguien en e282 (Yo) olgo (puedo oa alguien Bi soy yo. Estey en Ia cocina {Oulare usted una taze de 16? SI, por favor, Bago, ontonces. TTenga un cigarrilo, — Gracias, yo ne tengo (nin guna) 9 — [Est08) son ouenos. — si, (ellos) son turcos, 10 — {¥9) tengo una ipa, paro (ye) prefire Tes] ciga- 11 — Una pipe no es tan poigrose como [los] cigatilos. 12 = (Wo) lo ee. pero all) no ee igual de (ter) tusno. 13 — (Tone tage tuna liz)? Gracias, NOTES (continues) (8) La forma interogative usade es Do you. para todos fos verbos. Se uea pues el auxliar 0 siompre, excento fen los detectives (ean, ele) y 10 be (ser) can yOu... fare you. (©) Forma Imperativa que ae dice al oftecer algo. Tene ehaemigo de «tome, «tenga = (7) Oosere sted la formula as. a8 (ania, como) So big aa ohn’ No es tan grande’ como ohn. Usa alain evan comet oa a el opatan in veces Srmascaradas dentro ge la conversacion. Olmos = A= en'ugar de ra, as en Wgar de vase, “10> en Tgar Ge «Yor» ®) Retenga bien en su memoria esta expresién ingest Have you got # ight?’ tracuse iteraimente al ingles In'exoresién que se Usa on espanel para pect tuego, podrian fomarie por piremano. Light significa luz. 34 thityone (2 wan) EXERCISES 4 1 don’t want any, thank you. — 2 Someone is in the liichen. — 3 Does anyone want a cigarette? — 4 We can see someone in the garden, — 5 Come in, Frill In the missing words: 1. (¥0) ge (puede or) a alguien an e! comedor bo. hear in the room, 2 Tene alguien fuego ? Hos gota .....7 3 (Nosotros) no quoremos (nada, ningunala/os/as) Wo... want Tenth (10th) Lesson On the telephone 1 — Hello, Who is this? Oh, good morning sir. 2 — No, he’s not here. Have you got his office ‘number? 3 — Wait a minute. Ah, i's four-two-six- eight. (1) 4 — Ask for extension thirty-five. It's @ plea sure. Good-bye. (2) PRONUNCIATION ois dole? — 2 his os enter? — 9. frtesio-it — 455 Ghachen rata. as ptr 198 “thrtytwee (rh zr 5 — Hello. Who? No, I'm sorry. 8 — You've got the wrong number. That's al- right. Good-bye. (3) 7 — Have you got a minute? This sentence is very strange: (4) 8 "I'm fed up” 9 — It's an idiom, it means “| am bored”. (5) 10 — Thank you, that’s very kind of you 11 — Don't mention it Elta ambe dens of. — 7. me. ans. ch, — EXERCISES 1 Js anyone in the ofice? — 2 Who Is on the phone? 73 These sentences are not very complicaies. 4 This is the wrong address. — 8 This wore means unhappy". — 6 What do you mean? Fl in tne missing words: 1 Es usted muy amabie. De nada That's very .... of you. Don't ic 2 Pregunte por e! Sr. Smith Lo siento, (6) esta! teétono. ASK «Mr, Smith. 'm sorry. He's .. the phone. eye (co) 92 4 (Ela) protiere los cigarrios turcos. she ciaretos. 5 {.Quiere alguien una taza oe 18? oes want a... of tea? evencicios 10%) no quiero, graces — 2 Hay alguien an la cocina. — 3 ¢ ‘liste satan on Sigartiog = 4 Wasson) Yomos paderoe ver Islapuinen lard 8 Pace, aes a has got a Lae oO See Fob ogres Al telefono 1 — biga! ,Quién es (tate)? Ah, buenos dias (buena manana) senor 2 — No, (ol) no esta aqui. ; lene usted el nimero do 2 oficna? 3 — Expere un minuto. Ah, (ello) os fol) 4268, 3 — Bide ipor) Ta extension 95. (Ell) 6s un placer ale. Notes Les nimeros de telefono, ds habilacon de noel, o ‘se dicen uno a uno cuando sobrepasan las tres citras. sun placer». «do nada, son expreslones poco (9) Ssaaas. ena. conversacion Sorrnigs ta rasuecen uede variar sogon lag stuaciones so que se Wate aSo'aue son foimas Se sonora Imityfour iit for) 34 § — [iga" 1 Outen? noo sono & — Se'Ra ‘suing cst de numero (ene ustes of romero equivocesa) De nade. Adios 8 hm ted up 9 — (Esta) os tna frase hecha (ela) signitica: = (yo toy harto™ [estoy aburrido, estoy = hasta la co wv ‘es muy amable (ae su parte) 11 — Notions imporanela NOTES ‘continuec) 18) Wrong (rong): equivocade, incorrect. The right num: ” poral numere cores. (a) Muchas palabras espafolas que ampiezan por « ost» (0 neg then co eyuivalente en lgiee es palabras ue empezan con cs fuide™ sifange’ exrano Stable estabe, ee {8 To mean: querer decir, signieat, Meaning: signife ad evencicios set LENGE fet "ro'son ey compicadon =" Est arcron ett ‘euvooasa 5 cain palara quae cock sirolie= 6 1 ue lieve doc vse? 38 thitptive art tw) 3. Se ha equivocade de nimoro (tone usted e! niimero ‘equivocade). Ustew guiare extension 3s Youve got the sess You want thiry-oigh 4g Tione (usted) un minute ? (Yo) no comprendo esta sxpresion 2 miner this expression Eleventh (11th) Lesson 1 | play; we play; you play; ne (or she) plays. (1) 2 | speak; we speak; you speak; she (or he) speaks. 3° We play tennis in the morning, and our neighbours play in the evening 4 They have a tennis court in their garden. 5 — Do you want to play? — Yes, but I haven't got much time. (2) 6 — Here's a racket for you; there are some balls in the garden 7 — Are you ready? Service! Out! 8 — That's enough for today. I'm tired already. 9 —1 know someone who plays aswell as you. (3) Leja Plty Bilis = 2 a so. apn — 9. eis. aire, Sao. 7 tna areal! 9 usta Mana wi hs S15 um bia dds a nou, wee 97 ttyeven 26 eer) 10 — My giririend speaks Russian. Do you speak Fussian? ‘11 — Unfortunately no. Does she speak Greek, too? 12 — No, she doesn't. Da yous speak Greck? 13 — No, | don't, but | play tennis well 14 — Yes, you do. Too well for me. (4) (6) 10 pond shan, —¥9 ont. — 42 gk, — 18 (ale ante cr paca sid Sos EXERCISES, 4 Where are your nelhvours? — They aren't here, 72,02 You play as well as me? —No, | don't 3 She speaks three languages well. ~'4 Docs he Play football? — No. ne doesn't, 6 Are the balls in the garden?’ — Yes, they are. — 6 Is he trod? — Yes he ie Fill In the missina words: 1 Do they play tennis? — no 2 Does he know your Bremner? — No, unfortunately 3 fe he a businessman? —..., he is 4 Do we pay now? — ves, 515 1 thoir racket? — No it © Do you speak English well? —..., . .. (es usted ‘quien debe decito thts (wks) 96 5 Si c pore qué quiere decir ello) 7 Leccion once + F¥oh uaa: insotoe) vases: Wosotro8) unde: rata jogs {ro} hablo tr) hablamos (vosotos) Brats "tea oa) habla. ee Nosotros) jegaman fal tenis por ta manana y foeton vetian vega go ace.” ™* 4 (Bios) tenon una pista de tenis en su ia 5 — LQviere ustes jugar? — Si, pore (yo) 90 tengo 6 — (haul hay ua raqueta para usted. Hay algunas 7 — {eats usted) proparado Servicio! | Fuera! 2 — Beis es sutiorts) por hoy. Wo) ya estoy can 2 — {ay conozco a alguien que juega tan bien come Notes a So ac eo ag eo te ee PN aa Tu a ase hegatwa donot se conrae en don 0oes not en (8) Know: congcer, saber. En inglés s0 exprosan ambas obas con el mismo verbo, mitral (eet) 90 Been no ria vie tae. 13 = Ke (jernal pore Ge) luego Bien al tons 14 — Sf eb vordal Semen bon bart NOTES (continues) @ tar Stooes Seto», vos verdad, hoviays wel Yes (8) Teoal ti lela tan Bien coma yo No yoo) 3 fs haba len es iGomae "coat il a tek No [go 8 etn falas on et rain® elas eaten) 6p Enta (cane ‘Sa ct 30. thitymine (et sin) Twelfth (12th) Lesson 1 Do | play? do we play? do you play? do they play? does he (or does she) play? 2 I dan't (ao not) play: we don’t play; you don't play; they don’t play; 3 he (or she) doesn’t (does not) play. 4 | like cars but | don't like mator-bikes. (1) 5 — Do you like sugar in your coffee? — Yes please, and a litle milk. (2) 6—She plays the piano but not very well. (3) (N. 2) 7 — Fortunately, she doesn’t play the violin! 8 — Do you play rugby? — Oh no, I'm too old 9 — Can | help you? — Do you sell socks? (2) 10 Do you want anything from the shop? 11 have something important to tell you. 12 — Do you play bridge? — No, | don't 19 — Well, something else petlups? Poker? 14 — Yes, but | don't play for money. 15 We play bridge. She doesn’t play the vio- ln Bo Tate, apd. "lana. uel — 7 iebundil velotnt — Sango tae — 9 0 eel sue? 10. toains = TH aan fnptart.””— “ta Boden"? "79 samcin le tae pnd" 41° fortyrone (fort ua) EXERCISES 1 Do you play bridge? — Yes, | do but not very well <2 She doesn't ike milk in her cafes, — 3 We haven't got enough time to play with you. — 4 They dont ike shopping on Saturdays. — 3 Hore is some: foaty toe) 40 Leccién doce 1 Ldueao iyo)? zuaamos inosottos)? z.tvenes to) Kent ot)? Cegan eo eis) LSheae 2 [Yo) no juego. (Nosotros) no jugames. Tu (ustes, Vosotroslasy ustedes} no usp ‘als, ne ucgan) {so juega. mo jus 2 Elo eli} no iuoga, 4 Me gistan Tos! éeones pero no me gustan te] 5 — 1 Oviere (ust) azacat en et (eu) ate? — Si, por favor y un paco {de} leche. & — [Eila) toca 61 piano pero no muy bien 7 — | Atorunadamonto (lla) no toca el violin? 0 Loita esto al fugby? "Oh no Wyo} coy do ‘asiado vale 9 — [Pega (yo) ayedarie? — zvende used eee: 10 { Guiere usted algo de ia tienda ? 41 __ {v9} tengo algo importante que decire 12 — {vega ustec [al] briege ? — No, no juego 43 — Youizs entonces a otra cosa (algo mas)? 2A poker? 14 — Bi'pore yo no juego por dinero. 15 Nosotros) Jugamos (all bridge. (Ela) no toca ol notes (1) Like signies gusta. Sin embargo Ia construccién de Ia tage os cistima on Inglan y on espanol. La tracue- tion de lite al ple dela lea seria -yo gustan 7 “ike cars ya gusta los] covnes «0 sea, me gustan los coches.» que es como se dice correciamente en aslo Prete Usted alvin fw pat bout Sason te este uso (@) Can (poder es un verbo detectivo, por tanto se Comuga en negative © inerrogatvo sin sf auxilar do. (9) En este ‘rage. quedan expresadas lot cos senticor béslcos (puede tener vires) del veroe to play’ jugar (al aig) y tocar (un Instrumente). Camo se vera tone también al sentido do Interpretar (una obra ce toa), Sesempenar (un pepel fovtytwo (ort) 42 exeRcIci0s 4 duepa used all bridge? — Si, aro no muy bien. — 2.No le {octane on fom a eae. 8 No lanomas ome sufelete PS Laer cadpwa sted 0 Tenouned sige par ender? thing for 8 Have you get anything #0 ze!” Put into the negative: ae 1 2 i ort pay tennis very well — 2 We dot ke im vecy 4 ht SS hed nae ting fe You 4 haven pl 5 Thing aah Se an uey happy 8 She cossnt play 8 She play the violin aah Thirteenth (13th) Lesson Lecci6n trece — wher ive? — | live in London 4 — Donde viye ustes? — (Yo) vivo en Londres. 1 — Where do you tive? — | live in Londo 2 = {Lo'tusta 2S. me gustan las grandes cudades. 2 — Do you like it? — Yes, | like big ctties Ya usted ? Do you? 2 — Be ssn onimertn, na), 40) seta! camo, 5s Not really: preter the cowntry $< foie hes tabao'en elvan Mt eapoca pinta 4 — How do you spend your evenings in the & = [Pins (ola rotates? country? (1) 7 Hee aaa ate yo weet 5 —I read, | work in the garden. My wife 3 — hee is} prettere Tes! hoteles do Loncres. paints. 6 — Doos she paint portraits? 7 — No. she paints the bathroom and the hall 8 — Does your wife like the country too? 9 — No, she prefers hotels in London. notes t} To spend: gestar. Se wiliza para exeresar también et PRONUNCIATION (Tonto de tempo, Los ingieses lean = geslar el ot al. ts? — 4a. nings, tiempo an el sonido de npasar ol tiempo. sin tmatie peyaratve que tiene esta oxpresion en caste Mano 42 fortytneee ot 2) 10 «To read » is the infhitive of the verb. (2) 11 She likes to read novels, 12 I preter to live in the country 13 She doesn't like to live in the country. 14 There is a lot of work (3) EXERCISES 1 How do you say "hotel in Spanish? — 2 where does your Bother live? —'3 Ba you ike medern novele? Not really. — 4 llow ary you and HOW Ie Your wife? — 5 “Where is your gifriend? — In hol Your wit your giriend? — In a hol Fu in 10 missing words: 1. Protere usted vivir en la cluded 0 on e! campo ? Do you preter the town or. the cousin? 2 {.Cudnt0 os (esto), por favor? How... ts that, 2 3 Le gusta leer ef (sv) periaico y mirar a su esposa abajar Ho kes is paper and watch... wite 4 ge gusta también a su ospose e) campo? Your wife ike the county... 5 A olla no ie gusta vivir an Londres. she Me tos... mn London 45. fotystve toa fa) Fourteenth (14th) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Hs souenes notes: 8 ccién: (1): nae Ta.) ae ah ee 1 Got. £1 pasado doi vor t get (obtener, egar 4 ser, converse, aicanzar) 25" sumamonia eat Bleado on diversos giros en ingles. No hay autentcas Faglas que cetinan Su uso comun, y por a momen bastard con decir quo, cuando el vetoes hare tons Ssemide propio (es decir cuando no te euiilar ce de Ol wor sucones eutonions, En elec i vee Je posesion se repite des veoes pero olde canta mejor el sonido’ duro de la'«g. quo ede iach ajo. de lav de havo. Por a momento, Sobe vated iitarse a repatr'y asimilar las Traces Gos We pe, pongamos. y et 2 EI articulo determinado. — Su empleo se Gomprende mejor a traves de ejemplos quo'a taves 4 explcaciones, Por ei momento debe Usted eaber a) Nunca debe ir ante cosas consideradas en un sentido general: / ike tea =o te en general fortyfour (ort for) 44 10 = Loors es Infinitive det verbo Th Le gusta (a ella) loor novelas. $2 (Yo) pretro vive en ot campo. 33 Nola gusta (a ela) vivir en el campo. 44 Hay mucno taba NOTES (continued) (2) infinitive oe Ios verbos se forma con fo; lear: to ead’ comprar: buy: sor 10 be (8) A tine: un poco de..: 2 lot of: mucho. La «1 de of Suena generaimento’ ao un ‘odo muy similar & a 1Do you pela to ve Hn the town or in the county? — 2 How ‘ruth 2s "nt lasso’ =—"9 a tor 6 rona'hs paper and wach Mie ne wort, = Doss youre law We county. too? 3 She Aloear ie t Te in Condon 1eRcicios 1 pie oe ho rat! 72 Dende ie fermana? LOFTS iste tne as ovtas hormone: reg Bonde esid tu nova? @ En un besten Lonsien, ‘cuando alguna palabra 0 frase s0 to resisla, no olviée Facer una = sonal =, tal y como is inaicames on ia Tecoin 8 forty for wks) 46 Leccién catorce b) nunca se incluye cuando la palabra posterior se rellere a un juego: she plays tennis, we play foot C) munca va antes de tiulos o protesiones: el doctor Smith doctor Smith; el principe Carlos: Prince Charles. Es decir que, cuando la cosa esta definida, Se omite el artcula, 4} Pero, por el contrarlo, slompre va delante de los Instrumentos musicales’ she plays the guitar 2 Exdmenes parciales. — Cometiendo errores os. Conny se aprende # wrregitivs. Sin Juda vometerd Usted errores en las frases siguientes. No se pro- ‘eupe. En pocas semanas las dficultades actuales Te pareceran de poea importancia, pero ahora cada una de ellas supone una trampa, 0 quiza més de Por el momento limitese a comparar estas frases con su traducci6n en el parrafo 5. Cuando llegue a fa fase activa el estuclo, es decir a la = segunua fla» (ver leceion 48}, nara por escrito la traduccion de espanol a inglés. {1 Aqui hay 8, pero no hay leche. 2 cTiane lela) dinera? — Tiene, pero no mucho. 3 (lia) no habla tan bien como su hermano. 4 Aun no estan aqui. — Hay liempo todavia, 5 { Tiene fuego ? No tengo corillas. 6 {Como esta usted 7 No muy bion. Nunca estoy Siem Tos tunes 7 Ana tiene veinte afos, ¢ pero cudntos aos tiene 8 hermana ? No estoy Seguro. 8 Juega usted al tenis ? — No, pero toco el piano, 4 El sonido «th». — Los sonidos de la pronuncia- cién figurada representados por «dz» y #2» Son, como ya dijimas, meramente aproximativos. Re- cuerde la «técnica» expuesta en la Introduccion 47 fortysoven rt sou para intentar pronunciar este complelo sonido. No Se desanime si no to consigue al principio. Con la Practica llegara a hacerlo con facllidad 5 Traduccién del parrafo 9 4 Here's come toa, but thore's nomi 2 Has she got any money? — She has got some ut not much (a fot) 3 She doesn't speak as (80) well as her brother. 4 They aron't here yet. ~ There's stil tino. 5 Have you gota light? | haven’ got any matches. Fifteenth (15th) Lesson Let's meet Davia 1 Hello, I'm David Wilson. | live in @ suburb, cof London. (1) 2 It's called Harrow. There's a famous ‘school here, 21 work in London. ('m a journalist on the Dally Wall". (2) (2) 4 I travel to work by tube. PRONUNCIATION 4 a won. Wy wner. — 2 tools Hou. me shu wea Mandi let a Fata 49° forty-nine ort ain) 5 | go from the station to the office on foot. (4) (8) (N. 1) 6 — What is his name? — He's David Wilson, 7 — Where does he live? — He lives in Har. row. 8 — Does he travel to work by car? 9 — No, he takes the tube, he doesn’t take his car. 10 Hello, I'm David Wilson, I'm a journalist 11” My wife's a secretary, 42 We boli work in London. (6) 8 hint 6 ati ni? = 8 Bit? — 8 tk EXERCISES 4 This is Mr Smith. He's a doctor. — 2 There aro five people on the tube this morning. — 8 Where do you live? — 4 | always tavel by car. — 5 His wife's @ secretary and she lives in Harrow. — 6 We both work very hard. Fill in the missing words: 1 Trabajamos, ambos, en un importante periédice, We... work .. an important fortyight ot 8 6 tow ra you? — Hot vary wal On Hon Seat Su inglés en este momento es un po¢0 inestable gote"e fomediara i du fa grin ot ste foge,'no inertumpa, su estudio. Fsticio un Sturt Ge hora taga cit como minima: eonveralo Snvuna costumbre (i fiene cated las grabacrones, Te Sora"mcno mas facil estciar logos fos dis) Leccion quince Encuentro (encontrémonos) con David Hola, soy David wilson. Vive en un barrio de las ftueras de Lonar 2 Serilema (es lemado) Harrow. Hay una famosa fseuela aul 3 Trabajo en Londres. Soy (un) poriodsta de! Dally 4 Voy (vaio) al wabalo en moto. Notes {1} Het es una manera menos formal d mot usar tambien Good morning 0d afernoon despus de comer, Good evening gor a nach. Good spades aise te cams, eee So'ES peterbie wasteiro por barrio de le auorae = ov airedecores =, cosa Que oxpresa exactamente AU contenido (2) Se dice también with 3) Day: cla: cay: dari, caligiene, Muchos perocicos © Wiamai “Baiy= (Daily Totegreph, Daly Express, mmodia tarae iso cies para ee), sy ti 60 5 Voy de Ia estacién 8 a oficina a pie. 6 — {como so llama? (4 Cudl es su nombre 7). — Es Bovid Wilson, 7 — (Banas vive? — vive en Harrow & — {Ne'Wisla al wanajo en coche? 40 Hola, soy Davis Wiison. Soy (un) periodsta, 11 Mimujer es (una) secretaria. 12 Ambos tabajamos en Lonares, NOTES (continues) 1) Se slee 0 Fave (lar) cuando ae enpea un meso boon ou Els en de «vislar on.» so wacuce por by. Los pies ‘© gon una encepctn, cori on expafol. Se de on oot Splat Ge ores regu fet (©) Bom los dos, amos Ihe thom both: me qustan iGo doa 'me gustan ambos, Para’ decir fos res ‘Toe euro», sora"? ike af tree a four uencioos 125 eg Sr Es omen — 2 ay cto poe lempre en corme™"f Su rj (una) asoateia y Vo on Hembree te dk mane uy dre 81 it ua) 2 Hay algo muy extrato en fa coving, ‘There is very In the ktenon 3 Mi mujer viaia slempre en metro 4 ZQuién es usted ? Me lamo David y soy perioiata, fare you? ... David and... . journalist fey nt 52 5 Viven en un barrio de las afverss de Londres que se ama Harrow. ‘Tey lve In a of London Harrow tno bath werk important newspaper. — 2 Thare is some- fn ty Seange’ he tien "3" M ae aware wea Oy 02ST ery att m Sei ane tm owrain ey live nu non aa harow Sixteenth (16th) Lesson 1 — Where do you live? — | live in a suburb called Harrow. 2 — How do you go to work? — | take the tube every morning, ‘3 — Why do you take the train? You've got a car. (1 4— Fhere'ia too much wate an here are too many people. (2) (3) 5 And petrol is too expensive. 6 — When do you use your car? — At week- ends. (4) Notes ) Youve i do You have, vy, we've, at. HS Puede ser fhe 1s 0 Ne has, segin el sonido, pore Seguide de got es siempre have. ‘PRONUNCIATION. ual ein? — 4. tumdch dati. uum’ gdh —§ ksi” an ia ers 52 fitytires (ht crt 7 — We go to the country. We go to Windsor quite otten, 8 — | don't know Windsor. 9 — I'm going there on Saturday. Do you want to come? 10 — Yes, please, 11 Too much trac: too many cars. 12 Too much noise; too many people. Ty it fat tbo, — 9 abd. kam? — 10 tle — fe noi aa EXERCISES 1 There are many cars in London and they make ‘much noise. ~ 2'This bike is 100 expensive. Take something else. —3 I'm gaina to Paris sax woo 4 How many cigarettes are In the packet? 8 tow ‘much is this car? No, its too expensive Fill in the missing words 1 Too... cigaret {bad for you 2 She drinks too .... cotfee Leccién diecsels 1+ — Binge vive wat? — Vivo en un Bato as Bhueras llamado Harrow. 2 — {Gbmo'va usted a trabajar? — Cojo el metro todas its matanas — ‘Por qué coge usted of tren ? Usted tiene coche Hay Gemesladaciculscion.y thay). emasiada Jia gasolina os muy cara {Cuando usa usted’ su ocho? — Los fines de NOTES (continues) : uch va ante un yocablo colectve que no se puede (Sonia trafte: taco, ceeulcion) many ane. un Sombre plural Cars ocheat En’ aia ase, ambos {ar acompafaden ce too yl expresion completa gnifes foo much, too mary) = demasiado» (8) People (ioe ol pura de prsan, Pde ceciee fami lperaons, ‘fa enue nae bien america En espanot es singular (gente) :on inglés es lu 14) On Saturday, pra atthe weokond. Agu weekend ere (9 Gn sentao” general (ges Tos fnes de semana) por ‘ho'se ha suprmco 6! arcu. ‘eyo fa foor) 58 7 Vamos al campo. Vamos a Windsor bastante a 8 — No conezco windsor. 8 = Voy {aif allel edbado, ¢ Quiere ustes venir’? 10 — Si por tava 2 3... people ke London very 4 Tere ae too .... people in my car '5 That's kind of you, Thanks very « esencicios con as aa doreasiodo eae Tome We s00e 9 vaya Pare fel Gioia Cigars hay en 91 paquete? ftytve ty Seventeenth (17th) Lesson Seventeenth (17th) Lesson 1 — What time is your train? — At eight thirty. (N. 2) 2 — Well hurry upl is eight fiteen already, 3 — Alright’ Keep calm. (1) 4 — But David, you're late. 8 — Don't shout. | can hear you. 8 Where are my shoes? — Here, with your briet-case, 7 — Okay. I'm ready, — At last! (2) (8) 8 — What time is it now? — it's twenty past eight 8 — Right. 'm off. Bye-bye love. — Good- bye! a) 10 It's now twenty-five past eight. David is at the station, 11 He has his paper under his arm. (5) PRoNuNciaTION ores (8) Keep: guardar muchas veces, e!"sentgo do permancear, soweont estar! keep calm: estese wangul, conserve cal ste (2) Okay (01, es una locveion internacional, adn no muy {sada en Expat, poro ai en Mispanoamérica, Proves, 4s la exoresion 0 un presidente. ae. los. Estaaes Unidos, que pare incicar ‘que todo iba bien, con’oe acento ‘del str decla’ = Gri Krekt« jal sorreey 3g once OK 187” Ftyseevon ht sown 2 briefcase is on the platform and he is waiting for the eight-thiry train. (6) (N. 3) 13° “It's never on time”, he says impatiently, 14 What time is it? Hurry up. — I'm off 2 0n€26 ator, — 48 mu tim NOTES (continues) (6) Cuanso una accion osté realiztndose se empiea la forma iamada « progresiva. Se conattuye con Gt EXERCISES 4, David, please hurry up. You're late. — 2 That man Wilson io never on time. — 3 I'm ready to go. High re on a platform ina station I Landon. — § He arrives at the sation at twenty past nine. — 6 Your paper is under the chair Translate with the help of the diagram in Lesson 21 (Traducir con la ayuda del diagrama de la lecsion 21) 2 ¢ Que hora os ? "Son las dos menos diez 83 Lego tarde.'Son ya Jas siete y moda 4 Liega siempre a tu hora, a Ise oohe 5 Ahora son las once mons Cuero tiyete ks) 86 Leccion diecisiete fongas duo prieal Va eon (ello) [a8] ocho y bart foaho quince) iss (mantents trang. 2S Boge eee td Tata 1H LO SHOES a cas one 0 = BoE ey as cat. — as a: ia estacion, 1 RECT RSFIESco tao) san NOTES (continues) sn (8) Last ma, The fas ran: elie wen. At tat por fin. To last durar. The lesson Tost Yon min FP eceian dura dies minutos (4) Bye bye os una expresién familiar que proviene oi goocbye 6) Las parts cel cuerpo on ings estan « personalize (© Ga Boj a oazo™ under sans e8 on hombre) Linder her arm is es une mule) Aytght (it ot 68 12 Sumaletin esd on ol andn y (ex esparanco (forma progresiva) @ (por el) tren Ge las ocho y media 13 "Runea llega (9st) @ ey hora, dice impaciente- 16 [vb hora 667 | Date prisa! — Me voy. NOTES (continued) verbo fo be conjugado y eparticiolo de presente Taeabads on singh im reautng (estoy toyorda). Gon Ssia expres fo que se quiere deci es que Ta aceien festd ocurrense en st moments do hablar Los verbos Se persepeian invlurtaria (ver y off. coma hemos iste, no-fe uaan en la forma progresiva y por elo se tee (ines. §) can hears Cuando waduecamos Ta ‘ra repre ie nares uns voces erament, Bresente ce indealvo, simplemente, Brest stzncion estos usos 9 con la préctice fos Ira asimianco. Rape saccae meee ce liaoe Eighteenth (18th) Lesson Eighteenth (18th) Lesson Husband and wite 1 On the train, David reads his paper. 2 He stands because the train is full. (1) PRONUNCIATION. Leccién dieciocho Marido y mujor David tee et (su) periaico, 2 Ent de pie porque el wen este lene. Notes (Q) To stand: mantenarse, estar do pie. Stand up! /e Wantese'! | pongase oe ple! 99 fitymine (et sin 3 People that travel to work every day are called commuters”. 4 The journey takes twenty minutes and he has ten minutes to walk to the office. 5 He hasn't much time, so he walks quickly 8 He crosses the City and arrives “at his office. (2) 7 He takes the lift to the fourth tloor, 8 He goes to his desk and sits down. He is on time, (3) (4) 9 His wife Joan washes the dishes and leavea the house at ten to nine (5) (6) 10 Her office is quite near, so she ahvays walks. 11 It takes her eight minutes to arrive at her office, 12 She is a seeretary in an accountants firm. 13 At nine o'clock, both the Wilsons are wor. king soit t= ae Gate Ee May — NOTES (continued) (2) Los. EXERCISES 41 There are too many people on the train, so she Glands. — 2 They cross the hall and take the it to the first tloor. —3 This exercise is quite interesting 1 eotyone sc an) Ty 4yThe ouney to my otice takes ten minutes. — $1 aways travel by plane. — 6 Please wasn tne fishes and hurry up. We're lato, Fl in the missing words: 1 Lega a ia ofcina y coge e) ascensor hasta o! cuerto ise He atnves: -. the ofice ans the tit. the fourth 2 Va ce ple on et ten pero au maletin esté aio un 3. Wi ofcina ests bastante cerca de mi casa My oft ty sist) 60 Ieiantefsoolamadas) “commuterss. Wale aura foal 20 mito y area (ne) mucho temp, por eso anda depriae Tesi leg a fa a's su mesa y 9 sioma, lage & Sampo, Su mujer Joan toga os patos y 86 va (aa 18) ‘as nuave manos diez Seo F eso va siempre 1080 ofcina esta muy corea, po ° Greando (elempre ance). a HEEE*RIST ESPs o Toor a a 12 Be tay eccretaria on una empresa de conti 12 iflas| sueve tos dos Wilson estan trabajando lea mesa de despacho, pupitre (a) To sit down: sentarse. Sit down’: siéntose! (jsien- tate’) (5) Aish: un plato, To wash the (aunque tene le sentido oe fa SEnGS nnation ds nainn) etwashor: va No confine Presto alencon al == larga (ive) a con « livs » : vive, ora ren, por eso se queda sett [ot ta fi nie fr eens ‘snpre wish on 2 'fortovr eg oe toa) date arse Liga Fill in the missing words (continued) 4 Los = commuters = son la gente que coge el ten todos lee diss Commuters people take the train aay 5 El viaie dura s6lo vointe minutos Se eshte yee = Coen aot a lineteenth (19th) Lesson Mneteentn (19th) Lesson 1 Answer these questions about lesson eight een. (1) 2 What does David do on the train? (2) 3 Does he sit down? PROKUNCIATION Leccién diecinueve Va locién 1 Responds (a) estes preguntas sobre us hace bavid en tron? “0a ) («en toro 0 fan vs oan feral arsine es a aN rr ee mes 3. scty-tree (sist 4 What are commuters? 8 How long does the journey take? 8 Does he walk quickiy? Why? 7 On what floor is his office? 8 Does he arrive on time? 8 What does his wite do with the dishes? What time does she leave the house? 11° Is her office near or tar? 12 Her office is near the house; it is close. 13 The shop closes at six o'clock. (3) 14 Please sit down. — No, | preter to stand. (4) 5 fn — 8 vo tak? hah? —7 on wt too. — EXERCISES 1 Please answer the telephone. — 2 The church is Close to the shops. You ‘can walk there. —<"3 Hurry up, the shops close very early. —~ 4 it is too far to alk. Take @ taxi. — 5 How far from here ls you otfice? Fill in the missing words: 1 Las tiendas estén demasiado lejos ae la iglesia, The... re too -.. trom the church 2 No esta lejos. Puede usted ir andande, Ws not -.. You ... 90 there 08 shtytive ate tm) 3 ero, dese prisa. Las tendas cierran a las cinco en punt, But The shops os... at tive Puede ust ire tant on auroous 0 a ple You can 90 tax, bus oF. foot setyfour tt toa) 64 4 Que on tom veommuters «7 § {Suet uempe (ebmo large) cure el wa § — {Camina dept? «Por que ? 7 [Enque piso esid Su oticna 8 LLloga'a'temso’? Bo Bigsear eee Bo SGI SERS Be: en om 2 BASE SSI a ar NOTES (continves) Jacidn dlerente de close (préximo} (9 Rots y Ob eave eer) Ps, Diener mite ia sor, pareiga ma eapafa ("36 on Ie BronunetrgnHigurad) lass bane a ane fronuneacion igurada) tal como: memos Introsuesion : “oem aa sna formula de coven, que suavia a forma de ‘© Vaperawv, Please, answer My quostona’ 6 responda fal mis propuntas J fohe un ix —'s 28 a0e aatane come foie (pre cama fome up tat —8 tees) do agi oat tu fina 5 Sale de case a Jas nueve manos diez she the mouse at 0p, Tha shone close at veo ‘ore 2 PMoucan go hare oy tat) By bur ot nace =B Se la Twentieth (20th) Lesson Twentieth (20th) Lesson 1 — Have you got any cigarettes? 2 — Yes, what kind do you want? (1) 3 — Oh, Turkish ones please, — Here you are, sir. (2) 4— Thank you. How much is that? — Fifty pence, please, (3) 5 Mother — aye: phy. 6 Neighbour. — Oh good. What kind of i ness is" philesophy "? uf phitaso- A bargain (4) 7 — Do you want a carpet, sir? Here are some beautiful carpets, 8 — How much Is that litle one? PRoNUNciArion PRET eres ead SAT arg hain * 7 ino Se Leccion veinte Pa eee eT are Fae Ses seat A ea, setae 4 Gita, claro eo? cincventa pens, po ee, — Mini a nt, Mere. — ove fen! Zve tps as nlm Se ad 7 — 2Qulere una altombra, sefor 7 Tenemos (aaui hay) Sontae afomrse , 8 — CGuarte cussia ese pequets ores clase (en ol somtico do po). Ho's a ("find nan’ n° Rene" agratabi. What And ot Carper is that ?: ; Qua clase alfombra es 238 set sustanine #8 pone one en sin a Pare evar rept i © far fines 8)y ones on pu nnn ree es el puta de penny. y su abroviaura © Eada vara tone 10d poncue _. (Bargain gangn een, on ago aba bargain: comeriar (repatear 7 shtyaoven (tt 98 — It is a real Oriental carpet sir. It is ma- nificent, it costs tity pounds. 10 — Ridiculous! That's much too dear. 11 — Well, make me an offer. 12 — Fifty pence; and not one penny mare. ‘13 — What? Fity pence for this real Turkish carpet? Well, take it sir. it's yours, Fe a” pa agi Maba sa EXERCISES {want a new car — and a good one. — 2 What kind of car do you want? ~ 3: One of these, pomepss Sid Oh mo, they are much too dear. —~'8't hike hie fone — and'it's not 100 expensive, Fill in the missing words: 1 Glo} mo gusta: quiero una de esas. He Rela omelof veae 2 ¢ v0 tipo a ombra quiere, stor 7 What... of carpet. you .... sit? 3 Tene usted coches nuevos esta semana ? YOU got... new cars .... wack? 4 tenemos, pero son demasiado caros (para usted, Yes. Weve Got css but they oe. much to tor you £9 syne (st ma Twenty-first (21st) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revivar, — Locsin 18: () = 6: (1), (2) 7 GN, Gy 18: (18: G20" 1 Foot. ~ Hay unos diez sustantivos en inglés cuyo Plural es ircegular. Los mas importantes 20" man (hombre): men. woman (mule): women. child {nino}: “children: tooth dlente) teeth, y por su, uesio, (00! (pie) feet 2 Le hore To Past twenty to eight a twenty fve past hee 8 menos 20 | 3925 tive to ine [8 | 3) quarter past eleven 9 menos 5 | / 17718 (euarto} 2 quarer to sx \ ten past fur & menos cuarto 4y10 ‘Antes de la hora (cvando en espanol decimos, por eiemplo, («as tres menos.) se cice en inglés con to; tras fa hora (p. j.: «las tres y.») se vice past 9 simplemente cicienda tos minutos tras la hore Three twenty five, nine fifteen. ete. Observe Guida Gosamente el ecmuama qua le precentarmos sous estas lineas y comprendera usted el sistoma ela hora en inglés. La hora en punto se dice o'clock (sontraccion de of the ciock).'Dado que) rele) oo veinticuatro horas no es muy usado aunque. shora Comienzan a ponerse de moda los reloies slgitalcsy fen past four significa las 4 y 10 y'las 18 y 40° (nay gue preguntar si se. trata dela’ manana o de 1a tarde), Al escribir, podemos incluiy am. (del latin = Esuna aonora arena asm, sefor:o¢ ma: © — Stes Coons ncworta Teen Seiclot Es Jomavine core Bueno. Ragas une Sie itt pone in pence mee. "* ~ ‘Sfomora“tures? Bueno, lovesola, safer, oF sys [aera] 5 2Cuinto es (080), por favor? Questa 52 libras y 23 emigves i tha lease? it oo... pounds ane cesses panes eencicios 4 aura un o2ere nue, — ve bore), — 4 Eaves Sencoas cos. —#'Mo' gun ey fo oo stile on vor alt siomore que Jo sea posie, mercando Go latdad ol avert toca, seventy (aunt) 70 Leccién veintiuna ante mergiom, © sea, antes del media) para la ‘taana’y pir (pest merciom, denpube del medo- diay para (a tarde y le noche 2 La forma progresiva aftade un matiz al verbo. Si la accion ‘es hapiual, se utiliza el presente simple work in an office (iabalo en una oficina): pero si estamos vabslando en ese momento, se sie trorking hard at the moment (wabajo duro en este momento). Compare Wal does she do ?: , Qué hace (oval es su profe- ‘tat is sho doing ?: Qué esta haciendo en este momento? 4 Excriba en inglés (segunda ola) ae {Vara Condes en mets, poto va «au oficina 2 Fay demasiados coches y demasiado wratico 3 {dus hora c="? san las ocho y Vointe! Ya? inte voy! 4 Hane’ 8 main on i mano 5 {Que hacen’? Eaporan al tren. 6 {Estan corea las tendas’? Si pero date prisa Gierran a las cinco y media 71 seventy-one (sent an) 7 {Que clase de coche quiere usted? Un coche rapido 1 He travels to London by tube but he goes to his office un foot 2 There are too many cars and too mueh tratic. 3 What time is it? 1's twenty past eight (eight twenty). Already ? I'm oft 4 He nas (he's got) his briefcase in his hand. 5 What are they doing ? They re waiting for the train. ‘seventystwo (svn i) 72 6 Aro the shops near (close)? Yes, but bury up They close at halt past five 7 Hat kind of ear 66 you want? A fast one Said ctrenac encanto min Set es Bee ats Se cnt Cian Pot i Twenty-second (22nd) Lesson Twenty-second (22nd) Lesson At the weekend 1 At the weekend, people usually do not work 2 On Sunday, everything is closed except the cinemas and a few shons Few people leave London, but many go to the parks. (1) 4 There are many parks in London and there Is much grass. (2) 5 In the parks, you can walk anywhere (ex- ‘cept on the lakes). (3) Notes (1) Fesorsemas que people es e plural de person. Se ice people are." Leave signtia dejar, abandonar se usa también, pues, pare’ la exprasion. eepehla ‘lrse do. come en la presente racion PRONUNCIATION 1 ele a. — 2 net Hous tat. snes ‘mach pass, 3 inte os, 72 seventythroe (eet) 6 At the weekend, there is always too little time and too much to do. Footbal! is very popular and many people go and watch matches on Saturday, (a) 8 You can also go to the cinema or the theatre: 9 or simply walk through the streets; 10 but on Monday, you go back to work. ‘11 Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday, 12 On Saturday; at the weekend: in October. 6 tov mu 6 (0 sopunde «ts dee pronuciarse muy bre Se apoio pee nok aaie A EXERCISES 1 There are very few people at the match. — 2 That is why there ie Rtlo notge. — 3:1 ean see him throat the window. —4 Everyone here is a doctor, excopt best who is a journalist. ~5 In England, many shops close fon Wednesday atterneon, Flt in the missing words: 1 Los domingos, va poca gente 2 ia tendas, porque estan corres Sunday, ... people go .. the shops theyre 2 Tenemos muy poco tiempo. et concierto comienza a (as en punto, Wove ... very...... time: the concert begins .. 8 Lecci6n veintidos (n) 1 tin de somana Los fines fen el fn} ée semana (la) gente gone faimente no trabala — {Ee"fendomingos, todo esta cerrado excep ‘ines y sigunas tends None Poca gente £2 va de Londres, pero muchos HayPmucne: res y may. much HayPmuches parques en Lonares y Envios parques, puede usted pasear por todas partes (menos en fos lagos) ser on — 2 eepece 8 te ee artek yal segundo. on sw larga "Giva norma Quo. se da es que. any ve con ‘buna meron Yow people: pce gente, ite ma ee seventyfour (sont for) 74 Durante (en) el fn de semana hay siempre poco flempo y demasiage que hacer hbo! es muy populery mucha gene va. ver 7 fran'y iran) Tal parse los (on) sabados. g Poeuby utes tmoion afte oa fas 3 G'smplemonte al Pasear por (a wratds de) 10 pero los (en) lunes, usted weve al trabajo 11 Lunes; martes: miércoles, jueves ; viernes; si ere vetubre. 12 Eton) stbado; en a in da semana en ctu 78 conn) NO To sme wiiar aro tambien pe el santco ce Calan i "Est SP i bass Seren. Torok ara cd wre seo mister 1 ry ry pce ei a aro, 2 ay peo ie esl welces an meses. anos Petr ave een) Sen idtowe, muchas tender eran to5 fon) 78 caventytve (eva ty 3 Hay muy pocos pesos, somos ocho a comer (a la Ther ae fakes, we... eight .. table 4 Mi cumoleatos nx»! 28 de cotubre, ex (in) jueves My birthday is the... of October, «a Twenty-third (23rd) Lesson Twenty-third (23rd) Lesson Can | help you? (1) 1 — Mummy, can | have some sweets? (1) = You can, but you may not. (2) = Oh! Mummy, may | have some sweets? — Of course, dear, help yourselt. (3) 5 — Can | help you? 6 — Yes please. | want a map of London, 7 — Do you like this one? It's very detailed, 8 — Yes, that's fine. How much is it? (4) 9 — Well, it costs twenty pence, but you can have it for fiteen pence. Noves () Sucot (come aditvo}: dukes. A sweet wine: un vino ules. Sweet (nombre): un caramel Bombon, post dite, et PRONUNCIATION Mm SBS? — 2 mei — 4 ot coors, help yout — Sap ST dia 8 See Yo 10 — Where can I find a telephone? ‘11 — You can find one at the end of the street. 12—May | ask you something? — of course. (6) 2 Can you ieii me tne time? My watch doesn’t work 14 — Certainly, it's exactly two o'clock. EXERCISES 1 May 1 take a cake? — OF course. Help yoursett. wim sorry, | can't help you —3 He goes hans at the ond of the day. — 4 This radio davent mort mat Mayme leave ai seven o'clock? "6 No. yon may not. You ean leave at nine o'civch ihe erariore Translate these expressions 1 Sirvase (svete) 2 Si, estwpendeo 3 Mi rele) no tunciona. My water 4 2 Puede preguntarte? your sevanic emt was) 70 | 5 Hay poco tafico y pocos peatones. 1, eee pn roe eae Thar sete ew ate, we ave sigh sate =< My imhay i ts'feeny-eanin of Getover on 2 Thureday — 8 There Ii Leccion veintitres Puede syuseri ¢ Motes‘fare no tenes pormiaa [Ant mamas , vedo tengo permiso pare) tomar Por supuesto, capo, témalos (siete) 1 (puedo ayudar 7 She fr Ser in mana de Lond Jostens ES ty aise Sr edtipenao. cuanto 6s so doom ARES pe avis So eunde ponave wore cant . © Gane foe rae to a 8 mane, ae 0 egg eee, ee a SESTAIGES pase Fine Cava jen, perfecto, to Been wn mt ra ey eeventy-eght [seit ot) 78 tetona? — ,0onde puedo encontrar un sate Tt X Bibte encontrar vied uno al nal dela = eed erequnarte algo? — Por surest. 13 = LRede Gade ta nove Wi rio) no fanaa. NOTES (costinues) cae etna eve de anting y ave s tat e al (© Steve (any eva sempre coveige i noc ‘i 5 {Por supuesto! Las ocho en punto. Of... ss. 1 Eight o'eock 6 Me vey. tm oe ee dere ee ee tieone ar ithaar sy foaes tLe RE eRe i A coiisel aaa that's fine. — 3 doesn't work. — 4 May: HPLC? Sta na 79 sevontynine (ev nin) Twenty-fourth (24th) Lesson Twenty-fourth (24th) Lesson ‘An unwelcome conversation (1) 1 = Excuse me, may | sit dawn? 2 — Please do.'— Thanks very much 3 Ab that's better! My name's Brian Sellers. — Oh, very interesting, 4 — Yes, | work in London. Do you work in London too? 5 — Yes, I do. — Have a igarette. § — No, thank you. This is @ non-smoking compartmont 7 — Oh, do you mind if | smoke? — Yes, 1 do! (2) 8 — I'm cold, Are you cold too? — No, I'm not. (N. 2) 8 — Oh, you have a paper. | don't like reading | preter talking. (3) 10 — Yes, | see. — No. you hear Hal hal ha! 11 = Good-bye sir. — Oh! good-bye, 12 Do you mind if | smoke? Mind your head. 13 He's cold: he's hot; he’s unlucky, PRONUNCIATION eng G8 re win 6 gm ‘iain. oir i 4a To nad 48 ta 21 ioheyone (ot un) EXERCISES } Excuse me, I'm cold. May | close the window? — 2 Have @ beor. — No thanks, I'don't drink 3 Do You mind if | take your wife to the concert? — 4 Ne. Please do. | don't want to go. — & Come in. You are Flin the missing words: 1 £Le moteste si mo > 5 YOU... HF smoke? 2 ¢ Puede cerrar ia ventana ? Mi mujer tiene to, | close the window .. wile .. cold 3 Paso. Tome algo de beber. Sea usted bienvenido, Come. .... something .. drink, You are 4 No te gusta la lecture, prtiere hablar she ike she preters cont ft) 80 Leccion veinticuatro radabie Una coaversscion SISA Zer exo) orth mejor. th nombre e# Brian lors — van may Iiereean — Sittapao on Lonarée Trabas usted en Londres teimoien? me EF Ui departamento pare. no fuma- = Fete! ir Tene ated también ro? No" 90 = [8h Vane usted un portico. No me gusta loo. retire rasan ee Si"iya tl veo, — No, usted (o] oye. 1d aioe, senor. 10h adios 4 é 1 — Ont Le importa ei tue? — Si, me importa ° 0 Jado con au cabers 12 Le mora ume? Culcede con 42 iene tos tiene calor no tere suerte. Notes come: benvenido (well come), You're wolom ("se Semveig fer Elan Uo 2 weg Se 2 tnmeloie: cil tendo, no 8p 8 es el a Na eet) larg ‘nti, on pation de patente vetten Hee SS hes ets depne to iri ted ae a Ee cio Beep taste ls re Bene ‘5 tone las grabaciones de las focclones, presto atencion £2 SSRI TEE GES? paosey — nes Sian sa amaaarsa ee eit igttwtwe (ot tu) 82 5 Tiene usted suerte. No puedo ir esta noche, Kia B GEE ae 1? —2 Tome (tenga) nn Ne beso: —3'y ts motets evo = Umer conte? 4 No, pr favor, vayan Ihagon. Yo ne Twenty-ffth (25th) Lesson Twenty-fifth (25th) Lesson A polite conversation 1 David and his wife are at a party. David is {talking to a tall, gooddooking woman. (1) 2 — Hello, my name's David Wilson. — I'm Susan Price. ‘PRONUNCIATION Leccion veinticinco dee cme agai 1 Sorte ars as a Yo toy Susan Price Notes 7 () Fa ato, empeade so para personas, Hes fo ce fat. Mige cinco ples ge altura (1 pie = 030 met Ho's very fal 28 muy ato, 83 egrtythre (ot zr) 3 What do you do, David? — I'm a journalist, 4 — Oh, how interesting. Do you write for the “Times "7 5 —No. | work on the “Daily Wail” hope to change soon. § And what about you? — Oh, I'm an author. 7 _ fm writing a book about British painters, 8 — Have we got any? — Don't be silly. Of course we have. (2) 9 People like Constable. Tumer and so con. (3) (4) (5) 10 But it's taking a long time because the information is dificult to find. (6) ‘11 — May I read it when it's finished? — with but | pleasure. 12 — Oh dear, my wife's looking at me. | had better go. (7) 13 — What do you do? — I'm an author. 14 — What are you doing? I'm learning En lish. (8) NOTES (continued) (@) Sit: tonto, estupido, pero no tiene un cardctor o masiago peyoratvo. Lo contrario es sensible (rene 80) rezonablo, sensato. (8) dohn Constabie (1776-1827) gran paieajcta (8) Joseph Turner (1775-1851): pintor apasionado pr la Haturaleza orcend que fo staran al st! cen bares ara poder asi observar mejor una tormenta Y luego Pitaria, in. ral ene suum, — 6. at aime ig? ih pat Si” tae ee fia Sou on. 0" Pes 18 olahirtve [ot av) EXERCISES 4 Are you writing a book? — Yes | am. —2 You had better ask my wite. — 3 He is diving his cor nod singing. — 4 What are you doing? I'm doing’ an mercise. — 5 When he comes, tell him | want io soe him Fill In the missing word: 1 ¢Fume usted? — si Do you smoke? — Yes, 2 ¢ Est ustod tumando > — No ‘Ata you amating? Ne eee a |s she good-looking? Ye 4 che gusta Constanie > — no, 10 you like Constable? — No, cigmytour (et foot) 84 GA qué se dedlca usted ? (; Que hace usted 7). — Sey beviosiste, nn £ — On? rue (como) interesante! Exeribe usted er times ° 4 — No. Trabajo en ol Daly Wall, pero espero carb Frisian 7 tay aie xobrn sisted 7). — Oh. soy Secritora (autor). "tan 1 Exfoy‘etcrbiendo un libro sobre pintores br — TE que tos nay? tenemos nosotros alguros 7) 6 — CES Soa ints. Por supuesto que los hay lene: ‘mos ont como Constable, Turner, et. 13. Bevorme’ leva mucho tempo porque 08 aii en Sta i omen 1 = CB ero cuando ese erminado”? Sexé un ae eo mach gst) — va — PERMA) Mine se miranco, sot mk seine ve 8 = A. dain? (a9 nace utes, oy (on . “ 14 — SOW he ties «ute utes nalonse * ‘ote. stoy aprendiendo} inglés. NOTES (contrues ‘SA oo ons asi swcesvament, Tambin en ingles Celine icbtora 6) Inormation es siempre singular sr go: sera mejor que me vaya. Es otra tata nach, Some tntan Oras Atel. be moe nabiao dela fora prograiva del presente #» Ya ancy habia doa forma progreaa dl reser e"focing' taming. ste} uu (ature a sstians tare a ie de eta Imulor seta mando, estoy aprendienda) somo. er ol inplomen (mmr mia, 0 apron). & 3 poibles in dos trasuociones. las veces, Srreamblo una suena més correcta, que fa. Son bse’ gus id usted asimlanca'y seabar’ por ullear Stiomaltcamente lgtysh ot sks) 86 i loyenco el periécico ? — Si + ane roading the paper? — Yes, eater sibiendo un libro? — Si {lo estoy). — 2 Sera Laan he? 5 Sade aan yt Ei deed tc Ty Slae# te, PM Te Pari Seite” Sts vendo as yesiin de noes métedo osth planiicada con FOU canarias iheutades, ircucerdoiss poco E3. No'se exirane cuando encuentre igi giro. au Boa no te" plenty aa lean * i giro ya le sera familiar. Déjese gular por nosotros. ‘[pi'au Trabajo serdmas levadero no. fe suponcrd ssa esters Twenty-sixth (26th) Lesson ems (26th) Lesson 1 — Can you lend me five pounds? 2 — But | don’t know you! 3 — That's exactly why I'm asking you. Teacier. — Jane, why do you always come to school with dirty hands? (N. 3) 5 Jane. — Well, miss, | haven't got any 4 others, PRONUNCIATION Aajgl@ mi — 2 oun nou. ksh aim askin. — 4 Hen Shain suse atnands 3 Lecci6n veintiseis 5 pfusce preatre cinco bras? 5 = por'eso fee] precisamente (por lo aus] £0 (a8) Pio. 4 Hrotesora, — sane, «por que yienes siempre Sana Bugno, senorita, no tengo otras we otvide _ ne consonantes tienen que pronunciarse enérgi 87 cightyseven (ot sein) At the concert 6 — This piece is a symphony by Mozart. | Suppose it is something new. 7 — What! Don’t you know that Mozart is dead? 8 — Excuse me, | never read the papers. (1) 9 — He never talks to me — Don't ever say that! (1) 10 Say: he always talks to other people. A nervous passenger 11 — I'm scared of the water. — Don’t be silly, 12 people never drown in these waters. 13 — Are you sure, young man? — Of course Tam, 14 the sharks never let anybody drown. (2) Notes () Never: not ever. He doesn't ever give me a money 0 he never gives me money. 5 ls. san bai maton som. os, — 7 dod? — 8 gid 8 evens 10 aed pips — res ener Fe ya sea oF aeo" we. =a dan MONE 48 uo. an mane ‘Sharon dau EXERCISES 4) My som never says tank you. — 2 1m not scared of sharks, but | never want to meet one. a 3 My iter me uso his cara the weekend. — & tet me help you. madem. —~'8 Lend imo your Fanon chief, this film is very sad. your a 89 icheyne i ain’) FIll in the missing words: 1 Nunca Hagan a 1a hore Don't... Say cse+ in front of .... mother! 3. Lo sionto pero nunce leo los pordaicos. Vm cess but the papers Twenty-seventh (27th) Lesson ‘Some idioms 1 Here are some idioms. We already know some of them, 2 Please close the window, my wife is cold. 3 You are very lucky to have a charming wife, 4 I-don't want to swim. I'm scared of fish, especially sharks. (1) 5 You are right, i's very hot outside but I'm not hat. 6 I'm going to bed. I'm very sleepy and it’s late. PRONUNCIATION 4 sam ima. ee ou. 2 ous. — 9. in. — 4 oecuime Tah Sopa. 3 errs avid Ro nee ge ‘4 prononcla Ia hol ap ed a Siohyetaht (it et) En of concierto 6 — Esta obra (pieza) es una sntonia de (por) Mozart 7 — COueTy UR Nsabe Que Mozart muro (esta 8 — Srdone, nunca leo es perosicos 9 — Nunca me habla. — No diga nunca eso! 38 Diga’ Siempre habia'a los demas fa ora gente) Un pasajero nervioso 41 — E agua me da miodo (estoy atertado del 09Us). = Nb sea estupic, 42 _ la genterno se ahoga nunca on osias aguas 43 — (esta usted segura, Joven? —~ Por supuesto que fo estoy 14 los tiburones no dejan nunca que nadie se ahogue. NOTES (continues) (2) Recordemos que someone y somebody se, emplean fn frases positives’ anyane’c. anybody on tases In- terrogatives 0 negaivvas, Body: cuerpa, cadaver evencicios dere na que encarrerme nance can nguno uno) ~ 8 gears foun (sar au coche on los fines de sana, — “hustle satora 8 rosame ts pave, eats baeua 66 My rinaty (aint) 90 4 ¢ Puede usted prestarme cinco libra? No tengo dinero, you... me te 2 navent got 5 No puedo dejarie ef coche et saad. Ucan't .. you use the car ‘never -on tine, — 2 ovr «that - your, — 2 sory «nave roa L'San Than! pounde any mandy. 8 f= on Sturdy Leccion veinti Algunos sitos Ho acu algnos masismos (ores). Ya eonocemos Sipsnos 2 sion Bor tev clrre ia ventana, mi mujer te {ona ta tl muna sere oe iad my le ace oo tone uns ter arcartasorn AE'Guia nagar Tengo miso ontay asta) de tee pacer, sspeciaimeste [oe] oe tourenes ‘Rego ‘usta razon (eta ust lero) race calor (taro ean cavona) Hr, e980 tango calor (00 estoy eaten) © [MaR Soya ie cama toma progresiva). Tengo IMutho aueto'fesay muy adormiago)y 26 tase. to Notes (1) El plural de flan (pee) 08 fish. A voces so usa fishes, pero es mas bien Iteraro. 21 mintyrone asi un) 7 You're wrong, today is the twenty-fifth and not the twenty-sixth Come close to the fire, you're very cold. You're right, I'm freezing, | haven't got a coat and it’s snowing. (2) 10 She's scared of ghosts and I'm alrald of the dark, 11 I'm atraid I can’t come, | have an important appointment. (3) 12 Never mind. You can come on Friday ine tead. (4) 13° The months of the year are: January; Fepruary; March; April; May; June; 14 July; August; September; October; Novem- ber; December. (5) ior ng. a ie. twa sks. — € Mouse, ft Mi" 40" Saran gui at ak front, 2 me ming att 12 Snes eae itu; maach opal rl shun vse peices EXERCISES 1 1'm not too hot, thank you. — 2 Go to bed, you're very sleepy. — No, I'm nol, — 3 In December, the oien freezing. —4 i cant hear you — Never ‘mind, it's not important. — 5 The shop is close to the farm, but it eloses at five o'clock exacly hiney-tree (nin 2) siempre equivocade. You ... always The chil 3. Me tomo que no puedo venir 4 Tenemos miedo do ia oscurce. we of the rinety-two (aint to) 92 7 Esta usies equyoesdo, hoy o8 (a) 2 y no (a) 26. ‘Venga cerca del Wego, usted "iene mucho [eta Tete razon (sia usted certo, estoy helado. No tengo abrigo y neva toroa) 10 Ella tiene miedo ( ad fdas io sco) 11 Me temo estoy. asustado de} que no puedo ir toga ona Sta, portant 12 Novimporta. Puede verir, 9 cambio, el (en) 60 [los] fantasmas nde dey be ta oe 42. Uda messes dal ato son: enero; febrero: marzo abr mayo: junio 14 [ullo! agasto sepiiembre: octubre: noviembre Slelembre NOTES (continues) (2) To frooze: helar, helarse : a freezer: un congelador. Jim freezing (mo. ostey congelande) so dice familiar manta por fm cola (Tobe. ala estar aust pero. tambien «te (& Ming: del verbo fo mind (ver leccién 24 (2}: quiere Gecir preocuparae, estar molesto por_ Naver mind os Jo contrario no 86 preacupe, no Hane Importance (6) Lor meses, dlas ce la semana y los nomores de paises Inaclonalidad y lengua) se oscriben siempre on mayuseula 4 No tengo mucho calor (no estoy may caro), gracias, — 2 fol'"ta'cama nes usne Sveno eas ma aaormaol SEataiienine resueniamane nes (st tempo esta hewn) — 1285 fesge nw auedo ore) — ho import no tne imgortanca ino es nporara) & La tend eat creado a grea, Paro 5 fra lascnco"on put. rinotyfour (int for) 94 5 No tine importancia. Venga manana Come tomorrow ong, = 2 isnot slegpy, — 3 aa - but « cant com Twenty-eighth (28th) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar. — Leccion 21: (2), (8) - Lecelén 24: (2), (3) - Leccién 25% (1), (8) - Leccién 26° (2) Leccion 37: (9), (4) (5). 1 Tras can, may, el infinitive plerde la particula to. | can go, you may talk. Can y may no lievan = 3 fen la tercera persona del singular: he can, she may, 2 Fijese bien en las expresiones habituales en las ue so utiliza « ser en lugar de = tener», Ya hemos Visto J’m hot (tengo calor); she’s cold {tiene trio) you're lucky (tiene usted suerte); fo be right (tener Faz6n); fo be wrong {no tener razén), Veamos otras tres ‘o's hungry (hangri): tiene hambre ; We're thirsty (zérsti): tenemos sed; !™m sleepy (sllip) : tengo sueno. Leccion veintiocho 3 From... to. — «de» cuando Indica de donde se proviens, el origen, se dice from y no of La puerta {de mi fabltaci6n : the door of my room: pero, venae {Se mi habitacion : !'come from my room. \ Nags Honey. ea AN ee Has EY Conviene aclarar bien el uso de at y 0. At indica situacion, mientras que to se usa con ia idea de ‘movimionto 0 cambio. Esta en correas' he's at the Dost-ofice: va a correes : he goes fo the post-ofice 98 mnetytive (nal ta) Es importante fijarso en los usos de los verbos con distinias preposiciones, pues mas adelante veremos como, cambiando de preposicion, poderos cambiar @l sentido del verbo (algo similar @ lo que ccurre en ‘espaol con los prefijos tener, vetener, contensr, Sostener, detoner, ote} 4 Much... many. — When man has much money, ‘he has many friends (Cuando Un hombre tisne mucho dinero, tiene muchos amigos) nnetyaix rant te) 5 The. — J ike wine but not the wine he gives me me gusta el vino fen general) pero no el vino (p ticular) [que] me ca. 6 Filese bien: Never mind: no se preocupe. I'm zing: estoy nelado. I'm afraid’ I'm late” temo legar tarde. Tiene usted razon: you're right. Do you ‘mind i smoke; Le molesta si furmo? I haven't got a coat no tengo (un) abrigo. Twenty-ninth (28th) Lesson 1 Let's meet our friends the Wilsons ‘again. (1) (2) 2 At the office, David has a lot of work. (3) 3 He receives calls from people who phone to offer him information. 4 Ifthe can, he goes out to see them, 5 but if he is too busy, he sends a col- league. (4) 6 Because his is a dally paper, the amount of work is huge. (5) Noves (1) Primera persona del plural dsl. imperativo: et us [dojemenss), se converte en let's Recuerde fa tan Uilizada frase let's go. | Vamos No Ia waduzea nonen Some sola ee wavs = @ = cjemance Puss Gatos, Signin dear"@ permiir. 4 ts mit ends. en, — 3 ee Naot. my tun. Fee BET ola Sa 97 minety-seven[nsntiesn) 7 Ather office, Joan types her boss's letters and answers the phone. (6) 8 — She only works part-time, so she goes home at half past twelve. (7) 9 Than che rnes the haueowert, they cannot afford a help ”. (8) 10 When she finishes, she makes a cup of tea and reads a magazine 11 Then she starts preparing David's éinner. 12 David usually arrives home about halt-past 13 but sometimes he works late and does not arrive home until nine o'clock. (N.1) 8 havoetn Sod “0 mga 11 Hate Bide an, — a2 Gena an EXERCISES 1 Our neighbours have a huge dog. — 2 If you are too busy, I can come back tomorrow. — 3 David's wife, Joan, is a secretary. — 4 We can't affor a new car this year. — 5 She tists her work and starts reading a magazine. Leccion veintinueve tos Witeon Er la ohicna, David ene mucho trabajo, Foci llamadas de gente que ‘olelonea para ofte Si'puede, va. verlos ca companere Borgue su periédica ee un perisdioa diario: Ja Cantigad de rabafo es enorme NOTES (continues) 2) Los apelicos puaden ponerse en pla, come si en (© Cepeholcyoramos «los Garces los Péreces ee a) Expresisn muy itl que frecuertomente. suntuye.a (° Inuch y many. A pessr do aus Ia presi no vara lord cama, Segun ehaucto sem singular @ pura Groves got of nose: thro ara a lo af pope. A [ote macho, mecha, muchos, mache, agin foe ease 1) Busy (os ceupado ; businass (bene): ocupecén \*) egeela! businataman “home (8) Amount: total cost. En nety-ight (nant et) 96 7 En ta (su) ofcina, Joan escribe @ maquina las arias de su jofe y contesta al telefono, 8 Trabsja solo media Jornada, asi que vuelve a casa alae Goce y mecle 9 Entonoes nace las taenas do la casa, porque no pueden permiirse una asistenta (una = ayuda) igo una revisia, 11 luego empieza a preparar (preparando) Ia cena e Davia 412 Bavich normalmente, lega a casa hac las seis y 13 pero & veces trabaje [hasta] tarde y no llega a NoTES (continues) ‘atecondo = 's» aun sstato se ici a passion ° por parte de ese sustantivo, David's wife se traduce Ser Pintle de Bove = Gade vor o's! poveedor SF Gn‘ tase se ompios v's "on gor def fhe\fare lear ache ponssion’€) oro fe-mi her Inch ator tok Reimar 0), a {idee pron a cog’ le (un perro de vie) el Mo te bu ete: nis boss's son. Pero cuando = del, «de a SO logs, wae an se tetoren a on oteto ‘Risin. is or Ste pera nde possslon the tr page oft Bookie primera pena ae to: linea tne ond of temo (7 No se omplen ninguna parteula treat verbo on In Siprensn 90 home () 19 aor: pernliree, tener medio para. We cat Thott nee ara0 podamon permit in cache ELERCICIOS eaiddsotipace panto var manana == La mae’ Ge boas. mee. una) seca "4 No podemce prince un cote “eno ‘sela ho. = Termina oo 99. incty-nine nant nan) in the missing words: 1. La madre de avid se llama también sefora Wilson mother Is ...... Mrs Wilson 2 Hoy colo et coche de un amigo ; ef mio ne tuneione: Fm taking a ar today: mine 3. Trabaja fos vieras hasta las nueve. He works ..... nine o'clock cone dred (adn hénded) 100 4 E1 trabajo do Joan n0 €8 muy intorasante Jeb 5 No pueden pormitrse una asistenta, Tee {riend's - does not work — 3 until SHS EERE IG Fatt a Thirtieth (30th) Lesson — Hello, Joan, is David in? — No I'm aftaid not. He isn't home yet = Is he stil working? — Yes: Sometimes he works wntit nine = Oh well, | can't wait, Tell him there's a darts match at the pub tonight. (1) 7 — What time? — About halt-past eight. 8 — If he’s back in time, F'll tell him. (2) (3) 9 — Thanks. Bye Joan. — Good-bye Peto. ‘PRONUNCIATION. lot. — 9 ata <= my brove) 10 Hurry up! I'm not ready yet. 11 Are you stil waiting to marry a millionaire? 12 He always asks for money and | never have any. 13 I can still remember a few words of Ger man. (4) 14 Tell him about the match when he comes 20 et 1 ne. mond? ~ 18 eb tub Sere EXERCISES 1 Is your husband in, Mrs Wilson? — 2 She is still walting for you at the sation, — 3 He is always back at nine o'clock. — 4 When he comes in he Is often tired, —§ Walk to the end of the road and tun left Fill In the missing words: 1 Estd siempre muy ecupado y nunca tiene tiempo libre He is very +. and never has... free time 2 No puede entrar, ser, tadavi est (hablande por (a) You can't .. .. sir, he ls the phone. 3 Todavia no ha welte, he isnt 4 Cuando ywelva se Jo pregunters When he 1 wl ask him Lecci6n treinta Hola Joan, ¢ Est Davia ahi (soni)? iia in on oon ta tabaiango (prog) tule he veces wabeja haba (en) nuove bile que nay Une partida de Gardos en el pub esta rahe — Tw nora? — Hain ta acho y media SIS Thempo, bela ae = Grades ation Joan Asin Ps sa contaccin de public house, y equivale a (0 abornas o'saros epafotes, sivanco leo ita Gis Aton faca‘el medosis y clrran Paci los ho (2) On tine (Sobre tempo»): @ au hora: in tine («en fampo tempo me onvacelén del futuro wil, So aNade a todas tas (© Feraonas, No leva ne"en la tercora. persona do Shut ene mndred and two 102 {Of prea! AUN no estoy preparado. 11 {epee tec aun easarae foe] at milonaie? 12 Slmpre ice Gor) amere y nunc Ul) tengo fongo naa 18 Abmfecverdo (ouedo recordar) unes porss pala bras de ateman 14 RSE SRE ES parte mvandie mata (ene, NOTES (continues) (d) To remember: recordar algo, acordarse de algo. To remind recorear algo-a alguien 5 La sonora aun no esié preparade. Puode usted espe ravi aut Madam is not You can os. ++ her here suencicios 1 Ets ma a den) Sa, ieon? —2 Leet merge iscaren fe esiaon 3 Se fig tune tk ‘Peed ange feon, es 215 ya icamin Stet fl Se a ate y tana (ei nord esquestas aways = boy «any — 2 go in = sil on. — 3 ack yet. — 1 Somes Sack ti) 2% ready Sot" wat. Thirty-first (31st) Lesson Eating 1 Sometimes, David and Joan ao out to eat 2 There are very few English restaurants where they live. (1) (N. 3) 3 Most of them are either Indian or Chinese, with a few talian ones. (2) 4 They like Indian food, though Joan finds it very hot. 5 The meals are quite cheap and there is 6 They eat curry and rice and fruit — and Joan drinks a lot of water. 3) (4) 7 You can find English food in pubs, as well as beer, but they shut quite early. 8 — Hello darling. — Hello love. (5) 9 Do you want to go out to a restaurant tonight? PRONUNCIATION 2 ntiah mara. (le <1» muy breve). —9 se wl nai id, doo tainae” "tu Sabri alas ut 785 uel Seana Notes (1) Few: poco; there are few people: hay poca gente. A few algunes, no muchos, unos paces. Con sustantivos fn singular que no pueden contarse se usa tite (sn articulo indeterminago} Hay eco tempo" thera Tita tie, (2) Most: 'a mayor parte, 1a mayoria: most of them: la mayoria do alos (9) El curry 6s oi plato nacional indo; es un condimento ara carnes, aunque también ss iss con niene a 10 — No. I've cooked a roast. We're going to ‘eat in. (6) 11 — Okay, I'l go and buy some wine at the off licence. (7) (8) 12 — Yes, but don't stop to play darts, 13 — No. The darts match was last night. (N. 4) EXERCISES 1 You can take ether the steak or the fiah, — 2 There are many tourists In London, Most of them are German. — 9 4 like him, though he makes @ lot of noise. — 4 Yesterday was Wednesday. ll go land buy some chocolate Fill in the missing word 1 Aunque sea tarde, quero sat Wis tate, 1... t0 90 out 2 Hay pocos restaurantes chinos en mi cluded. There... very... Chinese restaurants in my 3 Se puede encontrar comida, asi como bebids an ting food rinks Lecci6n treinta y una ‘Gomer (comiendo) 7 Breda uted encontrar comida inleaa on fst aoeee eb resultado de ta combinacin a ince ‘ipecite derenes, Cos restaurantes naios en Vnglar {ore oquaton a fo aue pcan ct lon reviuraies ‘hinos de Waurig o Barcelona, aunque en mest pals (a) frat iru}, a1 Igual que «Information » 6s siempre srouar 8) Al ro exis tute, los ingleses se sirven, a menudo, bay palabras afectuosas como darling, love, duck Toate 40 — No, he covinago un asaco. vamos @ comer on casa {sono} 11 — De acuerdo, voy a comprar {is ¥ compraré) vino gies otcenes.(evona 60 cares) 42 — S\"sor0 no te enetenges jugando (no pares a [baer (aloe Sargon 13 — Nalanda do dardos tut ancene. NoTES coninues Sau etemectn Wofs Rong ® London tor aS ee Cea maken teri i” © smite de conduc La ofeloanea os seca de 4 Mi marisa bebe muche corveza, quizd demasiads, My drinks @ beer, pernaps 5 Hay muchos restaurantes y 1a mayoria son chinos. There are... restaurants and are LR EYL i au eke’ SO ate tne a Ms aa mien $5 SURES Io cepa so See 4107 one hundred and sven Thirty-second (32nd) Lesson 1 Here are some sentences with the verbs of the last few lessons: 2 Joan types letters all morning (4) 3 David receives a call from a friend 4 Joan cooks at home if she is not too tired. (2) 5 — Is your husband still working? 6 — Yes, he is not home yet 7 — Wait for him, he’s extremely busy. 8 The phone is ringing. Answer it, Please. (3) 9 His wite works full-time, 10 but he only works part-time, 11 I can't afford a new car. They're too ex- pensive, 12 — Let’s go out to a restaurant tonight 13 — No thanks, I'm not hungry, 14 but am thirsty: let's go te the pub. (4) @ PRONUNCIATION. 1 anaes Isis. main. — 3 rent. tan ares Sasi ogi a coe sai Yet ate edn 88” at Ue atenibar le 80 eat 109 one’ hurdred and nine EXERCISES 4 They never eat in a restaurant, — 2 His wife's cooking is excellent. — 3 He is stil wating Tor a call from his boss. —'4 We had better ‘buy a new car, the old one doesn't work. —§ Learning English Is only 2 parttime jas Flin the missing words: 1 Su mariao tione siempre hambre y come siempre en tn restaurants : husband .. always... and he eats ine restaurant 2 Voy a never una corvez, aunque no tengo sed. Pm to drink @ beer Pm 3 Vamos a ver a David, si esté en cass 0 =. 800 Davi, it he's fone hundred and eight 108 Lecci6n treinta y dos 4 Ho aqui algunas frases con 10s verbos do las Stim (pects) lecclenes . 2 doanceseripe cartes méauna toda a] ma 2 ‘SSas'docine en casa’ si'no"esté domasiado can- sass 5 — [Esta aun vatajando su mario? 8 = Sint nafasnce 8 eat Oma Espercislespere por él sate sumemanio ocupaco & —Stona ei felgtona forma preg) Contests oh, por ° Sager roan ten conte Sooo ees a eee Sot a — aac otc fee ees = Gee eae ere aa 2 Sees 2s aes ores type: escribir & maquina; # typewriter (apr) ( Thanacuina de escrbe. A Wpis una mocanograla a To cook: cotinars a cook: un cocinero cocina a cooker: una cocina (aparato}. (8) Phone es una forma abreviada de flephone. También Ezcuche pion Ia coset o el ico acontundo el © ere cue | sentida de: « por el contrario, tengo lecctin con especial atancén, porque en ella Setorisan coestones anteriores yo lve, hacer ls Sorecopondionios aeAalos™ 6) encuerira usted acu ‘ota ola ‘one hundred and ten 140 4 Siempre tions mucho que hacer en feorera, He has a eo En 1997; on abril; ung reunidn of 28 oe 2 La cocing de su mujer es. LetcgeisS SO. Soper une llaace ce au lee. Hvis ISS eee eA ocr ee ek es ichee ting ea rac Thity-thed (3rd) Lesson 1 Mr Marsden is David's boss. He is the editor of the newspaper for which David works. (1) (2) PRONUNCIATION 1 mas... 100 ich Leccién treinta y tres Sr, Marsden on el jte de Davi. Ex ol redector ' Jete del periddico para el que trabaja David, notes 7 itor una «fala palabra amiga = (palabra que 20 (0 Fareco'a 0 equustonte espanol poo. ae sigiiea Bis cosa) oor vedator Jee puo/aner” soto ce ie proruracon de wnich: uch. hich sg (eae Seguros cases quien ove que (sun correspon Glartes femerino y plsale) 114 one indeed and eleven 2 There are many responsibilities in his job, bbut he enjoys it very much, (3) 3 In his wife's opinion, there’ are too many responsibilities; she never sees him! 4 She prefers her son's job. He is a bank tlerk and Is home every day at si 5 His job is not as well pad as his father's, but he works less, (4) 6 and the holidays are better 7 In England, twice a year, there is a day's holiday called a " Bank Holiday ". (5) (6) 8 — I'll be home late tonight, dear. — Why? 9 — I've got a new article about taxation to prepare 10 — But you always go to the office early and come home late! 11 — I can't help it. An editor's life, you know. 12 — And his wife's lite... 13 — I'll see you tonight, love, good-bye PPAR 2g eas — 2 a. — Bj MOL takai.” rigear a9. 6 iat a wai 413. one hundted an thirteen EXERCISES 1 He works less than his father but is paid more, — 2 Her job is better than mine. — 3 Read the exorcise twice and say it alow, —4 The paper for whicn he works is called the " Star". — 8 His wife's opinion of him ie not vary goss Fill in the missing words: 1 a vida de este hombre es apasionante. Ee explorador. That... Me is fascinating. He's .. explorer 2 Dos veces al afo, vamos a Londres # ver a mi madre, year, we go... Lonaon mother 3 La empresa pars ls quo trabsla ests estabiecide on Dover ‘The company the works is based .. Dover 4 Su trabajo no esté tan bien pagado coma al mio. His. te ald as Thirty-tourth (34th) Lesson 41 We'll see you tomorrow night at nalt-past 2 I've got nothing to do — and it makes me tired. 3 Her husband drinks too much — or that is her opinion, 2 Tiene (hay) muchas responsabilidades en su va bajo. pere le civierte mucho 3 En opinion de su mujer, tiene domasiadas respon Sabtligades jrunea lo ve! 4 Prafiere el trabajo. de su hijo. Es empleado de benea y sata en cass todos oa daa @ las se 5 —_Bu'vrebnje no esta ton bion pagade vema cl de ou padre, pero trabala mens, fias vacaciones son melores, Ex'inglaterra hay dos dias festvos al ao que Fecibon el nombre de = Fiesta oe la Banca ™ — Lisgaré « casa (estare on casa) tarde esta noche, & quene, gor qos? 9 — Pengo que preparar un nave artcule sobre (les) pote stom la oficing pronto y wlenes = T asa farce 11 — No puedo evitarlo. [Es la vida Got (40 un) redactor Jeter ya sabes. 32 = Wis vida co su mujer 48 — Te vere esta noche, cari, adios, NorEs (continue) To ony lara inglen de coon tenet): ve ou Bua in eoar paren at. (Sate otc rab} Caeepronan cml se i ere. Ye nanan Tepe a Thame abe OO le eS Onc twice (tuaiss): d¢ (Once (anes): une vex; ice ain): dos vecee ree mes fi ima) on veows, se (El pom () 30 omoln son pans cua expo SS oniee iodo de tiempo asi como con los nombres de o ‘ones. a day's halisay Un paseo 2 inca horas a five hour's Walk fone hundred and fourteon 144 5 Volvere tarde este noche be back .... this evening EveRCICIOS er sia eave) —'s La opmion Gesu majer sabre (as) 8 no A parir de este momenta, alaminuirs sustareaimente 0! ‘uioro de parsnosisy sorchoton, que reser’aremos pa asoe my partcvares porque ya debe eslar vstod acos Aira fou gion eles nds coon fra Leccién treinta y cuatro reais : 2 Rekego nage ave macor—y x0 me cnun (ne 8 Si'marido babe demasiaeo —o esa es su opinion, 1 (as «+ eon, amas iqualmens largas).—3 . mbna 415. one hundred and fiteon 4 His wife's spending worries him 5 You'll meet his son next week. He's ‘coming to visit us. (1) & His son's record-player is much too nolsy, 7 My daughter always complains that | work too much, 8 The man for whom 1 work is very mean He doesnt pay me enough 2) 9 Pleaso excise me, ite not my fault 104 don't want t0 go home, Mayet Some with you? 11, Is it fr to the tube station? — No, about five mitoa” walk 12 What isthe maximum penalty for bigamy? 13° Two mothers-in-law. oe tls. — 8 Wt. — 8 mt hood shite cosh —7 ee ogpeing 0 umn: 9 it — yh Sa inet ptt pera. nee, Ae alan pour x Breau feo EXERCISES J When he phones, 1 tel him you are here, — 2 The man to whom she ives’ the moneys her Brother. "aT ive in Harrow, is it far?” No, ten minutes’ walk. — Don't wrry, Tm sure bein coe "5 My mothorinaw is coming nox Nesey Fill in 16 missing words: 1. Es un viaje de dos horas en coche, hie rive. car The woman to... she .. talking is not 3. Estey demasiado ocupado para ver, Los gastos de su mujer le preccupan, ris) 80 hijo I prOxima. 8 Eroeaaiacos do sui o 7 tina siempre se quela 8 El nombre para el que t ° 0 .cesivamente ruldoso Bor faver, perdorome, no es culpa mia No qulers ira casa. ¢ Puedo irme contigo? (Bota eles la estacios &e metro? (Es lejos hasta farestacion de metro?) —No, a unos cinco minutos angando (a paseo). 12 Gut maximo castigo por bigamia? 13 Bos suegras. NoTES () He Is coming: el presente en forma progresiva, con Ia'idea de futuro corcaro 0 seguro (en expan: viene {a semana gue viene -segure-, en cambio. verdrs Is Semana que viens, si no nay huelga “3us0s0.) (2) For which (leccion 63, n° (ll: para el que: for whom {hum}: para quien \oerain uta anal awe ans i Hate scien canes 8 Se Fa fone hundred and eighteen 118. 4 La porsone para la que trabala es 0) redactor jefe. ‘Te person ‘he works 5 Por favor, pardéneme, estay sumamente cansado. a LEE.” 2 A RS Thirty-fifth (35th) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar. — Leccion 28: (2), (6) - Leccion 80: (6) = Leccion 31: (7), (2), (7) - Leccion 83: (5), (6) - Lecion 34: (2), (2) 1 Until. — Habiando de tiempo, « hasta » se traduce por unti (0 tl). Trabaja hasta las nueve : He works Until nine o'ciock. Hablando de distancias se. dice to: Vaya hasta el final do la calle: go to the end of the road, 2 Se, — Este pronombre espafol, que tanto se usa, ho se traduce exactamente al inglés. Se usa para ello un pronombre (Wwe, you, they} 0 también people. Digamos que se = personaliza ». En otros casos se usa la forma pasiva, 3 Expresiones de canlidad. — Cambian segin que lo descrito sea singular o plural Lecci6n treinta y cinco Ya hemos visto: much y many (y su sustituto a Jot Tenemos también little (poco) ante un nombre sin- gular, y few ante un nombre plural, He has Jitle money and few friends {tiene poco dinero y pocos amigos). Al poner el articulo.indeterminado ante fstas palabras abtenemos a litle (un poco) / speak a little German (hablo un poco de aleman) ; y @ few (algunos, unos pocos): / know a few words of Spa- nish (s algunas palabras de espafol). 4 Las palabras compuostas. — Ya hemos visto el unto clave dei ingles: su simplidad” Esta os fa Sazun del so de palabras compucatas, Cuando por Ganples nesoies en espafcl” Gecimos © para Ge Skrdes™,la segunda palabra‘os como al fuera. un SSjetivo de la primera’ (que tipo de parica Por Zire pare, hemos lane anteiormento-que los a Srige\se'ponen delante de" nombre. asi pucs, cela Sitar por que en fale, lengua que intents Einpiicar”fodo. al maximo, ae "dsan\ palabras mpuselas,siondo la primera como un adjlve oe Sauna darieatch Ast tenemos : fecthbrush: cepillo de cients; fr driver" conductor de eamion © sea, catnionera con est0 vemos que ls ingloses, antepaniende nombres Suplen Ia netesidad oe autos oe ij Cuidado 11: Entre a whisky bottle y a bottle of whisky, la diferencia es importante : a whisky bottle, tuna botella de whisky, en el sentido de hecha para Contener whisky, es deci, la botelia en cuanto me. terial, como recipiente; ‘sin embargo. butte of Whisky significa una botella de whisky, en el sentido de «lena de whisky », con referencia al contenido de la botella. Usted podra beber muchas pote of whisky, pero nunca podra beber 4 whisky bottle, Thirty-sixth (36th) Lesson 1 David and Joan are going to the Marsden’s for dinner 2 They arrive at seven thirty and Mr Marsden opens the door and inviles them in 3 — Come into the sitting-room and sit down What will you have to drink? (N. 4) (1) PRONUNCIATION hundred and twenty-one 4 — A whisky for me. — Joan, what will you have? (2) 5 — A sherry, if | may. Dry, please. (3) 6 He serves the drinks and they all sit down, 7 Mrs Marsden comes downstairs and joins them. (N. 2) 8 The cook comes in and says: “ Dinner is teady ". They go into the dining-room, 9 The meal is excellent. They eat soup, lamb, fruit salad and cheese. (4) 10 — You're very lucky to have a cook, Mrs Marsden, says Joan, 11 — Yes. You see, | have so litle time to cook 12 — So do |. But David dossn't earn enough money, 60. 13 There is an embarrassed silence, 14 — Have a brandy, says Mr Marsden Le ee Wont wi oa eS aT iS 5 Expresiones importantes This rostaurant 13 quite cheap: este restauranto es bastante bara Go and. Buy some wine, please: Vote a comprar Vino, par favor Hebbel pd than ie coe eu abso ot mojor pagado que el de ou hija Te prove is ringing, answer it please: el telefono esta sonando contest, por favor The postman (postman) comes’ twice a day: el cartero viene des veces al dia Have some fruit: tome un poco de fata. ‘rena cinco ecclones ? Los conecimionios gue usted posee son. sin da, algo vagos, especiaimente en algunos Bspectos, No’ so. preocupe, pues a le vez que vamos vansando on al estutio, volveremos constantamente sobre lo'ya visto, para que usted 70 olde Jo aprendie. Este ‘eptaso continuo sora ain mae infonso cvando, a partir de ‘efeceiin 30 niciomcs la sagunda ola, pues fs sjerccios ‘Que usted fendra quo realizar sora tanto 108 3@ ia Jeceion {ee crrespanda omo os do sleet au toqerevsa olvidades’ se. haran’automaticamante. Déjese. gular por nosotros y éxito Wal era seguro. Leccién treinta y seis 1 David y Joan van a casa de los Maradona cana ia puerta y les invita [a entrar] (astro) 3 — Vonic al salen y sontaos, 7 Ove queréis (tomar para) beber? Notes () Wil, ya 10 hemos visto, os e! auxiar para ot fluro © Qulereaocirtamaxbns {quiere ustes? = Hil you help forty-two 122 = Un whisky para mi, — Joan 2 qué quiares tomar? = Un Jerez, ses posiote. Seco, por favor. Sire las bobidas y todos se sient Ta'Sre Maraden baja las escalerss y se une a Te ocinera entra y 2 [2"Somiea "es excelente, Comen sopa, cordero, freind ata y queso” — 40 — Tienon ustedes mucha suorle (son ustedes mus ortunados) de toner (onal eoeinera, Se. Marsden NOTES (continues) , {2} Sooo! whisky escocés puede eserbise sin. En Vanda © en Estacos Undon (y ahora tn vapen) $6 sabe aur many. Ca patra lene ce ai, Soil gue usan para Soo agua [uisquc). () Drys seco. Agulze seflers ann nn 9 lear xc (ino ( {lco™" eweet wine)" Sao (0 ea sie agua oie} 36 sraight Himedo wo! (© Francia, antes de la ruta 0 e postre duc. Espata maue corionce a tener esto a sostumbre rancosa Se"iGina’ mae bien come apertvo, antes eo. las 5) $0.00 (85 hago yo): yo también, a ml también, eo © Fie Gusta el wish ne wiraty” A mi tambien: So BS 28 fantthon! Su tone he wi No se olvde farse en Jos nimeros do its paginas y ce lgcslones. AS! aprenderd a cantar. 1d twenty-tee EXERCISES 1 Gome in and sit down. What will you have to drink? +2 There is so much to 60 and so litle time. ~ 3 How much meney do you earn? — 4 Come and Join us. — § She serves dinner at eight exactly. Fill in the missing words: 1 Pasad al saién, Santaos, Come... the tose Sit 2 Eli baja la escalera y entra en ol comedor. 8. Pase, por favor. Yo le sigo. please. fallow you Thirty-seventh (37th) Lesson Directions 1 — Can you tell me the way to the British Museum? (1) 2 — Mmm... Let me see. Yes. Are you on foot? PRONUNCIATION 425 one hun and twentytise 3 — Yes, | am. — Well, go up Charing Cross Road and take Shaftesbury Avenue. 4 You come to New Oxford Street. Er, then it's, er, just opposite | think. 5 Yes, that's it, just opposite is Bloomshury Street. — Sorry, say that again? 6 — Just opposite, you've got Bloomsbury Street. Go down there and it's on your right. 7 You can’t miss it. 8 — Thanks very much, — That's okay. 9 — Have another beer. — | don’t want one, but have one yoursel 10 — 1 wil. I'm very thirsty. — You're always thirsty ‘11 — Perhaps it's because | don't drink enough. A glutton 12 (A mother to her son, after the sixth piece of cake): 13 — Tom, you are a glutton. How can you eat 80 much? 14 — i don't know. It's just good tuck. Escuche esta conversacién «normal , presiando especial stencidn a las pauses, dudas, los ah, ole eA gue soles doialies cada vez fo suponen menes estuors0 ? 4 Abro ia puerte y tes invita 2 entrar. 5 {Qué quiere Baber ? Un vino blanco 869, por favor. please Somers cova van er oe ne Eenga con nosotros la unite nSsclras) 8 ive [al ona @ 3.Goin = Tail, — opens the door = them "come in —~ 8 wil Leccién treinta y siete Direcciones ‘i Mueeo Britanies? ° 2 — Nimm. Veamos, Sl :Va usted andando? (a pe’) Notes (To tell tiene Siig oxpicar» To fel supone Ia. idea de informar 0 iguien, Agu lo Waducimos por indicat snd twentyale 126 2 — Si yo 207). — Entonces suba [por] Charing Gross ‘ome Shatsbury Avenue 4 toga jwiene) usted a New Oxtors Street. Eh 5 ivego, Satan, justo ener ere. Si'eso ae jut ‘entrente esta Bloomsbury Street. joie coc ova var? Pordone, «me por ally end a su dorecha Li No tiene percica {no puede usted dejar de 8 — Muchas gracias, — be naca 9 — Tome (tenga) otra cerveza, — No quiere, pero 7 Tengo mucha ses. — Usted slompre tiene 11 — Ouizé es porque no bebo suficiente, Un gloton 12 (Una. macre, a au hijo, tr el sexto troz0 60 13 Pom ae un gloton ¢Gémno pvedeo cemor tanto? M4 — No'se’ Es Sete (buena) suerte 127 one hundred and twenty-soven EXERCISES 1 Tako the first street on the right. — 2 Tura left at the end of the road. — 3 It's only a twenty minutes’ walk to Oxford Street. — 4 Sorry, say’ thal again | can't bear. — 5 Hurry up. Don't mise the train. — © Opposite the church you can see the school Fill in the missing words; 1 Way tanto rude que se va a acostar. ‘There is that ne bee 2g Puade incicarme el camino pars ie a! museo? Cmyu ee mee te? 8 Suba por esta calle y estt a su izquierde ‘soot and its. your ome hundred and twenty-eight 120 46a (esta) usted a ple 0 en coche? ae you or. scar? 5 Tengo suerte, no me pierdo nunca Leese get st EVERCICIOS {Tee smart era, — 2 Tene a sae {tren ortaver Ne le ego (no suede or) — 8 Dept, to ponds Sten Se Enionte de fe lsin unde ver uted Ta eicusa BB tie on teh on tat a Sn ay = noes Thirly-eighth (38th) Lesson At the Pub 1 David and Pete are playing darts. 2— I'm good, Pete, but I think you're bel- ter. (1) 3 —No, that's not true. Oh, sixty! Perhaps you're right PRONUNCIATION 4 — Hey, look, you're closer than me, — Yes, but I'm short-sighted, (2) (3) 5 — That's no excuse, You can see from here 6 — Yes, but not very well, Anyway, | don't always win. (4) (5) 7 — But you can buy the drinks. You're richer than me. 8 — Alright. What do you want? — 1 want to win, 8 Pete is richer than David, but David is happier. 10 'm bigger than you. — Yes, but I'm more inteligent. 11 How is your poor father? — He's worse, lm afraid. (6) 12 This is the best way to go to the museum, 13 Close, claser, closest; rich, richer, richest; 14 good, better, best; more intelligent, most intelligent. tas. sorta, — § eat oe oka. — ee — 1 Nar fh dean‘ — 8 ata oa tie ig NOTES (continues) {2) Close: carcane, prximo : ciasar: mas cercano, mas réximo, Les edlelivos de una slaba los Ge So Eland leven acento ‘en ia pamera, forma’ ei comparativo. ‘Se atade «ver {ech rishen, menos ‘cuando el aojeliva lormina ya en e, an euyo case se fade solo =r». Sie! adjevo termina en = = sta fe transforma on =1~- happy (oll. contero} his {mas feliz, mas contenio) Para sl superiatvo se ave "ost: happiest fel mas feliz. el mas convent, muy Gontento,contentisima) Para as palabras més large gejusa more (mds) y the rose! mas} paral super Lecci6n treinta y ocho main {x Bybee SPE trio ores t)Recordemos que good (buena) es ajetvo y que wei! (© Face) ae adverbio, How are you~ Very” wll ns est usta’? ~ Muy Bie) ‘one hundred and thity 130 — 1h! mira, ests més cerca que yo. — Si, pero yo {B65 faves excusa. Pundes ver desde aa = Sporto muy Ben. De todas formas, no siempre Bro puedes pagar las copes. Eras mas rico que 8 — Bueno, , Qué quieres ? — Quiero ganar 9 Pete es mas rico que Devid, pero Davis os mis 10 Soy’ mas grande que td. — Si, pero yo soy més 11 TbS0" Seta w patra padre? — Estd peor, me G ora anee fe wien eareano, sras Corcano, ai rn Cerca, muy ceteara) ro, mda res. ry i fel mas Fea, nquiimo) 14 Blonot treo ol mejor (oven) mae ntl 24878 elms ntgente (0 melgertisimo} NOTES (continues) oe © Srode se ate jongsahied. guaimente dalice settles colorbiag olaga Pars los colores} en 1uga 8 Garona (a) Any (ualauier..) way (camino, mado): de todas {Gras Se" cuatauier manera. a fo mismo (6 Ton: gnaran rom. eareurso; a7: otm A igual que en espafol hay comparatvos y super © M924 agulares, oa hemes Vato good. ettor tre SP toucses alone! mejor, conta. es bad ‘forse tho worst malo, Poor. 6 peor, pesimol “Pronuneia usted siompra con onergia las consonantes ? 131 one hundred and thity-one EXERCISES: 1.1'm atta 1 can’t see. I'm shortsighted. — 2 How 8 your poor daughter? "Much better. — 3 Weve got no money a all. — 4 He always. wine when we lay poker. —" She earns mare mary tran’ ee Fill In the missing words: £/ mejor jugaor ganard ef partido, layer wit... the maten Ei es mas rico pero ella 6s mas fl, He is but sho ie Wuestes ojos son més grandes que westro estémage. "ve got .. money and .. problems one hundred and thitytwo 132 5 £5 01 peor estuciante dela clase. tne cose student the class BATA IE ERT @ ees pobte fia? Sadehé mejor = No feces dine era ee dames gat 1 jumos ial bohor = 8 Gana as ners ue 38 Bao. Thirty-ninth (39th) Lesson London 1 London is larger than Paris but smaller than New York 199. one hundred and thitytheos 2 There are more than eight million inhabi- tants in Greater London, (1) (2) ‘3 more than the populations of Scotland and Wales together. 4 ner London is smaller. Hara you find the West End” with its theatres 5 and the City, which is the financial centre of England, (3) (4) 8 It is also the oldest part of London and stil has some ancient traditions. 7 For example, the Lord Mayor of London is mayor of the city only, 8 The most important part of the City 1s the Stock Exchange 8 which is as important as the Bourse in Paris, 10 In almost every street, there is a beautiful church, often designed by Wren. (8), 11 Among the places of interest to see are Tralalgar Square, 12 with its eolony of pigeons and four bronze Hons; 18 and ‘the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben 1 Leccién treinta y nueve Londres Londres es mayor que Paris pero mas pequetio fave Nueva York one hundred and thityfour 194 Hay més do_ocho milones de habitantes en el “oneres ea pobacin de Escociay Gale juntos ne canto) ss'mas pasueda aul 1 West End inte oete) on aie riaa mie See ater ane Se ew cy aot Eas odas ln calles hay bas igiesta, muchas Shug te lagaree isreauns (oe teres) de ver, esta Traiger Sau : on au colonia Se palomas y cuatro leones de a notes 14 In fact, it is the bell and not the clock which is called Big Ben. PRONUNCIATION 2 lane eRe. — 3 psoeshane..— ¢ née, vestne 2 eta eat ea atte faite Sane Mah Sees MH A whine . Inrabied labraengafosa: inhabitants: abitantos \® fabio’ unsnaotceInotace - (rotor Landon, Londres con sn aacoors, Grandes cuaads- et 2 John feels at home In London. —~ 3 Will you be able to lend me five pounds? — 4 All those people are friends of mine. —5 I will ask him the next time see him, Fill in the missing words: 1 loan, no seas mata! Ela es muy agracabie, oan, don't she ie very 2 iWaya! Liega a las siete y ai coche esté atin en ef barae, amin! She the seven and the car Leccién cuarenta y cinco Proyectos [pata las] vacaciones ave Jonn iste (prog) sue proyectos 4 — BRS ar Wanoe a eigen et prose. fin oe Space dat ato. — Ref Pero mire, st et sompo es, bueno 4 ~ Meats pasear en cache [conduc & lo Targa 5 y visitar todos esos puebleciios {poquenes Pus be - 6 — 8° Poro David. eh. A macre viene el proximo fi as fomana i ‘Maya Peto a slo viene una ver al ao, Sioa are Seance quaremos rnrarn Bidets” (quieres) Gav elando Ws Gules — Beno. — te tgs (om ern $f Eee nos fa leverertos (con nosovos) a vistar fas ences de anigueaases. ores 1 no sus orma progesiva cel present, dao (0 Sole i geet eee gen) mn Vaya! (iaraimentes maiden). une ( valabva Gus! aungue an algunos smbiortes puede aun Efocur os ya ge uso conor Toto on a voces el sori do Hvar, anspor © Telefe a mtn taking same fowers fo my et teva’ ton voaotos ko me Wid) You one hired an taht 158 412 — 5 sentirs {como} en case onite todas seas cosas Vilas. 13 — [David jNo seas malo 44 — kee-a buscaria la encontraré) ata estacion, luego podremos hacer juntos nuesics planes. NOTES (continued) (@) El infintiva de ean, Podre: 111 be able to 3 Se sentra como an casa con (odes esas antiguedades. He ates with. those 4 En esta 69008 de! ato, estamos siempre de vacaciones. Mee ware on noliday 5 Viene solo una vez ai 1, pordén, dos veces. ‘she... comes yoar Im seeeey Iastnl‘on dase’ om Londres’ “'o't Heese isiea prostare ceo foie, =" 4 Yous esa" gant son argon’ mics (de mil 8 8 4180 one hundred and Fiy-nine Forty-sixth (46th) Lesson 1 Read this lesson as usual then answer the questions about the preceding one, What are David and Joan doing? Where does David want to go next week end? Does he want to go to Birmingham? Does he want to drive to Brighton? (1) Who is arriving next weekend? How often does she come? (2} (N. 3) What will they do? Bo you think they will go by train? 10 Will the weather be fine? 11 Where will David meet his mother-in-law? 12 When do people take their holidays? 13 The four seasons are: spring, summer, autumn, winter TWAT éericig DER fe teringa? 8 baton) Sn EXERCISES 1. As usual, we're taking our holidays in winter this year. — 2 it your radio doesa't work, you can borrow ine, — 3 What are you deing? — I'm wiking a leter — 4 How often do you read this book? ~~ Once & diay. 8 No. haa Pe isnt back trom Bighton yet Fill in the missing words: 1. Hari mucho fra este invierno a very oo. tis 2 more, 8 ines er vera, as they + holidays in 2 Nosotros jas tomamas en primavera, espero que hapa we taking in vt it fine cone hundred and eisty 160 Leccién cuarenta y seis Lea esta lecclon como de costumbre y luego res- ponda a las preguntas sobre la precedente 2.Que hacen Davia y Joan’? (orea) {Bonde quire ir Davie ol prdvime fin da camara ? {Ouiere ir a Birmingham ? {Quiere concucir haste Brighton? {Quien legal proximo fin ce semana? (prog) {Eon que frevvencia [come a monude) viene fetiay? Cue haran? {Piensa usted que iran en ven? Ciara bues tempo {Dende esperard (ee encontrard) David a (con) su {Cuando toma la gente las vacaciones ? tage cuatro "estaciones. son’ primavera, verano, tone, inverse. NoTes (t) To gio conduc @ ren cache, Bo you want fo ive He drives two hundred miles every day: conduce Soscientas miles cada cla (2) How often: = come @ menudo: con qué frecuencia, How often is there @ plano for Paris ?: 2 Cada cvanto tiempo hay avion pare Paris? No se olvide de elevar la vor al final de una frase ite rrogativa , [Pronuncia siempre vigorosamente las consonantes ‘one hundred and sistetwo. 1 4 6 Que quiere decir? What oo. Re? 5. Cree usted que el examen sera dtc? 2 EERCICIOS Resouesas re “ours spring’ hope -wil be. 4 doos" mean — 8 you Forty-seventh (47th) Lesson 1 An Englishman and @ Spanishman are dis ‘uccing their respective countries. (1) 2 — Of course, says the Englishman, you Spa- nishmen are not gentlemen PRONUNCIATION 1 epi ia, — Le 4 Un inglés y un fespectvos o» 2 — Desde 1u0g0, Roles no son ca In cuarenta y siete aol discuten (prog) [sobre] 8us ingles, usteaes (os) espa notes 1) Recordemos que foe nombres que terminan en «y= (0 rman sus plurales con = ies «. No se olvide del uso Ge"las maydscsies en los nombres de palses,nacio faildaden das dela semana oe 163 one hundred and sitytheee 3 — And why not? replies his friend, slightly annoyed. (2) 4 — Well, for example, if you enter a bathroom by mistake, (8) 5 and you see a young lady washing, what do you say? 6 — We say “ Excuse me, madam ° 7 — Exacily, says the Englishman, but a gent- leman says: Excuse me, sir. 8 — A gentleman is a person capable of two things. 9 — He can deseribe a pretty gir! without using gestures, 10 and he always hears a funny story for the first time, 11 Two English gentlemen are eating 2 meal in their club. 12 They laste the soup with great interest, and one says to the other: (8) 13 — I's an interesting soup, but not a great soup. 3 egal rend. a, aoa — 6 eaamp. — sin Sea al "6S a 9 165. one hundred and sistytive EXERCISES: 4 You Englishmen eat badly. ~ 2 He deesn't want ome. Why not? This thachine say 6 eaeabis ot mary tings. —4 Ho speaks Exaish hot facing sites “"'S' ainays take his ag by niga S Hie ond fe etwising in and ne Ve SM a Fill in the missing words: 1 Disevtensobr 8 respectivas paises con gran interés diacussing -.... reapective countries wih 2 Si usted ontra por eror en a cooing, « qué dice? you ne by To think, thought, thought (zoo! - pensar. rer, opina, Jarcocrie's uno: Thi Magrd Ys beaut Creo Ino parece —~ que Macrié 6s bonito. (a) Bin fecura En e! comercia se ce sovolee (nvls. Bil tambien ee uilica para sec evenla (i cuenta de tin noe resiauranto) En fos Estados Unigos, Di! 3 Un bilese co Banco. ie decirse (6) At once: ensoguida, de inmeciato ue © ‘ainbionatearant away ave Buel @i 101 one hundred and ninoty-one EXERCISES 1 How old were you last birthday? — 2 I'm sorry sir, | thought | knew you, — 3 1 want to know more aboti your olfer. —4 The best apples are those with green Fill in the missing words: 1 Vimos una peltevia y eimos un concierto We... a fim and ...,. a concert 2 Espero que tomara un poco de pastel Ne queria: | hope he cake. He want veRcIcIos 4 Cuando me tlamé por telblono, me ful enseguica When he went 5 {Wo escribi alguien un lo sobre este ciudad? someone ..... 8 800K ....+ this town? hid TS centneleceg me at nde 6 Bd hd 3 Condo los mis répido que (tan deprisa como) pude ae a he cast. she Second wave: Sth Lesson Fifty-itth (55th) Lesson Leccion cincuenta y 1 When I was in America, | took some very 900d photos. 2 — Hello, how are you? — I'm tired. | only came back from my trip yesterday. 3 That was my wife's car you sew we with 1 Guando estuve en América, tomé muy buenas to- 4 We heard about his trip and the things he did. It was very interesting, PRONUNCIATION a Nie in Riis. — te. 00 103 one hundred and ninetythree 5 — How about a glass of beer? — No thanks, I?m not thirsty 8 — Did you see him yesterday? — No, | didn’t 7 He didn't pay his bill because he didn’t have any money. © — Who was that lady | saw you with last night? (1) ‘9 — That wasn't a lady, that was my wite, 10 We thought he had understood. 11 Mother. — What did you do on your first day at school? 12° Chita. 1 toarnt to write, 13 Mother. — Already! Well, what did you write? 14 Child. — 1 don’t know, | can't read. (2) ent — 7 pe. bak mag, — sient use, 2 rot ender Tl ee ee ta ig kr EXERCISES 1 He coulan't come because he dia’t have time. — 2 Why didn't you tell me belere? — 31 only came Dack yesterday. ~- 4 What did you think of George? S'5 Ithought he was inc, Dut a litle stupia Fl in the missing words: 1. Después de mira (habla mirado en) ef ascaparate, entré fon la tend, Alter ne Inthe window, Be ses. se. the shop yma estas’? — Estoy cansado, Vol de 1m viaje ayer mismo 2 El cocne.en que me vistis era el dam mujer {era 6! coche te mi mujer me vistela con). 4 Gimos de su viaje y las conas que hizo. Fub muy Intoresarte, one hundred and ninety-four 194 ‘5 — Qu6 tal un vaso de corveza? — No racas, no fenge ses, § ve ter No, no ew ie 4 — fvpago so cuenta poraue no tenia dinero & — (Otten ora esa serora con {la que] to aroche? 5 Sta anora ra mie = fee 41 Magra, — {Que hleiste curante tu primer dia de Clase? 42 Wife. — Aprondi a sero. , 38 Magra, ig Ya" Bios, Lque escribiste 48 Nifo.— Nolo $6. No-sé Teer ores , 11 Lady: ua sofora: woman ural noes): ana, ler wie mule tespowa) Cady es tambien un tulo Positano: cola mujer oun Lord ue. puewe ser Barb, vizeonde‘o conde). Laay Spereer Ghul lumolén por azones ce parentescoCasy Diana Spon Sie ot eee ees No aé lecr: 1 cant road, No sabe nadar: She cent ts ‘swim. Cuando no se sabe hacer algo en espafiol se Ste iteraimenta; an ingle se ice ve no se Pum Soe une ao'en apa Wes wa ania Tee VERY Goud FCT a vEACICIOS elSefetene SE MEnP ayer mimo — 4 Gos poncane Se (orgs Penae que ra tmabe pero un pace oBtupie. 105 one hundred and ninety-five 2 Me viste con ef impermesbie de mi muier You ... me with raincoat 3 4 Qus hiciste hoy? — Apronai un poema, you .. today? — 1 | poem 4 Este verano hizo tanto calor que siempre tenia sed. summer, it hot that |... always fone hundred and ninaty-six 198 5 {Por qué hizo usted eso ? Pensaba que ora (una) buena ‘oa you. that? | Ieee. a good {had looked «went inf. — 2 caw - my wi's — 8 wnat d= 9 Rarpe224Thirs was gos as = hay 6 Why did do = ‘Second wave: 6th Lesson Fifty-sixth (56nd) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES ferme ema cee (2) - Leccién 52: (4) - Leccién 53: (2) - Leccion Reeaak, gigs oe | have, had, had; | get, got, got: | find, found, found ¥y Menos aun esos verbos que solo tienen una forma To put put. et (pongo, pose) 0 i (ok pear). ° La Unica diferencia esta en que en el pasado no so one la «5» do la tercera persona del singular he buts (pone), he put (pusa, 107 one hundred and niney-sov0n 2 Relativos. — Se habra dado usted cuenta de la tendencia a omitir los pronombras ralatives (quien. gue, el que, ete.). Es una cuestion de costumbre mas Guede regias gramaticales, Podemos decir que cuando el pronombre relativo separa al sujelo yal complement. sa pwede mili aunque asics ao gatorio hacerlo The boy who(m) | saw: the boy | saw. The car which J want: the car’! want. pero: Tho man who is called Peter... debe dejarse No suelen ponerse un relative y otto pronombre juntos. ‘Aunque sea « correcto », suena un poco pesada : en lugar de decir: the man with wholm) you saw me, es proterisle the man you saw me with A causa de estas circunstancias, el acusativo per: sonal whom (@ quien) se plerde cada vez mas. y se le sustituye a menudo (asi como a who y a which) por that Por el momento basta de explicaciones, pero debe usted retener os ejemplos vistos. Cuando « piense » fen inglés, hara con toda naturalicad lo que tan complejo parecia en la explicacion, 8 Repitamos que el pasado inglés puede ser tradu- ido, segun los casos, por los pretéritos indefinido © impertacto: finished (acabé, acababa). Unas x Pedra traducir por uno y otras por vliu, y 8 veces por los das. Los ingleses tienen una sola forma de pasado para indicar las dos clases de acciones pretéritas, mientras que en castellano te- hemos una forma para cada una. Preste atencion a ‘sie fendmeno que no resulta complicado, sino que facilita las cosas, porque en inglés es mas simple que on nuestra lengua Leccion cincuenta y seis A partir de 1a proxima leccibn, en el texto inglés, fog verbos ieregulares iran seguidos de un asterisco a Cada vez que se encuentre con uno, repita en alta ‘yor el presente, ei pasado y el participio pasado : Iuego compruebe si esta en fo cierto consultando la lista que aparece al final del tibro. Mejor ain, anote los tres tiempos (presente, pasado, y participio pa- ‘5ado) en una hoja que Ie servira da lista auxiliar, y asi no tendra que pasar horas cada vez que quiera hacer una comprobacion Por medio de la repeticion cotidiana, se familiarizara usted con estos verbos, a medida que los vayamos ‘empleande, mientras que intentar aprenderse la lista completa seria una tarea tan dificil como init Le invitamos, pues, a comenzar desde este mo- mento, anotando en su hola, con ayuda de la lista Go las paginas 568 y siguientes, los tres tiempos de ti be, fo have, to take, to drive, to write, 19 think. fone hundred and ninety-sight 198 4 Conviene recordar: How about a game of cards?: . qué tal una partida de carta? Would you tke a beer?: ze apetece una corveza ? Tire wan you sav me with: © hombre con ol a me viste, Fean't swim: no sé nadar. | thougnt it was interesting: me parecid que era interesante. 5 Poner en ingles: 1 LVino? No to vi 2 [Que aljo? No comprendi 3 {Le padiste dinero? 44 Vendran cuando lo sepan 5 {Qué hleieron ayer ? Fueron a ver una pelicula. 6 Traduccién : 4 Did he come? | didn't see hin. 2 What ola he say? J didn't understand. 3 Did you ask him for (some) money? 4% They'll come when they know. 5 nat dio they do yeatarday? They went to san a film Second wave: 7th (revision) Lesson 201 two hundred and one 9 — That doctor put" me on my fest very quickly. 10 — Oh, how did he do that? 11 — [had to sell" my car to pay the bill! (6) (7) 12 On the face, you have the eyes, the nose and the mouth 13, My head aches and my hands are cold, 14 I think* I have a touch of ‘flu or a cold, Bp Ply — ele, — 2 tla. ai. nous. mae, — EXERCISES 1 What's the matter? | think I've got @ cold. — 2 She felt his forehead and took his emperature. — 3 Call the doctor. | fee! ill, — 4 She cased the wixdow LLucause lie’ was cold. — 9 Stayin bed and. Keep ‘warm. You'll soon be on your feet Fill in the missing words: 1. stabs trabsjando cuando liegs et carter. 2 Qué le ocurre? 4 La grine ? No es grave cP sees Ds not. Tuve que pagar con un chogue porque no tenia dinero on mataice, 4 Le dusle la garganta. Dile que no coja tio, sho has her 5 Estate quieto; Joan esté lamando al mécico. auiet, Joan the. two hurd and two 202 9 — Ese mévico hizo que me recuperara (me puso en Bie muy apie 19 — Ghz como fo nize? 11 — uve que vender el (mi) coche para pagar 1a even! % ra tentls los ojos. Ie nari v la boca. i abe hae (88 anos is (ok tabeze duele ) mis manos ssa ti 14 Greo que tengo Un poco de gripe © un constipado. NOTES (continues) somo o Must: deber. | must he must Como lotto verbo | Siécine ean, hay sm initva prelabrcads' 10 have forpasado" had fo, ho had fo ec (Geta of iar bara Comprar vno comin, te) 69 onde bis money fo buy some wine food. 8 En esta leccién nemas visto muches verbos iregulares. Cosgraccarate ov foe ft longeay 9a) fs veace rag vaases Ios que suolan sor reguleres i sigue usa ness, conssioe iecelon 36. Nip los aprendord usted Joon pce con toga ‘acricad i Thi eensierarnos necesaro mercer con asterieco los aux fires Stover sto cow y "10 have aunque ios hes seen lrepulares) se prescupe si no racverda fodes las palabras que Sparecén on faa loccion: las volver usted 4 encontrar eiiiaesulenies Sn embargo, no doje usted de practear Songs taveos rogulares cada vos que aparazcan Sepu! 520 de un astoriace, esERCICIOS . 4 cue te pase? Croc gus tengo un conatipado. — 2 Palnd au Sean IS BRE ia Srmetature ama at mega fe toto ra a Goro is veanaporabe tena fo, 8 Ou APEITG y oa clu to (enaorae eter) Prov te tev (esas Sp to hundred and four 208 ‘Vt wetting aves 2 8 Keep is prong doctor the mater? oo seius. Second wave: th Lesson Fifty-eighth (58th) Lesson Your body 1 There are many words in English which include parts of the body. 2 For instance: When | have the ‘tlu, | keep” a supply of paper handkerchiefs. (1) 3 You look very busy. Can | give" you a hand? 4 Mr, Marsden is head of the board of directors. (2) 5 He is too nosy. He is interested in anything that dosen't coneem him. (3) PRONUNCIATION ttt 2 tai, 9 8h. na. Boor Notes (A) To supply: aprovisionar; supplier: aprovsionador; @ supply provision, reserva, suminitra Leccion cincuenta y ocho EI (vue 0) cuerpo Hay muchas palabras en inglés que incluyen partes al cv Fer elma Cuando tango la ari gustdo una ovr ce patios Ge pepe) Prreces muy acupado 1 puedo echarte (sate) una [EI'Sr, aarsgen os jte (eaboza) ce! conssio ce {iidcciin (panel drectores} Es domaslaco cola Eats Interesado on todo lo ue no le concern NoTES (continues) eso : 2 oad. je, Headmaster: director de una escula, To 1 ihe head estar ala cabeza, al frente, en primera ih (a Provenionte de nose (nara). Aiguien que mee a nase 208 two hundred and five 6 Teacher. — Is“ trousers" singular or plu- ral? (4) 7 Pupil. — Please sir, singular at the top land plural at the bottom, 8 That was a cheeky answer. (5) 9 The two runners were very close, they were almost neck and neck 10 When you are driving’, always keep* the spare wheel handy. (6) 11 And, of course, when you are drinking” your beer, you can say’ Chin chin"! (7) 12 Other parts of the body are the arms, the elbows and the tngers, 13 Lower, we have the legs, the knees, the feet and the toes. (8) Sagtmate ml Heal? — Fao, — 8 arma. ebous.. gd. Ta ol lege nT tus. EXERCISES 1 You look very tired. Go to bed. — 2 His trousers are full of holes. — 8 He hac betiar buy a new pair —4 The Presidant, or the Queen, Is Head of State — 5 Have you anything interesting to reaa? — 6 She was on her knees washing the floor 207 two hundred Fl in the missing words: 1. Este texto es muy diel. ¢ Puede echarme una mano? This text can you ? [Mocesito un pantaién nuovo, 2 Tene usted ? 1 a new ce Have you et 7 En ta parte de arriba de Ja pagina, escribid Ia fecha y abaje, westra nombre. ofthe page, ane, your ‘wo hundred and six 206 : ; 2 See camer tor pias y los dedos se los pies NOTES (continues) 7 (i) En eeco trousers os plural. Mis rouse ae tuo: faralon (o Sus panalones en espa cabon ins or pooblidas| os (son) azues) om panialon (an at Ge pantalones) a aro trousers Cheeky (Ge chook mejlin, creo): descarado, da ‘Pamilarmonta carom) (@) Handy comodo, mare . {1 Este aco Go brindarInerngional es una deforma: on dal chino tsing-tsing ». Ast vamos como el inglés frais paras ge cient won la Po Tura for loge sl mundo La broma ago eta on {ue chi! scemas, sgn bari (®) sine se promuncia siempre = (er Ane, kno, es) vERCICIS 1 Para uated muy anand. Vayase ta cama. — 2 Sus pants Ionas etalon de egueron "3 Hara mole comprandoat un bat ucte 4B pesdert oa rein 200 So cavers) de) Gsiado'" § Tend ago eresante para oar? @ Esabe Go {toore aia lay vegunas [ovens suelo 4 Es0 no le concieme, Vayase, That Ge 5 Esto chico es bastante carota, mejor sera que se calle. {is voy dieu = gue me a nana. — 2 ned «pi of wouter = Second wave: 9th Lesson Fifty-ninth (59th) Lesson 1 Men speak: of women as tne fair sex” or the " gentle sex." or the" weaker sex 2 Women rarely speak" of men as the " slronger sex ” 3 Some men think* they are considered as the " paying sex" 4-— My wife dreams avery night that she's married to a million 5 — You're lucky. Mine dreams she’s married toa millionaire in the daytime! (1) PRONUNCIATION fhe sil, Mga. cohen, web. — 6 si Leccion cincuenta y nueve Loe hombres hablan do is mujeres come, st ' = bello Sexo » 0 el « $ex0 dulce» o el « sexo débil = foro mas cos) 2 [eSyeres taramonte nablan de fls] nombres ama dels save lure (cero mls Were). 2 Kigunos nombres pienean que se les considers el weno que Page 4 — Mi mujer suena cada noche que esté casada con tp milonaro. ‘5 — Tienes suerte, {La] mia suena que esta casaca con Un milonario durante 8 cla, NoTes (1) Daytime et dla, durante ol cia, Night-time: Ia noche, urate ia noche, 209 two hundred and nine 6 Nature has given* us ears which are al- ways open, 7 and a mouth which it is often better to keep shut. 8 Two proud parents were showing their son his new brother. 9 The boy looked at the baby for a minute and then started erying. (2) 10 The parents smiled. " What's the matter? " \ey asked. 11 “It's got? no hair or teeth", the child sobbed, 12 "It's not fair. It's an old baby” 13 We do not ask you to learn the irregular verbs in two or three days, 14 but only to repeat them when we meet" thom, Pega ey ee EXERCISES 1 Itrarely rains in the summer in England. — 2 English people are famous for their spirit of far-play. — 3 Let's {90 to the West End and see.a show. — 4 What time Go the banks shut? — At three thrty. — § Look at this text for @ minute. then repeat i. 241 to hundred and eleven Fill in the missing words: 1. $010 ot ayer por le noche. ¢ No puede encontrario? 2 Nos ensetaran las peleuias que hicieron en vaca They the tims teak 3. $acd (puso) al porro fuera y cerré la puerta (2inre9) Sho... the dog sessees and... the door ‘9 hundred and ten 210 & La naturalaza_ nos ha dado oldos que estén Slompre ablartos, 7 Yuna Besa que muchas veces es mejor mantener ferada. 8 —_Unos (dos) pastes le estaban ensofando, orgullo fos, a eu no su nuevo harmana @—EfSinichacho miro al he Uoraie ws oinute "ego comenzd a llrar 10 Uos"padras sonrieran, =~ Que cure? » pregur- 11 "Ro'tione peta ni (o} diontes», sollozd el ito. 42“ Eeovno esta bien (no as Justo}. £5 Un mio viejo» 13 No le podiromos que sprenda los verbos irregu: Tares en doe o troy cise 14 Sing solo que Tos repita cuando los encontremos. NOTES (continued) (2) 0 = started t0 ory. aed} Ep (hd 4 faramori uae on verano on Inger. — 2 [Ls] ae in a ea et secpeceaio.— 4 ZA au two husdred and twoive 242 4M coche no lunciona, — Tiene usted suerte, yo no tengo (uno) My car = secre P havent Somos consiseraaos por 1os espanotas come (siento) muy reservados. the pani 4s as boing very reserves eepueetas So OUT ely ger tna. © Bk Br Sune scene ‘Second wave: 10h Lesson Sixtieth (60th) Lesson To get 1 Let's look at some expressions with the verb “to get". (N. 1) 2 These expressions are very common, and you already know" a few. (1) 3. Here are some more. Try and learn them. 4 He gets* up at haif past seven every mor- ning, 5 The train gets" in at eleven thirty. J hemahing. — 2 tad. otal a. = 3 os frm, — 45 tens Toe. Leccién sesenta verbo to get jentes y ya conoce Notes (1) Common: coman, cortente; st enemigo comin the Common enemy. Una expresin corriene. a common ‘expression 219 two hundred and thirteen 6 It took” him a long time to get* over his liiness. (2) Let's go" home. It’s getting’ dark. Speak" louder. She's getting* very deaf These records are cheaper than those, but they are still quite expensive. 10 Please go" and get’ me a paper, I’m too busy to go” mysell, 11 The burglar got" into the house through @ small window. (3) 12 Take" a number thirty-seven bus and get" off at Charing Cross, 13 Everyone was tying (u yet" on the bus at once. (4) 14 What's the matter? — I've got” a headache, 4 toothache, a sore throat and a cold, 15 and nobody asks me how | feel"! Sy et 7 ak — 8. ge. dt, — 9 aps. — NOTES (continued) (2) tines: enfermedad. She's il: sth enforma. Un en= fermo an! parson, an invalié Puede otres tambien Ia palabra sick pero es mas bien amercano, EXERCISES 1 Those books are mine; these are his. — 2 How 0 you feel today? — Very well, thanks. — 9 Don't all speak at once, | can't understand 2 word. — 4 | havea leothache and there is no dentist in my village. — 5 I have no more cigarettes, — Here are some 215 two hundred and fitesn Fill in the missing words: 1. 6A qué hora se lovanta normaimente ? does he get ..? 2 Cuando llegue ei tren, amame por telefono desde la When the tain phone me 3. Todo el mundo intentaba eubir a) aviobce @ le vez was trying 0... + the bus ‘wo hundred and fourteen 214 so Bor favaroh Sista un parbaica, estoy doma- Sisco seupads para Irya mismo tt Evvaters itr nia cata & raves do una vontana jena 12 Potne e (un) auiobos nimero rent y siete y bajo gn Charing Grose ° 13, Fodo'el mondo intontaba coger el autobis a 14 [ue pasa — Tengo dolor ge cabeza, dolor de M4 Acad Scior ae garganta y (un) contipace, 45 Fannin’ mo pragunta como mel Seno. NOTES (cortinoos) et ito (ieters0 en). Burglar es lacrén,ratoro, en el (9) [Shido de aattante Ge cate,» desvaliace (a) at once: de inmadat, enseguice,o también: sl (eas tmutneamens, acess sn cs oes srt. —2 cae Sie Lose ac ata eRe hos Eee ie res SARS fant chaos as ‘wo heed and sicdoon 218 4 Apresurémonos, Se hace de noch. hurry up. 1's 5 Baje a la ofcina de correos. — JA qué distancia ast? A 4 Bia te cea Glee Pee aeing aaa FG ‘Second wave: 11th Lesson Sixty-first (61st) Lesson Holidays 1 — | got” these brochures yesterday from the travel agent's. (1) 2 — Oh good! Let's have a look at them! 3 — | like the ones about Spain. Let's go* to Spain this year. 4 — But neither you nor | speak" Spanish. (2) 5 — Itdoesn't matter. In these lowns, everybooy speaks" English ‘PRONUNCIATION 1 teers. mvt atts att ba 8B pein. mt Lecelon sesenta y una vacaciones 4 = Conaugu eer tos fle so a agencia go vas = fGt6'Slen Vamos a varios, ” 3 — Me'gusten low do Espana. Vayames a Espana este Per hablames expat. — Foro ni w niyo hablamos espafo! 3 No'inpotta en estas eugades to of mundo habia Ingles Notes: ") Se scbrentondo shop de ah Ia tradyeion, agenia ” ée viajes. At the butcher's: en la carniceria, 5 polo the Bover's' rs le panederia. (2) 1 no mo peste ue neither you spoak ro speak ose, a see ata Tika plane ~ John tok. and | (ok) genre sau Ton” anda (Gos seuss). Neior Mou ya a novecor 6 — Well, we can either go* to Spain or to Seatland. (N. 2) 7 — Scolland! But It’s cold in Seotland and | want some sun, 8 — It's not too cold. and it's very beautiful ‘And you don't have to take" a plane. (3) 9 I don't like flying and neither do you 10 — But Spanish is easior to understand™ than the English they speak in Scotland 11 — Nonsense! Anyway, wo might see" the Loch Ness Monster. (4) 12 — It doesn't exist! — How do you know"? 13 — I's eter a myth or an invention to attract tourists. 14 — Well, wo must deside: either Spain or Scotland Haga « sofales » para las expresiones idiamstioas 0 giros {que nos vayamos encontrando, mas quo para las palabras fruevas. No 32 inguiete si as laseiones te parecer mas Complcadas rela varias veces pars comproderlas mo Jor Lo logratd ustes muy pron. EXERCISES 1 I'm afald | have to leave. It's late and it's geting dark. —'2 | preferred the ones he showed us last wesk, — 3 We must dedde quely of it will be too late. — 4'hm atrad of fying. — So am I. — 5 Let's have a look at those new Brechures, Fl in the missing words: 1 Puede usted ir en autobis 0 an coche. EI autobis os mas rapide, You ean 99 bus or .. car, The bus is N18 ai yo comprendemos e! espaol. No imports. you. Spanish. it 3. Puede que venga en avién, pero no fo oreo. Sixty-second (62nd) Lesson Scotland 1 Scotland is half as big as England but the Population is much smaller. 2 There are two main regions: in the north, the Highlands which are wild and beautiful, 3 and in the south, the Lowlands which are ‘more agricultural 4 Although Edinburgh is the capital, Glasgow is the main industrial centre, to hundred and cighteen 218 6 — Beene, podemos Ir (a Espana o a Escocia. $ X Fescecie’ Hace (es) trio en Escocia y yo quiero {aigo de) sot a — Novhace demasiado toy es muy bonito, ¥ no hay Ge (oo tanoe gol coger a avin, 1 — Doce el’espahol es mas facil de comprender que dnioriast De, tocas formas, podramos ver ol T imonstrue cet Lago Ness 32 — [No enste! — 1 como lo sabes ? _— $5 — EX%oi'un mito 6 ina Invencion para atraer 14 — Buono, debemes deciair: © Espafia 0 Escola, NOTES (continues) a ) F must (negative: | must not, musn'), debe. © | Rave fo engo que, estoy obligace 2. 8¢ conuga normaiments. (@) Might: puede que, podria que + intive si {She mipnt come puede que venga They might be here: podrian estar aqu bree raciendo, — 2 Me Sat TERE ES nd twenty 220 4 Le da miedo voler..y a mi también, Ho's o ane 5 Puede quo tame por telefono esta nache, Tendremos ‘que esperar she ...-- phone We wit wa {te yy utr copa —2 nee -s1; eet Second wave: 20h Lescon Leccién sesenta y dos _ a VB er gu, tas comands (orras baja) gue son oe eee 221 two hundred and twenty-one 5 Scotland was separated trom England by @ wall, built” by the Roman emperor Ha- drian. Parts of this wall still exis today. ‘Some older people stil speak" Gaelic, but most Scots speak” English. (1) 8 Scottish towns look very different from En- lish ones. 8 In English towns, the houses are mainly built of red brick, 10 whereas in Scotland, the houses are mainly of grey slate. ‘11 Britain’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis, is in Scotland. (2) (3) 12 The Scots have their own religion, called Presbylerianism, and their own laws. (4) 13 So, although Scotland is part of Great Bri tain, 14 it-has never been united with England in the came way as Wales. @ has are ee he tat ade is Bea ac a cnttnde at ag "gb a ge ae 223 two hundred and twenty-three EXERCISES 1 Scotland is half as big as England. — 2 Most peoole in Scotland speak English, — 3 allhough some alder people still speak Gaelic. — 4 English is easy to learn, ‘whereas Gaelic is complicated. — 5 Of course, that is my awe opisian Fil in the missing words: 1. Aungue seamos escoceses, nimi mujer, ni yo hablamos ‘adico. we... Seotieh Lees my wite Gaslie 2 Las casas estén en su mayoria construcas de pizara, ‘The houses are 3 Las cludades escocesas tienen un aspecto muy alfo- vente towns .... very diferent ‘nwo hundred and twenty-two 222 5 Escocia estuvo separada de Inglaterra por un muro tonstruldo par el emperedor romano Adriano, 6 Parts de este muro exsten aun hoy. 4 figunos ancianos nablan adn gaeico, pero la 8 ° mayoria de fos sscocoues hablan ng, {ie cludages escocosee tienen muy diferente as- Ef" ige cludedoe ingloaas las casas estén constr fas principaiments de iadrlo ro 10 Imientray qua en Escocia, 18s casas estan hechas principalmente de piearra gts, 11 Ea"montata mas ata Ge Gran Bretaha, [ei] Ben Nevie, esta es Escace 12 Usslestoveses tienen su propia religion, lamada presbitrianismo, ¥ sus propias leves 13 Bermoco que. aunque Escecia os parte de Gran rotate, 14 funea ra gatado unids con Inglatorra do! mismo rhage que Gales. notes cot: los escoceses, pueda sor también adletvo, A (") Se5i vllags a Sookionwilage) on pusbl eacoces Scotch se uaa aslo pare whisy. (pr tanto usa’ com tl el caso posesive. ta economia Upurea. The’ Spanam sconamy para la seenemia G0" Eapana puede decitse the econamy of Spain © Spain's asonamy (9) Ben: Es ura pelabra ascocasa (del gaélice beann) Gus aleve Geer pice, montana (a) To ann. posear: owner: poseeder, propristri own (G3) prope,suyo, de uno mismo No conviene hacer una ragedia de la difcutad que pueden Suponer los verbos.regulares. Son menos. compilcados ius los vervos espafoles, y la practica cotdlana le per- Initied dominaros sin esfue’zo wn pocas semanas. two hindred and twenty-four 224 4 Ezcora os Ia mites do grande, uo Iplaters, — 2 La mayora Jerome en Escola nabs inglés = 3 aunque alunos enlanes Sb dSinn gua, — «TE le as fal ab aprender, mentat {ee snl oe conte 8 Pac apts ee nm tt 4 Este folato es mio. Coja usted of suyo. This is brochure, Tako 5 No Jo pronuncia de fa misma manera que yo. He doesn't it. the same... as ‘Vathough~are-reithar- or = speak — 2 maint but of sat EE ae ig Spronounce "yout own way ® Sixty-third (63rd) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccién 87: (3) (@), (7) Leccién 58: (4) ~ Leccion 6D: (8) ~ Leccién 61: (1), 4). = Ubcelén 22 (3 4 To get. — Esto «poquono» verbo se utliza aun mas que el verbo - hacer» en castellano (cosa que puede ser desalentadora, pues no hay mas que mirar & los diecionarios para comprobar la serie de ma- tices y signicados que. so le aribuyen). Hay que examinarlo desde dos. puntos do vista: ol do la eufonia (que auene bien fa frase) y el del significado Sroniamente dicho. Leccion sesenta y tres Suele ir, normalmente, en su forma de. participle pasado, got, rsforzanda los sonidos = débiles », como GI de havo, En ese caso, |no quiere decir nad: Repite simplemente la tdea de pesesion: I've gut a cold, a's got 5 pounds. En cuanto verbo, propiamente dicho, sin llevar una particula detras, quiere decir obtener ». We got these Brochures yesterday: obtuvimos_(iogramos, conseguimos, o simplemente cogimos) estos folletos ayer; get me a bottle of beer: cbjeme (traeme, fansiauemel una botella de corveza 1228 two hundred and twontytve Cuando va en forma progresiva, quiere decir «llegar a ser, «converlirse », = quedarse, = hacerse =, “ponerse », etc. She's getting deat: ‘se esta que. Jando sorda; it's getting dark: se esta poniende oscuro, se esta haciendo de noche. Gon preposiciones detrés, puede tener multiples sen- Wicos veamos los mas corrientes: To get up’ len vantarse: to get on: subir a (al autobUs, ete): to ‘get off; bajar (de Un autobis); to get over: superar, Feouperarse (de una enfermedad); fo get down bajar (de una platatorma, ete) No se trata de aprender todos los sentides de get [ademas es practicamente imposible, pues se inven- tan otfos nuevos @ diario), sino de capiar la idea, aprender a interpretario y evitar asi problemas. Sera ‘muy Gtil_disponer de un ‘diccionario ingles. (como. «The Oxlord English Dictionary» o el = Chambers 2ath Century «) 2 Los verbos defectives : « can» y « must» Estas formas existen sélo en presente ¥ no llevan ‘3 en la tercera persona del singular. Sus infnitivos son fo be able (can) y to have to must), y, on realidad, no plantean grandes provle- Podré: Il be able to. Debi: I had to, ete, Might: odrla que (pude ulizarse tambien may, que eaul- Vale a suede» an tied ove ot 227 two hundred and twerty-asven, Sixty-fourth (64th) Lesson 1 When France and England decided to build* a tunnet under the Channel, they asked for tenders. 2 The firm with the lowest offer was accep- ted. Astonished by the low price, they asked the director: 3 — How are you going to do it for so ttle money? (1) 4 — It's easy, the engineer said, | will start digging” on the English side, (2) © and my son will start digging” on the French side, 6 and we'll meet" in the middle. 7 — But that's ridiculous! You'll be miles apart 8 What will happen if you don’t meet"? 9 — In that case, the engineer said” calmly, you will have two tunnels for the price of 10 A tourist in Cairo saw* two skulls in a shop: a large one and a small one. 11 — What are these? he asked. — The big one Is the skull of Queen Cleopatra, was the reply. 12 — Really. said* the amazed tourist, and the litle one? PRONUNCIATION Tememtigt pa mite = ar aa eae Te two hundred and twontysie 226 8 Los verbos irregulares. — No se aprenden en un ia sino con le practica de muchas. semanas. No plantean autentices problemas : la repeticion y las fotas que tome le ahorraran la mitad del trabajo y Tambign contribuira a faclitarselo nuestra clasifica- ign. 4 No se olvide: etl pone naa ue tae mae. et tr sane, ono 8 Nothing serious: nada grave, nada importante. 5 Poner en Inglés: fave que vender mi coche para pagar la factura 2 Se'tevarta alas ocho § Say ool autonus pani a ileia 4 Nito ni ye aueremos hablarls. 5 Parecos” muy ocupado, Puedo echarte una (corjalo conforme al epigrate 6 y péselo a limp). 6 Traduction : 4 | had f0 ‘sail my car fo pay the bil. 2 Ho gets up at exgmt o'viuck 3 Get off the bus after the church, 4 Neither you nor | want fo speak io him. 5 You look very busy. Can | give you a hand: Second wave : 1h (revision) Lesson ‘wo hundred and twenty-eight 228 Leccién sesenta y cuatro 2 se te amprasa cus_oresents ol mis = Eston aie ef thence ingonira}, empezaré a 10 Un tarata won £1 ato dos ealaveres en use tarde “una grande y ora peaveta — LOu6 on" ub son esas 7) preguns, — Le 1 Leiter es a calavora ge le Teina Cleopatra, 16 i oepuesta 12 — Claro, er ‘el atonito turista, zy la pequefa 7 ores been ®t) Come siempre, 0s cueston do singular o plural: so (© Ffie mney: 20 Tew people (an poco, tan pOCos.) sect noise, 20 many cas taro, tne.) aod 220 two hundred and twenty-nine 13 — That is the skull of Cleopatra when she was a young girl, answered the shop- keeper. 14 Don't forget” to repeat the irregular verbs. 19 dnote, EXERCISES 1 My son built his own house. — 2 Everyone knows Caesar's words: | came, | saw, | conquered. — 3 They rang last night, but we werent In. — 4 Do you remember Jones? |-met him In the street yesterday. Uis'He asked me how you were, Fill in the missing words: 1 Es tél! comenzar a fumar, pero (es) ms dic! dojarlo (eran. is easy to but © 2 Quion estaré maftana en la festa ? No me acverdo fat the... tomorrow? | don't 3. 4 Cuando podré darme usted su precio? Enseguide Wen oe to give 2 At once. 1291 two hunded and thityone. Sixty-fifth (65th) Lesson Public transport 1 David Wison travels to work avery morning by tube, 2 The tube—or the Underground—is some- thing like the Metro in Paris. 3 But, unlike the Metro, it is rather old- fashioned and quite expensive. (1) 4 You pay according to the distance you want to travel. (2) 5 You can buy" a season ticket, which allows you to travel for a certain period at a lower Price 6 Although most of the tube is autom there are still employees who check your ticket at the exit. (3) 7 So you must keep" your ticket until you finich your journey. (4) 8 You can also travel by bus, which is slow- er but gives" you a better view. 9 Most buses are double-deckers and you are allowed to smoke upstales, (5) PRonuNciarioN. deings,. — 5 aon thet Blo.” gsa.” 6 ool. erpiois ‘wo hundred and thirty 290 43 — Es le calavera de Ia reine Cleopatra, cuando era {una} joven, repondio el tender. 16 No se olvide de ropetir los vorbos irequares, como va ta segunda wolta? Seguro ave Sima sted posts aitcutades. Siga ash Ye Por Sn camino crea 2 Togo ol mundo conace las LN SEE tres Se aa Ying Faereacna pao no eaatamos, 4 Te acoadaa Ge sores? rege pranctais ayer ems ale 8 86 progunta como oi 4 c.0U8 es 807? (plural) — 4 £80 ? (tural) — Son cal foras de animales. 2 ees? Thay are 5g Gémo vas a hacerlo antes dal jueves proximo ? How to dot 2 among mae ath atop — 2h wl tn pty TTase?- anna shes ~ Bate you going - Selore oot horse. Second wave: 15th Lesson two hundred and nity 292 Leccién sesenta y cinco [Los] transportes pubilcos 1 Davie Wilson va (wala) a trabajar todas las max 2 Elimeyo "oat" Underground » (subterraneo) os pareeide [algo como} ei meta (en) Paris, 3 Perea eifarencia de este, e814 Un poco pasado de tmoda yes muy caro 4 So "Faba contorme a la distancle que se quiera fecarra” (viaje. 5 Se pusce comprar un abono (ilete de temporada) fue perme wajar durante (por) un certo periogo 6 Auta S'inayer part, del metro est automat 2a00 (es automatico) aun hey omploados que Te- wien los bileos a la sada 7 Portanto hay que guardar el billete hasta que se 8 Fambien's6 puode i ajar) on autobis, a rmvien as puode ir (viajar) 2n autobs, que 9s ‘has forte pero eiece (aa) un panorama (vista) meer 9 [a insyor parte de os autobuses son de os pisos se pormite mar en la parte de ariba ores 1) Hemos visto ko (coma) 9 lke: 9s come, se parece. (© Rea tovem io conraio umiko™ it une hi 1 folate corenponde a 30 carat (no e8 como 8) loger are. (2) According to ‘he reeturanr, a To check comprobar,revaar,verlear, Please check ® my answers: por favor revise mis respuestas. To Sorta govern, dig " : 1 Ho work un 9 'clock: rable hasta is rue, (© 8 toting unt! fo: comes’ hare nada hasta que Senge, Mies simplemente una forma ebvevaga ora (6) To allow: permit, To forbid: prohibit. Smoking isnot Bowed! Nose permit fer 0, eontorme a Accorsing to him, ible" sagin @), ste restaurante 253. two hundred and thityrtvee 10 1" 2 13 4 (On these buses, there Is a driver and a conductor, who collects your fares, (6) Finally, there are the famous London taxis, or "Hackney Cabs". (7) These large, black, diesel-engined ver hictes are a familiar sight in the Capital If the cab is free, you will see” a litte “For Hire" sign in the front. (8) Of course, the best way to see the city Is on foot, but you need a rest from time to time. EXERCISES: 1 At the end of the journe you must show your fioket. — 2 it's unite him to say things like that — 3 You are not allowed to smoke in this bullding, — 4 My passport was checked by the pole. ~~ 8 From time to time, he looked at his watch to check the time, FFI nthe missing words: 1. Sagi 6%, no tonemes derecho @ aparcar aqui 2 Aunque Ja mayor pate de ellos no puedan venir camot come, 238 two hundred and thityfive 8 David y Joan aun quieren salir con nosotros. avid and Joan ..... want to with 4 Guarde su bileto hasta que tleqve 2 In said your Uuntl you reach the ‘wo hundred and hietetour 234 10 gn ents abuses, tay un conductor yun cobra oe gue acl (rosie lero Questa tras). 1 Bilton ens anc nto Hedley cade : 12 _Eitos amples vehiculos nogros, con motor dies Sen una visen familar ef fa Cepia NOTES (continued) ota mi, Tea eg tae ares ee hlanrs craanrea "ae trata Ge cObrado, eae (© Ye ore (gratlta) «re you tree tomorrow? . Es a live reshana? ERCICIOS a oe ae an elas coun feoeas co eta). 3.N surgetice“Wrver tans meals eo two hued and hiteie 238 Cuando haya terminado, z queird usted revisar el efor. When wil you... the 2 T pecoring 1 not allonas. — 2 Although mest of hem come (2) out check ene ep thet “en have fished 46th Les Second wave Sixty-sixth (66th) Lesson 1 Learn this page as usual, then answer the questions with the help of the prece- ding lessons, 2 — What is the popular name for the Under- ground? 3 Where else can you find* an underground rallway system? What is it called? 4 Is the Tube expensive? Why is it dearer than the Parisian Metro? 5 Why must you keep” your ticket until you reach the exit? (1) 6 — Whrat are London buses called? Gan you ‘smoke on a London bus? Where? 7 — Who collects the fares? Who drives" the bus? PRONUNCIATION PoP 2 wu. 8 er rete. en — Leccién sesenta y seis Estudio esta pagina como de costumbre y Wego “a aya do las feoponda aaa preguntas con Te a¥ Ieesiones precedontes derground ? 2 {Ginl'es e nombre popula del Ungergrourd 7 3 EEnodd So's pte uses encrtar on tina? 4 E%aro ata i tone] gor a8 #8 fas cosoeo que.el mew) de Para? 5 [hor que nay que quardar of bilete hasta llegar Fe te ea eee tosaes? cee chines aman tos autobuses do Londres? 2 © Stee arene (ur) autobus en Lone ? re? 7 Euler recoge et sino (as tants)? z Quien notes {i} To reach: alcanzar, llegar... When you reach thirty Cuando legues oe trinta. To reach te ext: legar ia slide 297 two hundred a 8 What are Hackney Cabs? What colour are they? 9 How do you know" if a cab is free? 10 Which is the best way to travel around London? (2) 11 — Fares please. — Hyde Park, please, — That's twelve pence. (3) 12 — 1 don’t know London. Will you tell" me where | must get* off? 13 — Of course. Oh, if you want to smoke, you must go" upstairs EXERCISES 1 Must he leave at once? — Yes, I'm sorry. —2 They tefl this movning Uefore you got up. —3 Brighton 19.4 popular place to go for your holidays. — 4 How do you know if you are right? — 8 What will happen if fhe doesn't phone? Fill In the missing words: 1 Por qué debo escrbirle ? — Parqun as ti rime Why 10...2 — Because your 2 Si-yo usted ia sofa «se alquie », [ya] sa fst are sted que you... the" : you know 3 Digame déndo debo bajar, por favor, no conozco Congres. where please, 4 @Dénde se puede comprar un abono ? Where Beet? two hundred and thiti-elght 290 8 LQué son os Hackney cabs (taxis)? De qué color 9 Gémo sabe usted si un taxi ests libre? 40 {Goals la mejor manera ce desplazarse (viajar) por Lonsres ? Por lav, payuen (pages). — Hyde Park, por favor. ‘Son t2"sonques 12 — No conaree Londres. 4 Quiere decirme dando debe bajar? 13 — Por supueste. On, s! quiero fumar, debe Ira! piso fe arriba NOTES (continue (2) Hicks. gou8l? Which do you proler?; gual prateres ? (8) Esto.os lo cue sles el cabrador cel autobis. EI revisor {inspector siria Tickets proase. ice Sa" fvamareg = 3 aon oun elo uy two hundred and forty 240 5 Las cuatro estaciones son : primavera, verano, oto ‘Second wave: 17 Less Sixty-seventh (67th) Lesson 1 We took" my cousin to see” a cricket match last month, 2 But he fell” asleep during the game. (1) (4) 3 He slept” peacetully for two hours until a ball hit” him on the head and woke™ him up. @) 4 — Hella, it's nice to see” you again. How are you? 5 — Very well. I'm going to stay with you for a few days. (3) Notes (1) To fa, fe, fallen: caer, To fall n love: enamerarse 1 fal asieop dormiree Leccion sesenta y siete 4 Llevamos a mi prime a ver un paride de cricket fi mes pasado, Pero ee durmd durante el luego, Burmie apaciblemente durante dos horas hasta que tna’ pelcta le golpas on la cabeza y fe dosperto. 4 — Hola! Ove alegria {Gomo estas? 5 — fnuy"bien. Me voy @ quedar contigo (por) unos ise 8 agradabie} verte de nuevo. NOTES (continued) Scfindo com tal Gacac'ones, un Parco, una pelea Sie) 9 for'en los demas ea20s (una. sormaha, tes floras’ el resto del dia) Ue" guetra duro siete alos: tho war lasted for sevon Years (aurscion. Mo muro durante la guerra my {hele died durin the war (durante el poriode) Otra palabra engaosa, #9 stay. quedarse, permane- or io rest’ roposat, dascansar (ver loocion 65 finea 1 1261 two hundred and forty-one 6 — Ah, well, I'm leaving* tomorrow and my wife left” two hours ago — Oh well, good- bye. (4) 7 Mrs Higgins put” “ Rest in Peace " on the tombstone of her husband’s grave 8 Then the sollttor told her that there was nothing for her in her husband's wil. 9 So she told* the mason to add the words: “ until | come* 10 During the week, try to read’ this book for at least half an hour every day. (6) 11 and for a little longer at the weekend, 42 This everyday contact will make" you fee!* at home with English 13 and help you to build” a wide vocabulary, but remember: (6) 14 Read" some English every day. EXERCISES 1 Keep quiet, your father fell asleep half an hour age. "2 Hell, ifs nice to seo you again. How are you? 243 two hundred and feeytheoe — 3 He left during the first part of the match. — 4 He said he was bored and wanted to go home. — 5 Wo walted for him for five minutes then left as wel Fill in the missing words: 1) Winston Churchill murid en 1965 ‘Winston Churenill died : 2 Fue primer ministro durante la quer, 3 Estuve en el poder durante nuove atos He was .. power Sixty-eighth (68th) Lesson Sport English people are very fond of sport. (1) 2 They play it and they watch it; they talk about it and think" about it. (2) 3 The most ypically English game Is erieket, which is played during the summer months, v4 fotytwo 262 6 — An bueno, me voy (or0g.) mafana y mi mujer se {us hace dos horas," Bueno, acids 7 La sefors Higgins puso « descanse en paz on la Tapia ge la tumba de 24 mario. 8 Logo et notario le dijo que no habla nada pare 9 Beimoco ‘que ajo al albanit que afadiers tas palabras’ «inasta gue yo Tlegue 10 Durante la semana Intanta leer eats libra al menos durante media hora casa ie 11 yun poco mas durante etn ce semana 42 Esto contacto colglano le Tamilarieara fe hard Sentirse como en casa) con a! Ing 43 yo ayudard a constritfse] un Voesbulario ampli 14 Tee'un poco en inglés todos los dias. NOTES (continued) '4) Hace dos horas. Ago es una conlraccién de agone {ido, pasado), Hace tres clas: three days. ago! hace Mnuche tiempo: # Jona time age. ,.Cuanto. tempo fiace'?: now tong ago? (5) Fese on Is pronuns ion del pasado de este verbo [roe] para saber si 30 rata del pasado o del presente, fondra’que tyerae en el contexte (6) No se repite el auxiiar st dentro ce la misma frase. 4 cat, tu ocr, e cumia hace media tora — 2 Hla, os un (ovo hundred and forty-four 264 ‘Barra y quo quar fao\s cosa" Le esperamce strani cnc 4 John tuvo que quederse en Ia cama durante una se- soho stay .. bea 5 Durante a semane anterior a Nevided, las tandas estan Mienas Ge gente the week Christmas, the shops are ‘Second wave: 18h Lesson Leccién sesenta y ocho [Et] Deporte 1 Los ingleses son muy atlelonados al deporte 3 Lelyegan yi conamplan asin ce dy plnsan 3 El juego mas tiicamente inglés 0s ol cricket, que 50 vag durante ioe meses do verano notes (a) To be fond of: ser atcionade a, tener atecto (@) Notese que, cuando se mira algo que va desarrallan- dos0 0 volucionando Juego, television, incluso como ge cocina un plato) se slice’ walen, que comporte la idea Ges vigiar » u » ebservar and torte 4 But the most popular game is football, which is played during the rest of the year (for eight months). 5 Professional football is very exciting to watch and the players earn large sums tof money, 6 Another ball game, less popular than foot. ball, is Rugby. 7 Called Rugby football, it was invented at Rugby School in about 1820 (eighteen twenty) 8 A boy, called Ellis, was so bored with Playing with hie fest, 9 that he took" the ball in his hands—and a new game was born! (3) 10 Another popular sport is horse racing, which is forbidden” in England on Sun days. 11 There is no State lottery in England, but A game called Bingo is very success- ful. (4) 8) 12 Many cinemas are closing and being converted into Bingo halls. 13 tis estimated that about six million people, mainly women, play Bingo regularly, NOTES (continues) (8) Ta be Dorn (nacer) se emples siempre {con toda logica. por ola parte) en pasado. Yo nac\: was born Where were you born? bende naciste ? 247 two hundred and tortyven EXERCISES 1 | was bored with listening to him, so | fell asleep. 2 Dancing is forbidden in the church. — 3 Slobby Niles is @ successful football payor. — 4 | am very fond ‘of your aster. Is she married? — § She plays Bingo every week and wine large sums of money. Fl In the missing words: 1. Hablaba da sus aventuras en Altice, pero yo me abu He was adventures .. africa but 1 2 Up jupador de tito! gene mAs que un director do A football more -... 8 bank manager 3. Est8 prohibido fumar en 6! metro de Londres. " smoke in the London tube Sixty-ninth (69th) Lesson 1 — Excuse me, doesn't my nephew Peter Bates work in this office? (1) 2— Oh, you're his uncle. He went® to your funeral this morning, Vo Gage, sa. belt. — 2. dB. na 4 Pero al caporte (juego) mas popular es ol fab! fue se juega curante el resto de! ano [durante 5 EI fotbo! profesional os muy emocionante de ver y los jugadores ganen grandes sumas ce dinero, 8 Gro uoge de pelata, manos popular que el futbo! fet rugby 7 Llamado rdaby-ftbol, se invert6 on la escucia co Ragby hacia el 1820. 8 —Un'muchacro, lamado Ells, estaba tan aburrico fe jugar ear os (ous) pis, 9 Gue'coalé el balén con fas (eus) manes —y nace Un nuevo Juego! 10 Otro deporte popular son tas carreras de caballos {singular) que ‘estan prohioidas en ingiaterre los Gomngos, 11 Novhay Toteria nacional en Inglaterra, poro tere Truchet tn juego llamad Bingo. 12 Muchos eines lertan (prog) y se convierten Salas ce Bingo 13 S6.cree que unas seis millones de personas, priv Sipalments mujeres, vegan al Bingo requl NOTES (continues) 1a) Como ustedes saben el mismo fenémeno se ha oro Sucido en Espana. 5) Successt! (adh) que tone éxito; de verbo te sez (©) Good trun, tenet éxito, ete} Ho's auccecstl ‘Sinossman cs un nombre de negocios Je ex Aorysight 2 4 Et cricket es menos emacionante de ver que el rugby. Cricket is © Busby 5 Gana mucho dinera, pero trabaja durante el verano, He money but he works the ‘Second wave: 19th Lesson Leccién sesenta y nueve 1 — porgne,«Tebaa sori Pear Bates on eta 2 — One vst au to, Se ha fo @ au eoro sta nores ) Miontras quo par cousin prime) 1a misma forma vale Wy para el masculino que para el femenino, nephew (80- Stings tone su forma temonina’mece (03) 260 two hundred and forty-nine 3 — David, what are those empty whisky bottles doing in the cellar? 4 — | don't know", darling. I've never bought" fan empty bottle of whisky in my life. (2) 5 — How many people work in your office? 6 — About half of them. 7 Mrs Thomas and Mrs Jones met" in the shopping centre, 8 Mrs Jones was pushing a pram with her two little boys inside. 9 — Good morning Mrs Jones. What beautiful shildren. Tell me, how old are they? 10 — Well, said Mrs Jones, the doctor is two and the lawyer is three. (3) 11 — | forgot my wife's birthday. — What did she say"? 42 — Nothing. — That's alright then. 13 — Yes, nothing... for three weeks, 14 Don’t forget’ to learn the irregular verbs we meet’ 3 jemi wa? 4 soot, — 6 taal. — 7 ume. nh Sia ido usted reptiende y ensayand regularments ios Vorbos irregulares marcades gon un asterisco, puede que 420n no ios 8093, pore seguro que los tone usted = en la umta ae fa tongua =. Solo lo pedimos un poco do pace too hundred and fity-one EXERCISES 1 My uncle and aunt met during the war. — 2 What Is that book doing inthe middie of the table? — 3 He never spends money, but last week he bought @ house. — 4 Don't you speak German? | thouaht you did. — § How old are you, madam? — That doesn't concern you, FIll In the missing words: 1) {No quiere ver Ia tolevision ? No, na quiere she want the television? — No, 2 4 Qu hace ol perro can e! cartero? — No tiene impor: farcl, the dog <.... with the aH 3 Que tiempo tan bueno ! Cojamos ol cache y vayamos at campo. ‘woather! the car the country toro hundred and tity. 250 3 — David, qué hacen (orogr, esas boelias de whisky Vacias er el soiane 7 4 — Nole'se, queria, Nunca he comprado una botella te whisky vacle en toga mi vida, = uta gone rapa ont ona? La ser n 5 . 7 ra Thomas y la sefera Jones se encontra- 8 Ga'sercta Jones iba smpulando un coche con sus ° 0 foe nifos peauetos dertre, ° — Buenos dias, serore Jones, 1 Qué nifos mas gue- os" Bigame qué dad tienen ? — Bueno, Zio ta Senora Jones, el médico tone dos aos el sbogaco tes. 41 — ovs6 et cumpleatos de mi mujor. — Que dio? 42 — Naca— Entonces toco esta bien, 38 — Siitada.. durante ves semanas, 16 No se olvide de aprender los verbos lrregulares fue nos encontremos, NOTES (connues) casas 2 eso! proterto perfecto; Indes una accion pasaca a ‘Gentro de un contexto de tiempo que ain dura (en mi a " " {palabra tanger a8 un tring general qu inclye © Feypater'y solltor Barrister abopase aug intervene eats dibunles, Solletor:proceraor, En America Seen ambien atorey uencicios 41 to ym ta fee conaceron (encontraron) durante ia guerra. 19 Tob Face ote hive an macs dela ee "8 Nance gana Siners, geri romera pesagn compre una,casa— 4. No hs Sloman’. Senge quo'ar le haces) —~'s Cuavtoe anos Rod Seared ie importa taste 4 Comprd 1 coche que vib ef jueves, pero olvidd las ‘sébanas, He the oo he Thursday, but he the shoots 5 Su mujer esté ent la. No 56 que pasara wile fe... I don't know <5 wil espuestas 1 Dosen fo wateh- she dosnt, — 2 What «doing - puta? doeant ater 3 Wha tine ate take and goto —# bowgt SfarSaw'an ~ ergot ="'s He angry wna happen ‘Second wave: 20h Lesson Seventieth (70th) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccion 64: (1) - Leccién 65 Leecion 68: (2). (4) = Leceién 68 (2) 13, Lecci6n setenta 1 Durante, — For para algo que se mida (normé mente va seguido de una citra o numero) ; during, para un periodo definido. Cuidado! He was ill for @ week: durante una Semana, He was ill during the week before Christ. mas: durante la semana anterior a Navidad. 259 two hundred and fitythres Ago: traduce el tiempo que ha mediado entre el acontecimiento de! pasado y el momento. presente, Via John hace tes semanas: saw wJlohn three weeks ago. Hace tres afos: three yoars ago. fh 8 Bs <0 =P St te esa 3 Conviene recordar : lech Wie please. comprocie (vise) est, por Have a rest: descanse. Half of them: la mitad de ellos. That's alright then: entonces, todo va bien I'm bored with working: estoy aburrido (harta) de trabajar Ho was born: nacid, ha nacido. Untit came: hasta que yo llegué. 288 two hundred and fitytve Seventy-first (71st) Lesson Important news 1 Mr. Marshall and Mr, Hobbs were sitting in Uw suals near the door, opposite one another. (1) (2) 2 David Wilson got" into the train and said” "Good morning ”. 3. The two men replied " Morning ” and cont. hued reading” their papers. 4 David put" his briel-case on the rack ever his head and sat* down 5 He litt a cigarette, threw" the match on the floor and opened his paper. 6 The three men read" in silence for a while. 7 The window was hall-open and there was a strong draught 8 — | see* the Chinese Prime Minister is dead, ‘said Marshall. (3) 9 Noone said” a word. 10 After a few minutes, Hobbs said’: "Oh dear, another terrible plane-crash 11 The other two showed no interest. 12 Then David shouted: "Oh nol”, the others looked at him. 13 "Stiles, the Chelsea centre-forward is Ill and won't be able to play against Spurs” PRONUNCIATION. 1 Sih i ns, — 8 ne. A bn 8 12 alle uel om orade. bia” agen we hundred and fyefour 254 4 Poner en inglés 4 Se durmid durante @! partido, Hace una hora 2 Usted no tiene derecho a hablar, 5 Gon tan pocos amigos y tantos problemas, (él) Soha sar desgraciado, 4 Aqui hay dos Tibros. ¢ Cual prefieres ? 5 Conserve su billete hasta que llegue a la salida 8 Trabaje durante tres horas y luego se par. 5 Traduccion: 1 He fel! asleep during the match. An (one) hour 2 You're allowed to tak 3 tmth’so few riends and so many problems, he ‘must be unbeppy. 4 Tore are two books. Woich do you preter? 5 Keop your teket until you roach the ox, 6 fie worked for three hours and then he stopped. snes empezado a manejar ya un certo ndmero d0 preatones lomancas gros y resula ineviaole due Pommaan falas, Pera tonga confanca a praca cov ‘atalacord to que aun 08 engebie.¢ No es cierio que Usted sus progresos ? Cuando era usted nfo, hizo redar, quis, més de una bola Geinteve" Lamas ciel era ompotar, formar 0) néceo. fogs habla mas que oMpuyar le twa Wve, en ele tas, Usia poace ar ‘icteo scgptao's de ingiésy, al final del curs, a= bola ~ Jue hace sted formando tonara considerabies amen: ‘Second wave: 21a {revision Lesson, Leccién setenta y una Notica importante 1 Sr. Marshal y el Sr. Hobbs estaban seniados en Sus asienfos cetca de la puora. uno entente de ot. Bivia Wison subi al ten y ajo: « buenos dias Condon orbres epicarn = bueon clan 9 ontinuaron Toyondo sus panoccos Bavid puso su matein en la rejia de encima de Su cabozs y 80 tert, Encendio un egarilo, urd la ceria al suslo y faoré su periéa tos tres homer {entana estaba mecio ablerta y habia una Kero cSuene de are — Yoo que et primer ministro chino ha muerte, dio Marshal leyaron en silencio durante un 9 Nadie dio une palabra 18 Tras pocos minutos, Habbs dijo: «On, cielos, otro terrible accidonte 22 avion = 41 Les-otros coe no mosttaron interés, 42 Entonces David grto: = On, no, los otros dos le 12 Stiles et dolantero contre del Chelsea esta en- ferma'y no podra jugar conta ell Spurs = NoTes (1) Estaban sentados: fst down santas 1 e siting fetar sentavo (a vooes tambien se usa fo bo seated) (@) One another 0 each other se dice para dos personas. thay saw one another ae viaron. They faked fo each ‘there hablaron. Opposite aach ether uno tents ‘otra. No use jamis Momselves en estos casos. (9) Morir, fo gle muro: he diod. Pero cuando se coments, scimionto (ya no esta viva) $0 cee: he is dead. 257 two hurdred and fty-soven 14 The three men began’ to discuss the ter- rible, tragic news. (4) EXERCISES 1 She lit cigarette and threw the match on the floor. 2 They begen to talk about the nous. — 3 Lord Byron was born in seventeen eighty eight and died in ‘lghteen enty four. — 4 He put his coat on a chair Sno sat down, ——s | am agamst is idea, 1 find i Fill in the missing words: 1 Lelan sus periddicos evade la puerta se abrié. They their when the 2 Se miraron durante cinco minutos antes de cect buonee ‘ies ‘They at five minutes betore 3. No podremos permiines unas vacaciones on el ox tranjere, Wo © 2 holisay 4 La ventana estabs entreabieria y habia une fuerte co- ‘mente ae aire. Was occ sees and 8 song 259) two hundred and fitynin Seventy-second (72nd) Lesson 1 The train stopped at a station but no one got on 2 At the last minute, the door epened 3 and an old gentleman with a grey beard and glasses got" into the compart- ment. (1) (2) (8) 4 — | just caught it! he said, sitting’ down heavily. (4) 5 He took" off his glasses and wiped his face with a striped handkerchief. (N. 1) © Everyone was reading" and smoking, ex- cept the old gentleman. (5) 7 He had obviously had no time to buy" a paper belore catching the train. (6) 8 David soon noticed that the man was read- ing” his paper with him, but very disereetly. Notes (0) Gentleman, 9s una palabra muy conosida, Tiene origen Tatin (genithomore so ica on espaol queria Geeit fue ve pertonecia a buona familia, sin ser noble. Oe Sint el sentiso que ahora posce, ! equivalent & | Balabra «caballo al (que ha. surigo un Semejanto. ovoluctén an gu signticaco). Se quiere n= dicar con olla que la persona consideraca ganteman (6 do sentimientos {alante Telinados (existe inluso St aauartio"genizomaniyy Cuando en ingies dicen a. aioe and Gentiomen (ropare-en los puraies), eauivale Gxactamente a nuestro = Seforas y Caballeros PRONUNCIATION 4 vein. mpuan..— 9. domain... ges ei hei 8° ua, sat nana @ "a host @ este tin de to hundred and fitysight 258 44 Los tres nomores comenzeron a distur las te rice [7 tagiess noticias NOTES (continues) (4) A pesar do la «s~ news 06 slomore sinaular. The hens is Goad: las notes son buonas. te. mismo Geutte con means (un medio. This @ means ta loan Engish es un mesia oe aprender ingles 5 Vib al cuerpo y dlio: xg Esta muerio © duorme?= He... te +. and asked "Is oes, [MSPS darted od ye Sh SS do's Seu Lt ercuonrostsur am Seid, Respusstas for toying Ged morning eto) 8 win beable = afore thread Ea" Rre wndow = al opm" thre was.” aught — Second wave: 22nd Lesson to hundred and sity 260 Leccién setenta y dos 1 El tren se pard en una estacién pero nacie subié. 2 Enel biime momenta, la puerta se abrid 5 y"un anciano caballo con barba gis y gatas 4 — {Le"copi por foe pelos Gusta)! de, sentancose pesadamenta 5 Se Gutb'Ias gatas y se s0c0 6! rostro con un ats @ vayas 6 Toco e! mundo’ lela y fumaba, menos et viejo aballero 7 Evigontemente-no habia tenide tiempo de comprar tn periodico actes de coger tr 8 Bavic' se 016 cuenta enseguida de que el hombre stave Toysndo ew panesico con, ere. my cretamants NOTES (continued) 12) A glass: un vaso: glasses: gates (también punde Coarse Ia palabra epsctaces). (3) ino expresa la idea de =derira», in, y ta de = 6 placamenton, 10 Se usa con todo verbo que tenga el Sento dec nirar en. tare a1 agua ump tae the wator ; subir'a un coche (get io a ean, a Se vatrape «el ten, al gual que un eonstinado, segun ie ingles. He's cating the fon ook tae No so repite et auxliar was si no hay posiildad 0 Cention 6) Tras una preposicion (before, ater, of ec. con algunas (© Seepclones, como’ al caso defo) el verba va en forurcio (es decir en ing): before catching te tan EEresponue Sean los casos, a inva de proseno Ode pasado en eapatol: Afr reaging the paper he follesieep: tras fer (0 haber Iolo) 8t porocie, 6 261 two hundred and sixty-one 9 David's paper had twenty pages and he would have liked to share it with him, (7) 10 but he did not want to show the old gentleman that he had noticed he was reading” it: 11. he was afraid of offending him. 12 David reached the bottom of the page, but did not want to turn it because his neigh- our was still reading* 13 At last, David solved the problem. He fol ded the paper, put it on the seat, 14 closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. (8) 30 show ain. 2 en, len EXERCISES 1 Without moving his hands, he turned the page. — 2 He was afraid of waking hls father. — 3 It was so Cold in Scotland that | caught a cold. — 4 He pre- tended to be a parachutist, but he we man. — § When you have reached ook, read it again Fill in the ing words: 1 Antes de secarse la cara, se quité las gatas. Before se. vse face. he ie 263. two hundred and sitythree 3 Recusrde, no puede usted aprender sin estudiar you cannot <.... without 4 Mo custarie avucarta. porn desgractndamante muy Seupade. 1 tke you, but ' two hundred and sxtytwo 262 9 El periédico de David tenla veinte paginas y le hublera gustade compartirlo con 40 porovno queria mostrar al aicano caballero que Se nabia dado cuerta de que lo estaba leyondo, 41 feria mega ce "6 42 Davie Tiegé al inl ce Ta pdgina, pero no gu pavuria Bonque su vesine ealaba aun leyerse. 13. Partin Davie reson el prebiema. Goble perig- dc, ¥ Io puse en eoiota, 14 ert los Sjoe'y simulé dormir (estar dorm). NOTES (costinues) (7) out have Tked es Ia forma pasade del conciclonl @) To pretend: simular, hacerse pasar por Mo preter © Ted o'be a milontare: Sule ser (oe hizo pasar 2 eaPfonarie etna. de nocsrasplabras en Sahosss ya que puede contincrse con = pretender = gad or 2 Todo e! mundo tela, manos David que simutabe dormir. reasing David who was ca two hundred and sbtyfour 264 5 Tras haber ini! informe, 0 puso en su maletn ter the report he it : Seventy-third (73rd) Lesson A little mystery 1 The police were interviewing a soldier sus- pected of rabhery. (1) 2—| don’t know* the restaurant. I've never been there in my life, said” the suspect. 3 — Well, people say’ that a soldier like you robbed the restaurant and wounded the owner, replied the detective. (2) 4 — But there must be thousands of soldiers in this town. (3) PRONUNCIATION Yoo mn. 88 ssp. — 2. tet, a, aon — 3 tit aoa dann mm Second wave: 2d Lesson Leccion setenta y tres Un pequeto misteio 1 La polcia iterrogaba a un soldado sospechoso 0 fobo 2. — No conozco et restaurant, Nunca habia estago ail for m vida, dlo el sospechoso, 2 — Blom gcgonte dice im tr Rodado. como usted foBd [on] al restaurane © hilé al dusho, responds Cheetectve 4 — foto tiene que haber miles de soldados on esia Blas notes {1} To rob (a bank, et): robar: # robber: un adr (s Usa tambien a hold vp un atvaco). Ta roo cantene In Idea de violencia. Podomos decirc también usando fa ‘Heat stole, olan, y-entonees el laaron es a thier {Gill Ropare usted: te police were... no. was. ‘uerpo de pol'a se compane do muchos age (2) To wound (wund) : Meri eon un arma. To injure: he {normalmente por sceldenta, caida, golpe fortuto, ee. 108 visto que 2milion, 4 thousand, tc. 00 llevan Son plural Se pone solamente cance eo trala de ares =. thousands. «millones »= millions. Cen ‘de millares hundreds of Mousands. a 265 two hundred and siti 5 — Yes, but only one who was near the scene of the crime, 6 — Listen. | was walking quietly down the street, (4) 7 when someone ran* down the street shout ing: “He robbed the till!” 8 50, | stopped and went" back to the res taurant 9 and the witnesses said" | was the robber because of my uniform. (5) 40 So the police arrested me and here | am. 11 — You say" you never saw" the restaurant belore? 12 — Yes, that's right, said” the soldier ner vously. 13 — Then | arrest you for armed robbery, said” the detective. 14 What was the soldier's mistake? (The answer is in the revision lesson.) 4M settn ica, — 6 mse. suas Sta isnt ine 207 two hundred and shty-seven EXERCISES 1. have never been to England, — What's it ike? — 2 There must be a mistake, | don’t know you, — 3 She ran down the stroot shouting "Help! ". —4 Wy lane was lato because of a strike. — 5 | was working twin the telepnone rang. Fill In the missing words: 1 Es cf propietaio do tres casas de campo y oe un Apartamento, He is three sseces and a tat 2 Sin plantear preguntas, supe que el soldado habia ometido et robo. any questions, he .... the soldier the robbery: 3. Contenas oe milares ce personas compraron coches and of sos care eS eR | to hundred and sistyaix 266 5 ro sblo uno que astuviera (estaba) cerca de ia eacona ee! even 6 — Exevene. Yo. ajaba, wanqullament [imarchaba tranquilamente hacia bs), 7 Glande alguien oorro calle abalo griando: «| Ha ° 8 por la calle ace lala! Fed fst itor aves ioncan a paliia me devo y agu eto. Be ted mus ca no area reterante? 5 2Sac"te: Sle wl sldeda, serosa rerio: smote) 18 — Eitondes ie arent por robe @ mano Sree 0 essere ta Tete" tetrr tel solace 7 roapuosta oe sitesinde ronnie) el iadeon @ causa ada (robo NOTES (connued) Dése cuonia do este modo de ince en et verbo ‘ ‘simultaneamente una idea de movimiento y de medio Bo ademodln rou upstaa. sbiriad escaeres Senicede eorar eseleras artoa) To crve fo Lor Sere andes errecehe. 10 nak own ne ste RU ea recic (s) Boone. porque; Bocuse of” cavea do graces Shans fo [No pretondemos. dejale todo explicado. Musstras notas Birvan a la vee do gula'y de acompanantes en esto viaje En io que so roftere 2 los giros = complicados », 10 se Inquistas al varios a menudo, fos asirilard, Por 860 insis- {hos en que se repason unos cuanios fodes 108 as. too hundred and sitysight 268. eveRcicios {Lunes ne estado en Ingiatrr. — {Cémo es 0807 — 2 Tiene LuSSNaber gtener"ve ne fe caper 3 Come ale shay Bite’ Eat tabsjngo conde son ellos. 4 Nunca ha estado en ef extranjro en su vida he... never n 5A causa ae fe luv, legaremos veinte minutes tarde. the vee we wil. twenty minutes five owner of « coutrrho.ask,— 2 Wout aking - aw «ha Sone "nec wean pop swat «hab ton olvide que, por ef momento. debe usted limtarse a Me eroates ots inglan ym oped cade Darrato Cospues Second wave: 24 Lesson 2269. wo hundred and siting Seventy-fourth (74th) Lesson Let's learn some useful expressions. 2 When English people mest" for the first time, they say’: “How do you do?”. (1) 3 The answer is How do you do? 4 After this first meeting, you may say: “How are you?”, or simply “ Hello”. (2) 5 Younger people find” these formulas too formal and try ta avoid them 6 People raraly shake hands in England. Here is a typical “ polite" conversation: 8 — Hello, David, how are you? 9 — Fine, thank you. Anu you? 10 — I'm very well, Let” me introduce Andrew Williams. (3) 11 — How do you do? — Pleased to meet" you. 12 — Terrible weather, isn't it? — Yes, but it's getting’ warmor nov. (N. 2) 13 — | hope we will have some sun soon. Beat ies Me then, 7 raat kann 271 two hundred and eoventy-one 14 — Well, | must be off or I'll be late. Give* my regards to your wife. Good-bye. (4) 15 — | will. Take" care of yoursell. Good-bye. EXERCISES 1. We rarely introduce our friends to Andrew. — 2 Pleased fo meet you. What is your name? — 8 | hope he will aceept our offer. — 8 He leit without thinking. — § These papers are free. Please take one. FIll In the missing words: 4. Pormitame que le ofrezca una copa mo. 2 oriak 2 Pormitame que fo invite me to inner 3 Date rma a lingars tara Salas emi parte (dala Imis saludos) su expos Ve be or Give © wits 4 Intonte evitar ia avtopsta, hay demasiads circulacén tosses the motorway, there too hundred and seventy 270 Leccién setenta y cuatro 1. Aprondamos algunas expresiones utiles. 2 Chand Tow ingloses se encuentran por primera Ver ticon’ ad eomo esta sted? 2 Uatrespuesta ee la misma frase: «1 cdmo esta 4 Tras esta primer encuentro, puece decirse =. Que lar le va? (oz como esti usted ?=), © simpler mente «hola 5 Coclevenes (a gente més oven} encuentran estas térmulae domasiaco formales lfontan evitarias 6 —_La'pente raramente se estrecha la mano en ingla- 7 Aqui tenemos una upiea corversacion « ecucaaa & — Hola, Davis, Lque tal ova? 8 — Bien, gracies, 2y a tl? 10 — Mevva bien. Te Woy a (permite que) presenta [al neraw Wiliams {Como ests usted ? — Encantado de conocerla, fau8 vemeg fan malo verdad? pero ahora fempieza Racer mas calor 13 — Enpere que pronte haga 80) (lendremos pronto algo 0) noves (A) The English os ingleses, of pueblo (the Fronch, the Spanish. Bo Gormans, ete); pero cuande se quiere Geer Tinglosos ro. ivos,ingleses = en genera no Se pone sl ariculo y se afade people. Igualmente, on ‘linea 6, los (avons, podria decitae the young todos Ids iovenes' pera gure dice young people, paraus ‘5 los jovenes en general, no pretondlendo deci aus Sen toes. (@) To mest: encontraree y también conocerse ; 2 moe {ing’un encuentro, una reunién. Repare cn la formula evcortesia de la linea 11 Eneantado de conocerle Preased fo meet you. (8) To introduce presontar a alguien, Let me introduce Inygeit: Permita que me prosente too hundred and seventy-two 272 44 — Buena, tanga que irme 0 legaré tarde, Da {mis} ‘ecustdes a tu osposa. Adios. 15 — [Asif lo hare. Culeate. Acios NOTES (continues) (a) To regard: estimar, consigerar, | regard him highly 10 estimo mucno.fatamente) my regards” mis re CLercos, ms ealucos, Una cata puede terminarse fa exorosion Kindest regards mis mejores deso0s, saluces, te 3 Siompre me deja coger su vost si nw ly necesita He always... me cari rot vencicios {frau rseos musics rigs xn. —2 stage se croc Cano se tama nel? ape fae) awe Sine day 4 Ls ho a nnaer "8 Emus prices Sng ela uh. poe" Respuestes fer you. 2 low tte ou — 93 uo it Fits late to he coos neea' ‘Second wave: 25th Lesson 272 two hundred and roventy-thres Seventy-fifth (75th) Lesson 1 We have seen* a lot of words in the last few lessons. 2 It is now time to revise some of them. 3 He lit? a cigarette, opened his novel and began’ to read 4 Where did | put’ my briefcase? | can’t remember. (1) 5 My young nephew was injured in a plar crash. 6 He will not be able to come tomerrow as he has an important meeting. (2) 7 The bank was robbed of filty thousand pounds during the night 8 When you meet" someone for the first time, you say: " How do you do? 9 They saw" ono another for the first time last week, although they write’ to one ‘another regularly. 10 | must be off or I'll be late for my ap- pointment. (8) 11 You'll be able to recognise George, he wears’ glasses and a bowler hat. (4) 12 Don't forget” the exercises at the bottom of the page. 13 Tho door was half-ep% parents playing cards 14 The weather is terrible, isn’t it? dhe saw EXERCISES 1 You're very tired. Will you be able to drive home? — 2 They weren't happy with their daughter's eter. = 3 Dont ting, he won't answer the phone. — 4 When they've finished, theyll come and see us. Fean't undorstana he lett 30 early Fill in the missing words: 1. Tuvieron que comprar un nuevo aparador. 2 Por tavor compruebe sus naumatices antes de sal your tyres 3 Aunque sea pequere, 28 muy fuerte he. very hes 4 Eniroabrid la puerta y miré dentro de la cocina, fe the door and Into tne Seventy-sixth (76th) Lesson Conditionals 4 — What can I do for you, sir? — I'd like to speak" to Mr Davis. PRONUNCIATION two hundred and seventy-tour 278 Leccion setenta y cinco 4 Hamos visto muchas palabras en las ltimas (po 2 5 dante se avion 6 Nevpodr venir manana dado que tene una im 1 (El banco fue robado do 80000 Horas durante la nora vez, lea sy come esta usted ? 8 Se vioran aunque ae eecriban regularmants. 40 Bobo mee llagere tarde a cit {1 Bosra Usted reconecor 8 George, lleva gatas y 12 Sgvewide'Tos siercicos on 1s pare baja de la 13, Patpuertaesiaba medio abierta y vid a sus padres 14 Elomba es ernie, zno es asi? NoTes (0) Los verbos de percepeiin involuntaria (see, hear, r8- Gan delente | cant Dear fimo Te O10 (2) As como} tiene tambien el sentido causal do porave dado que, En conversacion ma’ se use mucho poraue ‘Susna deailmente y 62 diet oft (a) Appointment: cha. Una cta con 9! doctor: a doctor's appointment : Llevar en la mano: (© carry; llevar un vestgo to wear wore, worm Worn out vsaco, Sesgastado, muy Ganaade (expresion colaauia) evencIcI0s flsona, 4 Cunndo: mayan acabade 5 Espero que tu primo este mejor. ‘Second wave: 26 Lesson Leccién setenta y seis Ccondicion 1 — Len que puodo ayusarie (qué puedo hacer por Gsteg) sehor? — Me gustaria hablar con ol Sr. Davis. 277 two hundred and seventy-seven 2— I'm sorry, he isn’t in. Would you like to see" somebody else? (1) 3 — No, but would you take" a message for me, please? 4 — I'd be delighted 5 “Would is the conditional in English and is placed in front of the infinitive, 6 — The contraction is easy: “Would” be- comes". 7 For instance: I'd like a cup of tea 8 He'd help you. We'd prefer beer, if you have any. 9 Questions are easy too: Would you like a cup of tea? Would you help me please? 10 Here are some more sentences: He would understand” if you spoke" more slowly. 11 He wouldn't ask for help if he didn’t want it 42 He wouldn't need a teacher It he spoke" fluently 13. A famous lawyer had lost" a case and was very angry. (2) 14 — If this is the law, he shouted, Pil burn* my books! 15 The judge replied: "It would be better it you read” therm" (3) hating! ac en tim EXERCISES 111 would buy it, itis very cheap, — 2 He doesnt et me Use his car'at weekends. — 3 I'm alfald he isn't Back yet. — 4 What would you do it you had a lot ‘of money? — 8 How would you fea! i someone kicked your FIIl In the missing words: 1. Te apeteceria un eaté ? — Prefer tsi tenes. you... some coffee? — 1 toa It you have 2 [No me gustaria estar en ty ugar! 1 tke -. .- im your place! 3. Que le gustaria ver primero? Who tke first? ‘Seventy-seventh (77th) lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccién 71: (2), (4) - Leccién 72: (5) ~ Leccién 73: (8), (4) ~ Leccion 74: (1) [eeelon 782 (1. (2) 1 Leccién 72. — He wiped his face. Las partes del Cuerpo estan « personalieadas » on ingles. Hay una cancion de G. Allwright en la que se dice ? «Por no hablar de todas las veces que me he cortaco el odo con una lata de sardinas » ; pero la expresion literal que usa es «cut my fingers ‘0 hundred and seventy.cight 270 2 — Lo siento, no esté. .Le gustaria ver a otra per 3 — Ro. Lpore podria usted dejarie una note de mi pte tomar un mensaje por mi)? 4 — Por supueste festaria encantado}. © Would a cl eondicional on inglés y 96 eoloea antes det infin 6 LS contascién es fecil: would ee opnviete an eo 7 Por sjomplo: Me apstoceria una taza de 16 8 Erlo ayudaria. Preterirlamos corveze, 8 ene us- 9 La preguntas son también téoles: Le apetecoria una igza ge te? c Quorrla usted ayudarme, por favor? mnas despacio 11 No pociia ayuca si no fa quisiera 12 No Recestaria un profesor's! hablara con fuidez, 13 Un famoso abogado habla perdido un caso y 65- {aba muy entadado, Sl esto 28 ia le). gris, | quemaré mis libros! El [uee replioo Seria mejor que (a Ios feyera = [wean vane Deke caetey a? SY (2) A case un iegat (9) Pronuneiacién: [rt La construccién 28 cast | fque an aspefal condicional. que (a). Imporacto. En espafel usamos al imperiaclo de subjumivo. on Ingles, al-no exist el subjunive, Se Usa el tempo paeado, que oe 1 mismo que se emplea para los Bretortoe imporlesto'o indeinio eepanoles. to hundred and sisnty 280 4 Compraria algo si tuviera dinero. Sho ose. buy eos. the money. 5 No nos gustaria molester. we like to siete you ‘Second wave: 27h Lesson Leccién setenta y siete Tiene as manos limpias: his hands are clean. Tiene un libro.en la: mano: she has @ book in her hand. 2 Lecelén 73. — Respuesta a A litle mistery: en la fines 8, el soldado dice: | went back (volv), Dado que, segin él, nunca habia estado antes en ol res- ‘hurante, no podia = volver =, y hublera debido decir wont to the restaurant, 3 Algunos comparativos Irregulares. — Hemos visto ‘900d, better, best (BUENO, mejor, optimo -! mejor, buenisime-). Recuerde también: bad, worse, (the) Worst: mai, peor, el peor (pesimo, malisimo); Hite, Teas {eon el nombre en singular), the least: poco, menos, al que manos. «Mens », con sustantivos plurales, se dice fewer: | hhave less timo than | thought: tengo menos tiempo Gel que pensaba. She has fewer friends tnan ner Sister’ tiene menos amigos que su hermana, Cada vez menos: Jess and less; cada vez més ‘more and more: al menos: at least 4 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 She washed her hands. — 2 He bought a paper before catching the train, — 3 He pretended to be rich. — Pike ran down the stairs —~ 8 Yas. that's right — 6 Pleased fo meet you. — 7 | can't remember. — 8 They saw one andther. — © I'd like 4 beer ploase. 5 Traduccl6n, — 1 Se lavé las manos. — 2 Comprd Un periodico antes de coger ol tren. — 8 Se hacia pasar por rico. — 4 Bajo corriendo las escaleras. eve SI, sla bien. — 6 Encantado de conocerle, — 7 No me acuerdo, — 8 Se vieron. — 8 Me apete- two hundred and cihtytwo 262 amos sustinuido tas « frases para traducir al inglés » por = expresiones que conviene recordar. La tra- Guccién se encuentra después para que el! ejercicio resulte: mas ti. ‘Second wave: 28th (revision) Lesson Seventy-eighth (78th) lesson Don’t worry 1 We nave seen" many expressions and words already, 2 and perhaps you are worried by some of the unusual ones, like: (1) 1 ool, — 2 anual 120 two hundred and sisttythree 2“ They began’ to read’ ” oF Studying is casy 4 But I you react a lesson every day, you wil come" to know" these words’ and iiome 5 and'will be able to use them natural & You already know enoigh English to Sur vie in Engiang 7 and you know a litte about the country. All tis with just one lesson a day But you must comtnue reading” and wt 10 and! do. not worry abou making” mites: you make" mistakes In your own language, too) 11 You probably want to speak” fuently now, atier‘only eleven weeks, 12 butyou should (N1) remember the saying 13 “You must learn to walk belore you can NOTES (continues) (2) About es una palabra muy il y muy trecuente en ingies. Recordemos’ Yo Yaik about” dscuti de: to thins about: pensar, relieionar sobre. f0worry EXERCISES 4 You will soon come to know your husband. — 2 But you must continue tying. — 3 Learning is easy, But you must pracise. —4 1 should go now, but | proker to slay, — 5 You should try her cherry cake: it's excellent! Leccién setenta y ocho to oe preosie 4, Ya nemos visto muchas expresiones y palabras, 2 yquizt"tete Usted preocupace por ‘bunss. que on poce correntes, come: notes (1) Usuaily: usualmente, habituaimente, como de cos timore ; usual heaiiea, acostumorado, Usual Uni fn! poco sotiene, ines, exraro, Empezaron a leer» 0 ~Estuslar 08 fil» &Paray't loe usted una leccion cade gia legard a condoer estas palabras y gios, Yipodra Usarioe con natural dad [be usted ya sufcients Ingles [como] para deton= Geree (eobrevivie) on Inglaterra, & —_Todo'eets solo con una locdén al dia $ Pero debe usted seguir leyenda y escriiendo 0 y no se proccupe por cometer falas también Comete ustes falas en su propio idioma 11 Probablement, quiere usted hablar con fuidee (ya) fanora tram solo ones semanas. 12 Pero daboria recordar el ono 43 "Hay‘que aprender a andar antes de corer» NOTES (continues) El Se. Smith quiere verle. — Oh J de que se trata? ‘ite Srath wants f0 300 you. — Oh whats it about? (Recordemos que about puede tener también el sen- tide de alrededor, aproximacament} Jef! ated recurs a3 aprender onttie Fill in the missing words: 1 Eloy preceupaco, deberia haber vuelto ya (ahora Yam he be. now, No deberiaconducir tan rapido ; me da miedo, Reese oe eve $0 eee aha Cocinar 6s 14; tos0 e! mundo puede hacerlo, Is easy on, Seventy-ninth (79th) Lesson 1 — Have you seen that now tt 2— You mean’ “ Disaster"? Yes, | saw’ it last woek. 3 — Have you read” " Animal Farm"? — Yes, | read” it when I was at school. (1) 4 — Have you heard! the joke about..? — Yes, 'hear<” it ten years ago. 5 When we are talking about @ definite event in the past, we use the simple past tense: PRONUNCIATION 6 but when we are referring to the past in general (N.2), we use "have" (or "has ”) with the past participle. 7 You use this with words such as " ever”, 8 For example: | have read’ this book al- ready, 8 or: he has never seen’ the snow. 10 We say: She has already written’ tive novels, 11 but we must say: She wrote” a novel last year, 12 or: She read” the book last night. (2) 13 — Am | the first man you have ever loved? he said" 14 — Of course, she replied, why do men always ask the same question? 6 stn a pat — 7 i tat — 8 1 All men ara equal, but some are mare equal than others», George Onell” Animal Farm (iodes las hombres som ‘quale pero algunos son més iguales que otros) EXERCISES 1 Have you heard the new retard by the "Flops"? —2 iin general, men are stronger than women, but women afe more intlligent. — 9 | shouldn't eat this because | am already too fat. — 4 She has never ériven a car befor. —5 Let me show vou my new flat ‘wo hundred and sittin 286 4 Tione usted ya suticonte en su pate. You've In your plate 5 Este doberie sr fl ya fo he visto. Ins one easy. It already, Leg. Ss a Leccion setenta y nueve = srs visto asta nuova pelicula? 1 Desasire? Si, la vi la semana {its ldo Le arane ce los animales ?— si 0 Stbes (hag do) 0 enste sbre...2 — Si, lo of face ier ates ‘ 5 Cuando hablamas do un scontecimieno éetndo Simple imperfect» indetinido spatolea)s Notes 1) Ansa Farm, nov ae 1908, atrica de George Orwell (autor two hundred and sishy-eight 288 6 pare euanda hacemos roleroncia_ al pasado en General, empleamos have (o has). con el partciplo pasado. 7 Seuss dsto con palabras como « nunca =, «antes Syany sen el momento oe» 8 Por ajampla va he loldo e816 loro, 36 Bacimoe ha ‘wecnta ya cinco novelas 41 pero debemos decir? escribié una novel pasado, 12 BP ley6 ot oro anoche. 13 — {Soy el primer hombre [al quel hes amsco {runes}? do's, 14 — Por'supuceto, replied lia, «por qué os hombres NOTES (continues) (@) Last night: anoche ; tomorrow morning: mafana por la'manana. ta palabra evening se refere al periodo fnire las 18.y 20 horas, mientvas que noche Se ice ormalmente night Esta noche: tonight arene, oukave, EVER hovesse 7a sencicios 1 Has oigo a! nuevo deco 4s ioe (por los) Flops? — 2 imate, pare tal £280 two hundred and clghty-nine Fill in the missing words: 1. eHa practcedo (estedo en) usted alguna vez fos de bortes se inviorno? you... been to 2 2. Si, mi mujer y yo tuimes por primera ver el ae pasado. Yes, .. wite and for the fist time 3 {Has visto a George? — Si, 10 vi el viernes you him two hundred and ninety 200 4 Acaba de comprarme un pantalén aueve Ves dust anew 5 Nunca he fumado una hoja de lechuga ¢ esté bueno? 1 smoked a lettuce leat -. .. good? 3H Sean = Saw | Se raay, “4 faves Bought -"btr of ‘Second wave: 30h Lesson Eightieth (80th) Lesson 1 John saw" his neighbour smoking a pipe. 2 He took" his own pipe out of his pocket and said” 3 — Have you got” a match? — Yes, here you are, 4 — Oh dear, said John, I've left” my tobacco at home, 5 — In that case, said* his neighbour, give* me back my match. PRONUNCIATION. 1 peibs. els. — 2 oun. 808. — 4 ert 201 two hundred and ninety 6 An actor saw" himsell on film for the first time. (1) 7 Yes, said” the eritic, now you see" what we have to suffer. 8 — Excuse me, sir, | want to marry your daugh- ter. 9 — Have you seen’ my wife, young man? 10 — Yes, sir, and | still want to marry your daughter. (2) 11 A Rolls Royce stopped in front of Harrods and a lady in a fur coat and diamond necklace got” out. (3) (4) 12 A tramp ran* up to her and said: "Please, lady, | haven't eaten’ for a week. (5) 13 — Well you will have to force yourself, was the reply. fesigrots. ter ution wes. — v8 (rr hws ne: eis Nan ri EXERCISES 1 | must take back Peter's book soon. — 2 She put the jar back on the shell. — 3 Give. him back his pipe before he gets angry. — You will nave to run, the pole have seen us. —§ The man in the grey Suit and glasses is a lawyer. Fill in the missing words: 1) No ha comico desde hace uns semana o més. Hea tor or Leccién ochenta 1 John vié-a su vecino fumando en (une) pipa 2 Saco su propia pipa del boli y dio 5 — [Tiece voted una verila? — si tenga 4 — 5h Geios, ajo Jonn, me he dsjaco el tabaco en 5 — Enese caso, djo su vecino, devusivame mi ceri ‘wo hundred and ninety-two 202 8 Unacior se vid en una pelicua por primera vez. § Sf Sfe"et eriteo, ahora ve usted fo que tenemos ‘ie soportar. 18 — Pordone, sefor, quiero casarme con su hla & — iia visio ustod am) esgosa oven? 41 Un Rolls Royce #0 pard delante de Harrods y una Senora con (un) abriga ce piel y collar de dla- mates sale 12 Unvagebundo corrié nacia ella y cio: « Por favor, Senora. ng ne comico durante una semana » 43 — Bion, fenera usted que hacer un esfverz0 (oli fargo a si mismo), fue la respuesta ores 1) OF fer en una pliula an tlgwaion: an a nv Son ‘pero on the radio (por ta radio). Recordemos que So ee fo wateh ine tlovson (a) Swi aon devia" That shop Is sll Pera esa senda sirens an (a) Harrod unos prestiloncs almacenes on el barrio de ‘ghisbrispe, Congres me The man ina gray suit: ot nombre del wal gris & “ lady in a fur coat’ una mujer con un abrigo de piel. (5) Ge popular Haba que doce: urna ma, Madam, encicios 1 gr & eter pronto. — 2 Puso ara wee 1 cena spina antes 0 36 ie carer im polls how ht sto — 8 6) 1209 two hundred and ninety-three 2 No le he habiado desde hace ai menos dos m 1 spoken him two months 3. No 80 han visto desde hace afos. They haven't tor 4 Said del cache, subid las escalones y entré en ef aires He the ca, te bulaing the steps and too hundred and ninety-four 20 5 Deberia usted irse, es muy tarde y 8 esta haciendo de ark 3i3een one acter years got eu tweet up - went a 12 8Shouid eave ven) ate - geting. Second wave: 31st Lesson Have you seen* a map of England before? 2 — You must have (N. 3) noticed the number of large towns and cities. (1) 3° England is less centralised than France. Cities like Manchester and Bristol 4 have an important cultural life of their own (N.4). (2) 5 A cily Is larger than @ town and usually has a cathedral PRONUNCIATION 2, seta. mmcrost 295 two hundred and ninety-five 6 Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester and Southampton are all cities; (3) 7 and Guildford, Warwick and Gloucester are towns. @ —Thoro ie a large and important ditference between the North and the South of the country: 9 adifference in the people and a difference in the accent. 10 You are learning to speak* with a southern accent 41 England is divided into "counties", of Which there are about forty 412 Cormwall, the southern tip of England, is very wild and beautiful. (4) 43 Inthe north, Yorkshire isthe largest county 14 Kent is called “ The Garden of England" Spina senza 7 gid rl, aa dol sams of, — 12 oma, wa ud — 13 peso EXERCISES 1 What is the difference between the North and the South? — 2 You shouldn't read in bed, i's bad for your eyes. — 3 MrMarsaen Is a very Important man. we" He works for a large newspaper. — 5 He has a Bicycle of his own, Flll In the missing words: 1 Venda si se lo pidiaras. He tvou Leccién ochenta y uno {Un poco sobre inglater fnglatorra? 2 Dabo haborse dado usted eventa del nimero do brandes pueblos y clusaces Inlaterra esta menos ‘centaizada que Francia Cludases como Manchester © Bristol durante os meses do verano. 4 Hiner una importante vida cultural propia (de si Propias) 5 Una ciudad es mas grande que un pueblo y nor Notes (9) A potce: un aso; pro 19 notice: arse cuenta to (2) La diferencia entre town y city no siempre ost clara Dado que aqui se comparan entre si, hemos opiado por ia waduccion que en 0 texto puede verse ‘wo hundred and nnetyaix 296 Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester y Southampton som todas elias grandes cludases ¥ Guiforg, Warwick y Gloucester, son ciudados Fay una gran © importante diferencia entre al norte Yel sur go! pals {una aterenca en la nero v (una dterenia en Usted st aprenaiendo a hablar con acento del Inglaterra ests divcida en « condades» de los que hay unos cuarena. Cornwal, [gue formal! extremo sur de Inglaterra ‘muy agreste y belo Elnora, Yorishre es el condado més grande, Kent ¢6 lamago =! avain do Inglaterra = NOTES (continued) (9) Fijese on la pronunciacién (un tanto particular) de Seta cudados () Te tne! final, et extrema (e0 dice también de algo puntlagudo: la punta). Tip: significa proping, de ahi Erverbo" to tip! dar propina ueRCICIOS somsre my porn (Goal of Ia erncin env envi yo sur?— 2 No dering i ara oon pra van 88 Sy Maran oh epi (au popiedea) 207 two hundred and ninety-cven 2 No deberia pedir prestaco dinero a su hermane. she money brother 3. Tene cuatro blocietas, de las que tres no marchan He has fur hike, tree ' 4 Han ido dos veces a Escocia y una vez @ inland They ++ t0 Seatiane and. Ireland too hundred and ninety-eight 208 5 Han debigo de marcharse, no vee luz an su piso They Toft |... $00 tight 3. which = ont work — 4 fav ‘ioe ~ to once, — 5 Syurt nave “canta any ne Second wave: 32nd Lesson Eighty-second (82nd) Lesson 1 Read” this lesson as usual and when you have finished it, answer the questions. (1) 2 What is the difference between a city and a town? Where would you find” a cathedral? Is England as centralised as France? Are there any differences between the North and South of England? 6 Which accent are you learning? (2) 7 Which county is called the "Garden of England "? In which part of the country 1s Comwall? Have you ever been to England? (3) PRONUNCIATION 4g fide me. 2. eras ohn 9 anes? 8 10 — 1 want you all to write" an essay, said the teacher, Miss Smith, to her class, 11, about what you would do if you won" a fortune. 12 Everybody started writing’, except Willy who looked out of the window. 13 At the end of the lesson, the teacher col- lected the essays and saw that Willy had written nothing, 14 — But you've done nothing, Wily! — That's what I'd do if | won* a fortune... nothing, EXERCISES Which is more impressive, London or Brtol? — 2 What woule you dof you won a fortune? — 3 16 ‘spend it qulekly belore my wite dlsesvered, — 4 Have you ever been to Tukey? — 5 No, bui I'd like to $e. Fill in the missing words: 1 Quiero que me digas ia verdad 2 Sus pactos quieren que se case con un millonario, parents wart marty @ milionaire 3. Queremos que se diviertan durante su estancia Leccion ochenta y dos 1 Lea esta leccion come de costumbre y cuando hays ferminado, responde a las preguntas 2 {Cbal‘es' Ia sitereccla entre una clugad yun pueblo? 2 [Donde encontraria usted una catecral? 3 [be ingiaterra tn ceriraicacs come Ese 5 clas entree! nore yal sur de Ingla- § Lave acento esté usted aprendiendo ? 1 [G06 condace ae lama ~ El jardin de Inglaterra» ? & Len ave parte del pals esta Cornwall? 8 [Ha estado usted alguna vez on Inglaterra ? Notes {8} Nunca se usa el future con when, menos en las preguntas. (2) Wien (oval) to usa cuando se vata do ologir entre distnvas alernatvas @ haber estado an» equivale en inglés a ‘agua preposieon fo se traduce id estaco en Francia. soria = ho has El pasado simple do to go da idea e-«marcharsa = «ree Thoy went: 50 tueron. tee hundred 200 10 — cviero que todos vosotos eserbtie una redaccin, alo ta protesora, sehorte Smith, # su clase. 11 Score lo que harass genarate'una fortuna 12 Todo of mundo emgezd a escribir, manos” Willy gue miraba por ta ventana 1a Aina ei cate eel, 1eprcesora recogs 14 — Pero Wily, no has hecho nada! — 3 lo que yo haria si ganara una fortuna ne uencicios ("ape moor "so emorara (lo, descior) 4 Quiere que to presto mi coche < que 0 parece ? . qué biensas She to fond... my ear... do you think? 201 three hundred and one 5 Quiero que comprenda, asi que hablaré despacio. want understand, .. 1... speak tires hundred and two 302 you, — 2 Her = hr fo — 3 mm a iy in ‘Second wave: 33¢d Lesson Eighty-third (83rd) Lesson Shopping | haven't done the shopping yet. Fd better go" now or ill be too late Let's see’, we need some meat. I'l get” some chops for tonight, and a joint of beef. (1) 4 I can put" that in the treezer 5 Then vegetables: I'll buy” some cabbage, some peas and some rice, We've already got” beetroot and lettuce 6 Pill buy some flour and make" a Yorkshire pudding (N. §) to eat* with the roast beef (on Sunday. 7 What else do we need? Some tollet paper and some bleach... and some sweets for the kids. (2) 8 | think that's all. | can get* everything at the supermarket, PRONUNCIATION Soin 4 a sega.» Te as 202. tee hundred and three 9 — John, may | take" the car? — Yes. Do you want a hand? 10 — It you're not doing anything, that would be lovely, 11 — Let me watch the end of this programme. 12 — All right Ill take* the car out of the garage and fetch the shopping bags. (3) 13 — I won't be a minute, but I've been waiting to see this programme for a week. EXERCISES 1Do you need anything else? — 2 Ho has boon the bag and put ion the table. — 4 You'd beter te him now or hell get angry. — 8 Do you want me to buy you anjthing at the supermarket? FI the missing words: 2 toner fro. se hace y ooenions 1 wating... him ... en hour and 1 © 2 No deberias comprar arrox, no lo necesitamos. you any ees we Leccién ochenta y tres be compr letas para esta nocne y un buen corte de vaca, Puede ponerio en el cangolador ego, Tas) verduras comprare color, gulsantos {Larroz. Ya tenomos remolache y lochuge Eomprare narina y hare un = Yorkshire pudcing » para comerio son els resiit= el domingo setiamos ? Papel higieneo, lo. y Supermercado, notes {HA join: ura artoulaien, une junta (co verbo, 12 ” Join, nitse. inseribirsa to joins cus). A jot of ‘pectin torte, un cue 3 care 2) Wid eralmente cabrio, pere familar un cio, a un chaval, un crio, un nino : recuerde a Billy the Kid. Bhiy at Who. el famoao Dancido del este american 8 — John, ¢ puode coger el coche ? — Si 10 echo una. 10 — Sino estas heciendo nada, seria estpende 1 Déjame ver et nat oe NOTES (continues) (@) To feton ir a buscar, o ir a Wraer: 11 teen you a Sass of mik* voy a tesers un vaso 42 leone cop Teer ene CRE TON ere aac ‘Tear molor ave elo dieras ahora’ ag enauara "8. Gueos 43 all euanao nas contd su viale? yeu when he * his Journey? 4 Todavia no to he escrito; quiores que le salude (le 1 ta him ... 6 you say Hello? Eighty-fourth (84th) Lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccién 78: (2) - Leccién 79 (2) ~ Leceién 80: (2), (4) = Lecoian 82: (3). 1 Should. — Al igual que la formas del futuro shail Y will should era i primera persura del singular Gel piural_del condicional. Decimos = era», pues. aungue en el inglés gramatical esta forma aun existe, en el inglés cotidiano la distincién se pierce causa de las contracciones. Should tiene sentido del condicional de « deber » (you should tell him deberias decirsolo), slemare que no se contraiga ‘con el pronombre, Lo utilizaremes aqui con este sentido condicional, ‘con perdon de los puristas. 2 Hay un tiempo en inglés, que ya hemos visto, que éllos llaman present perfect, que equivale a nuestro preterito perfecto, Se emplea para expresar acciones, asadas y, como ya se apunio, se diferencia de los, tiempos «simples» (pretéritos imperfecta @ indel- nido, equivalentes al pasado simple inglés) en al- ‘unds matices. Cuando decimos | have seen him El segundo matiz es el que indica duda o posibili- dad ; se emplea en este caso must have “+ participle pasivo: Debe haberse marcnado porgue 0 veo su coche: He must have left because | can! see his Na rantunda, pues, Ia abligarién con la posibilidad 4 Of their own. — A room of my own (ti propia habltacion) es una forma nabitual'ce deci" my own ‘oom. Nusstra propia cuea, our own house o a house our ow a nos otsiesad, slo nuesva de 5 Yorkshire pudding. — Quiza no pueda traducirse, dere si puede saborearse, Aaui tenemos asia tine feceta inglesa 4402 (118.9) of our, sa 172 pt (0281) of mil 4 egg Wx the salt ans flour in bowl. Break the egg into &- Ada hal the milk and mix to form a smooth paste, Beat with a spoon. Aéd the. rest of te mike and ieave in. coal lace for an nour. Grease a dish and pour in te mixture. Cook Ina hot oven (450° F) unl re puny has risen Serve wih roeot Best Eighty-fifth (85th) Lesson Two Sundays 1. David and Joan detided to go" for @ plenic in Richmond: tee hundred and six 906 5 {Qué mas necesitamos ? — Harina y huevos. ose a and oogs eepuo Leccién ochenta y cuatro lo he visto », na precisamos con exactitud el mo- mento si, en cambio, decimos / saw him last night Tio vi angche =. se preciea el momento. Ast pues el pretérito perfecto (present perfect indica una accion asada sin preciear e1 momento Io contrarlo ocurre Eon el spasadu siniplen, situa ta accion en un momento ‘preciso. Se emplea también el present perfect para inseribir la accion en un periodo de fiempo que no haya terminado aun: / have received 2 letter today. | have worked hard this week Estas replas tienen un eardeler orientativo, pues hay ‘excepciones provenientes sobre todo del uso. Con fa practica de fa lectura y la conversacion, ira usted dominando estos usos que ahora quiza Ie parezcan tin poco complicads. 3 Have y must have, — Este « deber » puede tener dos matices en castellano. El primero estar obligado a», «tener que»: en inglés se expresa con fo have + ‘infinitivo : Ha tenido {que irse porque era tarde: she had fo leave because twas late; tienes que irte ahora : you have to leave three hundred and eight 308, 6 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 Don't worry about me — 2-Have you read this novel? — 3'Give me back my money. — 4A man in a grey Suit 5 Have you bean to France? —" 6 Which one {0 you preter? —7 What else do we need ?— 8 Do you want a hand? 7 Traduceién, — 1 No se preocupe por mi. — 2 {Has leido esta novela? — 3 Dovudlveme mi di fiero, —4 Un hombre con un traje gris. — 5 Ha estado usted’ en Francia? — 6 Cual prefiere us ted? — 7 1 Que mas necesitamds? — 8 ; Quieres Que te ech una mano” ‘Second wave : 36th (revision) Lesson Leccién ochenta y cinco Dos domingos 1 David y Joan deciciaron ir de campo a Richmone. PRONUNCIATION 200 tree hundred and nine 2 On Sundays, David has a liein and Joan brings" him beeaktast in bed. (1) 3 This Sunday, David got” up at eleven o'clock’ and ‘after shaving and washing, went downstairs, 4 Joan was preparing the picnic basket 5 She put in cold meat, hard boiled eggs, some cold sausages and a lettuce. 6 — She added a loaf of bread, some butter and the knives and forks. 7 — Meanwhile David got” the car out of the garage. (2) 8 ‘They put” the basket in tne boot and set” off for Bushey Park, 9 On the way, David stopped to buy some 10 Bushey Park is a huge park on the out- skirts of London. 41 When they arrived, they found” a quiet lunch. (8) 12— Pass me some chicken, please... and some salt, as well 13 — Oh dear, said" Joan, | think* I've forgotten" the salt ‘iui gdh, — waht poure — 8" Stopt." usin. — 10 Notes (1) To se iy, lain) :tumbarse. A len: una. « umbada for sinlitud ton ssitin= (csentada -) una forma dé fmantostacign universtaia y labora 241 three hundred and eleven 14 — Idiot! said" David, but seeing” she was Upset, he said: (4) 15 — Never mind. Let's have a glass of wine. 46 He took" the bottle out of the basket, then said’: “Oh dear, I've forgotten the cork- 16 81 apt. — 16 seu EXERCISES 4 She got over her illness very quickly. — 2 Will you get the car out of the garage, please? — 3 On Saturdays, he has a tie-in, and gets up at eleven. — 4 She got on the bus without any money. — 5 Winter ‘must be comming. I getting dark vory early Fill in the missing words: 1. En al camino de welts s@ dete para comprar vino. home, he stopped .. ... some 2 Tras lavaree y vostise, 56 tu8 sin comer. After ooo and he Hott 3 Pon las cosas en el portamaletas ; mientras buscaré ef the the boot ' 2 Lot dominges Davis se queds acostedo y Joan le 3 Este domingo, Davide lovent6 a las once y te Sletarse y leverse, bas. 3 6 ° 'samine, David paré para comprar vino. 0 parque inmenso en tos al 14 Chango fagaran encontaron un lugar ranula ‘mers. 12 — Pleame un p0c0 de pollo, por favor y Ia sal tam bien 13 — [Vaya dio Joan, ereo que me he olvidade Ia NOTES (continued) (2) A while: un periogo de tiempo, un rato. He stayed in london for @ whe" se quedo’ durante certo tompo ‘on Lona’es, Moanwnia mientras, mientras tanto. 2) A rug: manta de viaje, allombra, Una manta de cama 4e alee 2 Blanket ‘three hundred and twelve 342 14 — alta ao Dave, pero wando que estaba mo- 45 — No importa, Tomemes un vaso de vino. 48 Cogia ta botela de la cesta, y ajo” si Vaya, he Sivcado el secacarchos' = NoTES (coninued) (a) Upset: volcar,preocupar. The child upset the mike ripe tro (eles) Ta leche. Se usa como adjesvo con Signticado ce = conmovigo m= contrariado™ 0 "me: evencicios 4. Se recupers muy pico do sy enfstmedad. — 2 ¢Quices sacar cache ‘dal garam’ sor iavor? "lo sabados Se gusda fara y ce ievania' fae once — 4 Suto slaiooue nt nero SE larson ue iar aetandoe" Se hace de noch muy 4 Se dosperts vid que eran las dos, se levantd y baid He « ‘cownstars. ‘wo o'clock, ane 5 Estaba muy conmovida por la muerte de su hijo She. very eos. bythe 2... Of 5 gon. Rerovestas 1.0n the way «fo buy - wine. — 2 washing ~ drassing - witout 1 never rains but pours (n9 llueve sin que dlluvie): as esgracias nunca vlenen soles. Second wave: 36th Lesson 1248 three hundred and thirteen Eighty-sixth (86th) Lesson 41 Davia's parents spent a traditional English Sunday: (1) 2 They got* up early and went” to church 3 When they came" back, Mrs Wilson put* the joint in the oven 4 while MrWilson took" the Sunday paper and sat down to read*. (2) 5 Just before lunch, he poured two glasses ff sherry and they both drank” 6 Mrs Wilson served the food and they sat” down to eat 7 After lunch, which consisted of roast beet, Polatoes and Brussel sprouts and fruit, 8 they both did the washing-up. 9 When everything was put" away, Mrs Wilk son went" into the garden (3) 410 and MrlWilson sat" in front of the televi- 11 He was intending to watch a play, but he ‘was full, and everything was so peaceful that he dozed. PRONUNCIATION Se eae Notes {1} No se vide qua on inglés = gastamos » el tiempo Psa’ tas vacaviones: 10 spond the holidays. 313. tree hundred and fiteon 12 Later on, Mrs Wilson came* in from the garden and made" some tea. 13 In the evening, Mr Wilson did the cross- ‘word while Mrs Wilson did some knitting EXERCISES J We would both come it we had the mon 2 While ne wae reading, he cidren wore etaey, — 3 You should avaye talline rah "a Hee, have put the Joint inthe oven, wl have 2nanyg SY stern 8 Wl you bath do ths washing Meee Fill in the missing words: 1) Qviora que vosotros dee coloquéis tes ptos. Bees you puto... the dies. 2 Antes de ver una obra de teatro, deberies leer o! texto, By you the ton 3 iEsiey hart! Sintate delante de la televisién ‘ty te estate Vm ted up the television anc Leccién ochenta y seis 1 Los padres de David pasaron un domingo inglés Se levantaron tomprane y fuoron a Ia iglesia Guianao votviran, la Sra, Wilson puso ol asado on St Rorso | Sr Wison copié el periésico del do- nto a ‘Sra, Wilson svi a comida y se sentaron a ‘Tras la comida, que consists on un rosbi,patata, oles de Sruselas y ua, 7s fragaran los plato (hicieron el tregado). at atetn Yel Sr Wison s0 sant® ante ja television Tenia intencion ‘de. vor una obra do teat, pero estaba lleno tose estaba fan apacilo que se ‘corms, fri) dos vasos de Jerez @ NOTES (continuse) (2) Whilosigniion aqul = mientras = (ver laccon 85, 9° 2) (8) To put: poner. To put on: ponerse (un vesticn, et) To “aka ‘ont uiarse, despegar (un avion). To put back volver poner, reponer. To put away" orderer, olocar three hindred and sivteon 916 12 Mas tarde, ta Ste, Wilson votv w wi 16 del jardin @ nizo 19 Por ta tarde, ot Se. Wl ‘ventzes fa Sra. Wilson hacia puntos “VCO evencicios ‘ioe $0 estaban pegando, 3 Unbatine ane Ge devez "8 | Guuras vecsnoe ay 4 Mientras toes @) eabocadita, poridico voy @ echar (echaré) una you the paper, 2 ite. 5 Siro un whisky mionttas so sentaban He see a whishy 2. thay LPG a des 28 HRRENE lt ehoul oas Second wave: 37% Lesson 1247 three hundred and seventeen Eighty-seventh (87th) Lesson ’ talkative neighbour 4 — | must tell* you about my holiday! 2 Eventually, we had to go’ to France. We couldn't get’ a hotel anywhere in Spain. (1) 2) 3 Have you ever been to France? No? You should go* there some day, It's fascinat- ing. 4 We couldn't get" a charter, so we had to take" a normal flight, which was expen- sive, 5 but it was worth it; It was much more comfortable. (3) 6 — | should start planning my holidays soon. We have been talking (N.1) about them for ages, 1 — Anyway, we flew" to Nice and spent’ ten days In the South of France. 8 — When we couldn't find* a hotel, we stayed in what they call “ pensions " 9 They're like Bed and Breakfasts in London, but dearer. 10 Then we flew" up to Paris. You must know" Parle? PRONUNCIATION 2 ymchdli. det. lnveet — 3 — shud. meinen, — 4 felon thats warmdl ha) — 8 Goethe 11 — Yes, actually I've been there a few times... (4) 12 — Well, you should go" back. i's an exciting city and it 18 — | reatly must go now, Joan will be waking for me, Thanks for the chat, 1 ota. 18 chat EXERCISES 1 Actually, | don't know him at all, — 2 But I'd love to meet him one day. — 3 Would thal be possible? = "a What could we do to arrange it? — § What a ply! He wasn't able to come. Fill in the missing words: 1) Cogimos ol avién hasta Mélaga, donde alquilamos un Soone. We... to Malaga ..... we... a car 2 No podla permiirse (tener) lavadara et ato pasado. She occsees senses Washing machine -... year 8 Cuando woiva, estard cocinando, wen 1 ane cooking Leccién ochenta y siete Un vecino hablador 1. — Tengo que contarle (debo habiarle sobre) mis va Finalmente tuvimos que ir a Francia. No pudimos ‘encontrar hotel en ninguna parte ce Espahe {iia estado Usted alguna ver en Francia? 7 No? Seberia usted i algun sia. €s fascinanto ‘No pucimas coger un charter, asi que fomamos un ‘uote normal, quo era caro. Pero wala a pana, Tu6 mucho mas cSmodo. — Deberia empezar a planar mis vacaciones pronto. Remoe estade hablande We sllae mucho tempo (easier) 8 Gusndo no podiamoa encontrar hotel, nos stole Samos en lo gue ellos llaman ~ pensiones = 9 Son como los « Bed and Breakfast de Londres, pera mae caros 10 _Eilogo"volamos @ Paris. 4 Conoce usted Paris? (a Tiene que conocer. 7) mos diez dias Nice y pa Notes (a) Evertuatiy: palabra engatoss signee «tnalmente » (2) Somewnero: alguna parte. Anywhere: on cualquior pare not. anywhere’ en ninguna. parts (sor los Eorrespondienies de something y anything). También Podemos encontrarnos con nowhere. | could ind It TRownore: no pugs encontrar en ninguna parte outst find i anywhere (@) To be worth: valer. This watch is worth 10 pounds sterol vale V0lloras. ifs worth vale la pens Mace usted elerccies oe contar, de vez en cuando ? three hundred and twenty $20 11 — 81, ctectivamente, he ido algunas veces 42 — Bion, deberia usied volver. Ee una ciudad apasio- rate y 13 — De veras tengo que irme ahora, Joan estara o- erdndome: Gracies por ia chara NOTES (continued) () Otra palabra engahosa: actualy quiere decir « do Rechot electvamonte = = actualmente » se clea at veRcicios 4.64 resdag, so Jo conaata en aslo. — 2 Paro me gustaria Inuch3" encnarmele igen din 92 Seria pomsle?”™ Gus Dodramos nacr para arreiaro—'8 Gut fora’ Ne uo sen 4 Doves escucharme, 1s muy importante, You co HS very Important, 5 Inluso si tvidrames tiempo no padriamos permitirnas it we... the tine, we te 9°. Respuestas 1 ow = whore - bres. — 2 could lord est —3 gat back (a0 hemi ation m= 8 Bron nad soa ‘Second wave: 38 Lesson three hundred and tworty-one Eighty-eighth (88th) Lesson 1 — Hello Joan! Sorry, I'm late, I've just met” old Barker. He’s so boring. (1) Ho elartod telling” mo about his holiday: "You must go here, you should go there: — Actually, we should start thinking” about our holiday, you know" — Yes; where did we say we would go"? (2) — Well, you sald” we would (N.2) go" elther to Spain or to Scotland. — Ah, but I've also been thinking’ of Wales since | met" a colleague who went" there last year. — Oh, no! You promised we could go* abroad this year! — Yes, but that was betore | received my bank statement. Wales is cheaper than Spain. 9 — Yes, but | want a sun tan! I've even bought” @ new bikini 10 — Well, it's sunny in Waies, the scenery is fantastic... and we're broke. (3) 11 — You're impossible! I'm going” to the travet agent's tomerrow to book two seats on any plane. Good right! (4) 42 David sighed as Joan slammed the door. 4 #94 boring. — 3 ei — 4 ul ud, — 8 Hore, — 6 uote iia M8 ai. dot bout “ty aa aima one PO 229 three hundred and twenty 13 He sat” down in an armchair and poured himsell a Scotch 14 and began’ to look at the travel agent's brochures. 18. sameheor,. soor EXERCISES 1 She said she would take me to London. — 21 couldn't hear what he was saying, so | left. — 3 May Pholp you? Yes, I would like seme information please, — 4 Can you lend me twenty pence? — I'm sorry, i'm broke, 8 You must choose elther one of the siher. Fil in the missing words: tno esiaao esperance cosas nace alez noras y aun esta au waiting for him... ton and he 2 Ha estado durmiendo desde que nos tuimos de Londres He has we... London 3 91, pore eso era antes de que reciblera e! balance de! Danes. Yes, but botore my ae 4 Ni ti nl la podria hacerto you... she 10 thee hundred and twenty-two 922 Leccién ochenta y ocho Joan! Lo siento, lege tarde. Acabo de en- bontrarme [eon el) viejo Barkers tan aburida Fin comenzade a contarme sus vacecionas Debe Nici ahi cee usted ir alle — Be‘hacho doberiamos empezar a pensar en nuss- ve seb03 Bille! ao pasado — fon’ no! ite] prometisto que Kiamos al extranjoro — Si 2ero oso fue antes go que recibiera el balance fsi banca: Gales os mas Saralo que Espana — Si:pero quiera brancearme (un brenceade, neluso ‘etme cempraca un bikin: Nuevo. — Bieno, en Gains hace sol (ee soleaco) el pasale fe fanigstica.y estamos pelacos. TEree imposible! Me voy'a la agencia de via hnanana para reservar coe asionlos en cual {Bvion | Buenas. noches! Bavid Suspire mientras Joan cerrabs Ia puerta de Notes (a) re just @ 3 @ cabo ce... He has just eaten: acaba de tomer, Acabamos de comprar na casa’ weve just Souahi a house Mh eno pasago, 0 conire en, would you say alll go" se converte en you said you would 90. Gen would so eontruye el tempo potenéa. To break (broke, broken) romper. Se rompis el brazo he brote his arm. We're broke iam}. estamos pele tos. Cualquiera. Take anything you want fulerae fcuatguler cosa que quieres) fuler coche, st coge to que ‘any car eval three hundred and twenty-four 324 Se sonto en un silln y $0 siev6 un Scoten Yeomenco a mirat fo folletoe e la agencia do EIERCICIOS 1 Dio que me Hevea Londres. — 2 No pude or ave deciay “a Buedo ayogrie? 8 gis igemacign pr tvar "4 Puedes gractarme volte seicuet? TYE Yen asaypsiag, 6 Tienes ue Nagi 9 ute ue 5 Me ha dicho que me iba a ensefar su silin. Es el He he me Is he eepuestas 13 that was" received (ge) "bankatateent = 4 Netter ~ no ~ Gould do't 5 tiama noua show hs armcnai = ow model Proseguimos nuestro camino : lo que estamos viendo ahora bel gles conriente. S120 sion usted un tanto Gesorien= fado, no #0 apure. es como 5) estuviera pasando unas ‘Semanas en Inglaterra por primera vez. Pero pronto $8 ‘costumbrard. La prueba ostd on fa relatva faciidad con ‘due roviea usted la segunda welts ‘Second wat 39th Lesson. Eighty-ninth (89th) Lesson ‘About Wales 1 Wales, unlike Scotland, is politically united to England. 2 The whole of Wales is mountainous and there is much breathtaking scenery. (1) 3 The main industry is coal-mining and the majority of the Welsh live around the in- dustrial towns, These are in the South. ‘The Welsh language—a Cetic language— survives more than in Scotland, but it is dificult to speak. 6 The Welsh have a deep love of poetry ‘and music, and the international festival is famous throughout the world. (2) 7 — Wales has contributed much to the lan ‘guage and politics of England. (3) 8 The son and heir of the monarch is given" the title: " The Prince of Wales”, but this has no political significance. (4) Yo alta gratt.— 2 . hou. muds. bax tin snr, — 2 eatin masensct “vols Van nana oS lngucen "ware. arma "6 cup poe musk in SUR arued "3 cu. eet oadl Dori. sitar 327 three mind and twentysoven 9 Now answer these questions: 10 Does the Welsh language still exist? 11 What is the main industry in Wales? 12 What is the scenery like? 18 Who is the Prince of Wales? EXERCISES 1 Throughout England, there are many excellent pubs. — 2'The Prince of Wales is heir to the throne. — 3 | that your comb? — No, it’s hers. — 4 You have been to China? What is It like? — § Couldn't you try ‘and help me? Fill in the missing words: 1. £.Ne pudo nacerio mejor (que eso}? she than oo? 2 std de tan buen humor que ha invitado 2 todos. 3. No me gusté la primera pelicula. — A mi tampoco the fiat tlm. — No, 4 Parocos muy cansado. Pasa y siéniate you come .. and three hundred and twenty-six 226 Leccién ochenta y nueve Sobre el Pais de Gales Gales, diferencia de Escocia, esta polticamente Side @Inglaters ‘odo ol Pats de Gales e8 montahose y hay muchos patsajes que quitan la respiracion Ee Mprincipal industria os ta mineria del carbon y ‘a mayoria ds los galeses viven on loa alrededores fe Tas cladades industrials, Estas estan en ol sur Eridioma gales — un idioma colta — se conserva ‘mas quo en Eacocla, pero es dil! de habia. Toe gases Henan Unprotunés amor go a poesia bn tage! minso Ghios ha contriovido mucho @ la longua y politica de Inglaterra. ET nja.y neredero del monatea recibe (es dado) f iuio des Principe de Gales =, para esto. no tiene signfieacion pales Notes a @ 3 hole: Todo, entero, The whole. fami: la tama stare: acini: tose’ amila” the hoe oF inte: Toss Gucs Pais to Olen por eno Queer le, Prnunealon ce tyougho rink ei munde, © 3¢8, en todo # mundo, Out contriuye Sour an tosige nds completes troupe ta poltca: poli (pra In economia: economies (ruta de Goud) Bl aletwo spot” se agus for powtes! Uf pronuciaion oe Feros a misma gue ta de ai {6 ial Ee tna elas povas vores oh is gue la (6,2 so’ ptuncia (eter también hour Honour ioononh toe mundred and tworty-eight 328 Ahora respond! {Bwste aun la lengua galesa? {ual es ia privlpaliadusira de Gates? {Géme ee 0! paisaie? {Guian es el Principe de Gales ? 1 fogsIngltrrs, nay muchos pubs 2 61 Pence SENS podria itentarayusarse 5 Toda la familia he ldo af campo. No hay nadie. family nas Thera is Sverynegy leveryne)— 3'T aan tke” nether af Took Soryrived “ines doan " 8'The whole ™ gone fo the county 12 be nae. Second wave: 40th Lesson 220 these hundred and twortynine Ninetieth (90th) Lesson 1A Scotsman who was driving” home one night ran* into @ car driven’ by an English- man. (1) 2 The Scot got* out of the car to apologise and offered the Englishman a drink from 4 bottle of whisky. 3 The Englishman was glad to have a drink. (2) 4 — Go on, said the Scot, have another drink. 5 The Englishman drank* gratefully, — But don't you want one? he asked the Scot. (3) 6 — Perhaps, the other replied, when the police have gone. 7 The park-keeper walked up to a tramp who was sleeping’ on a bench in Green Path, 8 — Hey! you! he shouted, I'm going to shut" the park gates! (4) 9 — All righ, replied the tramp, try not to slam them. (5) (N. 3) (N. 4) 10 When Mrs Davis told* her husband that guests were eaming” to dinner that night, 11 he went* out into the hall and hid” all the umbrellas, J dain. nae. — 2 emeaenae ented. — 9 alag. — 5g 8 pate Pe paaneaige vag. bench — Bag mie PB ep” lame i dpi = 11 ool. ambelas . 2991 three hundred and thity-one 12 — What's the matter? asked his wife, are you afraid someone will steal" them? 13 — It’s not that, replied her husband, but I'm afraid someone might recognise ther. 92 tl, 8 mat tian EXERCISES 1 Do you mind if i shut the window? Im cole, — 2 No, but try not to slam it — 3 There isn't enough hisky for both of us. — 4 He was very glad to see ‘me again after all this time. — 8 He kept that bate Of whisky for a year belore opening it Fill in the missing words: 1. Pootia trabajar en una ibreria, paro no estay seguro He ne ut 2 Pola lover: major gue cojamos los paraguas. ral, we take 3 mlenta no hacer falas, ero es demasiado dite para He tries ANY eee But ees tae siicult ties hundred and thity 380 Leccion noventa coeds que iba en coche a casa una noche, ‘choes contra [eotr desire) un cache. conduclde 2B ettegde tate det coche para dseuinatne. tirecig al ngies un ago de una botella de whisky. 3 Elingiée se alogro de poder echar un tego (ener Una Bobi) 4 — Vamos, io el escoces, tomese otro (rage) 3 Er Ingide, bebio. agradeclendosclo (agradecioa fente).—- Y usted. y ne bebe ? pregunte al 0s- eoces 6 — Guizd, respondio ef otro, cuando se hays Ido la pola 7 El quarda Gel parque se acercé a (marché hacia) tin vagabundo que estaba aurmienda en un banco fn Green Park 8 — [eh justed! grte, voy a cerrar las puertas del perque. 9 — Foy bien, responds vagabundo, intonto no dar tun porta, 10 Cuan la Sra Davis alo su mero gue iben 8 11 3all al ecibidor J esconeld odes [os paraguas. notes (1) Torun: correr. To run into: corer ert, Enea que signiea tambien = chocar» 0 Shirase de reperte oon) -- Hove run out of poral Sevnow ha acaba la ganoina oun out of agotar Suedaree ain (2) Tm glad fo ee you: estoy contented verte, Glad es fa palabra covesta, menos tonsa gue Papey (9) He's gratetul: es apradoci. 1'm grate for your heip: estoy agracesiso port ayuda (a) To shut ~ to cloge: corrar {3} Inentar no. try not 10 O13 him not fo use my car (9 (She que no usar tn cocne. ‘Slam, palabra oncma- {Sotyca sigrica scorrar de golpe~ dar Un Bor three hundred and thitytwo 392 12 — LQué pasa? pregunt6 su mujer ztemes que al Suen fos robo? 13 — Roves 090, respondié ol marido, sino que temo (ue alguien pueda reconocerlos, "A'No hay sufteiente whisky pare los 4 Le agradecid mucho (estaba muy aoradectéa por) su ‘ayuda cuando Tonia problemas vey for -.. help when problems 5 Es tan dificil no rerse, es tan divert 1 mat wor = pokenop- Ym not sure — 2K might hg neter 4 Bhe'tae = ist ne hen ahelhed "Sle so rerio” She's So Second wave: dist Lesson Ninety-first (91st) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leccion 86: (S) - Luccion a7 (2) = Leccion @8: (1), (2) = Leccién 89: (3) - Leccién 90: (1). (4) 1 We have been talking. — Es Ia forma progresiva dl present perfect [ver ieccién 84, (2)] y que puede traducirse al pie de la letra o usando un tiempo que indique en castellano una accion que se desarrolla alo largo de un periodo : He estado viviendo aqui (©, simplemente, vivo aqui) desde nace tres anos ve been living here for three years. Hablan (nan estado hablando) desde hace dos horas: They've een talking for two hours. Se usa para una accion que ha durado (+ progre- sivas, entonces) y que aun dura (» presente =, pues) © que acaba de terminarse (perfect), Nada de. ello fs aplicable a los vertos de percepeién involuntaria {to see, fo hear, fo know, etc), pues no poseen forma progresiva, Para Gecir = se vantocens Gesue Su fifa Gia, se dice: They have known each other since their chilanood. Desde y deste hace: se dice for (como cuando traduce a « durante =) cuando en espanol decimos: = desde hace », es decir, cuando se especifican pe- Todos concretos de tiempo (for three hours, for six years, for a long time) y se dive since cuando se trata del punto de partida de la accién, o sea cuando fen espanol decimos « desde » (since their crviahooa, since last Saturday, since my birthday). Es un automatismo que se adquiere con la practica. No se limite usted a s6lo aprender reglas aisladas. 2 Would es, como ya sabemos, e! auxiliar del condi- ional. No se olvide que se usa tambien para expre- siones como «¢ quisiera usted...?~ Would you toll me..?: , quisiera usted decirme...? 338 three hirdred and thitytive 5 Holiday: se dice on holiday, «de vacaciones » también se usa summer holiday, mas ben que sum- ‘mer holidays. Puede usarse en plural singular ‘Seguin se prefiera, 6 The stairs: la escalera. Upstairs: arriba, Down: ars: aoao: No se olvide she ran downstairs bao la escalera corriendo) 7 Nétese Ia diferencia de tono entre las lecciones 88 y 89: la conversacion con pocos adjetivos, las contracciones, «Ah» y «well» y la descripcién frases mas largas, lenguaje con'mas imagenes incluso mas lterario. 8 Locuciones que conviene recordar. — 1 /'ve been waiting for two hours. — 2 Try not to make a noise. — 3 What's the matter? — 4 He might recognise them. — 5 What is Wales like? — 6 17m afraid I'm Ninety-second (92nd) Lesson 1 — Jack, I'm freezing’. Close the window, it's cold outside. 2 — You want me to get out of bed and close the window, (N. 1) 3 but if do, It won't be warm outside. (1) PRONUNCIATION thes hundred and thityfour 994 Leccién noventa y una Pero podria haber contusién entre « iria»: he would 190, y= quisiera ir». ;,Como evitarlo? Poniendo he Would ike (eonlracwlon, he'd like) to go. NO se preocupe, los rifos ingleses tamaien han tenido que aprenderlo. , Como lo han hecho? con la practica Glaria. ¥ ahora ge dosenvuelven bastante bien 8 Algunas expresiones especiales. — Hemos visto. tn las primeras lecciones. la expresion Oh dear! fue selomos taducr por | vaya» aungue no tiene ffaduocion exacta posible. On dear! es. una expre- Sion de ‘contrariodad, lamento. © desesperacion, uando se llega tarde, cuando nos olvigamos algo. Guando alguien no nos comprende, etc. Es expresion de buen tono y nunca es olensiva ‘aright 08 to mismo que O.K (okay) y quiere decir ny bien» = perfects», « esto marcha INover mind: nse preceape.., no tiene iiportancia. Para captar el sabor » del ingles, Ray que = sent» Gn el momento de su uso, estas expresiones, ¥ asi @ poaran traduelr con exactitud 4 Not to: try not to slam the door: Intente no cerrar la puerta de golpe. He fold me not fo move: Me ha dicho que no me mueva. tee hundred and thitysix 398 broke. — 7 She said she would come at ten, — 8 it's not worth it. 9 Put your things away. 9 Traduction. — 1 Espero desde hace dos horas. Printenta no hacer ruido. — 3; Qué pasa? 1 Poesia recenczerios. 8 ,CAms a8 Galas? — 6 Me temo que estoy pelaco, — 7 Dijo que vendria a las diz, ~ 8 No vale la pena. — 9 Coloca tus bartulos. ‘No se incluyen asteriscos junto a fos verbos to go, to get Ya sy porque ya son suhoantament conotos, 68 ‘Second wave: 42nd (revision) Lesson Leccion noventa y dos 1 ack, me astoy helando. Olerra la vertana, nace ito tuers 2 — Guieres que salga do Ia cama y clerre Ia ventana 3 Gore’ne bor see va\a hacer tal im nagn no hard) NoTes (A) En inglés, se precisa mucho para indica la tempera- {ura Hot: caliant, ealigo; warm “calico, templaco (un Calor conterabie): coat: fresco y cold: tio, Fiace bastante calor’ i's warm. Calor se cleo: heat 237 thene hundred and thity-esven 4 — Do tell* me about Mrs Haines’ divorce, (2) 5 —I'd prefer you to ask Mrs Haines her~ sel! (N. 2) 6 We expect her to arrive at eight o'clock, (8) 7 — I hope the train will be on time. | don't like waiting, 8 He'd like them to introduce themselves be- cause he has forgotten” their names. 9 We've asked them to come" round for drinks this evening, (4) 40 but they would like to come* to dinner. 11 — Would you like me to make" reservations for the theatre? 12 — No thanks, Ill do it mysel, 13 — I'd like you to say @ prayer before your meal “Bs 1y? My mother is a good cook 4 bene hoe. — noel! — 6. ehape. — 8 ie foot ST sosecine at? * i anae — fb EXERCISES 1 Will you ask him yoursel, | haven't enough time. — 2 Shall I do it or do you want her to do It? — 3 We expect them fo bring a botle of wine, — 4 1 prefer them to bring a cake, — 5 How much time will you need to fish? 330 three hundred and thity-nine Fill in the missing words: 1) {Quiere usted que le presente a a chice que esté al? you you to that git over there? 2 Cogerd ei coche si al metro esta en huelga the car .. the tube 3. Esperamos que legque sobre las diez y veinte 4 No va a casarse; no lo gusta gaster dinero, He get married. He money . Ninety-third (93rd) Lesson 1 He stopped smoking last week and has been unbearable ever since. (1) (2) (3) PRONUNCIATION Notes (A) Oita! Convione quedarse bien con las formulas oe bsta leccion para poder reconever nosibles cambios {Se seni. Por ejemplo, fo stp fo smoke. detenerse para tumar = Hablame de! givorcio ae Ia Sea. Haines. = Pratiera que {se lo} preguntes ala propia Sra Exparamos que lleque a lat ocho. — Espero que el tren ilegue a Su Nora, No me gusta espersr Le gustaria que. se presentasen a si mismos porque ha olvigado sus nomeres 2 ecthomos pocido que vinlern a tomar copas esta 10 Boro Tes gustaria venir a cena. 11 — Le gustaria que hiciera reservas para el teatro? 42 — fio‘gracias, lo nara yo mismo. 18 — Me guetaris que alors una oracisn antes de 14 — [Pero por qué ? Mi madre es buens cocinera. NOTES (continues) {2} Do sive acu! are celorzar el verbo: e8 una especie 30 Sipe "So al Some pot taco istees Hay una siterencia ene 1 wai for someone (esperar Saiguen) yo expect something esperar alge) Ae {upocts to make a ios of money ‘espera ganer mucho Sisoro To hops, ea tambon espera, pero en ol em At80'So toner speranza = 4) Round os aqui immeceearo, Poca, haberse coho fo (* Some or ofhks, Round Gain sentido de vent @ rasa “Como round ea una exprosion Noch ) evencicios 1.3 10 prepintaras ty mame’? No tengo tempo sulle) — 3 [too Tic Sule’ au a hpa ‘raeranun paste. "8, Cuomo tempo nocostaras pars three hundred and forty 340 5 cA qué hora quieres que vaya? tine to come? H me at". Respuestas 4100 - want me to jnvoguen, — 2 11 the == Is on tke, — 3 Stoel her used any past an ™ & non “doesn ie Second wave: 4rd Lesson Leccion noventa y tres 1 D9j6 (pars) de fumar Ia semana pasada y ha bsiado insopartable desde entonces, NOTES (cortinues) (2)! cant Deer him: no puedo soporte, Ho is unbe- renble: 08 nsoporaie a) Ever, aul, 2 tnnecesario.Rolverza since y da a idea (© Gor" desde el momento en ques. &3 ‘ambien une iprenon hecha 341 three hundred and forty-one 2 He enjoys teasing his wite about her spend ing, 3 but, to avoid causing an argument, he ways agrees with her in the end. (4) 4 The criminal denied robbing the bank, but there were too many witnesses 5 Would you mind not smoking? This is a non-smoking compartment, 6 It's no use tying to run” before you can walk 7 That new film about Switzerland is worth seeing’ 8 Imagine being 2 pop-star. It must be great! 9 A lady who felt” sorry for a beggar invited hhim into the kitchen. (5) 10 On the table, there were some sardines and some smoked salmon. 11 The beggar immediately began’ eating” the ‘smoked salmon, 12 — There are some sardines as well, said the lady in a loud voice. 13 — | proler the smoked salmon, replied the beggar. 14 — But it's more expensive, complained his Unwiling hostess. 15 — Yes | know. lady... but it's worth it! agen. 3 hn. wept in. 4 Slimdanin ppsiene gre! 9 son. agar 0, soar fine smouignen, 120" anal. von = 4. eS Sra As rr {42 three hundred and fotteee EXERCISES 41S no use asking Nim, he dosen't know anythin abou patos, 2 Whose is this dlionary? — Ink 8 his. — 9 Go and see that new film, i's really worth it, — 4 Will you lend me some maney? — I'm ferry, can't atin T= Ho haw haan’ sleep ever Since we Teft the station Fill in the missing words Dej6 2e hablar cusnco eu jte entre. He when ate ta pena sprender una lengua exvanjera: es muy 3 Se pard para mirar un escaparate ‘She stopped «8 shop wincow ‘Ninety-fourth (94th) Lesson A letter 1 Dear David, Thanks very much for your last letter. 2 L hope you are both wall. 'm thoroughly enjoying my new job. (1) PRONUNCIATION hres hundred and fortytwo 342 2 Le gusta monflear a su mujer con sus gastos 3 ero, para evitar una discusion, siempre se pone (92 scverdo eon ela a final. 4 Eleriminat go haber rabado el banco, pero habia ‘Semasiagos tostgos 5 [Le importara ‘no fumar? Este departamento os 6 Ex Inot intonter corrar antes e saber (poder) 7 & — Imaginate ser usa ‘estrella ‘del pop. | Dobe sor festupenco (grande)! © Una sehora apiacada (que sensia léstima) de un Imendiga le invite. fontrar en) la cocina 10 Encima do Ia mesa, habia sigunas sardinas y un 11 _Erinendigo comenzé inmediatamente a comer(se} fl salmon ahumaco, 12 — Hay tamoion sercinas, ojo 1a sefora en (una) aka 42 — Pretiero e! salmon ahumado, responsié et mer- digo. 16 — Pato os mas caro, se quel6 la contrariada ant ‘wiona (rubsped) 18 — Si'iya il se. sehora... | pero merece la pena (elo Hearn mecha wie NOTES (continues) (a) To agree with someone: estar. ponerse de acuerdo Gon alguien, Ho agrees wir me. esta de acuerdo {Senmiga. an agreement” un acuorde. (6) To fee! sorry for someone: tenor, sentir pena por alguien, apiadarse de alguien. I oe! sorry for hat poor Iman: siento pena por ese pabro hombre, (oe minded and forfour 384 4 Lo slonto por usted, poro no puedo hacer na ' for you, but do anyting 5 Do quién o¢ este talonaro de cheques ? — Es de mi! this oocsceeseee? —ite Respuostas 1 stope tain (ereaing) his tae are in — 2 wort laring egy amend tate ok a Sry ae Second wave: th Lesson Leccién noventa y cuatro Una cara 4. Querico David, muchas gracias por tu dima carta 2 SSpere que estes ben loa aos. Me cviore 6 ‘erced on mi nuevo empleo. (1), Torougn (zd) quiere deve» tongs, «on verdad» ae Tormane a horough enquiry” nace una vest gacien a fond, Thoraughiy: tteimente, eraust ffonte Se\usa normalmente en exprasiones como J” {norougniy enjoying myself: me estoy civiriende @ {Ope (20 lo lingo diiamos mas coloqualmente) 0 {im thoroughly bores: estoy comtetamento (+ moral mente avele doce) abutrido. 345. three hurdrod and fortyve 3 The person whose posttion I've taken resigned last month. (2) 4 | can understand why, because there's a lot of work to do. 5 I'm wring” to ask you a favour. 6 Could you get me some information on trade unions? 7 [had to give a lecture last week and | couldn't find* enough details. 8 I should have asked you eatlier, but you know how itis. 9 Since | last saw" you, nothing much has happened. (3) 10 I've been working hard for a month and I've had so little spare time! (4) 11 | saw* Pete last week. You know’, of course, that he's married, 12 In fact he’s been married for over a year. (5) 347 tee murdeod and frty-tsven 13 He always used to say: "Marriage is a great institution, (6) 14 but who wants to live in an institution? 15 Look at him now! There's no more news, so I'll say good-bye. Looking ferward to hearing from you soon, (7) 48 Your friend, George. Bara Nes, 6 Pant hoarse — Ss EXERCISES 4 1 uses to tke cakes whon 1 was younger. — 2 1 have been working hard sinco | last sav you, — 3 | hope he wil be able t get some inormation for me 7" She has only beet to Asta Once, = 5 She ‘orgt her purse. 80 she had fo Berow somo mene), In the missing words: 1 Esperamos con impacieneia ir de vacaciones, Wo are 10 oss on hala. 2 Studd, e! conocido pintor,vvié (sola vivir) aqui ‘tude, the well... painter here 3. El homben cua matats ib rohata, se ams Sanders ‘The man ..... suitcase is San. 4 Trabaja on esta empresa desde hace tres afos, He for this company three hundred and fortyate 368 3 La persona cuyo cargo he acupado dimiié Ia se mana asada 4 Compranda (puedo comprender el por qué, porqus hay mucho wabajo que hacer. 5 Teleacrioo para pecrte un favor, & —{Poarias buscarme informacion sobre los sind: 7 Tve que dar una conferencia fa semana pasada no puse encontrar suficientes detalles 8 —_Baboria abort proguntado antes, pero [ya] sabes oma son las cobas (como ello es) 8 Beade que te vi [por] uitma (ver, naga especial {ono} ha eeurrigo. 10 He estado trabajando duro desde hace un mes y {ne tenida fan pooo tempo ibre’ 11 Via Potela‘smana paeada, Por supesto, ya sabes 12 Be'necno tiova eaaado mas de un afc, NOTES (continued) 12) Al no existe el too (nuestra traduccion a voces Io incluye para ir comprendiendo Tos verses soe de In’segusae personnal wari Ine ingiacne se sirven te estas conitacclones en las ceras para ingicar un trate familar, de comvianza Tal eosa no so hace on Tas cartas de negocios. otc (@) Sinco 1 last saw you (desce la itima vez que te vi) fs mas coloqulal que since the fast tine | saw you Wen you last came: cuando vinste por ultima ve2 Cuando = utimo sieae el sentido. de el mds re Clones, se traduce por the Tatest La Uiima novela de" Gold Cotas atest novel: poo sin embargo, Ia Recardamos quo » desde hace =. se clea for. pues os pera una mecida conereta do tiempo, ¥ since se of flea para" desde, pues se retire a una situacion (a) Spare: de mas, suplemestario, 0 sea, lb tire: rueda ee ropuesto. Spare paris: pi (6) Dado que estar casado n0 es una accién que so haga ontinuamente (por lo general) no se usa la forma progresiva sina al « prosent porfoct = three hundred and frty-elght 940 13 Siempre acostumbraba a deci: «ef matrimonio es Una’ grannsttucisn 14 Boro.ceulen que (ws) sar utlize, pero used © (ust ty) {bnia le costumore se sole. used fo smoke aces. timorabao fumar (1) To ook forward to: esperse con impacincia, Im lo tesins toro) esos Gans etre) why tha formula my Coronte 8 igual que lade fa ras 48'quo'se use hormalmenia pata tetmina las cares. exencicios 4s olen cot fon pastes cuando oma mas sven — 2 He 5 {Donde pusisto la rueca do repueste? — No me ‘acuerdo Where the ye? = ‘Second wave: 4S Les hundred and fotynine Ninety-fifth (95th) Lesson A favour 1 — Oh, is that George’s letter? | haven't seen” hhim for a long time, 2 In fact, since that party last year. How is he? (1) 3 — Oh he's fine. He needs some help with his new job. 4 — Yes, he’s working in that school with a strange name, 8 — You mean" Hungerford? It's @ school that has an excellent reputation. (2) 6 — How long has he been leaching* there? 7—For a month, Since another teacher resigned, He seems to be enjoying him- sel 8 — May | read’ the letter? — Of course. It's over there on top of the telavision (9) 9 — He always asks for information which is difficult to find. 10 — Not really. We've got lots of files at the office. 11 — I hope he doesn’t expect you to write a ook! : — 2. par. — 3 tan. — 4. exindch Notes (1) For a iong time. Since last year (er leccién 81, ¥-1) (2) Una vez mas convene recdrdar que that puoce sus ttule's which y whet) como rolalve sn qu cable e 351 three minded and fityone 12 — No, just a few lines with the main points. It won't take" too long 13 — I hope not — I'l start straight away and | should be finished by tomorrow at the latest. 4) EXERCISES 1 It should be fished by next week, — 2 It might Tain tomorrow, — Oh, | hope not. — 3 How long will it take to write a book? — 4 He seems to be making good pesress, — 5 As wsual,nathing works in iis FIIl In the missing words: 1. Trabaja desde nace un mes. Desde que George aii, He 2 month George 2 Site vas inmedatamente, logarés 2 las nueve, 3. No comprendo Jo que quiere decir exactamente, Voces understand... he Second wave: 46th Lesson Leccién noventa y cinco Un favor I ‘Oh! jes le certa de George? No Io he visto ‘De hecho, desde aquelia fiesta el ato pasado. cicemo seta? — {on™ esta bien, Necesta (alguna) ayuea en (eon) fu nusve trabajo Si, esta trabejando en ota escuela que tiene (con) un nombre rare 5 — [Te ‘teiores @ Hungerford? Es una escuela que tiene una excelente reputecion 6 — {Desde ‘cuando ha estado dando clases (e: 7 8 — Deode face un mes. Desde que ovo profesor ci- iti Par — TPusco teer ncime de Ia television Slampre pide (por) informacién dif de encontrar En realidad na. Yenamax muchos informes. on steina 11 — Expere que no eapere que eseribas un liar or supuesto, esa al, NOTES (continues) 18) Top: arrioa. encima de, on lo alto de; boriom: abajo, debeje de. al pie de, On lop of the mountain en iS fio de la montana. atthe bottom of the stairs» a! ple {0 fa escalara. También nos ancontraremos con 10P Y bottom en los libros de llustraciones, para indica’ fas Posiciones de betas on Ia pagina ‘three hundred and fity-two 382 12 — No, aélo unas (p0cas) lIneas sobre los puntos Tinportantes No [me] levara. muche, 13 — ESpero gue no, Empesaré de Inmeciato y de- feria acaberla (yo deseria estar acabaco) para mafiana to mas lard. NOTES (continued) (a) By. agi, adquiere un sentido tomporal: by next week hacia la semana quo viene, para la semana que iene... You must tell me by thvoe o'clock tenes que lecirmelo de aati las Wes, 08ea. antes ce las res, para laa tras (cecnbal"un libro? areca estar haciendo. grandes (b Seprctot "8° ome costume, nasa ualona en sola asa 4 No espera que esoribas un libro. — Espero que no. He doesn’ you 1 book. — 15g Cuanto tiempo levas esperando ? — Desde hace una have you... wating? —... an nour “ttia © hope not — 8 How tang = Bean For UNo le parece que estudiar una lengua por ef método “Rasimils co ona. distraclén Yan agradable ‘como 0s ‘yocigramas u otros juogos que exigen la intervencion oe ‘olgoncia Pc NO le parece que es. Mas provecheso (que ver la television ? z 86 da cuonta de que progresos fa ido haciendo sin estuerz0 ? Ninety-sixth (96th) Lesson Health thes hundrod and fity-four 384 Leccién noventa y seis ita sane lecuerda usted que en ta leccign elncuenta y 1 Din you remember, in Lesson fifty-seven, iste John tuve que fir a] ver a) médicn? Eee ases eee 2 Ettgunr ss Gel dene amp 2 In tage, you eo not pay" the dtor or Bie abe tamrannr ees the banal end you pest ony ml pene anee charge fr ine att) I ets lac a aaa Service, which pays” all medical costs. (2) una unica contribucién cada semana al seguro 4 It is financed in part by contributions Be Rthenaabitdad del que ca amplea asegurarse Caled Navona neafarce payments feceeed eras dass wal , ee 1 SES SEES ve nates ong atonal Inerance Sort 0 Bere ee tuaon avery oat 8)) Sue pesds blac 6 Ist rebpersiiy 6 the employer to 1 fe deducts som tome makers wage bution. (5) 8 The Test of the meney forthe National ores (oninuas Health Service comes" from general taxe tion. (6) (@) To cost: costar. Gastos médicos : medica! costs {@) Se cice working mar para indicar a toda persona que frabaja, en goneral A worker e6: Un wabalador pmonunetsTion werkiman, un rer, (& Single: simple, ne slo. A single totet: un bilete Singles soltera, La palabra single ee conacice en Extfalano para Indear'un asco pequeto; come logo tt mundo sabe, un daca prance ess longpay 0 ea nores Stop tage duscion = (1) To charge: hacer pagar They charged me nity pence (Engle se Serra ere wage crt ae so 1 ae al Me cepa ante ge och as semanas (omaivans or eile) tinued por un vans del agua Aol puss ie Sheae’ ao go ela mayor goo cach {ema que se deve, En la Tecra ue se presontan $e sia por bare. La pia i tn naar s0 ve Soruce chaos 18% sesoe, rerta» (vee Rundred and Sifty-tive three hundred and fity-six 356 9 Those whose Incomes are too low can 6 Pee ener ae ablain what is called Supplementary Be- ‘laden obiener 10 due te lama © Benet Supe efit, fRontario 10 Es.una griticacion somanal y se fnancia comple- 10 This is a weekly allocation and is financed "” _famente por modo de tos mpucsion generates entirely by general taxation 11 Ecsta pags tambien» pensones alas por- Rem Siate Belson bys ae Pee OTS) 2 jonas Son conocidas come « cludadenos people in retirement. (7) * 12 These people are known" as “senior cl 12 A Guando usted vaya al mtsic,o por algo mas tizens ", 1” no debe usted preocuparse por 6! precio (coste). 13 So, when you go to the doctor's or, for Neves terres something more serlous, the hospital, (©) Avex: un Impuesto. Lo impuesio, ta carga tibuara, 14 you do not have to worry about the cost Gn'penaralso cise taxation. A txpayer" un con ucios libres de impuesios- dubytree_ goods. El VA. 4 a, slim it~ 10 hl... {impoeeto sobre ever ahadgo, que’ se he genera: feesnene, risnént "ta noun. enor zado en Espafa, como consccueneia dal ingreso on la GE, y que se apiice @ los blenes de consumo) ge llama os" ingiés WAT. (value added tax), y Se ineluye en todos los precios a! hacer las compres () To retire: juoilaese, coger at retco. in retirement (ro- tired) jubiago, en reo. vetfado evencicios 1A cause de ln nila avion sa reread. — 2 Loe aclanos Igor ile canouaos como s Cusecance mayoress resben pom ‘Sones "9's prave su niarmeda,docor ? = Eapero no. “Reegurde a0 un im cums este sacha antes de “al gna Eos igresoe son Geranaas baju puede ODN ne ‘Stanscén Semanal Fill in the missing words: I nomore cuyo coche na sige rabaco pu enconraris EXERCISES 1 Because of fog, the plane will be delayed. — 2 Old eran aan can tna people, known as "senior ellizeng’”, receive pensions. the polce-tation '3 Is his Mness serious, doctor? I hope not. — 4 Make sure that the bed is made belore going out 2 No es obilgatorio {no tienes que) hacer el servicio — 5 The person whose income is too low ean obtan mmiitar en ngiatera esses ylioeation: You de in Enoland 357 thee hundred and fity-seven 3. Asogirese do que las puertas estén bien cerradas con {lave antes do sar that are lockes 4g No vas a ira vor esa nut you going 5 4.00 quién as la responsabilidad? Is the 2 ‘three hundred and fity-cight 388 Respuesiag ‘Toahoes ~ paan stolen «at — 2 go not nave te - ary sores UT ale Surg “the doors balers doing out Aare 19366 Thaw play 8 Whose reasssiiiy? A bird. jn the and is worth two in the bush (bush): mas tale psjaro en mano que ciento volando (iteraiments, «Un péjaro en fa mare vale 10 que dos.on el matorral=) bay una dvertida y plcera variant do este ren inventaca por feo West" A man in te house te worlh two tn the Steet Second wave: 47th Les Ninety-seventh (97th) Lesson 1 Learn this lesson as usual, then answer the following questions with the help of the preceding lesson. 2 How much did David have to pay* the doctor when he was ill? 3 What does National Health Service mean"? 4 How Is the National Health Service finan- cod? 5 Whose responsibility fe the weak! bution? (1) 6 Who has to make" National Insurance contributions? 7 Does the employer pay” anything? 8 Who recelves Supplementary Benefit? 9 Who are senior aitizens? ontei 380 three hurdred and fityen 10 Two Iittle boys who were visiting the Bri lish Museum stopped to look at an Egyp- tian mummy, 11 The mummy was covered with bandages and had a sign with 1215 RC (one thou sand two hundred and fifteen) around its neck. (2) (3) 12 — | wonder what that sign means*, sald one of the boys. (4) 13 — That must be the number of the car which knocked him over, replied his friend, (5) ‘iii si (BC) srboe 42" uaedor == 43 no. ao EXERCISES 1 Our phone was broken and we couldn't receive any calis. — 2 We'd offer to help if i wasn't useless. — 3 You should have paid the man straight away. — 4 I she did her hair diferently she could look nice, 5 might not pay my contribution this weer, Fill in the missing words: 1 Si giéramos una fiesta t@ semana provima, < quién podria vamir? ° 2 tw 2 party who. Leccién noventa y siete 1 _-Apréndase esta leccidn como de costumers y luego ‘esponda a ae preguntas siguientes con la ayuse 2 evante tuvo"que pagar David al mbdico cuando Setuvo enferma? 3 {Oe quiere decir «National Health Service»? $ — [Gdmo'so financle ot NHS.7 5 {De quidn es Tl respansabiidas (¢0] Ia cont: bucien semana!’ & Quien tiene que contrbuir al Seguro Nacional ? 7 [aga alge of que da empleo? & — [Oulen recite el beneticlo suplementario? 8} Guienas son los “cudadanas mavorea» ? PRONUNCIATION 4 easnos!..—9 non ie? lesen’? 6 ingwsnan. 7 ier NoTes {A} Whose en al sentido do 2» ce quiém» (es)? three hundred and sity 980 40 08 chicos pequstios que visitaban el British Mu- Seum se pararon a mirar una momia eglpcla 11 Uaimomia estabe cubleria de vendas y levaba un letrere (signe) alrededor el ‘cus que decla ais B= 12 — Me pregunto que signifies ete levero, dijo uno 6 43 — Gabe ser el numero {60 matricula} del coche que fe stropels, respanais su amiga NOTES (continued) (2) B.C. (bi si}: Before Christ (antos do Cristo). Igual- mente eneonirames AD. para las lechas do despues el nacimiento. de Cristo (AD. Anna Domini, quo es sats eigaition Axe dol Sohn. (8) Como la momia no tiene sexo (jal menos nos os evigonte. el que Hlenel) hay que usar el posesivo neta is (&) To wonder: progumtarse ; wondertul: maraviloso, (8) To knock: golpear, lamar a la puerta, etc. To knack over hacer seer aigo de un golpe: aul,» sirapelar» Lopease y no podlames resi a aa (ayusay sno fora th P'Bebecie haber sagado. a) hombre. ce, nmeciato 4S. so Segara cera) leu pelo se medo aterena pola parecer Guana 5 Pde que no pague mt coninbucon eels semana 3204 three hundred and exty-one 2 Pootia usted decirme qué quiere decir" weekly conti bution "> you me weekly contribution 2 3A causa oo 1a nue se he suspendido el peti, tho 2. the maten cancellag 4 ¢.Deb0 pager alge por ef servicio? "pay forthe ° ‘three hundred and sitytwo 962 5 La botolla estaba cubierte de polvo y tenia tolas de fataha en forme al cuelo. ‘The botle was dust and... cobwebs the mack at Moone S'Bscatbe of rin nas boon: 4 iat Second wave: &8th Lesson Ninety-eight (98th) Lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Nolas para revisar: Leccion 92: (3) = Leccion 9 (4) = Leocién 94: (3), (6) - Leccién 85 (7), (2) = Leccion 96: (4) = Leccion 97 : (3) 1 You want me to go: quieres que me vaya. — Repare bien en esta esirutura particular co eubjun- tivo (que 8610.86 diferencia del incieativ en casce Bariclares). El = ueo™ esta on no taduelt nunca fl «que » y todo se presentara mas tac Es ta frincta que ae amas acvsatwe @ ntv0 » ues el pronombre esta en acusatvo (clara esta ave fos nombres. propios no cambian). ! prefer hin 0 {ell mo: pretiera que me to diga él, 00 Jou want him to. shut the window? =, Quiere usted que Gierre la ventana? Si usted’ha estudlado latin fa formula le resulta familar Come ya le hemos dicho’ con frecuencia, déjese ular por nosotros y la préclica hara el resto, 363 three hundred and sixy-three En ol pasaso a foma progres inion una acion que ha durado cierto ‘iempo, y que equivale Iinpertecto esparol, mas 9 menos. aunaue, come ya dijmos, a voses lo mas eorrecto es. una irasuocion itera de la expresion ingiens (en otros casos no Io 85)" He was working when the Telephone. fang trabajaba cuando. teetono sone (estaba abalando Cuando sond et teletonc) 4 1 No es e890». — Regla general: si la pregunta es afirmativa, el ~j no es e0%» va en forms ne Sativa y al roves Algunos ejemplos: She's upstairs, isn't sho? (esta artiba. ; n0 Ax e807) Sho jan upstaita, je shee (ne festd arriba yo es e807) He wants this, doesn't he? (quiere esto, 2 no es e807) They don't want this, do ‘hey? (no quieren esto, ; no os e80 7} He won't come, will he? (no vendra {no es eso) You will come, won't you? (vendras {no es eso) We can't help you, can we? (no podemos ayudarle, z no es 30 They shouldn't go, should they? (no deberian ir 20 8 @80 7) He, would accept, woutdn't he? (acepiria 5 Whose: Whose is this handbag ?: «de quién es este bolso? Whose responsibility Is 1? quien 5 la responsabilidad ? The man whose Gar is out- sida: el hombre cuyo coche esta fuera. El senor cuyo hijo es médico : the gentieman whose son is a doctor. Esperamos que con estos ejemplos, | uso de whose haya quedade claro, Whose se usa pare cosas y coroe animadon, 6 To wonder: iteraimente quiere decir « maravi= llarse », de ahi que wonderful significa maravilloso. Pero. su sentido mas usual es = preguntarse =. 7 wonder if she is happy: me pregunto si es feliz 7 To look forward to: esperar con impaciencia, We're looking forward to our holidays: esperamos Leccién noventa y ocho 2 Myselt, yourself. — Ya sabe usted que el reflexivo se emplea muchas veces para subrayar el sentico. to nare yo mismo : /1/ ao fivs mysell Preyantae ta ‘mismo. ask him yourselt. Sirvanse help yourselves {mas de una persona) En plural conviene prestar atencion para no caer en. ferrores que alleren cl significado se ven todas las semanas They see one another each week Nos hablamos : we talk fo one another. (SI dliéramos we nik #0 ouraaivas, quarria decir que cada uno se habla a sf mismo.) 2 La forma progresiva. — Una voz mas volvemos a fila, Nose emplea para una accién habitual sino para lo que $e esté haciendo, o se tiene intencion de comenzar. ; A qué se dedica? — Es taquigrata what doos she do? — She's @ shorthand typist Ishoothand taipist three hundred and sityfour 364 con impaciencia nuestras vacaciones. | Jook forward fo hearing from you: espero tener pronto noticias suyas (espero con impaciencia oir de usted) (Forward quiere decir literalmente « adelante », « ha- cia delante ») 8 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 / want you to come straight away. — 2 She doesn't like waiting. — 8 | stopped smoking iast week — 4 We can't bear him. — 8 1 feel sorry for you. — 6 Since Vast saw you. — 7 We used to like him. — 8 Vl be finished by tomorrow. — 9 He charged me ten pounds. — 10! wonder if he's boter. TERRA ~e 9 Traduccién. — 1 Quiero que vengas inmediata: mente, — 2 No le gusta esperar. — 3 Delé de fumar fa semana pasaga, — 4 No podemos aguantarlo. — 5 Te compadezco. — 6 Desde la dltima vez que os vi =? olla gustarnos, — 8 Habre acabado para mafana. — 9 Me cobré diez libras. — 10 Me pre- gunto si esta mejor Second wave: 49th (revision) Lesson 365 twroo mundrs ud oitytve Ninety-ninth (99th) Lesson Emergency... 1 — The ninety-ninth lesson reminds me of the police. (1) 2 — Why? — Because, if there is an emergency and you need the police 3 or an ambulance or the fire-brigade, 4 you simply dial nine-nine-nine. The ope- rator replies immediately: (2) 5 — Emergency. Which service do you require? 6 — Excuse me, I'm a foreigner. Could you show me how to use the phone? (3) 7 — Of course, sir. Have you got your number? 8 If not, we can look it up (N.1) in the directory. (4) 9 Right. Now first, you lift the receiver and wait for the tone, 10 Next, you dial your number and wait until it rings, 11 You must have ten pence ready. 12 When the person answers, you push your coin into the slot and talk. (5) wa, fotn? — 8 dam 9 ra ae vaio 367 three hind and say-ven 13 You see? It's not at all complicated. 14 — Yes, | see. Thank you, you're very kind 15 — Not at all, Good-bye. EXERCISES 1 This photograph reminds me of my home town. — 2 Dial your umber and wait for the tona 8 Push Your coin info the slot and speak. — 4 Please excuse me, 'm a foreigner. — 8 Could you show me how to Use it? Fill in the missing words: 1g Puede usted recordar dénde ha puesto usted mi car- ‘era? you You... my wallet? 2 Parece que le recuerdo a su nieto, k that | his grandson, 3 Necositaba un destorniiader pero we que usar un Cuchi ' 42 sorewariver but | a 4 Usa ia misma pluma desde hace casi diez afos. He the... pen... almost ton years. Leccién noventa y nueve ‘Emergencla..! 1 — La teccién 99 me recuerda a fa poli 2X Chor quer =" Porque’ st ney una emergencia times necesita le polcia 3 cluna‘ambulaneia oa los Bomberos (brigada de 4 marca usied simplemente e999. La operadora Fesponde inmeciatamente 5 — Emergencia. 7 Que servicio quiere (roquiere)? 6 — Perdone, soy (un) extranjore. ,Pocria decirme (rnostrarme) coma usar al teletoro? ‘51 no, podemos Duscsrlo en la guia Bion, Arora, primoro descuelgue usted el auricular espero la sonal 10 luego siguiente) marque o! (su) nlmero y espere hasta que suore. 11 Bebe toner preparados diez poriques 42 Cuando tia persena).responda, mota (empule) Ia {eo} moneda en la ranura y hablo. Nores (8) To remind: recoréar sigo a alguien. This reminds me OF him'esio me fo recversa. Plesse remind me to Post tho Teter reeuerdame, por favor que eche la $o romember: scordarse de o recordar. | remember iihen Tae young’ me aeverso Se cianso era joven (2) A al: un disco de nimeros; fo cal: marcar un Sicen un & une}. 4 stranger ‘un exrano (alguien quien no 38 conoce) :@ foaner: “een 0 Se, oo paar Joro,'s foreign'car’ un cache. extanjoro: 9 strange Sar: un coche extrano, rare. Preste atencion a esto porque’ stranger uses induc a error (a) To lok at: mirar: 10 look for buscar. To 100k up Basar en un Wcsonario, enna gua, enn anvar'e (8 To oush emoviar:t0 push Into meter, introduc en @ thes hundred and sityeight 268 43 ge usted? Na es complicaco en absolute, 44 — Si tye io] veo. Gracias, es usted muy amable. 45 — No Hlene Importancia. Aciee 5 Tlene usted Ja dirsccion? Si no, podemos preguntar 4 romaad gga ig te No 62 olvide de practicar los verbos Irrogulares Second wave: 50th Lesson 260 tives hundred and sitynine Hundredth (100th) Lesson 1 This is our hundredth lesson. If you have spent’ an average of half an hour, revi sion included, 2 on each of the preceding ones, it makes" a total of nearly fifty hours. 3 Are you pleased with the result of your work? 4 Obviously, you do not know" by heart every word and every expression we have seen: that would be too perfect. (1) 5 Learning" a foreign language is @ matter of patience, regular dally repetition — and ‘optimism. (2) (3) 6 Somebody once said that English was like Mount Everest 7 because access is easy, but the summit is impossible to reach. 8 We think" this Is wrong because nobody speaks’ his own language perfectly. 9 You must try, by regular practice, to climb as high as you want, until you feel" comfortable. 1 dri. deh. ihn. — 2 eh. orn. th 1S inen, ihnes »repelishan ““wpumisem 6 rank w fisen samt Wah. Bn wong. = Bea (She ha ama Notes (1) « Cada « puedo decirse each o every. Each tene mis Bion el sents des eada uno = mientras gue evry 371 three hundred and soventy-one 10 But be carofull In order not to fall", you must practise as often as possible. (4) 11 You will learn new words and expressions and forget’ them, and learn them again And forget” them once more 12 But you are making" progress. Compare what you know* now with what you knew" three months age. 13 The hardest and most tedious part of your ‘work is done; belore long, you will speak* fluently 14 But remember: in order to stay on the mountain, you need dally practice, 10 — Mol tbe. foc. an. ps 32 Sipe Sou na 3 ep. = EXERCISES 1 You cannot learn all the vorabulary by heart, — 2 Nabary here speaks Chigese. — 3 Sit down on the sofa. Are you comfortable? — 4 You must work in order to earn money. — 5 Be eareful not to fall. That wall is very high. Fill in the missing words: 1) Hasia que pueda habiar el inglés con fuides, 1 algo {ocos los dies you s+ speak Engieh day. 2 Come todo io que quieras; hay mas. Eat you want 3 May que prestar mucha ateneian para no caer, You .... be very in fa tree hurd and seventy 370 Leccién cien 1 Esta es nuestra laccién cien. Si used he decieado (passdo) una media de media hors, ineluisa a asi eincventa horas 3 [Eats Usted ‘contonto con el resultado de su tr bai? Gbviamante no sabe usted de memoria cada pa feada oxprosion que hemos visto’ oso seria Sprencer une fs una cusstion Ge peciencla. repeticgn daria regular y ootimismo. Aiguien lio’ una ver que el inglés 6s como el gots Everest orgue e sczeso o9 fAclt pero la cumbre 95 im- osible Ge alcanzar Pensamos quo esto es un ertor porque nadie habla rapa lengua pertectamente Bote uster intonta” con ia pracica regular, trepar fan aia como quier hasta que 80 siema comodo. NOTES (xsiues) TS IU" geRSlal y mae ben algnten tooo «to See Repaio on, la misma tase en la exranon by heat (porcrazon) “Ge momo (2) Amatorna es sla materi, sino anbion un agua, haeueaign, is a matey of tne en cuoslon So Spo tina 'the mater? Cue pasa? 2) Le palabras quo frminan eam posse en egis om na espace’ de macin sinoa mas. como. se inca a in ova a' , 0'sea, ahorear. Rel puss. co se ontonca, Suslibros pero he eo hablar] da aloe ~'8 Noa cobraron ln ‘VHlatapane eter a Ee RR AL Tec Bee NEASTER, ae Se ~ at ( 5 Su casa parece un castle, debe ser muy rico. Hie house a castle, ho very 389 three hundred and sishty-nine Hundred and fifth (105th) Lesson REVISIONS AND NOTES Notas para revi 102? (3). Leccion 100: (1), (2) - Leceién verbs. — Son verbos que cambian de lon de acuerdo con la preposicién que los sigue. Como ya hemos visto, e! ejemplo to get es tipico. Veamos otro To ook at: mirar. He looked at the painting (mird el cuasre): To 100k for: buscar. We're looking for a new typist (buscamos una nueva mecandgrata) : To look atter: ocuparse de. Helen Is looking after the kids (Elena se ocupa de los crios); To took yp: buscar en un libro. Look this word up in the dictionary (ousca esta palabra en el cleci aio) To look forward to: esperar con impaciencia. I'm fookiny forward to seeing you (espero con impacien cia verie), Recordemos que esta expresion, junto con alguna otra (ver leccion 102, N. 3) es un caso exces cional y va seguida do un verbo en -ing. \Veremos mas ejemplos en las lecciones siguientes. 2 Used to, — Expresion muy stil que significa una Costumbre que so ha perdido, o algo que antes. se hacia y va no se hace. / used fo fike sunate whan 1 was a child: me gusiaban los dulces cuando era niife, We used to get to the country onco a week acostumbrabamos @ ir al campo una vez a la se No confundir con to be used to: tener la costumbre de, acostumbrar a: i'm used f0 this ear (estoy acos- tumbrado a este coche). En este caso sl segundo verbo tiene la forma del gerundio en -ing. 301 three hundred and ninety-one Hundred and sixth (106th) Lesson We must make decision 1 — We must (N. 1) decide where tn go for our holidays, 2 We should have decided months age. (N.2) 3 — I'll be down In a minute, I've got to finish this article I'm writing’. (1) 4 —Have you got everything you need? — Yes thanks. 8 Joan picked up a brochure and read: "To be sure of obtaining a place, it is necessary to book well in advance ". (2) 6 And, in another one: “You must book early to avoid the rush ". (3) 7 Joan was very angry because it was al- feady the middle of June and they had done nothing, 8 Well, it you're going to do something, you should do it properly, she thought" 9 She locked through the pile of brochures and then went to make" a cup of tea. (4) 10 David, having finished his article, came* downstairs. 11 He stopped and picked up the post from the mat, (6) Ty dil. — 2. pe — 9. sata. — 8 pk, blechate eee ese oot pow inert pi three hundred and ninety 3% Leccién ciento cinco 3 Annoyed es menos fuerte que angry. Annoyed es fl cquivalente de_» enfadado~, y angry significa ‘encolerizedo». Bored equivaie practicamente a ‘aburrido @ 4 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 Dial this number. — 2 lis a matter of time. — 3 Ho did it in order to earn money. —4 OF course (not). — 5 He's just had broaktast. — 6 He's working in London at present, 5 Traduccién. — 1 Marca este numero. — 2 Es Cuestion ce tiempo. — 3 Lo hizo para ganar dinero. AE Bar supsante iquie no) 8 heaha de daaayst- rar. — 6 Actualmente trabaja en Londres, ‘Second wave: 56th (revision) Lesson thee hundred and ninety-two 392 Lecci6n ciento seis Tenomos que tomar una decision 1. — Debemes decidir donde vamos de vacaciones 3 — Bajo on un momenta, Tengo que acabar este ent flo que estoy eseribionda. 4 — Cloves too te que novastias ? — Si, gracias. 5 oan copia un faleto'y ley6. = Para estar seguro de tener (una) plaza, 2 neceearlo reservar la} eon autlcenteatalacion 6 Won otto" Debe usted hacer la reserva pronto para evitar agiomeracianes = 7 faan ‘estaba muy erlacaca porque estaban ya a 8 Bien, si'se va a hacor algo, hay cue hacerlo bien, 9 Repasé el montén [entero) de flies y luego se fue a hacer una taza de Ie 10 David al scabar su artiuio, bab 41 Se'pard'y coaie el correo del feipuce ores (0) Ive got ta e8 similar a / nave to, estoy obligago a, tenga que. pero" su use es muy comun ye ya Ot fio de empea torrente (una vor mas 900. (2) A book: un libro: to book: reservar. Une reserva se dice reservation |pare noteles) y Sookig (para ©) ‘eattol En EEUU. este matz detaparece y be use @) To rush: precipitarse apresurarse. etc.: the rush iuoncia, multtud. aglomeracion. The rush hour’ Ia hore unis En'ine trasos § y 6 a ratarao de sxprasiones neon, Ia wecucen 0 98" lteral sino la eorrespondiene & las expresiones en espaol (@) To fook through : nojear (\iteralmento, miter 8 waves ie) Ver Ia feccién 108, M1 (6) To post: echar al carrae, El correo 29 dice the post Otho mail Las oficinas de correo Inglesas 0 laman GPO. (General Post Oftee) sin embargo, colodula mente, se clce the post offce, quo ee 01 equivalents 2 nuestra = corceos 12 — Oh look, still more brochures. We've got more than we need. 13 Joan was furious: “ You need a stick of dynamite to move you! ". she shouted. 14 — Oh come on, don't be anary. Make" the tea. 15 — Mako" it yoursellt shouted Joan and went ut slamming the door. 16 David scratched his head: "But what did do?" 13 free nity att — 48. ketenes EXERCISES 1 We should have bought it when we had the money. = 2 She was tying 10 avold an argument. —3 He went out easing the door quietly. — 4 You might have 8 touch of ‘lu. — § You may borrow it but you can't keep it Fill in tho missing words: 1 Hay que reservar con antalacién, para evitar la espera YOU vee vere HR vaNED In eee Ocoee waiting 2 ¢ Tiane usted todo lo que necesita ? Have vou ... everything vou ....? 2 Tengo que terminar esta novela artes que me la pid Ive ss. + tins tis... Bore he... me 4 Basia! Tengo mis Geto que necesito 1 ve ot 296 tee hired and nntytve Hundred and seventh (107th) Lesson Too many experts 4 Despite the fact that there are many more jobs today than twenty years ago: 2 computer operators, airline pllots, telev- sion engineers, even astronauts (1) 3 unemployment remains a serious pro- blem. 2) 4 We are in the age of specialisation and the expert 6 — Buudents are no longer safe ‘general subject, like literature; (8) 6 to be sure of a job, they must specialise. 7 Some people work by telling’ ethers what 10 do. 8 There are edueational experts, scientific experts, all sorts of expert. 9 There is a saying which goes: “ Too many chiefs and not enough Indians " 10 Sometimes, this is the case in modern industry, 11 Also, people do not always work as eff. ciently as they could 12 There is a law which states: “ Work ex- ands so as to fill the time available for Ho completion ". (4) tudying & PRONUNCIATION 10s. —2 somber pero, win lon. actus marinate 3 apemgoment 4 “wlch™ apeantmanen oars Faden se rach suai 8 foo, sets. okspns awicoo! Kernen ~ ‘three mirdred and ninetyfour 304 42 — Oh, mira, todavia mas folletos. Tenemos mas de los que necesitamos 13, Joan estaba frlosa’ | « Necestas un cartucho de ‘inamite para moverie |» gra, 44 — Oh vamos, no to entades. Ha? ol 48 — (Miatelo tir goto Joan y said corrande la puerta te guive 16 Davic Se rascd la cazeza: «; Pero qué ha hecho yor 5 Tengo que irme, tongo una cite con e! médica. 12+ 90, "ve got an with tne Resouestar {net ok order uid — 2 got pod — 8 oot novel = No permite que las palabras. nuevas que aparecen le osanimen: an as lecciones siguientes, volveran @ surgi Yio pareceran mas familares. Second waver 67th Lesson tee hundred and nintysix 306 Leccion ciento siete om 1 A.posar det necho de que nay muchos mas ofcios 2 programador de ordenadores, pilotos de. lineas: Ltveasingenioroa de tolevisin, Incuso astronaus 3 'paro sigue siendo (permanece) un problema 4 Estamos on la 6peca co la espacializacion y det 5 Losrestudiantas no se sienten (estan) ya seguros fstudiendo un tema general. come la iRerstura 6 Para asegurarse estar sogures de conseould un ‘mpl, dobar espacalzaree 7 Sigunas personas trabajan diciendo las otros lo ° ° 0 fue ftonen quel hacer Fay experlos en ecucscién, experts cientiicos, y toda Clase de expertos, Hay Un sicho que Teza (que va}: » Demasiados Jntes'y 00 euticlntes indice = veces. so es of eas0 ge ia industria moderna Por otro fado (ambien), 1a gente no semore tra Dela tan eteazmente come pode. ung ley que esaoisce 21 rapa se expanae fasta (para) lear el verpo disponte para le Wario a eabo (para su terminacion) Notes (a) 4 pilot: un ploto de avion: un plloto de carreras: a ‘acing ariver, (2) Unemployement: desemplco, paro: fo be unem- ‘loved’ ear on paro, estar parado (on ol sentico Jo Sin 'rabeo) «un parado a jobless porson, (a) evaine™y tambien no.. yas no longer, Ya no fumo"? no longer smoke ‘ambien tenemes ia tormula con ary more, He doesnt trork here any more: he'no anger works here. ya no fraoma agut (4) So as f, Worle itera similar a in order to. En ta onversacion no suale omblearse porque las palaoras Gonas, en inglés tenden's percerea en ln pronunla 207 three hundred and ninetysoven 13 It means* that, if you have two hours to do a job, whatever (N. 3) it is, (5) 14 the job will take" two hours, even if you could finish it sooner. EXERCISES 1 He Is head of a team of computer operators. — 2 Despite the umber” of jobs avalable, — 3 unemployment romaine a serious problem. — 4 This Job will take too long, please give mea hand. — 5 He is no longer an aline pot. at present, he is an astronaut. Fill In the missing words: Coctose, . ° He Jn a hep it cost, 2 A posar de Ia nlebla, ef avion legs a au hora. the... the plane arrives 3 Hones noticias. Limelas sean las que sean, ‘You've got some .... Tell to me 4 Estd intoresado on tod, especialmente en (los asuntos 4) fos demas He loverything, especially the affairs of 299 three hundred and ninety-nine Hundred and eighth (108th) Lesson Jobs and industry 1 Let's look at some of the occupations, available to people today. (1) 2 As a tradesman, you can be a butcher, a greengrocer. a baker: (2) 3 you can be an ironmonger, a milliner, a Jeweller or a bookseller, etc. 4 As a eralisman, you can be a joiner, a goldsmith, a watchmaker or a fitter. 5 There are also manual workers, such (N. 4) as bricklayers. (3) 6 Then there are the professions: teacher, doctor, lawyer or broker. 7 Military service was abolished in England in May 1963 (nineteen sixty three) 50 the armed sarvicas are also considered as a career. 10 There are many problems in industry today strikes are frequent and often serious. (4) 11 The trade unions, which look after their members’ interests, (5) PRONUNCIATION I Qkuguins anata). — 2. demin, toh, fo RS Tennant at fbwiudl™ lois prokmns; ener ayer, boa Fai Sieh Snr. wan 18 sah. anon — NoTEs (1) Availabe: sisponble, vido, The results wi! be avai- ‘atte in three’ months los resutados estaran disp nibies denivo do tres mes three hundred and ninetycight 308 13 Esto quiere decir que, si tiene usted dos horas para hacer un trabajo, cualquiera que sea, 14 Bitranajo tardara dos horas. incluso aunque pur Gora usted eoabarlo antes NoTEE (continued) (6) A Job 08 un amples y tambien un trabajo, A work, una obra Seen: “Sei°tumers de emplege seponsien "3 [a avemaieo ‘ise in sero eter 4 te vas evra uch Sao ores go ordenaores. — 2. ase le He ARI 5 So ha cortado o! pelo j Qué cterencia Ho has had cut, + @ difference! Respuesias 1 ra lange tore no, — 2 Dept og - one — 3 neue Leccion ciento ocho Empleos © Industria 1 lgunas de las ocupeciones cisponibies 2 Como" fon) comerciante, se puede ser carmicero, verdulere, panadero 8 Ge puede ser feretoro, sombrerera, joyero 0 I 4 Como artesano, se puede ser carpintero, ortebre, Felojero © ajusiagor 5 PRR Ea Ntenadores manusi come is ah oa 2 ese hay las protesonee berate]: profesor pied, abogace’s sasnie 1 Bt sovici iitaree Soot en ngieca on mayo fe td : (Si 2ovecintn sexes y Ber Ree aa Recae aldae be covlderan tam Sita care 10 By muchos"pteblemae hoy on i daria: lan Eston facuones y's menus srver a 12'S Ueaios ate ee chapan de oe Intarses de fsus mismoros NOTES (continued) (2) Trade ese ofio y el comerco. Tradesman : comer- Gane. En inglés todos os oiioe evan el eeulo fndeterminace. Lo hemos Ineluldo séloen el primer ‘Geo era parentesis,y en loa demas lo hemos dado por supuesto. () To lay. eooca, poner. A brick un Ilo, As! pues: pero es mas gororal Existe ademas la palabra ee: Sason, que aulere decir = franemasen ~ simplemente mason tg To sire: su primer sentiso es golpear (esto indica, (9) By cierto sents Tos clectos e Una huelge) a sike Sha'fuelga: to’ go on ste estar en hueiga: # Stoker” un huslguista i) (Ver leceion 105, N 1) To look after the children 10 Netoatee ae oe nos. 12 do not always agree with the employers. 13 If coal-miners or rallwaymen go on strike, the results can be very serious for the country, 14 Such problems are known as relations " * industrial EXERCISES 4 There are no longer many goldsmiths in this part of London. —2'I'm altel | don't agiee with you. — 8 Does he belong to a trade union? — I think so. — 4 Where did you put my watch? — in the badroom. 5 He will be avallabie from eight ity. Fl in the missing words: 1. {Por qué no ests on o!eléroto ? — &! servicio militar Ja no ists wny you .. the army? — Miltary service 2 Hublere podice ser carp pero mi padre queria to stuay. 3. Dederias empezar a pensar en un demasiago tarde you start about ts 403 four hundred and three Hundred and ninth (109th) Lesson Another look 1 We have seen* many new words recently Let's revise some of them, 2 We should have bought’ 2 new fridge before the prices went up. (1) (2) 3 No thank you, | already have more than | need 4 Everyone needs money, but some need more than others, 5 If the dockers go on strike, we'll have to stay in the ship. 6 Unemployment benefit is available to those who need it 7 My son the doctor is four and the lawyer is three. 8 I hate walking past the jeweller's with my giel-riend, 8 Would you look after the baby while | go to the shops? 10 identity cards were abolished in England after the war. 11 My boss and | don't always agree. 12 He picked up a penny outside the bank {and the manager employed him. (3) (4) PRONUNCIATION eden Sara ul" anemns. — ijera eS ethan. encase Ce ao al 12 no estan siempre do acuerdo con los patronos {3 Sfies mineros gel carson vos ferroviarioe van a huelga, los resultados pueden ser muy graves para al pals 14 Teles problemas se conocen como. « ralaciones 4 Liegaria 2 sor médico si pudiera 5 Los dos polices se pusieron de acuorde, ‘Second wave: 58h Lesson four hundred and four 404 Leccion ciento nueve tra ojeada (mirada) 1 Homos visto teclentemente muchas nuovas pala bras, Revisemos algunas 2 Rebriames abide ‘comprar un nuevo trigortico fries de gus fs precios sara 2 No ‘Graciad tango maa ce lo 2 Joos ei mundo nacosta stan mas gue oles 5 Silos estibacores van a la hueigs, tendeemos que fquedarnos on 0! Barco «LaPrndernizacon ce desempieo esta cispoibe 7 Minio'e! medica tone cuatro ates y el abogaco 8 aio pasar cotante de la joyoria con mi nova 9 .Overries. ccuparte del “niho mientas. voy’ ce Somoras ? 10 —_Les'earnats de identdad fueron abolidos en ing terra dovputs ce la guerra, 41 li'jete'y'yo no siempre estamos de acuerdo 42 ecogia'uh'poniguo delante fuera) del banco y e rector le de empleo notes (1) Frage, es una contaccion de refrigerator y sores ” fonde'a cuando en expanol Secmos =e! figo= a To go up: subir y sumentar The prices wont up J (7) Teck Bs pretios Subleron (aumento) i semana asa Ouisice (ers), puede tener Celate 0 fun aii ‘An employee: un empleado: an employer: un a reno fo employ: dar empleo. Tambisn puede sarse {copetiatnwnte 69 EEUU) al verbo to fire (aiqulsr) para signiicar « car empleo =, = convatar imbién al sentido. de Teceton 102, noe 1), 13 If you work in this factory, you must join a trade union. (8) 14 We've got to agree on a solution soon, EXERCISES 4 Exeuse me, | think that’s mine, — 2 The dockers were on strike and we couldn't get off the ship, "3 had to get up early, | had an appointment with my lawyer. — 4 Would you get me a paper while | do the washing-up? —'S The train should have got in half an hour age. Fill In the missing words: 1. dia salir anora que se std quedanck She hates now that she bina 2 Todo ef mundo gritaba a la vee y la vendedora no podia hacer nav, was shouting and the salesgie 3 Ya no hay héroes romantioos en la iteratura There 2. nov... romantic heroes in ltrature 4 No puedo estar de acuerdo contig, encuentro estipida Hundred and tenth (110th) Lesson 1 — Thank you very much for all your help. — Not at all 2 Dial this number and ask for Mr Smith's secretary, 3. The person whose motor-bike was stolen” last week is complaining 4 That eouldn’t have been David, he didn't say "Hello" 5 She is used to looking etter people, she is a nurse. (1) 6 At present, she is working in a hospital, but next month she is changing jobs. 7 1 was charged twenty francs for a cup of tea in Paris! Excuse me, I'm a foreigner; could you help ‘mo? I'm lost. (2) 9 — But you speak" English very well. — 1 10 — if I learned my lessons better, | would speak" it fluently, 11 — George spent” three months on the Al- Viera last year. — Lucky George! 12 It's not worth buying" a new record-player; | might get one for my birthday. Nores (1) Nurse, palabra. do origen francés, es enfermora, A veces nemos visto en expatol la palabra = nurse" & four hundred and six 406 13 Si usted trabala on esta tabrica, dobe inseribirse fn (unirse a) un sinceato 14 Tonemos que ponernos pronto de acuerdo sobre Usa eoiueien| NOTES (continued) ion tho army senvolarse en 8 ere. To join a arty Ineeritireo en un partic, 5 {Donde tengo que bajarme del autobus ? — La parada ‘espues a6. wnere so. | the bu8? The slop The way 10 en In England is to have it ramed And hung’ in'a comfortable room” (Horace Waleote) {ovrame enmarcar: 9 hang” ponder. colar un custo} ‘Second wave: 60th Lesson {our nurdred and eight 408 Leccion ciento diez 1 — Muchas gracias por (toda) su ayuca. — De nada, 2 Marque este nimera'y prepunte por le Sworetaria al Sr Sith 3 ‘ana cuya motocicets fue “bac fa semana pasaca, 28 guess fog) 4 podiia naber sco Davio, odio « Hola « 5 ‘scostumbrada a ocuparse Ge la gente, es 6 Actualmente,est4 tabajando (rag) en un hospi fai, pero el mos proxime cambia (arog! do oma, 7 tae Eobraron veinte trancos por una taza det, 8 — Perdone, soy extranjera: J puede usted ay fdarme’? Me he pores ay hablario melon 10 — Si aprondiera as (mis) leccones mejor, habaria +1 — Sturge pas6 tres meses on a Riviera et ano Dasade, “sue suerte ‘de George! alorke fad George 12 Novwale ta pana comprar un tocadlecos nuevo puede que mo re uno para mi cumpleanos NOTES (cominues) fl sentido de = ama de cra», 0.60 seforta encarcada (2) To lose. perder. Pardersa: to get lost. He's lost: 22 fhe pore: Get Yost'=rplérdeto estimate! wore ie equi 409 four mun 1% “4 | wasn't aware she spoke Chinese. — Nel ther was she! (3) Horses are very strong animals. EXERCISES 1 She might buy me a now record-player. — 2 Neither of us wants to change jobs. — 3.1 wasn't aware that you knew George. — 4 1 ha n't known him for very fang. — Is it worth sending a telegram? | don't think Fill in the missing words: 1 He poraido mi trabajo hace poco tempo. Job a ite white 6r jue suerer vo eo secretary does... hie. work Lucky man! 3 No 56 cuanto gana. — Yo tampoco. | don't know he... = Netthor 414 four hirdeod and elven Hundred and eleventh (111th) Lesson Clever answers 1 Young author. — Why have you put" my rove! with the medical Books? 2 Publisher: — Because | found” it excellent for sending” people to sleep. (1) 3. Teacher. — What is wrong with this sen- tence : “The horse and the cow is in the field "2 4 little girl — Please mise, ladies first 5 Professor. — How do you protest yourself against impure water? (2) 6 Student. - | drink” beer 7 donnny. — Grandad, 2 baby was fed" on elephant’s milk and gained twenty pounds ina week. (3) 8 Grandfather. — That's impossible. Whose baby? 8 Johnny. — The elephant’s, 10 An aunt wanted to see” which of her nieces was the most polite, Te fete pat — 2 phir — 3 rang. Ka. He Si St Seana oon PO 13 No sabia que hablara chino. — Elia tampoce 14 Lov caualite eon anmales muy fuerte NOTES (continues) (@) To be aware estar al corrente ; 9 be unaware 9 1 be not ‘aware no saber EVERCICIOS 1 Punde que me compra un nuevo lacadiacs,— 2 Ningure de Notnecs macho que le onaseo "8's Vai opens 4 Actualmente ta ‘Ge trabajo. 2 un hospital, poro va a cambiar she .. working .. a hospital, but she to change 5. Tone la costumbre de ayudar a ia gente; es guia. He is helping people, quiee. ‘ost my = 999. — 2 That man’s all for him. — a now much fateg do 22 7a present ie «Im ie gong joa 8 ed Second wave: 61st Lesson {our hired and twee. 492 Leccion ciento once sto sted mi 1 El eserior joven — 1 Por que ne p novela con iow itvos ge mecicina ® 2 Er'edton Porque la ancuantre excelente para face Stan dua 8s gone, 3 Protesora, — ;.Qve eth mal on esta tase: « ceoalo'y ta vaca cuts an ol ampo? 4 Wiha ="Por lvoe sorta, as eforas primer. 5 Profesor, — 1 Come 86 protege usted del equa ontariace 6 Eotctante" Bebo corvera igthe'ae eine j aumen (gag) vam 1or0s Ge poo] en una semana 2 Eee? "ese es mporioe, Le quen (es) tebe 2 Soamy. — bel eltane 40 Una tia queria ver eu! do sus sobrinas rate mis ticaca ores (1) To send: enviee. He sont a Jeter Ist week: envid una ( Tata semana pasnca. 70 send someone to alee? {iteratmenta, enviar alguien a dormir] hacor orm blguien (2) A teacher os un profesor en una escuela 0 colegio (etalon anda y plea rtm Shana), y protassor ea un profesor en una facitac trverstaia, a hemos visto que conferenca se cee (a) To ocd: almantar. dar de comer. Please food the at! por favor da da comer a gate, Alimentarse de {2 feed on Recoraemos | ant fed up estoy hate, En tsina hase enconiramos baby como base del ‘Sion beve “equiva, puss proven 419 four hundred and thiteen 11 so she put’ one small apple and one big ‘one on a plate. 12 — Let's see" who has the best manners, 13 — She has, said Joan, taking” the biggest. 14 Do not forget” to learn a few irregular verbs from time to time. Wo plot — 12 bre? 48 i th EXERCISES 1 Whose natr-brush is this? — My sister's. — 2 Who has the best manners? — | nave, —9 Who wants to 490 10 Seatland with me? — We do. —4 This flour is facellent for making cakes. — § He sent his son to the shop to buy some wine, Rese pe HA” | aa Fill in the missing words: 1 MMi radio no funciona. ¢ Qué es fo que no marcha? My radio nats ie 2 Es ef chico mis educado que he conocido. Oe ce bole) res 415 four hurdred and fiteon Hundred and twelfth (112th) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar:: Leccidn 108° (1), (2) - Leccién tor (2), (9) = Leecion 109 (2), (3) = Leccion 110. a 1 Formas peritrésticas, — Son locuciones que no suelen corresponder entre si, en los diversos idio- mas. Asi pasa entre el espanol y el ingles con expresiones como « tener que », «hacer falta», « te- ner necesidad etc. , veamos algunos ejemplos Tanco que Irma: | must go (lava) Debes hacer (algunos) ejercicios : you must do some: exercises, {Tiene usted todo lo que le hace falta?: do you have everything you need? Qué mas me hace falta ?: what else do | need? ‘A veces podemos usar necessary. It is necessary to ‘book: es necesario (hay que) reservar. intente usted encontrar en cada cast vl yitu espanol mas apro- priado. Por fo demas, para resolver esto problema, Fecurriremos a nuestro metodo de siempre la prac: tica coticiana 2 El pasado del condicional, — No deberia plantear problemas. Por ejemplo: ella lo habria ‘comprado»: Primera tomamos el condicional. she would, luego el aunxiliar de pasado, have: she would have, y por fin el participle de pasado del verbo de que se trata, en este caso bought, lo que nos da como resultado she would have bought it. Con los verbos auxiliares y detectives, seguimos el mismo sistema: » Tendria que haberselo aicho El auniliar de condicional es should: 7 should: el auxi- liar del pasado, nave: 1 should have, y luego el four hundred and fovteon 446 41 Entonces puso en una bandeja una manzana pe- Auena ¥ otra grande 12 — Veamos guion tiene mejores mocals 4 — Elia fog) tone, do Joan, coglondo la mas grande. 14 No se olvide de aproncor algunos veroos Ire L dulen tone fos mejores modsles? Yo (los tengo), 3 Quien i Escecn Conmigo? Nosouoe, "a tata hating 3 Nunca he estado intecasada en is historia romana Ihave ....- been Interested Pistory 4 Aunque le ajo que no fo hiciera, insist 5 Un Goligrafo es excelente para escribir répidemente, A biro is excellent Gan you repeat the four anecdotes Jn today's lesson ? Proase ty again. Leccién ciento doce participio, «dicho », fold 1 should have told him. Habria podido ayudarme: he could have helped me. 3 Whatever : cualquiera que, calquier cosa que, sea lo que sea... La traduccion dependera del contexto. Asi por ejemplo, la trase «whatever he says, he's wrong admite diversas traductiones, como « cual Quier cosa que sige (0 «sea lo que sea lo quo diga, 0 mejor alin,» Giga fo que Giga) esta equi ‘vorade. » Whoever: Vale Io dicho en el caso anterior. Whoever Phones. don't anewer if llama muiien llama, na ras. ondas, Wherever: Lo dicho; call me, wherever you are llamame estes donde estes 4 Tal, — Se traduce al inglés por such. Tenia tal acento que no podia comprenderie: he had such an ‘accent that I couldn't understand him. Cuando = tal» quiere decir = por ejemplo» 0 Some, 86 taduee al ingiés por such asm. Le {gustan los autores elasicos tales como Dickens, etc He likes classical authors such as Dickens, etc ees Pat aN tesa 417 four murdrod and seventeen 4 Dospite his money, e's stil) unhappy. — § She ‘no longer works here. — 6 How long will the job fake ?—7 The miners went on strike. —8 A doctor ‘available all night — 8 don't want to join a trade lunion. — 10 Thanks for your help. — Not at all. — 11 We always get lost in Paris — 12 I might buy a new one. 6 Traduecién. — 1 Bajar dentro de un momento. — 2 Habriamos debido deciair hace un mes. —— 8 Tienes mas de lo que necesitas. — 4 A pesar de Su dinero, todavia es desgraciado. —5 Ya no trabaja aqui. — 6 ¢Cuanto tiempo llevara el trabajo? — 7'Los minefos hicieron (fueron a ia) huelga, — B Hay Un medico disponible toda la noche. — § No uiero inscribirme en un sindicato, — 10 Gracias por su ayuda, ~ De nada, — 11 Siempre nos por- Semos en Paris. — 12 Puede que compre uno nuevo. Second wave : 63rd (revision) Lesson Hundred and thirteenth (113th) Lesson Another little mystery 1 — I had" a problem last week, said Mr Hind to his friend the inspector. 2— When my father died, | inherited his for tune of several million’ pounds. t week, Cregg came" lo see” me, He used to be the gardener 4 until | fired him in December. (1) 5 He told’ me that, just before my father died, he was working outside his window 6 and he heard’ Dad drawing’ up a new will in favour of my brother. (2) (3) 7 My father and | had argued about something al the end of November, PRONUNCIATION {gm — 2 gd ohn. 3 eo ne Tage 419 tour hurd and nineteen 8 50 it was possible that he had decided to alter the will. (4) 9 Gregg told" me that the document was in his possession and that he would sell" it to me for fity thousand pawns 10 He said it was dated November the thirty: first, three days after the first will 11-50 it was worth a lot of money to me. 12 When | refused, he tried to bargain with me. First, he asked for twenty five thou- sand pounds. 13 and then, finally, ten thousand, 14 — I nope you didn't give" him anything, said” the inspector. 15 — Only my foot in his backside, said* Hind. What was Grogg’s mistake? (The answer is in Lesson 119) (umn. pousnen.— 10. wia.. — 22 Tena ne ote. Tits EXERCISES 1 He used to work here untl he was fired, — 2 1am Used to working until ten o'clock every night. —3 This, carpet is a bargain, only twenty three pounds, — 4 | hhope you gave him nothing. — 5 He said he would sell ito me it wanted it Fill in the missing wor 1. ¢Como vas a hacerlo ? — Pediré ayude. How to 60 17 — ask 6. hole, Lecci6n ciento trece Otro poqueno misterio 1 — Tuve un problema ia semana pasada, dio el S*. Hind a 34 amigo el inspector. — Giando' mi padce. muri, Meredé su fortuna de ‘Varios millones de ora Pero, la semana paseca, Gregg vino a verme. Era (Geoetumbrace er) ardinero gue, justo artes de que mi padre muriera, Yoyo a pape vedactar un nuevo testamento en favor oe mi hermana, Nicpacre’y ye nabiamas discutigo sobre algo a finales de noviembre, ores . 1) A fr: un Wego, To ke a gun: ceparar un rife. Para (” Gespeara alguien se usa fo cismia.© mae fami ‘morte 10 rao corraio te 10 employ 0 nie Siptear, conten (2) To dra dbvjar: fo oraw up (un informe, ete) ‘Saectar Un tebacior® an etor (9) The wil: a volurtas A wil: un testament (se sobre niende\ my ast wi utima volta He iting to helps eal apuesto a ayudarros four hundred and twenty 420 | qua es posible que hubiera decidlco alter el 7099 me cljo que o} documento estaba on su ode’ y que melo vanderla por cieuenta il Foras 10 Dip gue estaba tecnado on, noviembre, el cla treinia y uno. tres clas cespues del rimer tesa: 41 Germanara quo valia mucho dinero (para mi 12 Ghandovahis, end egeee some. Brier, ila velmicineo mv lor 43. Fuego, fineimente, ee rl 44 — Espero que no te haya dado usted nada, ajo el Inspector 45 — Solo una pataca (mi pig) en el taser, ajo Hind 2.Gual fue el eror 8 Gregg ? (La respuesta ests Sia leoeién 418), NOTES (continues) (8) To alter, palabra de claro oxigen latin: allerar,cam- Siar low detalles de algo sia [es dat, cada novne, 3 esta afomsra es une pra, "8 Espero gue no Rayos dao i veneria yo. susie. 2 Espero qua no alteren este ediicio es tan bonito. | nope they this + ite beaut 424 four hundred and twenty-one 3 Me progunt vst como estabas y ie die que no te habia He asked me... yous... and. Rim t.. not 4 Primero me pid wes ml, weyo dos y tinaiment 1 he askod me... tree ‘wo thousand. 5 Vale tanto dinero que nadie lo comprar Its money that wil buy it Second wave: 68th Lesson Hundred and fourteenth (114th) Lesson Make and do (1) 1 Here are a few examples of these two verbs. 2 Try and learn these sentences, but it is, really 2 question of practice. 3 — What is she doing"? — She is making* a birthday cake for her daughter. 4 Belore you go" out, please make your bed and do the washing-up. 5 Is he doing well in his new job? — Yes, he’s making a great deal of money. @ They always make mistakee with thio now maths. 2. — 9, td Ha, et, — rtp — 8 i 7 | speak" English, and enough German to make myself understood”. (2) 8 — Make him another offer, | think* he will accept 9 I will have nothing to do with his firm, 1 dou" trust him, @) 10 If you want something done well, do it yourselt 11 With all this selection, itis dificult to make a choice, 12 He was doing a hundred miles an hour (m.p.h.) on the motorway when the police Stopped him 13 When you have read” this lesson, do the exercises, 14 At the official opening of Parliament, the monarch makes a speech. (4) NOTES (continued) (2) Fjese bien en esta formula: z Puede usted hacerse ‘entender ?" can you make youtsell understood? EXERCISES 1 You are not allowed to do a hundred miles an nour fon the motorway. — 2 Check this and see if | have made a mistake. — 9 I's unike him to make a remark like thal. — 4 Please make youreell at home. —— 5 You should have done Your work more quickly Leccion ciento catorce Hacer | Ye.aguaizees laren oe ate ds vera, 2 Intente aprencer estas frases, pero recuerde due solo cuestion Ge practica 3 wave un pastel Ge cumprosfos pare 5 [Se desenvuetve (hace) blan on su nuevo ampieo? festa ganando necienda) mucho diners. 6 Siempre cometen thecen) errares oon mmatematicas (8) El empleo de estos dos verbas depende @ veces de Gatructuras profjacas, Como regia general, pademos Geir ave te ako tne un sonido mae prosaa eve {3'do “Generalmente se ompiea mata si ee wavs so tina aceon 0. de una cosa claramerteeterminada, Sobre fodo con la idea de construction o de creacion Toco Se ulliza cuando el sentido ex més ampio. Si abe usted aleman, recverce la clerencia entre ma hen ym our hundred and twenty-four 424 7 Hablo inglés y aufiiente_ slemen para nacerme bnlender (hacarme comprencio) 8 Havie ota olerta, creo gue sceptara $_Neltengo' nade ver (her) con au empresa 19 Shasire ago len nono. nano misma, (hacer una eloczion. 12 Iba inacia) a cian milas por hora per Ia autopiste fUando Ie poliia lo. 13, Cuando haya usted ldo esta leccion, naga tos 14 Enis apertura oficlal del pariamento, el monarca pronuneis (hace) Un aiscureo. ‘© Seria gue es und asociacion Ge varie soclecaces is que les ganancias se tansieren aon comis iva ai auet gon" cconfiadae» Trust, sonfanza aso tush mes por favor conla on mi. We can ‘hm: no pademos conan on ropare ted en fe pronunlacén pment eveRcICI0s 425 four hundred and twontytve Fill in the missing words; 1 Por tavor, ne haga usted un diecurse, simplemente ‘rede caseio. 2 No conto en 6, siempre toma malas decisiones 1 don't 5 he always ...., bad decisions, 3 4aué nace usted on su empresa? — Intent hacer Sinera fo you.» in your -...? — tty to our hundred and twentysix 426 4 Me nage entender Heiimente: hablo inglés. bose mysett easily: | speak English, 5 Hace mucho rude. ¢ Que esté haciendo ? thank, — 2 ust im = makes. — 3 Winat «do» Second wave: 88th Lesson Hundred and fifteenth (115th) Lesson Make and do (continued) 1 Some more examples of “make” and Sane 2 He is making* a film about living conditions in a peasant wilage. (1) 3 I needed his help, but all he could do* was make jokes. PRONUNCIATION 2 Andsins.. peda. — 3. hous 427 four mundred and twesty-aoven 4 They are busy making preparations for their holiday. 5 The smell of good cooking makes my mouth water. (2) 6 You're going” to marry a millionsire? Don't make me laugh! 7 Ihave no coffee, you'll have to make do with tea. (3) 8 He always succeeds in making me angry, 9 Please make up your mind, we don't have very much time and the shop is going to close, (4) 10 Whatever you look at nowadays, you will see": "Made in Hong Kong 11 Mrs Richard's guests were admiring a large stutted shark that was mounted on her wall. (5) 12 — My hushand and! caught’ it an a fishing trip, said" the proud owner. 13 — What is it stuffed with? asked one lady. 14 — My husbang, replied their hostess. aicags. gt 9 maind ous 40 wee scl Desde que emprendio usteg ta » segunde welt», nace Usted ejerccios de traduccion Inverea, 2-864, pone 6! texto ‘espaol en Inglés, cosa que ira usted logrande hacer cad Leccién ciento quince Hacer (continuacion) 1 Algunos elemolos més de make y co 2 Enta'haclenao une pelicula sobre las condicio Ge via en un pueblo campesino 3 Necasite su ayuda, pere tao To que pudo hacer fhe hacer chistes. Notes (1) Repare en la pronunciaclon [pesant). Aungue hay un ‘iptonge (dos Nozales juntas), la vocal es corta (ver hhead. blessant. dead. ec). four hundred and twenty-eight 420 Eatin ocupados haciendo (los) preparatives de sus EF olor de ia buena cocina me hace fa boce agua, {vas a casarte con un milonario? | Wo me hagas No tengo cale, tenes que conformarte con tt. Nama consi entadarme thacerme erfadaso) Por favor decidase, ro tenemos mucho tiempo y NMires lo que mires hoy dia, verds: « Hecho en HHosg Kong 41 Los invitados de Ia Sra. Richard admiraban un fran tiburon sisecado que estaba colgad (tad) Shia pared, 12 — Mi maida y yo lo cazamos en un viaje de pote Gig a orauigea oropetars. 43 — {Gan que esta relleno ? proguntd una sefra 14 — {Cont m mario, responcio su anvitiona (nuesped) NOTES (continues) (2) tor" el agua; 19 water: moje, reper. WC: water crocs. (3) To, make do with: conformarse, eontectarse con 1) Toate up one's mind: decisiee. Mind: ya 0 hemos a visto, es espiritu, mente. | can't make up my mind. te puedo dexiaime (8) To stuf relenar csecar; sting et celina. Sift 2 seen" un frmino eologla! que signe «eau {Be eosas= nurty up and move your aif" te prea Y tnada trve) ha eases. a ned and twety-ine EXERCISES: 1 She can never make up her mind when she is shopping. — 2 They are busy making preparations for their departure. — 3 Don't make me laugh! This 1s & serious play. — 4 What wil hppan # dont da my Fovelon? "6 why must | aye do all fo work? Fill in the missing words: 1 No tengo eate, te tendras que coatormar con t havent cote, you'll have to 2 Cuslquier cosa que intanto hacer, to conseguir bye et 3 Dobes decidite ahora ya no hay tempo. You must {your mind: there is time Hundred and sixteenth (116th) Lesson Let's go to Oxtord 1 On Sunday, David decided Ne would go and see" his parents who lived in Oxford 2 They wanted to leave" early to avoid the ‘crowds, so they got up at half past six. (1) 491. four hundred and thity-one 3 By seven o'clock, they were ready. They got into the car and set off 4 — Have you got everything? said Joan 5 — Of course I have. | rang” Dad last night and told" him we would arve at about ten. (2) 6 They took* the motorway and were soon Griving” (N.1) quickly towards Oxford, 7 — I'm sure we've forgotten something, said Joan, 8 — No, the presents are on the back seat land the book Dad wanted is in the glove compartment, (3) 9 our over-night bag Is in the boot — what could we have forgotten"? 10 They drove* on in silence. Joan looked at the countryside, 11nd from time to time glanced (N.5) at the speedometer to make" sure they were not breaking’ the eposd-limit. (4) (6) 12 — How far to go? — Only another tity miles. We'll be there in an hour. 13 Suddenly, the motor coughed and the car began’ to slow down. (6) 14 — Damn! | know what | forgot. | forget" to fill the tank betore leaving* Sinan" spasimets," Skin ta wat lovee! ie Samim ar hundred and tity 430 4 2Hace slemore tro en Inglaterra on invionna ? always cole .. Engiane + 5 Con qué ost# hecho? — Con harina, nuevos y man- ‘ego is Mis made... — With eee ves and Leccion ciento dieciseis Oxtord| Vayamoe ppadres_que viven on Oxford Bu 2 li promo. para evitar tas aglomera- Clones, asi que’se levanlaron alas Seis y mada, Notes (1) The crowd: muchedumbre, aglom replete four hundred and thetytwo 32 Hacia ls site estaban lislos, Subleron al cache y {Esta lanes) tod07 ajo Joan for subuesio (yo tengo). Liamé a papa noche y Te die que legariamos hacia las lez Fomaron fe aia y prota marchaben (cons Estoy segura de que hemos olvidado algo, ) nader Lo importante es que tengamos en cuenta que con tun sdle verbo pueden expresarse locuciones comal tas. Intente recordar todo sto, pues una traduccion ti teral del verbo 0 expresion castellana caroceria do sentido en ingles, 6 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — + He tried to bargain with the shopkeeper. — 2 I's worth a lot of money. — 3 Please make up your mind quickly — C7 don't trust you. 8 She can make herself understood. — 6 Don't make me faugh — 7 Please "ing back later. — 8 What coula we have forgotten 2. our hundred and forty 446. 8 How far to go ?— 10 Fill her up and check the oll — 11 You look wat 7 Traduccién. — 1 Intent6 regatear con el tendero. — 2 Vale mucho dinero. — 3 Por favor, decidete Apidamenta. — 4 No confio an ti. — 5 Puede ha- terse entender, — 6 No me hagas reir. — 7 Por favor, llame mas tarde. — 8 ; Qué podemos haber olvidado? — 9 ¢Cudnto queda para llegar? — 10 Lignelo y compruebe ol aceite. — 11 Tienes buen aspecta Second wave : 70h (revision) Lesson Hundred and twentieth (120th) Lesson Some traditions It is olten said that the English are conser- vative (N. 1) | preter to near’ it saic that ey are traditionalist 3 There are many traditions and customs in Britain and some may appear strange to foreigners, 4 For example, on October the thirty-first, one can see children making masks from pumplkine (1) 5 and putting’ candies inside to frighten witches. 6 This is called Hallowe'en and is the day before All Saints’ Day. (2) Ty oad, Kona, 2. idshonit — 3 iis. lr FE ae nn Raat tii te 447 four hundred and frty-zoven 7 dust before Easter, on Good Friday, you can buy* Hot Cross Buns. (3) 8 These are delicious spicy cakes, with a cross on them, to remind us of the Cru- ciffxion 9 Ihe day atter Gnnistmas Is called Boring Day, 10 This is because householders used to give litle presents or " bores ” to the tradesmen who had served them, 41 Nowadays, it is usual to give" money, 12 Perhaps the most spectacular tratition is Bonfire Night” or " Guy Fawkee Night” 13 This takes place on the fifth of November and celebrates the arrest, in sixteen-oh-five (1605), (4) 14 of Guy Fawkes, who attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. 15 Today, people celebrate by lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks and burning” effigies called " guys". (5) (6) Blw'ea paimant "IS norris © nn woh TRalowed be thy namo). 61 sentido es = alabar», = non Fars, ssanttiear= (haloes santo). Eon ot 05a an. (U8 contaccion de avening(vispera) 0 aes la vispera ero lo Santos = Vspra. se tae por ve lungue susle vearse fa oxprosion =the day before = [enecheduona ses Christmas Eve ivgperas do Nav ao} y= nochovieja» ex Now Year's Eve jwisperes do ‘sto Rueve). = iguiente» 96 dee the day ater (2) To naliow os un verbo que sélo existe Lecci6n ciento veinte Algunas tradiciones Se dice frecuontomente que los ingleses son Prefiero que se diga (olr decir) que son tracicio- Hay muchas tradiciones y costumbres en [Gran] Bretana y algunas pueden parecer extrahas a los fextranjeros, Por lempio, en Octubre, el ola velnts y une, odemos wer & los nition hacléndo mascaras con Ealabazas seamen Yipeniondo velas contro para asustar a las bruja. Belilama Hallowe'en y os la vispera (cla antes) do Todos los Santos it} One can s2 pademos ver, puede verse, una puede ver Eun eV pronomore «uno =, Con toga. nay Sion 8. nooo aisctada.y "cura Sonviene, pues, wsarla demasiado. Flese on fas dlte- Fentes formas de lag frases do ste texto para evar Ta palabra’ one, ‘espanol con jalmente o1 «Padre Nuesto {Our Father Who art in hoaven four hurdred and forty-eight 448 ries do In Pascun, el Viores Sano, se tert fo} fet Gone Bun, Bere citln pailen‘vesapace con wna cruz des (sore wise) pare recordamas a) Se Sia Sr eguint (cosmos) de Navidné se tama Sosa Oh Exo 7o-cebo ove (os pore) lo eaberss 66 feria agosutbraten 9 Sar penostos regan © ‘Sts a 08 comerciantes oe Tes asian fer ey ie se sostumors fo vsul) dar coer i spectacular es « la noche: 7 Rs Hh Cinco de wovrbrey baa ot Foy cla, ta gent [i] festela encencondo hogus- ‘ag, lanzando fuegae arifclles 7 quomando of bet lamadas guys NOTES (continued) (8) A bun es un bizcacho, un Bola de leche, © incluso, “ o © tn mono de! pate To cetebrate estar. Fiesta (on ol sortiso de ir a tina festa. sear tna festa) se cleo par Al no or un pale cation, no hay tadvcclon ‘xacta’ pa ‘Rosia ‘xgrasan «ita egos Por ao 30 To set of ya lo hemos wt, a porerae en camino. 223Siaran en camine). 70 set oft tene tambien el Sento de. = poner en marcha, «activa «2190. pot f20 la exprosion fo ae! off treworas signica = lanear fogos arifeiaies = Guy os hay dla un volgarismo (especialmente en Es- ‘doe Unidos), que cortespanée a suesiro = chavel = chica = ts, ee ur ndred and fortynine EXERCISES 1 One can still see this custom in certain parts of the country. — 2 He does that to tighten his sister. —— 3 This painting reminds me of Turner. — 4 He was: lighting a fire when he was arsted. — 5 How much must we pay to get in? Fill in the missing words: 1 Hace tiompo, 1a gonte daba regalos, pero, hoy die. da Ginera, A tong time ..., people .... presents but sive money. 2 Se puso on plo, cor6 is ventana y siqud leyendo. He ‘he window and continued 3 Se glee que fos ingles son conservadores, paro yo 4 Hay muchas costumbres que pueden parecer curiosas 2 los oniranjeros many customs which ... appear (omer 4 renba‘encenaonse un tego elon aU Ean eben pager parasite? 5 Comenzé comience ef postre y termind bebiendo ta Sopa Ho by the sweet and finished the soup, tne Siesta sep. 'Soeganstrted~ eating "by drinking Second wave: Tis Lest Hundred and twenty-first (121st) Lesson Some more traditions 1 Ifyou go to the Tower of London, you will see" six ravens. 454 tour mun and Mty-one 2 These birds — or rather their ancestors — have been there since the eleventh century. (1) 3 But, today, they are there for a very im= portant reason, 4 According to tradition, the British Empire will remain only as long as there are ra vens in the Tower. (2) 5 Noone knows" the reason for this legend, but there are many suggestions. 6 One is that a gang of thieves broke" into the Tower while the sentries were as Heep, (3) (4) 7 but the ravens made so much noise that the sentries woke" up and were able to Kill the thieves. (5) 8 — Whatever the reason, the birds are fed” every day and recelve a State pension 9 Scotland and Ireland, too, are full of legend and tradition i brouk.. mats. 7 mols, Ole 8, ih. pahon ey eMiand Leccion ciento veintiuna Algunas tradiciones més 41 Siva-usted ala Tore de Londres, verd usted sis ‘PRONUNCIATION four hundred and fity-two 452 2 Estos palace — 0 mas ben aus antepasados — fat esac all desde el siglo once aero ny‘ala estan a por un vazon muy impor fone. 4 Sogin Ja tacicion, el Imperio Britnico permene- lo mientras fan largo coma) haya cuervos sacle sabe ta razon do esta leyends, pero hay tmochs mipoleate (euporenas) Gha'es qe una banda’ de airones entro en ia © Teh mientas los caninaae etavan dormsos, 7 pools custvos hetaron lane ru que Ws ean {nolan se desportaron y pusleron”matar fos tacrones Son cl soa la azon, os pajaros son allmentados . digriamer reciben una pension del estado. 9 Escocia a ilanda, tambien, estan llenas ce Teyen- sas y tadlclones NoTes (1) Rather: come adjetivo quiere decir bastante H's ra ther important: es bastante imporlante (puede sust- {Wise por gut Sy Gre betido os ol de» més bion =: The bieds — or father their sreesions tos parce — 0 mas Bion "cus antepasades, (2) As. long a3, qulere doc, Moralmente, «tan largo Gomo.™" This ship is ae long ae a house este bareo "lan largo some una cana. As long as (0 30 Jong 55 flne anion ol sentise Ge » mientras ques = con iG gooe wsiempre y evard~ You ean-go ut a3 ‘ng ae youre back by ten pucdes salt con fa que tate do" wolta a as aie (2) Ei sinauler de thieves 0s thiet (8) To break romper, volar (una ley). To break into Sve earn ur ono ma Brose eas Stunt entaron volertamenta an nuesa casa (noosa CEG ise foreacal anoahe. ae! puos, aust el Seto fala apronnada sea std «aesiar» lameiée puede ‘eciae fo burte[barguelh 1) Wore able to ~ could El pasaco de can se emplea ‘6 Jara evita [a confusion entre could como pasado Foula come condiional 459, four hundred and fity-three 10 In Scotland, Christmas is not a big feast. For the Scots, New Year’s Day is more important. (6) 11 This is called " Hogmanay”. At midnight, a tall dark man must cross the threshold of your house 12 earrying a lump of coal, a piece of bread and a bottle of whisky. (7) 13 These items symbolise warmth, food and drink for the coming year. 18 Met Ragin. ool aml — 2 am. — EXERCISES 1 So long as the birds are there, the Empire will remain, 2 Whatever tho reason, You shouldn't nave done it — 3 The burglar broke into the house while evoryone was adleep. tT rave boon im the Tower for eleven hundred years. — 5 He pretended to be asleep in arder nat to answer, Fill in the missing words: 1. Con ta! que no Wegues tarde, puedes venir cuando guloras. you tke, 2 El hombre meaia por lo menos dos metros de alto. The man was ...., 8 feet four 3. Se despertaron y pudleran matar @ los learones. They and te kil te 455 four mindred and fitytve Hundred and twenty-second (122nd) Lesson Meeting a client at the airport (1) 1 David was waiting near the arrival lounge at Heathrow’ Terminal One. 2 He was waiting for a dlient who was coming” from Geneva 3 The loudspeaker crackled and he heard’ a voice say: “ British Airways announce the aval of Flight Gne Oh Seven (107) from 4 David started looking for is client. He knew" that the man would be wearing" a carnation in his button-hole, 5 and carrying a copy of the "Sunday Times” under his arm. (2) 6 He caught" sight of the man, who was tall_and gray-haired with long side- boards. (3) (a) 7 He went forward and said: “You must be Mr Legarde? I'm David Wilson. How do you do?” 8 They shook" hands. David picked up the man's case and said: 8 “Follow me, will you? My car is in the car park, its just outside " PRONUNCIATION og NB rt launch. ge Meinl. — 2 wie. cene ud phar Pec ome fa a Sein. seiguhen been "Spl 6 dt oar rd. 8 shake ” {our hundred and fity-tour 454 BE ae tare tommy A medirete He vane oy cnn an soho oan NOTES (continued) (6) Feast. festin, y tambian festa religlosa [ver leccion 20. (1A tunp es un trors informe, oquivalonta 2 a piece eveRCICIOS 4, Monae qe ls palros ‘seats la case mienres logon en 'Sinulabe cut drm nora no esponder iors acne 8 inson “surante once sigios once Slates de aes). 4 Diga lo que dliga no estoy de acuerdo con éh he says, don't 5. with 5 En el ao venidero, esperames mejorar nuestra serv espusstas 430 (es) log a8 ar «ite, — 2 ull afloat. — 3 woke op Notes Second wave: Tand Lesson four minded a inp 486 Leccion ciento veintidos Cita (encuentro) con un elient ‘on af neropuerto una pea Jno fe I Teguaas Gea terial uno de Heathrow Espuraba's un chante que ven ae Ginebra El'atavoe ery y.ura vor que deve» Srileh Airways anuneia la legada del vuslo Sor procedarta de Ginebra David empeaa a buscar a sv cllente, Sabia quo el fomore levaria un elavel an el ola. Yilevaria un plat del = Sunday Times » bajo iAvanae y dio: ~g E8 usted el Sr. Legarde? Soy Bavid Wiser: ; Como ests usted ? Se estrecharan las manos, Oavid cog la malota ae) homere yao" : ‘igame, quiere ? Mi cocne esta on el aparca: ‘niente ahi fer {A} Convione haver bian Ia distineion entre the customer: Seeme faeces moseanlay to cn aon) lone gue coma ‘aco © Mar: lover (pues, un vestdo. es) rviios, por ejemplo ge un abo: (8) To caten: avepar, coger {un autobis, un tren, et) Sip ta vista io caten sight oF ver, aporcibirse, arse cuenta (tH hairs foo tong: 8 ele, Fair pelo, cabalon incluso ea Delo, pos. A parbr de hair se forman divorsos adje- {vos "erminados. or uso; orey-hatrd: Ce polo is demasiado largo haired, Tong-haired mele 457 four hundred and fity-soven 10 When they were ériving* towards London, David said: “Ill take" you to your hotel first, then we'll get some lunch” 11 Mr Legarde replied: “ Thank you. I'm staying at the Churchill. My secretary booked the room by telex 12 At the holel, the doorman took” Mr Lege de's case and another servant parked the 13 The two men went to the reception desk: “My name's Legarde, | have a single room reserved ". (5) 14 "Yeo sir, room two three seven (207). The hall-porter will show you up ”. (6) 10 fol — 11 oh. out. wlohe. — 92 deo Bint Mg, pan gut reeds 44. bt EXERCISES 1.1 knew he would be wearing a grey hat, ~ 2 Follow ‘me, will you, Fil take you to your hotel. — 3 You should have booked the room earlier. — 4 He caught sight of his friend in the crowd, — 6 Sho couldnt hear the voice of the loud-speaker 1. Sin conocer su nombre, 10 reconoci a causa de sus ropas. his name, | recognised him bis elothos. 2 Cola mi mateta,¢ quiere ?. y musstreme mi habitactén Take my cas + and to my room. 4450 four hurdrod and fitynine 3. To ayudara si puslera, pero tengo mucha prise you #1 os. but Lam ina 4 Usted debe sor el Sr. Lagarde ? Yo soy Davia Wilson, fame esta usted? Mr Legarde? ... David Wilson, how four nundeod a tiayeioht 400 40 Cuando than hacia Londres dijo David: « Primero Te'ilevaro a su hotel, Wvego tomaremos algo de 41 E'S Logarse rospondié: » Gracias, estoy en el Ghurcnil ii Secretaria reserva la habitacion por felon: 42 Enel hotel, of porte cog la maleta cel Sr. Eogarae y otro empleaco aparco el coshe 13 LoS vos hombres Teron al mostrasor de recep: Clon = Mi-nomere ea Lagarde, Tengo reservaca tina habilacloninciviual = 14 S'S. Senor, habiacion 273. El conserje se la mos- tare NOTES (continues) (6) Single or double room ?: ;Habitacién doble © indie cunt? (6) Se sobreemtiende quo quiere decir « upsia’s =, « up fo your room=. Hell show you up: Ie conducira'y se [a Imostrara, Come puede verse, a igual ave 10s ndmeros Je teilono. tos humercs de nabiacion se hole! (y do sutobus) se dieen uno a une. 4 Sabie gue vara un sombrero gris, — 2 Sigame « quite”. te eres t= Bet abe earn i ae siety 480 5 Contanas y millares de personas despegan y aterrizan fr mesihroe ana of take off and land st Heathrow, 3 WOUe aie cia harge o& must beim "you de? — Second wave: 71d Lesson Hundred and twenty-third (123rd) ‘esson How is your English getting on? 1 Have you noticed that every day you are learning new words and expressions? 2 You can now hold” conversations, read” notices, ask your way — even argue with 3 We must continue to add new material every day, 4 so that, at the end of the course, you will be able to understand English as it is apaken* by the English. (1) 5 We hope that you find” time to revise the ppast lessons, and that, above all, you do it aloud. (2) Leccion ciento veintitres e.como va su ingles? 1 {Saha dado usted cuenta de que cada cia aprende fooves palabras y expresiones? 2 nora punge usted mantenar conversaciones,Ioer Avisos ‘preguntar por una sroeaion fou cami Ineluso fsiscutr con alguien 2 Debemoe continuar shasionco cuevo material cas Si, 4 Ge modo que, a final dol curso, 80a usted capac Se omender et ingles tal y como la habla (os hola por) un ingles 5 Esperamoe que encuentre usted tiempo para re pasar Ine lecclones anteriores, y, sobre todo, que [evhaga usted en vor ala. noves {8} Conocemos ya in order t (a fn do, para), veamos Shara so thet de moda quo,a fin de due. You repeat So that you can spoak Better" ropite usted a fin de ‘ve pueda hablar melor (@) Loud: fuer, alto, ugiente speak louder: nable mas ato: aloud fo out lous) un alta vor’ @ high voree tina voz ala, aguda'a loudspeaker: un altavez — 6 This is vital, because it helps you to re- member and to improve your pronunciation, 7 You will always have a slight accent, 8 but don't worry: people will be able to Understand you. which is most important 9 And, besides, a slight foreign accent is charming, 40 There are certain expressions which you cannot really translate, 110 you can say them in your own lat guage and people will say: “How char ming!” (N.2.) 12 So revise and read" aloud every day as much as you can. 13 You will find” that your English is becom. ing" more and more natural Biot amin $oe"“anait— 42 EXERCISES 41 Let me help you with your homework. — No thank you. —2 It's becoming more and more wal to speak English. — 3 Let me Introduce David Hide. — Pleased to mect you, — 4 Above all, don't forget to take your umbrelia.” "5 Did you notice her new cross? FIIl In the missing words: 1) Su inglés es cads vez mas natura. Pronto podrs hablar on fides His English is fs and... natural. Soon he speak fluently 4469 four hundred and sistythres 3. Raramente s9 estrecha le mano en Inglaterra. Se hace solo una vee. People rarely . In England, is cone only 4 Lea tanto como pueda. La lectura es extremadamente importa Road as ean. sss 6 extramaly Important. Hundred and twenty-fourth (124th) Tesson A littie revision 1 In order to help you with your task of revision, today and tomorrow, we will look again at some of the words 2 we have seen" recently, together with a few new ones. (1) 3 This sentence may appear dificult to you, but actually it is simple. 4 From the top of the Post Office Tower, you can see" the whole of London 5 Indian cooking is delicious but it can be very spicy. (2) 6 I bought" this overcoat second-hand, Does it suit me? () ‘PRONUNCIATION 1a tagek — 2 ed. geszs.. — 9 ant, — 4 oosthecul = “eins Mus —@ © boo onkeou four hundred and sityiwe 462 6 Esto es esencial, porque le ayuda a recordar y a mejorar su pronuriacion 7 Tencra usted slompre Un ligero acento, 4 pero'na se proseupe: lz gente posta entender {eso {io que} es lo mas mportaie. 2 ¥,"Sdemae un igora acento extrenjero es encan 10 Hay clertas expresionss que no se pueden en orcad tagucie con sxactiud (oalmente) 41 al que usted puede decir on su propia lengua fia gonte dia =| ue encanto!» 12 ar pues, revise y fea en voz alla cada cla tanto como pueda. 13 Se'uard usted cuenta (encontara) de que su inglés Se estd haciendo [eonvirienco) cada dia mas nat ve ceuyyg LIke His THIER, B @ vERCICIOS Tegetda'a Terence st mas vis hear gl 9 Poriane iS au coger pagan 8 Te Ste cum bo 2 Tienes un ligero acento, pero no te preccupes. Te UMtonderan (seras comprondic). You have @ socent, but You wit! four hundred and sityfour 464 5 Sobre todo, hablo tan Irecuentemente come sea posible. ‘speak .. often .- possible ‘econ mora - more - wil be ale f0.— 2 suent sont wry eadarioos, — Strate hands = ance. ~ much 25 You Beading 8 Above alas "a Second wave: 73th Lesson Leccion ciento veinticuatro ‘Un poco de repaso 1 Conel fn de ayudaria con su tarea de repaso, hoy ¥y manana repasaromos algunas pelabras 2 [aus] nemos visto recientements, junta con algunas 3 Esta fase puede parecer de! para usted, pero fe hecho v8 simple 4 _Deace to allo Uo ia Torre do Correos, puose verse ‘ogo Loneres. 5 cocina inate es elciosa pero puece tener ‘muchas especies (puece ser muy » especiada ) 6 Compre este abrige de segunda mano me queda Noves {f) Together: Juntos. Salen siempre juntos: they always Jovout logenerTagetner wiih: (unio con ash como ambien se dice as wel a} (2 Solo: espoca, spy: - cepacia» — paisa ave Cas, Fara neler que Una cosine may Condimeniaga Se'stooro se uss hot Varioy is he spice of Ie IS variecad es salera (el gusto, sf condimient. Gracia) de la vida, Equvsle & nussto relran: = En le Meraclon est el gusto () To suit (su: conven a, ir bien, quedar bien. Este © Tonbrers te queda muy sian tis hal suis you. yLe IMa'bien of 28: would the twenty-fth suit Sou P00 videmos que a suit ful] es un Wale) 405 four hundred and sintytve 7 So long as you warn me first, you can take" the lawn-mower when you like 8 On November the fifth, people set” off fireworks, light” bonfires and burn" guys. 9 Although he's very intelligent, he won't ass the exam, he hasn't worked. (4) 10 My car is parked just outside the cinema, 11 have a room reserved in the name of Wilson 12 Whatever he wants, tell* him to go away, I'm far too busy. (5) 13 Inside the Tower, ravens could be seen" eating trom silver bowls, 14 Would you mind waiting for ten minutes, Mr Wilson is not back yet. sy lat og —9 youn. tian. Ga boats SMG mina Sa EXERCISES 1 The whole family came to the wedding. — 2 Although he hadn't worked, he passed the exam — 8 As it was ining, | had to borrow an overcoat. — 4 He tried to light the bonfire but it didn't burn. — § I'm far too busy; tell him to come back tomorrow. 17 four hundred and sisty-oven Fill in the missing words: 1 Aunque sean companeres, se odian. they are colleagues, they hate 2 Desde lo alto de la torre se puede ver todo Londres. From. the tower, you can see the London 3. Ese vestio verde te va muy bien ‘That green eress Hundred and twenty-fifth (125th) Lesson A little revision (continued) 1 According to my dictionary, this word means" “ carefree". 2 During the night, a burglar broke* into the castle and stole” all her jewels, 3 You erase it with a “rubber ", not a "robe ber”, you silly thing, 4 The advertisement says that if you pour milk onto this cereal, it will erackle. (1) PRONUNCIATION 1 atsnonar, tll — 2. gl. ttl. demu, — 2 Ia nog Mowe al our hundred and aityaix 468 7 Con tal que me acviertas primero, puedes coger Te maquina oe cortar el césped cuando quieras. 8 Elcineo de noviembre, Ia gente lanza fuogos art- fnclonde hagueras y quema efigies. ® muy inteligente, ne pesara al examen, 11 Tengo una habitecion reservada a nombre de Wi 42 Gilera to que qulera, lle que se vaya, estoy muy ecupaco. 13 Benito. de la Torre, posian verse los cuervos comienda on cuoncos de plata 14 Lemportaria esperar siex minutes, el Sr. Wson ‘aun ne na ult NOTES (continved) (4 To tatean vam shacar on examen pass an exam: ‘cam: auspendor un examen. Eva” es Una abrevier Gon de examination (6) Far:lajoa: far t20: muchisimo, demasiado. he smokes far toa\many cigarerie fuma’mucnisimos cigar ilos Sfavche mas lejos. para evilar conlsiones, 86 dice e repss0, como ina 20 olvise do hacer lag » 20h (ue usted no aeado de ssimilar. Sian lao oxpresiones ELERCICIOS 1 Tosa la familia vino ala oda, — 2 Aunque ne habia abso, Joss ti“enamen, "3 Como esta lions, tae que. tmat igo. = iene sncendcr una hoguata Boro TO muy eevenda le que vuelve mahana four hundred and 2uty-eight 468 4 Le importaria esperar cinco minutos, ain no ha wuito, you for five minutes, he's not 15 Tonga qua concert una cita ja viene bion ol 23? 1 make an appointment, — Does the twenty: ths ? { Alvaigh- ve amar. — 2 te op of eal 3, ute you. Leccién ciento veinticinco Un poco de repaso (contiouacion) 1 Segin mi diccionario, esta palabra quiere decir @esproccupado » 2 Durante a noche, un ladrén asaltd et castillo y 00d todas sus Joyes. 3 Se'borra con una = goma> no con un « ladrn», estopide 4 Extpubliidaa ice que si se echa lecne encima de ‘sto cereal, one (erulra) Notes (8) A corea! (sia): un coveal; también se reiere a tos roauctos Que tienen come base los coreales, y cue EESSmon aura mr denavuno, como los cormfates, ef 460 four hundred and sistynine 5 He bought two second-hand loudspeakers for his stereo, but they didn’t work. It was a bad bargain 6 There is a button missing from this jacket, for alse I've got an extra button-holo! (2) 7 | have no change (3) for the cigarette- machine. Lend* me fity pence will you? 8 You ought to stop smoking, it's bad for your health, 9 "Your health!"", said the barman, Cheers! ”, said the customer. ae 10 Let me introduce you to Mr Legarde; he has just arrived trom Geneva, 11 He seems a pleasant man. What does he do? — He's a dentist — Then | was wrong, he’s an unpleasant man. (4) 12° You will speak" English more and more fluently if you revise a iitie every day. 5 Book. rio. bageln, — 6 adel. eis. tera. —7 Enneh mao, 8 oot. males" 8. nan some. on ivaaue "41 gas, ais, aren 471 tour muna and soventyone. EXERCISES 1 | wouldn't like to be a dentist, no one likes them, — 2 You should never bolieve adverisements. — "3 it ‘you said that, you would be wrong. —4 There is a button missing from my shirt. — § Pour the baling water onto the cote. Fill in the missing words: 1 Si no hubjera cerrado usted las puertas con lave le ubioran desvaiiade, you ...++ looked the doors you burgiea 2 Falta algo ¢ qué poord ser? Is something What <2. it? 3. $0i0 tengo un billete de cinco Haas. — Lo siento, no Tengo cambio. ess a Unavant got any four nundeed and soventy 470 5 Comprd dos altavaces de segunda mano para su stereo, pero no funclonaban. Fue Ln mal negocio, 6 Falta un boton de este chaqueta, o bien tengo un jal de mae 7 No tengo cambio para la miquina oe clgarrites, Prostanne 80 pennaues ¢ Gulwres’? 8 Deverias dejar de furar, os malo para la salud 9 {Agu salud! dijo ol barman. (A la suya! dijo ol ‘ent 40 Permitame que le presente al Sr. Logarde, acaba 0 llegar do Gieeora 11 Parece un nombre agradable. A qué se deciea? SNES cenista—~ Entonces estaba oquivocado, os un hombre desagracadie 12 Hablara usteg inglés cada vez con més ludez, 5 repaea usted un poco casa le NOTES (continues) 2) Someming els: algo ms, tra cosa or else: o bien, oes no, de otra modo. Do ths or else TA yo ‘on aa parte. (2) To change: cambiar: pero también se usa para decir Enola ge dinere, 0 sea. moneea sucta a La palabra simpaico no tiene tradvecion al inglés (eympathotic signica compasive). Por es0 ros vemos bbligados a buscar adjetves aquivatentes segin las ieunstancias. Los mas vsuales son mice y pleasant Totesart) four Ruodred and soventy-two 472 ELERCICIOS 4 No me gun ae ert a a gst, —2 No fata un boibn @ mi camiea — 8 cha agua hivienso en el 4 4.0ue quiere decir este palabra? — No fo $8, nunca Saprend! mise. oes this word ....? — I don't know, | have Russian 5 < Cuanto costaria un nuevo equipo estére0 ? — Dema- Slaco para mi for me. 4 nadie would have been, — 2 There - missing ~ could - be? — 4 Gn: sary: onange "4 Nal" den = var earned lo Fearn, "8 How" wou = est "too much Second wave: 76H Lesson Hundred and twenty-sixth (126th) Lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar: Leceién 120: (1), (4) - Leccion 421: (1), 2). (4)~ Lecsion 122: (2), (4) = Leccion 123, (1), (8) = Leccion #24" (8). (8) ~ Leccion 126 (a Leccion ciento veintiseis 1 formas rellexivas e impersonates (vor leccién 320). — Las formas reflexivas e impersonales del ‘castellano se iraducen al inglés de diversas mane- fas. Hemos visto {leeci6n 120, n°1) que la forma one fe usa para expresar las ideas referentes a todo el mundo (refranes, proverbios, dichos, etc). Hay que dbedecer a los padres: one must obey one's pa- rents. En olras acasiones, conviene evitar las frases Con one, pues resulta un tanto « estirado » 472 four hundred and Siempre que sea posible lo «personalizaremos » Desde aqui se puede ver todo Londres from here, you can see the whole of Landon. Por otra parte, puede ponerse la frase en pasiva. Le hhan robado la 'cartera’ his briefease was (has been) stolen. Se Ie llama el «cisne do Avon»: he was tailed the « Swan of Avon» (Shakespears) Se dice que: they say that (0 sea, la gente dice Que). Me han dicho que: //have heard that. (I was tole that.... Me han dicho que podria telefonear desde aqui: / was told that ! could phone from here. Me han dicho quo es un ladrén: / nave heard that he’s a robber. Iguaimento vemos. expresiones como English spo- Ken: se habla Inglés. Wanted ~ 9 shorthand typist ‘5e necesita taquimecanégrata Parece un palacio: It looks like a palace. ‘Asi pues, como podemos ver, hay que «sentir ta frase » antes de ponerla en inglés, No hay misterlo y-on el Vocabulario que usted ya posee hay las Palabras suficientes como para expresar todos los Imalices rellexivos © impersonales. 2 How charming (Leccién 123, linea *). Clamaciones se hacen con how... con What! How lucky you are!: | Qué suerte tienes! How hun- ary | am! {Que hambre tengo! How happy she was !> ; Qué feliz era! What a noisy child!” Qué niflo mas escandaloso! What 4 miserable day ! 'Que gia tan desatoriunado! What a lot of people j Cuanta gente! What a lot of noise !: ; Cuanto ruido ! 8 To mise (fattar, fallar, echar de menos, pets) He missed the train: pardid el tren. She shot, but Imissed the target: tro pero ‘alld ol blanco. I miss you: te echo de menos, Do you miss me?: 2 Me echas de menos ? They miss Madrid: echan a8 menos Madrid (Magria les falta). El hombre al que Ie falta un brazo : the man with a missing arm, This Jacket has a button missing a esta chaqueta le falta Un boton, 475 four hundred and seventy-five 6 To look like y to sound lke. — She looks exactly like her mother parece exactamente igual que su madre. You look like @ clown: pareces un payaso On the telephone, he sounds like his father: por telefono parece su padre (suena como su padre, su voz es como la de su padre). This singer sounds like a dying cat: jest cantante parece un gato moribundo ! 7 Para decir las fechas. — Lo recordamos una vez mas : se trata de dividir las cifras en dos y leer las dos mitades: 1723 = 17 - 23 (seventeen twenty three): 1977 = 19-77 (nineteen seventy sever) Excepciones : 1800. vtc.: eighteen hundred 1902 etc. nineteen hundred and two (oh, en ia conver- Sacién: nineteen-oh-two). Los anos veinte: the 20's = the twenties, ete. ; 800 B.C. elght hundred bil sil (before Christ). 1280 A.D.- twelve sixty ef ail (anno somind. Ya hemos visto que los numeros de telefono, habi- tacion de hotel y autobis se dicen uno a uno 70586 soverr-ofvfive-five (of double five)-six. 8 Problemas de traduccién. — Hemos hablado ya de las dificultades de traducir palabra por palabra, Este problema se agudiza con las palabras propias Ge Io$ usos, objetos, costumbres y regiones de cada pals. Por ejemplo, no pueden traducirse al ingles Palabras como churro, Sainete, zamoomba, peinela y tantas otras. de las jergas culinaria, taurina, del baile, etc. Igualmente hay expresiones y palabras como fish and chip shop, football pools, a hall of bitter, eto. que no tienen equivalents en espaol. Lo ‘mas facil es dejar la palabra en cuestion en el mismo ‘idioma, aunque esto puede traer otras consecuen- Clas, especialmente en estos tiempos de gran In- fluencia cultural y comercial americana, como el excesivo empleo de términos extranjeros incluso en casos en que existen terminos espafoles exacta- mente equivalentes. De todas formas, si evitamos four hundred and soventy-four 474 Falta de... lack of Hay falta de respeto en esta clase There 1s a lack of respect in this class. A este t8 le falta azdcar this tea needs sugar (necesita azucar). 4 Care (cidado, precaucion), — To care: culdarse, preocuparse, | dont care what he says: no me reocupa (no me importa, me burlo de) lo que ciga. Careless: descuidado, despreccupado, His work is terribly careless: su trabajo es terriblemente des- cculdado (no presta atencion) Be careful; ten culdado, 86 prudente, cuidate '5 To sult to fit. — Son dos palabras que se usan fen ralacién con el vestir. These trousers don't suit me’ este pantalén no me viene, no me esta bien. ‘Does it suit me?" ; me viene bien ? This coat doesn't fit ime): este abrigo no es de mi talla. These shoes don't fit me, they're too big: estos zapatos no son de mi numero, me estan demasiado grandes. To suit significa también convenir, venir bien. Any day will suit me fine: cualquier dia me viene bien. Would Tuesday suit you?: te viene bien ol martes ? our hundred and saventy-sbe 476 Jos excesos, todas estas palabras nos servirdn para Comprender no s6lo la riqueza ce una lengua, sino tambien de una cultura y un modo de vida 9 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 It may appear strange lo you. — 2 We've beer fiers for three and ahaif hours. — 3 No one knows the reason. — & Follow me, will you? — 5 Let's go and get some lunch. — 6 The porter will show you up. 2 r How charming you look tonight! — 8 When he ‘sings, he sounds like a nightingale (naitingueil. witha toothache. — 9 Your hair is t00 long. — 10 He's far fo0 busy. — 11 You ought to stop smo- hing. 40 Traduccién, — 1 Puede parecerte extrafo. — 2 Hemos estado aqui desde hace tres horas y media. "3 Nadie sabe la razon. — 4 Sigueme ; quieres > —§ Vamos a comer. — 6 El portero les mostraré fl camino. — 7 ; Qué linda estas esta noche! — 8 Cuando canta parece un ruisefor... con dolor de muelas. —9 Tu pelo es demasiado largo. — 10 Esta pero que muy ocupade. — 11 Deberia usted dejar Se umar Languages sre the pedigree of nations (Samuel Johnson}: Las lenguas son el « pedigree » de las haciones. (477 four hundred and seventy-seven Hundred and twenty-seventh (127th) Lesson The news: 1 — Would you mind if | turned on the tele vision, David? | want to listen to the news, = Of course not. (1) 2 This is the BBC. It Is six o'clock and here is the news. 3 The Government today announced that it would retign, 4 The Prime Minister made the announce- ‘ment in a speech to the Commons this afternoon. (2) 5 The detision was taken’ in the light of the recent defeat of the Government's prices and incomes policy, (3) 6 and also recent deleals in local by-olections. A General Election is expected next month 7 The civil war in Rutania continues. The nilitary junta which last month overthrew* the Government, 8 appealed today to America for military aid. (4) 9 At home again, the recent strike by too makers at Dagwood’s Car Plant has tinis- hed. Srutnt "tonne 6 dashia. Rad Sie pare acaba etsione 7 Furi. ii tin xweroe agli ‘eros. “blaart 10 The men are expected to retumn to work con Wednesday. 11 A gorlla escaped from London Zoo and attacked four passers-by. 12 twas later recaptured s wo its cage. (5) 13 A spokesman for London Zoo sald that the animal probably felt” lonely. (6) 14 Finally, the weather forecast: the night will be fine with scattered showers in the North. (7) 15 And that is the end of the news. (8) ly and retuned te coe 0 ots cai. i (cea nt tre EXERCISES: 41 Would you mind turing off the television, | want to 0 10 bed. — 2 Inthe light of recent arslems. the irctor has resigned "3° Ganeral Election is oxpoc- fed. noxt_month, — 4 Are you worried abou the striko?— § "You already know enaugh English to answer these questions. Fill in the missing words: 1A veces veo 1a television, pero nunca oigo Ias noticias 2 Si el gobiemo es aepvest, puede esperarse una poll {me Governments wo can se four hundred and soventy-ight 478 Leccion ciento veintisi Las noticias 2 Reus ta 88. Son ins sey estas son (eau est) tas nota 2 El gpbleree amare nay au aimison (ue amt 3 Glare hd 3 ance oun acu nto Comunes ea ine, Eh deoson su ono mis edo I aioe in paca we ‘ 7 falgserra en a(n) Rutaniaprsigu. La junta Tider quel pasaso mos depo a poles &Eileta hey Seaman ys mir. § BelGteve Geneon neon Yn’ caan, In re Cente huelga co pon) tornres fe fabice So Coches Dguoad ns teminaga notes 1) To try ger, oar wales: to turn on sbi (on ar), o ‘encender, poner (Ia televisién). Lo contraria es 10 turn Sit Sal encencigo © puesta on ‘marcha se nace con {in imerrapior "fa awifeh' suleh) puede decise fo Sstan‘on 9 Swch of @) Ine house of Commons y_ Ihe House of Lords (is \ on camares cel paramerto brtaniea). So abrevis Ia xpresion delendo The Commons y The Lords oars, (2) La poities (el arte o cioncia dol gobierno) so. dies poiltcs (sempre on plural La pole acon ram. Becta # alge) fe dee poly. Por ofa lado, “una pica Ee'sogurot an insurance poly. (8) Aqui se usa aia (eie) y no hele, por walarse de una ayuca eotty 400 10 Se espera que los hombres wuelvan al trabajo el 11 Ungorta se escape atl 200 ae Londres y atacd & 12 Mids Tarae fue capturado de nuevo sin incidontos Ylosuote 2 eu oul, : probabiemente se sonia 2010 14 Finalmente, In prevision del tiempo la noche es {ard despejada (buens) con chaparrones aispercos 15 Voste'es odo (¥ esto as ol fin do las natcias NoTES (continues) (8) Sate: saho, seguro. fs this clif safe 7: eat segura Sn coca” Sete” a save, an assorae. ain nee Sertes, an peligro. sim prosiomas. ord ne arrive’ Sa fy3" Lage Sion? (©) Alone solo, ain acompatamisnto. He peters to work ions: profere’ watajar solo" pore. ere tore an focva lgues gus et sana ao ldo ‘seoy aa is un chaperran, un enuasca (de ioral por tea parte," ahower as ura fuer (a) Resuorse cue news 98 siemaresinoula. ‘A shower fot fo ras ney when ZH tor eae 11 tour hundred and eighty-one 3 Debe usted aprender ‘andar antes de querer corre. You... learn betore toms 4 Sialouna vee 10 sientes sola, ven @ verme de inmediat, Wee you come and see me straight 5. &s téo! hacer un aiscurso, pero no me gustaria hacer ‘speech 18 .... but | Tike to make four hundred and sihty-two 482 4 watch - never Hate a= news. —2 overthrown expec sles, Liglmuat'"te walk” naing,— # ever" feel fnely= ay — Eating” esa" wouldnt" me jndo eseuche usted una grabeclon, sia oto, primero Son" foros imitenco mentamente fos sontgas™ Toone Grlece te Suara" hast que comprende tated iodo Ge Sid, por fin rpitalo parte por parrato on Vor ata, $M ‘a ajuca'ce fe grabscin ‘Second wave: 70th Los Hundred and twenty-eighth (128th) Tess Problems 1 Patiant. — Dector, help me. | keep (N. 1) talking to mysel 2 Psychiatrist. — Don't worry sir, it's not uncommon. In fact, thousands of people do it 3 Paticnt Yea, but deetor, you don't lise how stupid | sound! 4 pide. mail — 2 setaatiet. rtemén..— 2. ale 499 four hundred and sighty-three 4 At their first meeting, a psychiatrist asked his patient a few standard questions. (1) 5 — What is the difference between a lite boy and a dwarf? he asked, 6 — There could be a lot of dliference, replied the patient 7 — What, for example? 8 — Well, the dwarf could be a girl, came" the reply 9 — Hello, | haven't seen* you for ages. Have a drink 40 — No thanks, I never drink". — Really, why not? 41 — Well | don't believe in drinking* in front of my children, (2) 12 and when I'm away from them 1 don't ‘need to drink! (3) 13 — Your git-friend 1s good-looking, but she limps. 14 — Only when she walks! fo fn. — 5 eran. duoor. 6 ri, — ev a Ta, as EXERCISES 1 Haven't you ever been to see a psychiatrist? You should. —2 He sounds intelligent, but he Isn't really 3 I'm sorry, but | don't belies in landing money. — 4 We've just drunk all your whisky. What a pity! — 5 Uhawan't saan him for anes ie he wal Leccion ciento veintiocho Problema 4 Enfermo, — Doctor. evideme, Hable continuamente Gonmigo mise. 2 Paiquiaten —" No se preccupe, extrata Be hecho, miles de perscne 3 Enfermo. "Si. poro, otter, {ne se. da usted ‘venta de lo esiupigo que parezco' (Sueno), four hundred and eighty-four 4 En-au primer encvent, un psiquiatra progunta a So paclente una serie’ Ge preguntas ‘piicadas istandara) 5 — UCual ia diferencia entre un nie pequeno y un ‘gnana 7 preguntb 6 — Puede haber muchas ellerencias, raspondié el pa 7 = [Guai, por ejempio? & Bueno, e! enano podria ser una chica, ue (vino) Ie respuesta 9 — Hola, no to he slo desde hace aflos (edades) Fémate alge 10 — Novoracies, nunca bebo, — De verdad, por aus? 11 — Bueno, ne me gueta (no creo on) beber delarto oe 12 J cuando estoy laos de ells, (no necesito bebor | 13 — Twnovia os guapa, pero cojea 48 — [Selo cuando anca'! Notes {a} A meeting una ceunién, un encuento, una asamblea, 6 incluso palabra ya admfida en espanal. un min a) To bao in. x08 on, ont Bava jr God: no Ge beber es buena.) don't delieve in talking 10 angers no crea que sea diene hablar con extras. (@) Away? tojes, ido, When the cat's away, the mice will play, cuando ot gato esta lejos {0 30 ha Ido), los fates legan 30 away eto! |Fuora! So fabra dado usted cuenta de que la Historia de! psiquiata 9o tana mucho sentiso en espanol. ¥ ell ESigoraue cuarf en Ingles, puedo reerirs tanto a un evencicios Giiety 1 Que pena! — 8 No lo he visto desde ace afos, {est 408 four hundred and sighty-five four hundred and cishrsix 408 Fill in the missing words: 4 {Quito va a ocuparse 6 fe casa mionvas estes 1 ;Qué quapa es y qué inteligente parece! ne to took... the house How she jooks! and ... intaigent she ......1 ? 2 Er nw crue que sew buerw vever ¥ sila na tiene nece- > {cual es 1 aerencia entre una »goma» y un + ian Sida de beder Grin? Ho In orinking and ehe doesn't ig he aitrence at "ang a 340 has visto recientemente ? — Por supvesta, la vie! Retpuestas jueves pasado 1 prety = how - sounds, — 2 dogen belive «need to drink, — eveleten hm ourse vasw ms Thursday = & fo gag, os you recently? — OF voces ao SF Gal etouae enter last Con fas lecciones de repaso le ayudamos @ far las pa- labras nuevas, pero debe usted hacer siempre = sefales = ‘cuando aparezea una oxpresion 0. palabra que 0 Second wave: 78h Lesson Hundred and twenty-ninth esson A few idioms 1 Lecci6n ciento veintinueve ‘Aigunos giros He aqui algunas expresiones_idiomaticas que pede sta once cuango vaya 9 igi. 1 Here are a few idiomatic expressions you * he Sormice‘e pe (fongo agules y vspines en might meet (N.2) when you go to En Beh gland. 2 I've been siting* down for too long: I've got pins and needles in my foot 3 He put’ on his new coat inside out and you could see the pricetag PRONUNCIATION 1 ida. ait —2 pina. dle, — 9 hal aut. pleas 17 our hundred and siohtyseven our hurdrod and slohy-eight_ 400 4 He was @ very blunt man who called a spade a spade. (1) Se puso su nuevo abrigo al revés (dentro‘uora) y Se Dodi ver la atiquata del prec, Panaracer Ce ire a cos ene) 1 Recgeare Ramee ca, ¢ Ir you Wak for a bua at 0 commatein, {PS ae te rere aie you must pul” vul your hang to make! Loe en ele the bus stop (W. 3). (3) 7 Mi'marido no me entionde, no me presta la aton 7 My mebend decent Undersand? me, he etal age lakes" me for graed (4 © Gaus ecru » mee omc wc 8 Winer You buy on. repurchase, you eee make” & down peynon¢ fy pours ae Se tas gn once thon sheer many Isilon oF igh oe a ee pate sob ei Party mae § Mitte ral nes gore as ut near: wt Filename spn al eems stand” the idea of throwing’ it 12 EEDSS Gis’ pestmos comer provio. Me muero de away. (6) (7) (& ‘nambre, ee tually he was broke, NOTES (continuea} 11 Werwil have fo put of the meting unt Se ae proms Un ceo, wives To fee Mueley Sees wots ee Teast ea ae ar 12 ope we can eat” Soon. Ym starved! (®) Ce ae a fats ite Maa aa ie a swan cme air Wet (8) To instal: insalar; an instgiment: un piezo: weekiy Instniments"plazes semanales. notes (To goon pie, ecrare perce, pce usar \ Wamorte), cuando ao habla Ge un eughto'e lena, () Tanion gages arate can Bea. pues Yor IMooniso y blunt acca ae tose aniecea eseee” (To aw: ra, grit une plea, 0 throw To'speak Duin haber Saremente. To spoak sharply Jhay" tecnazar, dosemoarazarse de algo, tar. {@ someone. hablar doramente 2 iguien ” (a) To starve (al igual que Ia palabra alemana_sterbon, 2 A knack e& una palabra familiar que indica ta forma 4 nacareigo' puede signiiear ma sito, tue ek ovine del anigua anglosalen meri) au EENaimente «movin de hambre =, = deataleosr. So ea para Indian la expresion espana = mo mUCtO e nombre, = estoy Gesmayado de hamore 499 four busted and cishty-nine 13° Daddy asked me if | wanted a sportscar or a yacht, | couldn't care less. 14 What's on at the Gaumont this week? — It doesn't make" any diference to me, I'm hard up. (10) EXERCISES 41 This Knife fs so blunt that it won't cut. — 2 Alter a week all the fruit had gone bad. — 3-1 haven't eaten for woeks. I'm broke. — 4 He always puts off his emtist's appointments, — 6 | can't stand up, Ive got pins and needles In my foot Frill in the missing words 4 No puode aoportar a este hombre cuands fie ser wn expert, Vent that man when he to be an expert. Siempre me tata dinero a finales de mas. — A mi ‘ambien Wm always at of the month. — Me eto no e8 dill! pero hace fala mane, Ws not aitieut but (to | Ten euldado ! No te pongas los quantes al roves. carstul Don't ... your gloves on 491. four hundred and ninety-one Hundred and thirthieth (130th) Lesson Letters (N. 4) 1 In this Iassan and the next one, we will look at different sorts of letters, 2 Dear Mike, I'm writing” to thank you and your wie for having us last weekend. (1) 3 We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and it was so nice to see* you and Mary again, 4 It was nice, to0, to see" London alter all this time, 9 Life in the suburbs 1s quiet, but sometimes 2 bit too quiet 6 On the way home, we gave" a lift to a hitet-hiker — a young student going back to university. (2) (9) 7" We had a long chat — you know" what Joan is like — (4) 8nd it saams that student life has changed from the life you and | knew’ 9 For a start, the kid was studying “ Social Anthropology”, which | always thought” had something to do with monkeys. 40 Then he told" us that he didn't attend lectures but spent" his time preparing po- lMtical meetings. 11 At the weekend, ne goes to demonstra tions. (5) er tg 3 — ml et am at ail Sa 42 Papd me ha preguntado si queria un coche éepor- tive oun yate, Me da igual. 14 {'Gub poren en ei Gaumont esta semana ? Mo oa igual (ello mo hace diferencia) No tengo un cure. NOTES (continues) 1) Go'turismo se pueden obtener flctos que se Taman “nar's'on in London’ (dstasclones, eapectacules, evencicios {Este cul tan roma quero sri cr), — 2 Oneute ‘Seade hace semanas, estoy afruinado. — 4 Siempre aplaza sus ‘Sas con el contain 8 Nb puedo leveriarme, se me hay aorigo 5 Puedes romper lo que quieras. Mo ot gual. ‘You can break + 1 couldnt fat you bnerwant care ads of a feather Mock together (los pélaras del misme plumaje se umtan en bandada). relrén que. equivale a spanol «Bigs los cri y ellos 86 juntan ee ‘Second wave: 8th Lesson four hurdred and ninetytwe 402 Leccion ciento treinta conta Ener ros avarimas mucho,» fue may aor sable voros at a Mary de nucv0. {Famsign fue mu? agradable ver Loneres después be Toco ecto empo ti vida on lao slueras es trancuila, pero a voces ‘demasiado tranqul En'el camino a casa cogimos a un aulostopsta, 0 joven extesienie que vowia a la univerigea {ovine ona large chara ya sabes como os Y'parece que la vida de estudante ha cambiado {nrolecon con la vida que tu y yo conoeimas, Sara empezar, el chico eaiaba Sstucianco « Ania fotola Soci (somal gue yo Siempre pons® ave fenia que ver hacer) con fos monos 10 Luegornos ie que no asisia's conferoncias sino fi pasaba el tempo preparando rouniones pole 41 Enel fin. ge semana, va a manitestaciones ores Te have someone (8 sobreentionde at home), quiere ( Bciiatar roctira alguon en casa. Thant you for Sang uo gratia por tarnos. Writs ascensor. To give someone a it 00 giv ait fo somaone coast & aiguen on cache. eva you 8 oS SaoR cedmpatars en cozne"e ext cle aa, (8) To tc-hiko (0, ya simpemente 0 Nt: hacer auto ” op. mchsviar a'a hover ulosopsa (a) Tovchat fat chalet: @ cha: una chara, conver Secon ; {A demonstration: maniestacon (gles, fe), Tan © {ito of sonido ce comosiacen,prusba oe a 12 In our day, it wouldn't have been allowed, would it? 13 Do | sound old and intolerant? | suppose am really... (6) 14 Thanks again for your hospitality. and 1 ook forward to seeing you both again 15 Kindest regards to you and your wife, Yours, David. EXERCISES 1.0n the way home we had to stop at @ service station. — 2 It has nothing to do with you. — 8 When T'was at school, that would not have been allowed, — 4 He owns three houses and two sporiscars, — 8 We ‘will put off the meeting since nobody can atend Fill in the missing words: 1 Homos escrito tres cartas, dos de elias a foe amigos. We ..... three letters, wo wore to trends 2 Ent camino de weite, cooimes a un aulostopista, on 1 we gave fears 495. four hundred and ninety-five Hundred and thirty-first (131st) Lesson A business letter 1 Today we eee" a Iettor from someone who is applying for a job: (1) 2 Dear Sir, | have just read" your advertisement in the "Situations Vacant” column of the Times. (2) 3. | wish to apply for the post of bilingual secretary which you are offering 4 am twenty-three years old and single, live in London and own a car. (3) 5 Alter qualifying from St Dunstan's Secreta Fial College in nineteen seventy four (1974), | worked for two years in France. 6 | was based in the Bordeaux region and was working for an import-export firm, 7 While there, | pertected my French, which | write” and speak" perfectly. 8 | also type and know" bath English and French shorthand. 9 [will be free from March the twenty-third, as my firm is being taken" over by a French company. (4) 10 | hope | may be granted an interview. Yours faithully Marjorie Watson (Miss). 1 in. — 2 to. eset stun an li, four hundred and ninety-four 494 42. En nuestos tempos no se nos hubiara permitdo 13 {Pareeto chapado a i antigua ¢ Inolrante? Su: fonge gue resimente fo 0y 14 Bratlas'do nuevo por voetra hogptaliac, y es pore veros a iss d50 prom, una vor mas. as Pony" majoras wosous' pare Wy Ww espone Tuyo, David NOTES (coninuee (8 O,yolo amos vito, igi vee: fenion signtica « moda, La expresién old-fashioned significa, pues, pa- Tide ce oder aplcado' porsoras cmapaco ala he dormigo mucho ultimamente 3g Parezco cansado ? 4 De verdad nos cvertines y esperamos vores de nuevo. We ourselves. and wo 5 Su autobiograta no tiene nade que ver con las novelas fue he exert. autobiography has nothing mo he Sean's Bio to 8s wim nove nes writen, Second waver Bist Lesson four hundred and ninety 496 Leccién ciento treinta y una Una carta de negocios 1 Hoy vores una carta de alguien que solicits un trsbalo 2 Eptimade sefor, acavo ge toor su anuncio en ta ‘olarta de empioas » det Times. 3 Bessa solciar el puesto ge Secreta ue usted otrece 4 Feege eines atos y soy sotera. wwe on Londres y paseo coche. 5 Tras obtener el diploma (ovallfiear) de St-D.8.©. 6 bitingue on 1974, vabaje curanta cos anos en Francia Resid en la region dz Bordeaux y aba en una importante empresa de impartacién-exportacion Mientras estove ait, periecciona mi rrancos. ue becribe y hablo perfestaments, 8 Tambien exeribo'a maquina y conozco la taquigra- fa ingiesa y Francesa 8 Extaré libre desde et veintiés de marzo, dado que tm empresa sera absoroida por una’ compan ” pera ce (espero) que me sea concodida "quedo a gus sisposicion (ielmente suyah, Marjorie Watson (Sra) Notes {1} To apply for @ job: solctar un empleo, un puesto propeher una exindidetura‘a un pueste, Una solchud Sr apptication (@ An adwectsoment (recalque bien 1 acento ténico) Gilere decir un anuncio se ebrevia muy a menudo Gh aver, siplomente et a0 (smal aon “Rogues Shureios. 6 sea, nuoawes anuneses por paras). To Sdvorise (er acecto eambia Go luge)" Nacer publi Sau Publcty'publcead en gene'al” anuncioe, flo Mintn, expostcones, desles, (2) Es una forma mas reepetuosa:: se dice fm twenty {tengo 20 anos) pere er une solid 9 en & Gocomento se eferbiria. Jim twonly years pregunta Tow of@ are you ? no cambla. (a) To take over: susttur: en este ca80 absorber una ores 11 Perhaps she will be lucky. Here is the reply she received) 12 Dear Miss Watson, Thank you for replying to our advertisement 0 promptly 13 If you would like to come’ to my office (on the wenty-third of March at ten o'clock, 14 | will be glad to give" you an interview and a short test in bilingual correspon- dence. 15 Please confirm this appointment by return ‘of post or by telephoning my secretary. Yours sincerely, John Hind ‘iia Fengari, pain, Sens Hen Serine EXERCISES 1.1 want vou to reply by return of post, — 2 Are vou Single or marrieg? — 3 Ho wanted me to come at ten O'clock but | eoulcn't, — 41 will be glad when this lesson is finished. — § Do you know English or French shorinana? — Bot, Fill in the missing words: 1) Tras haber jeida su anuncio, he decislzo que quiero trabalar con ustedes. ater your | nave decisea J want to work with you 2 Todo 0! mundo s2 ‘miraba por la venta 150. escribir, menos Joan que started i oan wh looked the widow. 499 tour hundred. ninety-nine 5 Solicta e! puesto, asiste a ia entrovista y tendrés empiva the ob, the interview, and you the job. Hundred and thirty-second (132nd) Lesson More about letters 1 Did you notice how simple the style of the last letter was? 2 In-an English letter, and especially a busi- ness letter, it is better to be as direct as possibile. 3 There are no frills or extravagant saluta tions and the style is plain (1) 4 Our Miss Watson could have written* her life history or talked about her brother-in- law, 5 but she did not, and it worked. Simplicity always pays 6 In official correspondence, the English use many abbreviations. “For example” is writen" "0.9." (2) 7 “That is to say” is writen’ "Le. ” (from the Latin id est, 1 sme sll. — 2. esa. napes..— 3. ts. Sate. age shine ll Ping ee. Sek four hundred and ninety-eight_ 08 11 uizt tron suerte, Aaul ots Ia respuesta ae 12 Extimada Sita, Watson, Gracias por responder con fania prestoza a nusatio anune'e 13 S/quisiera venir & mi ofleina el 23 de marzo a las dies 14 atin aocantndo de mantener una entrevista y Iproponere| ‘una’ prueba de cortespondoncia Hingue. 18 Por favor, contims esta cita @ vuelta 6e correo 0 felotoneanso a mi secretaria. Sincoramente Svyo, tion Hin faguirana ness o Prancesn?™— (casieoe. 8 Estaré libre a partir del treinta y uno, musstra empresa hha quebrade, Voces Be ees trom the ow has gone bankrupt 4 Gracias por haber respondlio con tanta presteza a nuestra anuncto. Trank you for s te our ‘Supanamos que ya sabva usted bastantes vorbos irregu- laces. No a0 oWvige de estudlarios y repotias cada vez ‘que aparezca algun con asterisco, Respucsine 1 reading advertisement that. — 2 Everypodyleveryone wing scent Sat of Bw ines rye coraanyitm Prepiying“promaly = Soverivament"'s Aaply fr ater” 0 ‘Second wave: 62nd Lest Leccién ciento treinta y dos {Algo) més sobre carts 1 ¢Se ha dado usted cuenta de Io simple que era Srestlo deta tite carta? 2 En una carta inglesa, y especialmente en una cat ‘80 negocios, e€ major ser lo mas directo pos 3 Nohay torminoe alectados o saludos extravagantes Yel extlg os claro, 4 Ruesita Seta. Watson podria haber escrito Ia his: tovia de su vica 0 hablace de su cunaco, 5 poro,ne lo hizo, y uncione. Ls simplieidad siempre iunfa (pagal 6 Ena correspondencia ofcal, ee ussn, en inglés, Iuchas sbrevturas. ~ Por ejemplo se escrbe eg. 7 Ee decir» se escrito ie. — oe! latin 1 est — Notes {1} Pisin: simple, sin ornamentos isa (teria, por ejem- plo, a una camisa) A plain gil un ch fuapa, corrente, comin, simple, una do tantes (2) tae! alin axemol ortia: gor eiemolo 501 ve hundred 8 — The twenty-four hour clock is not widely used in Britain. (3) 9 (It is used mainly on the railways, which might explain why the trains are so often late!) 10 So instead, English people write” “a.m.” to Indicate the marning and." p.m.” for the afternoon and evening, (4) 11 eg. 10.00am., 930 p.m. 12 Other abbreviations you might find come* aiter peoples’ names, like " B.A.” (Bache- lor of Arts) or "MSc" (Master of Science). (5) ‘ou could also come" across “V.C."" or D.S.0.”" or any of the numerous military or civilian decorations. (6) 14 Twice a year, the Queen draws" up an “Honours List" which decorates people who have given’ service to the nation 3 tamer “Gare. weens, ta". “lalla 30 ou. imimrés.descnisnone 18 droos adr NOTES (continued) 1) We: ancne, amplo; wie spread exencice, expan (8) aim. lan aie merci) y a.m, (post merida). EXERCISES 1 You must never use abbreviations when speaking. —2 She could have holped him, but she did not. — 3 You should have been more simple, it_always works, — 4 Sangria ig not widely drunk in England ='S'it you want me to send you @ postcard, you must Buv me a stam. 1503. five minded and three iin the missing words (and abbreviations): 1) Se nega togar @ la hora, 0 20a a las 20:0 You are requested to rive 220 2. Hay numorosas condecoraciones, por ejemplo a » Vi tori Gross» eee There decorations, .... the Vietorla Cross (v.C} 3 £0u6 tipo de camisa quieres? ¢ Lisa o a rayas? Of shir do you... 2 so... oF striped? Hundred and thirty-third (13rd) Lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para roviear: Leccién 427 (4). (7) - | erridn 428" (@) » Loccien 129~ (3) (8), (10) - Laccion 190 (1) = Leccion 134 : (2), (3) Leccibn 192° (1. 1,To keep (cuardar, conservar, quedarse con). — Please keep tit is @ present: por favor, @vedate ‘on ello, 08 un regalo, To keep tiene tambien un sentido de continuidad Sigue ‘intentandolo: Keep trying. | keep talking 10 Imyselt: me nablo_@ mi mismo continuamente, no hablarme @ mi mismo, Igualmente para dar Ordenes Keep quiet; ; callato! Koop out: jprohibida la entrada! Un poriodista american recales que en Irlanda los letreros de los parques no dicen = Keep off the {grass »: « prohibido pisat el cesped (la hierba) » sino jyplease Keep on the foolaths»* «por favor, sia ios senderos five hundred and two 802 8 El rela} de 24 horas no se usa mucho (amplia- mente) en [Gran] Bretan 9 [Bevusa prineipalmeste en (sobre) lo ferrocarilos f por qué fos Wertes van fan 10 ios ingleses escribon a.m. 11 09'— por ojemplo —: 10.00 am; 2:20pm, 42 Gras abreviaturas que se pueden encontrar van {wener) tras los nomeres de personas come B.A {Graduaco en Aries) 0 MSe.(Lieenciade en Cien= 8 8 et al ao la Reina focacta una « Lista de Ronores' [eon Is] que condecora agente Gue ha Drestado (dado} servicios a la nacion. NOTES (continued) (8) Son ftulos unlversitaris : bachelor: graduado ; mas: ligenciado, No son exactas las equivelencias. pero 8 io mas aproximaco, (@) VC. (Vetoria Cross): condecoraclén que posria enue ‘Yoor alas condecoraciones espanolas do las ordenes ie Mahal la Catliea y Carles I. DS.0. (Distinguished ‘Sarvice Order)" medal el morto militar. al Veo oe 2 Podtris haberle RESERET he Si — € anon to gece ruc unr "S' aes oo ee won Sn Sone at 4 Cuando haya ustes acadado oe recactar of forme, When you «finished the report ime in my office '5 Mientras estaba de compras, ma encontrd con este viejo fost ee shopping. | this 4 oun ‘Second wave: 83rd Lesson Leccién ciento treinta y tres ‘A keeper: un quarda, un vigilante (goa! keeper: portere ee futbol). 2 Might y may (podrla ser que, puede que... Estas dos palabras expresan una cosa que es posible pero fo cierta, He may come tomorrow, I'm not sure Puede ser que venga manana, no estoy seguro. De tun punto de vista puramente gramatical, might os el pasado de may. She sald she might como: Ella dijo Que quizas vendria, En el ingles de todos los dias Se puede decir might or may Indiferentemente. La Shisma idea se puede oxprocar con could (eandicio. nal ce ean) They could pay us @ visit, you never know: Puede ser que nos vengan a visitar, nunca Se sabe, Las. lenguas vivas, en su evolucion, incorporan Constantemente vacablos extranjeros y neologismos. Hemos intentado aqui tener este hecho en cuenta, fon lugar de circunecribi¢nos a las normas dol inglés eran. 3 To make the bus stop. — veamos algunas expre- siones con los veroos fo make y to have He makes me laugh: me hace reir. Me hicieron comprar algo que no queria’ they made me buy ‘something f didn't want. Well make him understand Se lo haremos comprender. Hizo que fe wovstruyeran unt casi: Me had et house built. Tengo que hacer reparar ol coche : | must have ‘my car repaired. Mandara pintar de nuevo el cuarto 60 bao: He'll have his bathroom repainted. Las primeras frases incluyen dos personas, una de las cuales « hace » la accion a otra (me haces relr you make me laugh) mientras que, en las segundas fa accion de la que se habla sera sjecutada por otro que normaimanta na. esta en Ia tras, aungsia hay excepeiones). Ho had a car built: se hizo construit lun coche, Para el primer grupo so usa la estructura « fo make- pronombre-presente (sin «s» en la 3a persona). ‘To make someone do something. indueir a alguien a hacer algo. Para el segundo, se usa la estructura «to have- complemento-participio pasado ». To have something 507 tive hundred and soven 6 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 Please don't turn on the television. — 2 We were expecting them at @ quarter past two. — 3 Hello! I havent seen you for ages. — 4 1 fee! lonely when she's away. — 5 He always puts it on inside out 8 We Goulin't boar the though! af having him go? I'm Starved, aren't you? — 8 | couldn't care less. — 9 We gave him a lift to Bath. — 10 It wouldn't have been allowed, would it? — 111 hope 1 may be granted an interview. — 12 Please confirm by return of post. Hundred and thirty-fourth (134th) Lesson A visit to England 1 Pierre has met" his English friend Tony, and they are drinking” beer together on the Champs-Elysees. 2 — So, | hear* you've been to England re cently. Tell” me about your trip. 3 — Well, as | had a long weekend, | decided to take" advantage of it (1) (2) 4 was going Ww vavel by boat, but then | read” an advertisement for the hovercraft, 5 I'd never taken* one belore, so | thought” It would be an adventure. (3) PRONUNCIATION. five hundred and six 806 done: hacer que se haga algo, Relea ahora los ejemplos, 4 Cartas. — Voamos algunos consejos suplementa- fos Ante todo simplicidad; hay que evitar formas, fe corlesia excesivamente empalagosas. Se termina fe carla Ue egucios con Yours faithfully si se em pieza par Dear Siry Yours sincerely si Se empieza or Dear Mr... (la tGrmula americana Yours truly se tsa para evitar el « angolamiento ») En una carta familiar o amistosa, puede terminarse como se quiera’ yours, your friend, love trom, best wishes, ete. (y en estas Cartas se usan las contrac Clones}. En ias cartes se pone la direccion del re- ‘mitente arriba ala derecha y en una carla de eyocius, la diveceon del destinatario va a le lz quierda, debajo de la propia, 2, Mount Drive ‘LONDON Sea | atessrs JOHNSON 31, Grescent Orive Pero la palabra clave para redactar una carta 68 ‘la simplicicad (ver leccién 145). 5 To realise (darse cuenta de). — Do you realise that thie maane 9” ; Te das cuenta de [o que esto significa? I'm sorry, | didn't realise: Lo siento, no me di cuenta Tenga pues cuidado con este verbo, pues os otra palabra’ « engatosa ». No. significa realizar, como hemos visto. Aealizar segun el sentido de la frase, ‘0 Wraduce de diversas formas : perform, accomplish, ttc. Realizador (de cine) Film director, filmmaker. Film producer: productor cinematografico, tive hundred and eight 508. 7 Traduecion. — 1 Por favor no pongas la television. — Biles esperabamos a las’ dos y cuarto. — 3 iHola! no te he visto desde hace mucho tiempo. <''f'Me ‘siento solo cuando ella no esta. — 45 Siempre se lo pone del revés. — 6 No soporté- bamos ia idea de que 2 nos fuera — 7 Ma miarn de hambre zt no? — 8 Me da igual, — 9 Lo Tlevamos en ‘coche a Bath, — 10 No lo hubieran ermitido verdad ?. — 11 Espero que se me Conceda und entrevista, — 12 Por favor confirme {lo} a vuelta de correo, Leccién ciento treinta y cuatro Una vista a Inglaterra 4. Plorra se ha encontrado con su amigo inglés Tony, {estan abiendo carvers juntos an los. Campos Bien, me enteré de quo has estado en Inglaterra fecientemente. Cuentame vale 3 — Bueno, como tenia puente, cecil aprovecharto, & ibaa’ vajen en barca, pero ei-un anunclo del alt (aerodeslizadon, 5 To habia cogido artes, asl que pense que Serle una aventra, nores (1) El «puente~ Francés @8 algo que no esti demasiado insttucionalizada en nglalera, por esa no hay palabra fara elo, usandose 3\long weekend. Puente se dice bridge. el puente de Alcantare. Alcantara Bridge (2) An advantage : venaja. To take advantage of an op~ ‘portunity: aprovechar Una oportunidad (8) Contraccion se. ad y no de would, para, distingur Sal es hay que considerar la forma verbal @ Sulla v a contexte 6 | went by train to Boulogne. At the hover port, | bought? some duty-free ciga- rettes. (4) 7 Then the hovercraft arrived. It was very Impressive. Like (N. 1) a huge eeamonctor 8 Not only does it earry passengers, but also cars, coaches and even lorries. (8) 9 Eventually, when everyone was on board, the thing rose* up on a cushion of air and set’ off 10 You couldn't see" anything through the windows, because there was too mucl spray. 11 It was fantastic! In only halt an hour we were in Dover. 12 My first impressions weren't marvellous. It ‘was ralning! 13 As | got out of the hovercraft and headed for tie Customs, | suddenly reatisea that was in a foreign country. 14 Everything was in English and | suddenly began* to panic. 15 | went through the "nothing to declare lane and got onto a coach to go to the station. (6) 16 I hadn't spoken” a word and no one had Spoken" to me. Feodensie ch. ria, — 9 itech. dn boo ous Boer iG. at tata uve, 12 ingen svéles "49 ded. tts sles 1. Sere EXERCISES 41 He got out of the coach and headed for the Customs building. — 2 The monster rose up from the loch. — 3 You couldn't see anything through the windows be- fause of tho spray. — 4 Let's take advantage of the fine weatner. ~~ 8 We can go Tor a prec Ir You like. Fl In the missing words: 1 Tras haber comprado cigarrilos y haber tamado un ealé bid a! autocar the coach. recuperado de su enfermedad y 36 ha ido a he has her illness and to Swit zerlan [No sélo bebe demasiado, sino que posee una cerve- docs he but he... a brewery! Finalmente, cuando todo ef mundo estuve 2 ordo, ef avin despege, when everyone was + the plane took ‘No importa, pocemas coger el hovercraft lao mas rae Never .s.45 we can the + ite 6 Fulon ren nssta Boulogne. En e! hoverport compré igariias bres de Impuestos. 7 Logo tage e! havercrat. Era (muy) impresionante Gomo us enorme monetruo marin, 8 No s6lo leva passjeros, sino también coches, au- 8 Finalmente, cuando togo el mundo estaba a bordo, Gl sparato so elove sobre un colin Go ale y Salo 10 Nose pocla ver nada por las vertanas, pues habla mucha’ espuma 11 {Era fantastic! En s6lo modia hora estabames en Dover. 12° Mis primeras impresiones no fueron maravilosas {Esaba lloviengo! Go vepente me ai cuenta ds que estabs en un 3 fontranjero. 14 Todo estaba on inglés y de repente empect a entr med, 15 asd por el pasilio de = naca que declarar = y subi fal aulobus para Ira la estacion 16 No habia hablado una palabra y nadle me habia, hablao 2 mi (d) To hover quiere decir = cernorse », es dacir volar sin hacer movimionies. A craft "un bates. Aunque pueden Eaduoirae, ya 20 admiten on eastllana. hovercraft y hoverport (6) «Does sitye para subrayar Ia idea «no s6lo... sino ‘ambiin Boode degre’ caries not ony aasger- ters, but also cars: Ponga atencion @ car'un coche eoeen: un autobas © autocar (6) A lano: pasilo, corredor, carl (de autopist}, et. 4 Stl del aoc we eco a etl ce adn. — 2.6 vera sae de ie cebu —4 Aavovernemes el oven Heo Respuestas 1 saying ~ inking — got int. — 3 got over nas gone -— 3 Not Bete ito mun owe, — Evenly "an boned DP Quizé as grabaciones Ie parezcan demasiado rapids, oro estan grabadas a la voleciaad do a convorsacion formal. Cusngo tanga el toxto dolante, [lo comprendera Usted 1000 féclimente. Se" tata de acostumararse. 2 comarender sin leer No debe olvidar que incluso sus propios compatriotas son Sins a veces Ge entender cuando hablan dopraa o on ingleses. ‘No se preccupe si tiene qué volver a escuchar {46 nuevo las aualciones desde el principio para Ir acos- lmbrando et oie ‘Second wove: 65h Lesson Hundred and thirty-fifth (135th) Lesson. Arrival in London 1 On the train, | managed to relax a iitle ‘and look at the countryside. (1) 2 It's true what they say, England is beautiful land green, even in the rain. (2) 3 | started reading” my guide-book and look- ing for addresses of hotels and" Bed and Breakfasts” 4 The door of my compartment suddenly ‘opened and a man in uniform said: “ Tiok ots, please 5 The first words someone had spoken" to me, and | had understood” them! 6 | took" my courage in both hands and asked: “What time do we arrive in Lon- don?” 7— "We'll be at Charing Cross in about an hour, sir". | stil understood. 8 | was now very excited. | had found* the address of a cheap hotel 9 and | couldn't wait to arrive, 10 Charing Cross is like any big rallway st tion, big, noisy and crowded. 11 Outside, | found* a taxi, sorry, a “cab” ang gave" tne driver the acdress. (8) 12 Driving’ in London was heaven compared to Paris. ‘ve urdre and teen 18 Everyone was much more polite and calm, but they were driving* on the wrong side of the road! 14 The holel | had chosen" was in Kensington, 0 | saw* quite a lot of London from the cab. 15 At last, we arrived at the hotel. | paid the driver and gave" him a tip. 19 ple kaa. 48 bsinaton. 18 . ot EXERCISES 11 took my courage in both hands and said “ No. = 2 Don't take a fax, i's too crowded. —3 Is it true what they say, it rains all the time? — 4 Well bs there in about an hour. — § Pay the diver and give him ate. FIIl In the missing words: 1. Aunque hatlaba muy deprisa, consegul entendero be was speaking avicky, 1 un derstand Hoga. We were .... very ane wait 3. Dale la direccion al conductor y que la encuentre 6 Give the the and him fina five mundred and fourteen 814 Lecci6n ciento treinta y cinco Legada » Londres Enel en, consegul tranquilzarme un poco y mirar ot palsale 2 F688 10 Que 8° clea, ingiaterra ws MerUS ¥ 2 balo (er) fa via. 3 rt gua (bro) 9 @ mirar direcciones fe hoteles y = pensiones, 4 Ea pusria de mi cepartamento 9¢ abr do repent Yun hombre Ge uniforms dja’ » iltes, por fa 5 letan} 1aa primeras palabras que alguien me a= fis (habia Reblado} y las habla entencieo 6 We arme de valor (cog! mi valorta con las dos manos] y pregume. se A yue hora llegarernos.& Tonares 7 7 -— “Estaremas on Gharing Cross dentro de una hora ‘ehors. Tambien (aun) comer 8 Extaba entonces (anora) muy animado. Habia en- Contra la direseion de un hotel bara. 9 estaba Impaciente por (na pola esperar pera) hegae 40 Charing Cross es como cualquier gran estacion de 41 Fuera, tomé fonconiré) un taxi, perdon un «cab» ¥'a' ls siroecion al conductor 12 Gieular por Lonores era ei paraiso comparado con Paris Notes {1} To manage (de donde proviene # managen: cirigir una/emprese. Aqui: consegur,legar a, areglaraslas Bava ne managea fo°mprove his engin crap dee fmonihe: consigu majerar su ingles en O10 tres (a) True: verdadero, certo; the ruth la verdad. Tet! me ha uth “dime ia verdad. & truthful person sigulon (ue cies a versa, (@) Los loncinenses, para referee a lo9 taxis negros tipieos ela cudad usan preforentemente cab en lugar os a 43 Togo ef mundo era mucho mas educado y tran ‘ule, pero jeonduclan por el lade de Ta calle que fo era (equivocaco)t 14 Ethote ‘que nadie elegido estabe an Keneington ‘sel que ¥. bastante de Londres desde al tax 45 Finalmente egamos at hotel Pague at conductor EvERCICIOS 4 Quiero que me des la dreccién de un hole barat, 5 Estoy narto! Aunque Ingleterea os muy bonita ueve imo up! Although England ine adress of & ‘Second wave: 86th Lesson Hundred and thirty-sixth (136th) Lesson Conversions 1 The hotel was fine: small but comfortable and only thirty-five pounds a night with breakfast 2 I checked in, put my case in my room and set" out to discover London, 3 Tony interrupted: "You were lucky, you know. Thirty-five pounds a night is very cheap. 4 You could have paid (N.2) up to sixty pounds — and for a small room, too ” 5 "I know'", said Pierre, but London is cheaper than Paris, 6 — Except the tube: that's much dearer, and far less modern than our Métro. 7 I decided straight away to walk every- where. | even bought" a pair of shoes. (1) 8 That was a bit of a problem. The salesman asked: " What size do you take"?” 9 I had no idea. Fortunately he had a conver. sion table, 10 “You take" a size forty-two! that makes* you nine and a halt. 11 We have @ nice pair in the sales: only filly pounds reduced trom one hundred pounds." (2) 12 | got’ a bargain. 1 put" my old shoes in a bag and walked out in my new ones. (3) dp, tal meno. — 2. enekun.. — 3. inte. — 6 i eit Sow aaa 8 amin eae Fess “eénmranen msl wet, 13 | had no idea London was so large. It took" me an hour to walk to Tralalgar Square, 14 | wanted to look at the paintings in the National Gallery. 15 I had another nice surprise: it was tree. 19 larch. aoa sheer. — 16 pangs. — 18. sam EXERCISES 1 lke all the palatings except one, — 2 She should have walked areund London. You see more, — 3 | fou'dn't remember what size | took. —~ 4'| can't aflrd de luxe hotels, | have fo stay in "Bed and Breakiasts = 5 There is a nice pair of shoes in the sales, Fill in the missing words: 1 Wo tongo ni idea del numero que uso. Qvizd e! nuove, have what... | tae, ane. 2 No tenlan ya zapatos de rebalas, ve que contentarme on unas botas They had rose sales, | had to with boots hundred and siohteon Leccién ciento treinta y seis Equivalencias| £1 ote estaba ben: pacueno pero cémadoy sélo 2 Me Inecebi eve (pose) mi alata 2 fa habiacion ¥ sal para ceseuohr Uanaren 3 Tey fie} Inerrumpio = Tuviste suerte, sabes, ron'y cin les por noshe es muy barat, 4 Fourias haber pagaso’ nasa sesent bras ine {uso por une fabitasion penvons 5 SUSAR2 fe pierre spore Lonores es mas parte ue Faris 6 Feros sl'metvo; os mucho mas caro, y bastante 7 Bat inmedatamente i’ plo a tos tacos. tn- gles (me) compre on par zapatos. Esto supuno un'paquoro protien. el dependiente fret rogue yGue numero caza used? 9 Rovteneral ides, ortunagamente tenia) una tabla do egulalencan, to SOR GRGS Ur rai y don Jo ave muvee a jo hava a usted) ueve y medio, 11 {Snomos‘un‘bonte par en reba: solo cincuenta ibrar tga de adeldo 12 Foe'una puna compra, Pu "une bea y sa on ts Notes (1) Everywhere: por todas partes, por cualquier parte fronere. [weaueer]” en ninguna parte. (2) To sell: vender a sale: une verta. The sales: reba- js eal608. (8) Old: visio © antique. My old scneo!: mi antigua es 13 Mo tania goa de que Londres era tan grance. Me Nave una hora legar [andango] «Trafalgar Square, 44 Guoria ver los euadroe de Ia National Gallery 3S Me llove-otra buena sorpresa era gratis, 4.Me gustan odor los euros menos uno, — 2 Oebera haber inden nse erte man’ to pudevectar sue 3 Tuvimos suerte, entramos on seguica 4 Tenemas un poquato problema : he perdléo mi cartora yi pasaporte. We have a... of - problem: Te... my and my 5 Havrias podide pagar mucho mds que eso. Hasta trace bras You pala then that pounds. 3 Nive acy“ svaght away. ® eat ait par SF Suid teve mu (an more Up io tien Second wave: 87th Lesson 521 five hundred and twenty-one Hundred and thirty-seventh (137th) Teen nm seventh (S7in) 1 After an hour's walking and an hour's culture, | felt” hungry. (1) 2 | looked in vain for an English restaurant but there wasn’t one in sight. 3 | could have eaten” pizza, crépes, ham. burgers, but no English food 4 So I went into a pub and had a pint of beer and a sandwich. (2) 5 Then | continued my explorations. One thing struck" me: 6 The theatres and cinemas were all cheaper than at home. 7 A good seat in @ theatre was about ten pounds. (3) 8 | made* up my mind to go and see a play before leaving* 9 My first day was exhausting. | saw" so much that | can't remember everything. (4) 10 I noticed how the Londoners | saw seemed calmer, even at five o'clock during the rush hour. 11 Another thing that impressed me was the number of parks: and twontythes 12 St dames, Hyde Park, Green Park — and ‘you were allowed to walk on the grass. (5) 13 I went to Speaker's Corer and listened to somebody talking about immigration. (6) 14 He said the country was full of foreigners, 80 | went away quietly. Pap sei tl a. — 8 hr. Hat. nia EXERCISES 41 feel a bit it, May | sil Jown please? — 2 Im exhausted, | have been walking all day. — 3 What struck me was the number of parks. — 4 You can choose either pizza or hamburger. but not both. — 5 She likes living abroad she meets many diferent people. Fill in the missing words: 1 Desde race una hora camina bajo la lluvie y se siento Ganeaa He walking ... an hour -. the rain and ne tire, 2 Buscaren en vane una eatina teletinica, pera no habia ringuina. looked fora telephone box: there 3 Suspiro cuando Jo dijeron que na pola reservar fos asiontos He when... told him he his tive mindred and twertytwo 822 Leccién ciento treinta y siete 41 Tras una hora do paseo y una hora de cultura, tenia hemore {me sertia hambrento. 2 Busqué on vano un restaurante inglés, pero no habia ninguno a la vista 3 la raer curnigy pecs, cxepuam, w banburg Eas. poro no coma ngiesa, 4 Ral puss, ‘entrean' unpub y pedi una pinta de erveza ¥ un sandwich 5 Lego segul mis expleraciones. Ura cosa me llamo favatencion 6 Le teatro y eines eran todos més baratos que fn nuestio pals 7 Una buena Tacaiidee en un teatro valla alrededor fe ies eras. ve aes 9 Mi primer aia tue agotader. Vi tanto que no puedo 30 Modi cuenta de lo tranquil que parecian los fondinenses que vi, incluso alas cinco, curante a hora punta 11, Gtra Coma que me Impresioné fue el numero de argues Notes 2) A sandwich anduch, plural sandwiches (anit) e La palabra proviene probablemente de! ‘Ear! of Sand- WeRIITIBATS) ques « vane ees forma ce comer ton overs ngresentos (8) {Oj Loe preci gue i proponemos no retean fo Loltinene le veaieas! (4) To exhaust (eksoa apolar, She's exhausied: sts 3golada An eufaust pipe tbe Se scape. five hundred and twortyfour 824 42 SaintJames, Hyde Patk, Groen Pi ‘nile andar par el césped (la hierba). 13, Ruta Speakers Commer y ol quo algulen hablaba Ge la inmigracion 16 Decia que el pats — y 0 pore oa llona de exranjeros, ast NOTES (continued) (6) Grass (nierba) se usa @ veces en lugar 6 awa {loon} te (6) Speaker's Corner fequina de Hise Pronuneiar et siscu bseuchar algunos, incon de los oradores) es uns fon el que cualquiera puede fue Gotee, Morece la pena evERCICIOS 4 Boy peat. Ho eetage paecanae fess olin —°3 Lo que me fama leencion ‘ve st nimero de prtucs 4 Se pusde cleat tte past 0 hamurguera pe‘o\ro lab dos" Le guste wt 4 Los lonainenses son generaimente tranguils, pero los fonginenses que yo vi eran ruidosos. 6 ‘calm, but... Londoners | 525 five hundred and twertyfve 5 Et metro es care, asi que coge un tax, no cuesta mucho mds. The tbe IS. .5 $0 tke a tax; not five hundred and twontyate Respuesas hee bean for = in = tale, — 2 They ia val « wasn’ — 1 Shue nay "colgnt Bone seat, ""/4 Londoners "gone the Sah nlgy 8 dearenpensive sits much more Hundred and thirty-eighth (138th) Lesson 1 | had changed my money in England and had got a good rate for my francs. (1) 2 I did some shopping and bought" all the traditional things that tourists buy" 3. Shetland pullovers, a tweed jacket. | was even going to buy" a dinner-jacket, (2) (3) 4 but it would have been a litle too extra. vagant. 5 The night belore | left", | went to see a musical. (4) 6 As you know’, we don't have many in Paris, so | was looking forward (N.4) to it very much 7 I thoroughly enjoyed it, The acting, the singing and the costumes were all so pro- fessional 8 Leaving” the theatre was like coming” out Into anather world. PRONUNCIATION. 4 ohelndcrd.ccit.— 2 boot. raha. — 2 win noo- ere ie ang dehandt a al omaeagant 9 Ba ~ 1527 tve nundred a Tare. pelo: 9 | had a late supper, this time in an ex cellent Chinese restaurant. 40 The next day, I packed my bags and my souvenirs, (5) (6) 41 said goodbye to everybody and strolled to the sation. 42 The journey back was less pleasant. | was unhappy to leave 43 and the Channel was very rough that day. (7) 14 Ifyou are in a boat on @ rough sea, you roll 15 but In a hoverneaft you ga as in a litt. (8) 16 Several people wore sick, so | had a large and down, brandy to strengthen mysel. (9) 8 oe — 10 pak. swine, — 11 tools. — 12 esi aitaph Sat Hb an gece Ze ER Se EEA @ EXERCISES 1.1 was in a bad mood because | had to leave. — 2 These souvenirs remind me. of my stay in Europe, 3'It was such a rough day that the ship was ling. — 4 K would have been amusing to buy a bowlor hat —§ Throughout the musical the aeting Was super Leccién ciento treinta y ocho 4 Habis cambiago mi dinero on Inglaterra y habia lograce un buen cambio para mis "rancos. 2 Glee unas comaras v comoréfodes las cosas ta Sloioneles que compran fo tursas. 3 Terseye « ahetlana™=. una chaqueta oe tweed. Ibs Jncluso.@ comprarme un smoking (ehsquete de stiquetay 4 boro hubiera sido un poco extravagante 3 Ea’nosne antes co Fe, tu 2 ver un lespocticulo) ‘musial © Gamo sabes, na nay muchos en Paris. asi que fesaba esperanco con Impaciencia vero. 7 UP intororetacén, las. can- ‘i vostuaro aes) prolesionales 8 Dejar el teatro fue come salir a otro mundo Notes {@) A rale: una taan Tho rnin of exchange: ol camo. tina do cambio (on inglés avange tambien quiere soci ‘eambio "en e! senso de clnero sual») (2) Twood es un todo escocés muy resistonte, El més conocida os el Maris Tweed ‘Nunca se ha 88bido por qué en Espana, y también en Chow pasos, 28 Ma uaado a expreiin owing para if vestido de etlqueta. Los ingloses fo aman @ Sinneryacket En Estados Unigos ve sice a Yovewo. (& Tambien pode decir before leaving five mundred and twenty-eight 628 8) 8 Cond tarda, arta vee en un excelente retauranto 10° Ricia siguiente, nce ae maletasy (matt en as) 11 dye adios a todo el mundo y fui paseando hasta 12 Ei Vfnje ce regrosa ue menos sgrasable. No et- 43 Yel cana! estaba muy picado ese dia 44 Sse"eata"en un barso con el mat picado, 9 Dambolea une: 18 pero en un havercrat, se beja y s0 sube como en 16 Mucne gente se puso enforma, asi que me tome Un brandy dobie pa NOTES (cortinues) (8) To pact: hacer las maltas. Pease pack these books Gortavor, pon esl Hares en fa mata, Packaging Smvaiae ( Souveni es una palabra de origentrancés que se usa (© peas iodos lee lclomas para inden loa vecueraos {pisos oo un reson: en fon Quo los uritas so gatan id'ayer pate Ge su cota” Momortos signifies re ‘erdos, per recuerdos de a mens i ‘ough tll do, duro apicad al mar quiere dec far? picado,"mmouigo, revel, margjade. A Yough Copy? on erraaoe Cuando se comparan dos acciones so des as: He ° changes cars as | change my socks: cambia de coche Sema'yo Ge catcesnes Sandb:se comperan cosas se dlee Uke: This meat is fte ruber ena care es como de gome Sirongin: Werea, To srengitn: treat, fetlecer, m euERcie 1 Esaba oe mal numer porque tenia gue macharmy — 2 Eos {apa gue ol boro so bambgie . espen ‘Srplar un Somarere honge, "= 8. Torso SUE) meal a aotinc nue sober 520. five hundred and twenty-nine Fill in the missing words: 1 No le guste coger e! barco con mai tempo. Sho oosnt sess eevee the Boat weather. 2. 1 dia antes de irme estaba de muy mal humor. The day Vesey as in a ory 3 BI viajo de welta 6s siempre més triste. ¢ Esiés de ‘sewordo? The «. Is always Do you... five hundred and Wrty 630 4 Has cogido ef hovercraft! ¢ Camo es? You've ..... the hovercraft What's 2 5 No soperto los aspecticulos musicales — Yo tampoco. tean't — Neither 4 Joinay Sek asda Saree. anit ke. — 8 stand Second wave: 89th Lest Hundred and thirty-ninth (139th) Lesson Mothers 1 — My son Thomas is doing very well on the stage. (1) 2 He writes* and says that every night he plays a villager, a gypsy and two soldiers, 3 whereas the star of the play — a Mr Hamiet — only plays one part. 4A young man was sitting’ in the lounge of a large notel sipping a glass of punch. (2) PRONUNCIATION 821. tive hundred and thity-one 5 A tle girl came" up to him and said: What's your name?” 6 The young man told" her his name. 7 — Are you married? she asked. — No, said the man. 8 The litle girl was quiet for a moment, then she turned to a woman standing" nearby and shouted: (3) (4) 9 — What else did you tell” me to ask him, Mummy? 10 Young Jimmy was greedily eating’ a bar of chocolate. (5) 11 His father said angrily: “ I've told" you not to eat’ between meals. Did you ask Mum if you could have that chocolate? ” 12 — Yes, said Jimmy. — Come on, | want the truth 13 A pause. — Yes, | did, and she said 14 "The man who is Ured of London is red of lite" Dr Johnson (6) EXERCISES: 111 hear he is doing very well in his new job. — 2 What a greesy litle Boy! That is your fourth bar of therolate. — 3 Ho might be an actor. I've sen him fon stage. — 4 Try not to ask too many questions. — 5 There is a church nearby, Leccion ciento treinta y nueve 41 — 4 mi hijo Thomas le va muy bien on el teatro (scons) 2 Exoribe que caca noche interprela a un aldeano, ‘aun gitar y a dos sotcados, 3 lentes que el protagonista de ia obra — un tal Sr" Hamiel— Interreta solo un pape! 4 Un joven estaba santado an el saldn de un aren hote! sorbiengo Tde] un vase de punch, NoTes (A) To do wall: ine bien a uno, desenvoWerse Bion, Unter, Her new novel is doing well: su nueva navela 8 un éxito. Lo cantario eb fo d0 badly. (2) 4. punch: un pufetazo (ya hemos visto kick una patacal. to!punch dar un pufetazo. Sin entbargo, la Bebige’ en vestion no ha rosbido eate nombre. por fos efectos de au consumo sind por ia palabra Pingu panch = que quiere decir weinea', pues ciena bebiGa {ania en su onigen cinco Ingredientes tive mindred and hittwo 592 5 Una nine se aoered a ly ajo we Come so Hama Eleven le ajo su nome, + — Cesta usted casaso?— pregunté — No, dio ol homre 8 Lalita permanecioeaada durante un momesto, cares y grit 9 — due hfe me ailste que le ore 10 El joven vimmy estaba comiendo avidamente una 11 Sulpadre, anfadaco, lo dig: Te ne dicho que ne comas sire comdas. 2 Preguntaste a mama si podlas comerte esa chocolatina 12 — Shiaije Jimmy. Vamos, qulero {que me cigas] Ia verses, 19 Unstone (pausa). — Si, lo ice. y ella dijo «no». 16 EI hombre que este cansedo de Londres esta Dr donneon NOTES (continued) (8) Quiet tanguile, pero también callado. Be quie!: no hagas rude cate esto quiet. (@) Near. nearby: cerce, al tad, (8) Greedy goloso: greedy: golosamente, avidamen con trict. La palabra franoose = gouimet= sou {Emoién en ingles. af igual que en espanel, dado que tiane su origon en ol pale gale (6) Doctor Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), escrtr y lexce- grate, publice su Dictonary en 1785, Su. bograia, rita por Boswell os qua ol mejor ejemplo ee benoro on lenges ingles ueRcicios 1 OPssSchcd bs goiona! Es tw avarta atta be choco = 593. fve hundred and thitythros Fill in the missing words: 1 Le estaria muy agradecige si pudiora darme alguna Informacion, Voces be very it you ..... give me some 2c Has prequntado @ mama si podias tomar prestadas fas teas? Die you... Mum it you the scissors? 3 <.Qué més nacesitames ? 4 Quiero que mo digas la verdad. ¢ Dénde pusiste ta Veo you me the the lacder? Where gis you Hundred and fortieth (140th) lesson REVISION AND NOTES Notas para revisar : Leccion 194: (3) - Leocién 136 (1) = Leccion 137: (1) = Leccion 138° (8 1 As y like. — Pueden hacerse comparaciones entre dos cosas 6 dos personas o dos acciones ; Ia palabra ‘como espanola puede decirse, segin los casos, a5 0 like 598 fve mind and titytve Si hay duda es mejor usar tke. Es preterible comoter tuna falta gramatical y dejar clare el sentido, que usar un voeablo coma as que tiene tantos uso sentdos y Tan... como. Es tan grande como su madre: she's a5 big as fer motier” No son tan Importantes come osotros They are not as (s0) important as us 2 Veamos posibles traducciones en el uso de could ¥ might. He coufd have done it: podria haberio hecho y habria podide hacerlo. Ho might have done it Buede que lo haya hecho : | can do it: puedo hacer, may do it: puede que lo haga, yauxiliar conticional de otros verbos. Si puede haber confusi6n se usa was able to para la forma el pasado. Ho was able fo do It (he could do I) Podia hacerlo. Si = poder» se usa en el sentido de. tener permiso para» (como en la leccion 137. linea 12) se dice empleando to be allowed 10... Are we allowed to smoke ?: , Podemos tumar ? 3 La preposicién se sitda al final de la frase en las preguntas yen" las oraciones subordinades, What 4are you looking at? ; Que estas mirando ? Who did ‘you buy it from: ; K quien se lo has comprado? | don't know what he has come for nose por qué ha What should ! do it with ?¢ con qué deberia hacerlo? Aungue los puristas lo hayan crilicado como = mal inglés », se usa tanto qua’ ya es «lo correcto™. El liso Race la ley. Uno de los defeneoroe da ecto uso fue nada menos que Winston Churchil. Ast pues, adelante con ello, Sin preacuparse por purismos. 4 2 Recuerda usted el sentido de estos verbos ? (ver pérrato 8) 1am fooking forward to see you, — We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. — We took advantage of the fond weekend. — Please. make uo vour mind auth. — tive hundred and thitfour 536 5 Se me acercd y me pid vege. He ime and asked me for a ‘Second wave: 90th Lesson Leccion ciento cuaranta [Al comparar dos cosas 0 personas: Londres, como Magrid es una capital: London, like Madrid, is a capital’ Su casa es como un palacio: His house is like a palace. A Mary, como a Jane, le gustan las naraniae’ Mary, ike vane, likes oranges. ‘Al comparar dos acciones: Se visten como hace 200° anos : They dress as they did two hundred years fag0. Preste atencion al segundo término dela Comparacion que puede llevar 0 no verbo: habla Como su padre: He talks like his father (el segundo término no lleva verbo). Habla como habla su padre He talks as his father talks (el segundo termino lieva verbo} He glanced over his shoulder. — You'll have to make 0 with tea 5 Enfermedades. — Deaf [det]: sordo : dumb [dam] tudo: deaf and dumb sordo-mudo ; blind [blaind) Giego: lame [leiml coo; @ cripple (kine): Invalido, tulle, Enfermo se dice patient (paciente decimos también fen castellano) cuando se le esta atendiendo y sick person en los restates casos. Un ciego: 4 blind erson, ete, fen plural, con sentido general, se dice the sick 0 the bling. 6 @ Singular o plural? — Las palabras siguientes tienen siempre forma plural en inglés: the trousers fl pantalon (0 pantalones); zne pyjamas el pllama the stairs: la escalera (0 las escaleras) Yas palabras siguientes tienen siempre forma sin- gular The hair. 109 cabelios (a el cabello, pelo, pelos, cabellera, melena, etc); The news : las nati Clas. the information 1a informacién (y las. infor maciones); the furniture lee musbies (yo mobilario}. 7 iy whether (ued28] significan « si El primero es simplemente dubitativo: i he comes, tell him fo meet me at fen si viene, le dices que se reiina conmigo a las diez. El segundo, whother, implica mas de una alternativa raon't know whether he will come no sé si vendra 537 fve hundred and thityrsoven 8 Traduecién del parrafo 4. — Espero verie con Impaciencia. — Nos hemos ‘ivertide de verdad. — Hemos aprovechado ol puente. — Por favor. decidete rapido. — Eché un vistazo por encima de eu hombr, "Tienes que conormarte con el te. 9 Expresiones que conviene recordar. — 1 Tell me ‘about your irjp. — 2 It carries not only passengers, ‘but also cars and lorries. — 3.1 managed to relax =i can't wait to arrive, — 5 England is beaut ‘even in the rain, — 6 Driving in Madrid is abit dangerous. —7 We gave the driver a tip. —8 You ‘ean pay up to 100 pounds a night. — 9 They walked everywhere. — 10 What size do you take? — 11 It fook me an hour on foot — 12. Did you stan to that ‘man talking about polities 713 It would have been a lite too extravagant. — 14 There was a tall woman ‘standing nearby. Hundred and forty-first (141st) Lesson Do you remember? 1 — Ask him if you can borrow the lawnmower. — I did, and he said no. 2 He told* me that he needed it today. What could | say? 3 — You could have said that the grass need- ed cutting”. Well, never mind. (1) PRONUNCIATION 530 fve hundred and thity-ine 4 I was struck" by the calm of the London- fers | met”. 2) 5 Nelson's Column is very impressive. The bronze lions at the foct aro made” from French cannons. 6 | like paintings. and the paintings in the National Gallery were marvellous. (3) 7 | hardly spoke" any English. Would you believe it? Everyone | met" was French. (4) 8 He said he couldn't wait. He had an urgent appointment and had to leave" 9 She must have teft", because her car isn't in the garage. (5) 10 tf we had thought of It earlier, you coulé have come" with us. 11 He might have come" while | was out, but he would have left" a message, 12 | was able to understand” everytning they said, despite the fact that most of them had heavy accents. ( em. brons bers. mens. — 8. mansiés,—7 een = "N6 nla. — id ma wee i deep five hundred and thityelght 538 40 Traduccién. — 1 Cuéntame tu viaje. —2 No s6lo lleva pasajeros, sino tambien coches y camiones. — B'Consegu’ tranquilizarme, — 4 Estoy impaciente (no puedo esperar) por llegar. — 5 Inglaterra es Bona, incluso bajo le luvia. — 6 Conducir por Madrid es un tanto peliaroso. — 7 Oimos propina al ‘Conductor, -- 8 Se pueden pagar hasta 100° libras, por noche, — 9 Pasearon por cualquier parte. — $0 .-due talla usas ?— 71 Me llevo una hora a pie = 42 {oye usted a ese nombre hablando de. polt- tica? 73 Hubiera sido un poco extravagante. — 14 Habla Una mujer alta (en pie) al lado, ‘Second wave: 81 st (revision) Lesson Leccion ciento cuarenta y una 1 — Pregintale 3! puedo tomar proslado Ia segadora 2 Medio que ta‘ neceslasa hoy" ,Gu® pocta do- 3 -— Sodas haverle dicho que nasie que corr ta fiers. Buen no importa NoTes (1) Ropare en ta rmula the grass needs cutting (la hhroa necesita ser coriaga) Tis house needs repairing: hay que teperar esta hea (esta casa necesta ser reparaga). Puede sust- {tirse.noeds por wants Your hair rans cuting’ ones te cortarte © pelo tu pelo nacesia sor cortado ~0 Sorarses). tive hundred and forty 40 4 Estaba impresionado por la calma de los londl henses que me encontre. 5 Cealumna ge Nelson e8 (muy) impresionante. Los ieones do bronce, al pie, ostan hechos Go ios « _Tieguetal pista os cusses) y os coacrs ee la Naloral Galery eran marailotes. 7 etnue"tuat igo So nuts yo crore usta? {i la Gert que cone! eran san 8 Bjeravo'sgouiaeapovar Tena ona oe urgent 9 Fuvo gle irae’ poraie su coche ro std on ot 10 Sfvbieramos pensaco en eo ames, poorias na Ber vendo con novation 11 Puode gue faye ven msniras yo estaba for oro naa ejacs une rote 12 Bice Componder tov ous dean, pose tere scons NoTES (continues) La. talma de los londinenses: the Londoner's cain a ‘pero cuanco se especifica alguna circunstancia, se usd Brive paral posesho, Tho wile of te man was {auing oa mujer de hombro.2 quien habia (ver ieee‘, fe gustan los cuadros (en general, 0 sa, la pntura) (© MiB patntges tos cundoe de ls Rational Galery, tran Soberb:” and ‘he: painings Wn" ihe Natons! Salary were super (4 ir cio rary: paras, cs aga, 0 raray Sh him: apenas 16 vin (6) te veda ave aus; dab do, tone dot sentdon: de aac que se Waduce por he hed to: yl sontico dipiatve que ge traduee por he must Rave ness “v3 Nost poopie: la mayor parte de Ia gente most of them:{a mayor pare, fa mayors de eos 1549, five herded a and forty-one 13 You bought’ so many souvenirs. You must, have spent" a fortune! 14 She made" up her mind to study medicine, despite her father’s advice, 18 ell him to come" straight away. We're late already and | don’t want to miss the be- ‘inning, EXERCISES 1 Would you like to come round for drinks this eve ning? — 2 I haraly recognised him dressed like that. —3 They must have left: their coats have gone. — 4 The oil needs changing. — § What time do you ‘want me to come? Fl in the missing words: 1 Habrias podido decile que habla que corte la herba You have that the grass 2 Quiore que nes demas prise, no ie gusta esperar. ‘one wants (up), she tke ‘Second wave: 82nd Lesson forty Hundred and forty-second (142nd) esson English or American? It was either Oscar Wilde or George Ber nard Shaw who said that England and ‘America are divided by the same lan- guage Whoever it was ought to have said: “ Ame- rican and English are two similar lan- ‘guages ‘An Englishman can feel* more disorien- tated in the United States than a French- man or @ German. (1) For example, he will be told” he is walking fon a " sidewalk” instead of a pavement. To go up to the third floor of his hotel he takes" the “ elevator” and not the lift Ihe wishes to travel around New York ne must take" the “subway” and not the ‘underground, (2) (whereas in London, the subway is a pas- sage under a busy street). (3) He must never ask for the tollet, but al- ways the “bathroom” or the "rest: room”. (4) In some public places he might even hear” it called the “ comfort station"! PRONUNCIATION. Ei "3, leseviannt sets. — 4 midvook inl — Savane. Stuns 7 pices 8 Brn etm — 9 pik ater sc mln. Sous. —15 ir etal five mundred and fortytwo 542 43 Compraste muchos souvenir, | Debes haberte gas tado une fortuna 44 Sevdecidio a estudiar medicine pese a los consejos se su padre. 15 Die que venga Inmediatamento. Ya llagamos tarde eeRcicios 4 Te gustarie voor a casa para tomar, una copa oa me oe peti aro, # Hay ae smbier et ses. 8 han debite cogera, no fo enevenive en ningén sie They cos. have ses. Heat find it 4 Si hubiora pensado en ello antes, habras pocio venir Hh i you vet 5 Puede que hava venido ayer por Ia tarde, 0 habla hnacie on casa, She rom iat night. thera was at Respuesias noree It} Disorieted, equivale on la préctca a nuestro « des: grenade, Tambien se pusce omplcar ene sentise Gevcinadaplado. Para expresar la nostaigia del pro- fio pala se suela Gece’ lim homesick To wish: desea. I you wish to leave, ploase ‘el! me. 37 desea usiee Ire, igamelo por favor. “To wish pueds también loner ol senlico de me gus toria que. s, ojala. Suele acompanado de! condi. Sonal wish’ you mould hurry up: me gustaria que te Gieras pion JCwism it mous air tomorrow: toile Toviera manana’ ‘A wish: Un deseo, un anhelo. ‘Subway (USA) * metro, Subway (G6.): paso subte- rane. Busy. ocupade, Aqui, aglomerado, muy trensitado. intar gor the tot Fi por te ave le palabra se susttuye por dversos Eutomismos (bathroom et ms corriente, 2 6 (Se consicora muy vulgar or ing. Sat’ kanes Savors, "8 Sad aught a= tive hundred and forty-four 944 Leccién ciento cuarenta y dos “Llnglés 0 americano ? Bratt a asta nae Fara ir al tercer piso de su hotel, coge ol levator eae ceee {inrenttas que. en Londres el subway 8\un paso ‘Bie ih es ‘ive hundred sie forttive 10 To wash his hands he " opens a faucet instead of turning on a tap. 11 Thanks to the lelevision, however, many English people, and especially teenagers are familiar with these words. (5) 12 Spelling, too, Is different, thanks to & New York teacher called Noah Webster. (6) 13 In elghteen twenty-eight (1828) he publis- hed his "American Dictionary of the En- glish Language 14 Not all his reforms were adopted, but ef tain spellings were accepted and exist to- doy. 15 English words that end in "*-our” (e.g neighbour, favour, honour) are written” wi- thout the “win American, 16 and words that end in ‘"-re” (theatre, centre) are written’ as they are pronounced (ie, theater, center) in American. 0. ost, — 14 haus hoists ela, — 12 thats Td T Maple Mana MAE al ave an a Se en arco EXERCISES 1 IL is worth learning to speak American if you to America, — 2 Thanks to the Assimil books. it = easy. — 3 Whoever wants to can be @ pop star. — 4 Take the litt up to the third floor and ask for roo" fone-of-one. — 5 Whose is this dictionary? | thin its Davia, 547 tive hundred and fotysoven Fill in the missing words: 1. Pose a au conejo, no oe 2. Mg las arroglo siempre para evtar causar una aieew 0 "always 1 avo on 3. No to clvides de apagar Ia television antes de ire a a to bee five hundred and fortaix 546 40 Pars lavarse 'as manos abro el faucet on lugar de abet (tar) el tap (ar. 11 Gracias a a television, sin embargo, muchos in loses, y especialmente tos joven Frzados con esias palabras, 12 Li ortograia tambien cs dlerente, gracias a un profesor co Nueva York llamado Noa Webster 3 9 aus Ligsionan americana 66 ia famine “ feformas fueron adaptacas, pero Certas normas de orogralla se eceptaran y exlston Sun hoy en dia 45 Palabras inglesas que acaban en = -our » — por ‘Slemplo neighbour avour. honour (eeina, favor honor) —"'se escriben sin la =u en americano, que acaban en sro. (theatre, sore) Jerescriben como se pronuncian [0 soa, theater, enten en omericane 6 NOTES (continued) (6) Teens, los aftos quo van entra los 18 y los 20 (son ioe que aeaban en «-teen =" fourteen, eighteen, ete} ‘A teonagor: un joven, un adolescents (6) Ta spe, signtica doletrear. y do ahi que speting.s (Gnifgue lo squivalente a nuestra oriografia, Yow 30 ‘You spel! tat word? Como saletrens [eserves] esta palabra? vencIcios 2 Grae Asami or ac 3 Cysiglera ue irs tive hundred and fotyeght 540 4 No depertas haber preguntad por el servicio sino por or ano. You fot ...- asked ... the toilet but the 5 4 Vale Ja pene coger el ascensor ? Hay silo dos pisos. it + the it (otovaton)? only 4 Bont oy oeng anal ae for Sabroom “Se Second wave: 3rd Lesson Hundred and forty-third (143rd) Lesson 1 When Pierre was In London he had with him a list of useful expressions. Let's have a look at them: 2 | beg your pardon - I'm sorry ~ Please 3 I wonder if you could help me? - Could you tell” me..? - Would you repeat that please? (1) Sh. = Bo pin. — 3 und. ku. Leccién ciento cuarenta y tres 1 Cuando Pierre estaba en Lanares llevaba coasiga Snatista so expreaiones lies Echemosias Un 2 {e'sico percin — Lo siento — Pordone, por favor 3 ¢Me pregunta si podria usted ayudar? — 2 Parla gecrme ? Paria reper, por Iavor 7 Notes {8} To wonder, ya to hemos visto, qulare clr, entre otras osu, prepuntarae por. Se emples frecuentemente en ‘rmuiae Ge cortesia. / wonder you woule mind. ‘wonder tf you could tof! me. Son Tormulas excesivae monto corieeee y edverdas, 4 Thank you, I'm very grateful - That is very kind of you. 5 Would you mind...2 - Is this seat taken"? = May i sit" down? 6 It doesn’t matter - It's not important - I don’t mind - Of course - Of course not. 7 I'm delighted to meat you - Give my regards to your wite. (2) 8 What a pity - I'm afraid | won't be able to come" - I'd love to. 9 Did you have a good trip? - How was the crossing? - How was the weather? (3) 10 Could you tell” me the way to...? - there a bank near here? Where? 11 Could you tell" me the time, please? - It's rather late - | seem to be early. (4) 12 Where do you come* trom? - I'm from Lyons - We've just arrived 13 Do you know* a good restaurant? - There might be ono in Oxford Street, 14 'm afraid | can't help you, 'm a foreigner = I don't know" London, EXERCISES 4 Let me introduce you to Peter, whose father is a farmer. — 2 Do you mind if | bring my wife? — Of course not. — 3 Exeuse me, what did you say? — It doesn't matter. — 4 We are looking forward to meet- ing you. — § It has been a long time since | last saw you ‘ve hundred and fity-one Fill in the missing words: 1. {Poaria usted indiearme éma liegar al (ei camino del Sanco més proximo? 2 Espero quo los dos estes bien, no a8 he visto desde hace mucho tempe | hope you Well, U haven... you ves a ong time. 3 {De donde eres? — De Bilbao. acahamos da tngar o you 2 — From Biba, we've 4 Trabajo mucho desde hace un mes, pero na he encon- trace Sufciente Informacion 1 working hard... & month, but | Hundred and forty-fourth (144th) Lesson Ina bank 1 I'd like to change some money. What is the rate today? PRONUNCIATION. five nundrod an ity 880 4 Gracias. Se lo agradezco mucho. Muy amapie de su parte 5 2 Leimportaria..? J Esta osupado este asionto? {Buedo sertarme? 6 No importa — No es importante. — No me importa for supuzst. — Por supyesio§ que B Que pena, — Me temo que no podré ir. Me ape 9 LTuviste buen viaje? — ¢ Como fue Ia travarsia? [Que tempo nacla? 10 {Podria devirme al camino a..?— g Hay un banco Serea de aqul? ¢ Donde? 11 {Bodria devirme la hora, por favor? — Es mas bien tarde, Me parece que voy adelaniado Poe Ge 117 Soy We Lyon, — Aeabamos fe llegar 12 {Conoces vn buen rostaurante ? — Pedra haber tino en Oxford Street 14 Me temo que no puedo ayudar, soy extranjero ‘No conozco Londres, NOTES (continues) {@) Entre genta que se conece, habiendo conflanza, se fice ove my love fe (9) To crass: atravesar | cross una cruz: a crossing Una travesia. A loves crossing un paso a. nivel a Zebra crossing’ un paso de e8bre. He's cross’ ost ‘entadado (a) Early (pronto, tempranc), tiene también el sentido de Ie adalgntace 4 Permitame que 1 presente @ eter cuyo pasre es ranjra. — 4 {lelimponssl ago muir? — Por spun no, — 5 std ocupado este siento ? — No, sefor. — ¢ Puede 2 1 2 this seat = No, sir— ‘Second wave: Sah Lesson Lecci6n ciento cuarenta y cuatro En un banco 1953. te hundred ane fitytires 2 Twenty pounds in five-pound notes and ton in one-pound notes. (1) 3 Do you have any change? May I use my ‘chequebook? In a postotice 4 I'd like to send” a telegram. How much per word? 5 I need some stamps. How much is it to send" a postcard to France? 6 I'd like to cash this money-order. (2) At the hotel 7 I'd like a single room please. You only hhave a double left? (3) 8 Does the room have a shower and a tollat? 9 If anyone calls while I'm out, could you take" a message? (4) 10 Please prepare my bill, I'm leaving in the morning, 2 fos 8 sass es pa — 4 bora. pe — 3 Bas, pear 7 nai Pd aera ee 85 ve hundred and fitytive Shopping 11 I'm afraid | don’t know" my size. Do you have anything smaller? 42° May | try it on? It doesn’t fit very well. It doesn't suit me. (5) 13 Tl think it over. It's a ttle too expen. sive. (6) Il come* back later. EXERCISES 1 Where can I change my Wavellers cheques? — 2 Hurry up, there are only five minutes left. — 31 have been waiting to be served for a quarter of an hour. — 4 We expect you to pay your own bill. — 5 This jacket doesnt fit very wall Fill In the missing words: 1. Si quieras comprar, debes decidir, sélo quedan you... to buy It you... make. your -.-.5 there are only 2 Piénsoio y llémeme cuando haya tomado una decisén Wes. and 2 me when you your decision 3. No to osporaba antes de fae dos Jhas hecho buen vale? Hide os. you two o'eleck, Did you have 2 ve hundred and titytour 54 2 Veintelibras on piletes do cinco libras y clez en Diletes'do-une libra a usted cambio? 4 Puedo usar mi choquera ? En correos 4 Quisiers enviar un telegrams. { Cuito es por pe Tabre? 5 Necesfo unos ellos. :Guanto vale enviar una postal a Francia’? 6 Bulslers ingresar on caja ests orden do pag. En al hotel 7 Quisiera una habitaclon sencilla, por favor. 2 $810, ‘e-queda Una dost {Ltiane la habiacisn cucha y servicio? Sl liama’algvien meatvas estoy fuora, « podris ‘oger of aviso? 40 Porrfavor, preparemo ta cuenta, me voy por ta () Wed recordara, djimos qua habia’ que traduclt pr. ens eres byes ee aden ca oes aca eet es mee apaet oe ey See oa ee ome (© Sparen Tet "selo mo quevan dos cigar. How five hundred and tity 11 Me tome que no $6 mi tlle. {Tene algo mas, pequeno? 12 [pied probérmalo ? No [me] queda muy bien. No 13. Ub pensaie, Es un poco caro, Volveré més tarde NOTES (contioued) 18) To put something on: poner © ponerse algo (un disco, un Wesido}, Adu fonemos t2 fy on: con a dea de probar,probarse, To try @ hat an’ probarse un son breve. (@) Think it over: rettexlonar sobre ello, persario. P.O. (algles que aparecen en aecumentos) Please Turn Over: Par favor, mire et dorso, vencicios 1 gee pte conta oe chau do wala? — 2 ete pa 4 eLiamé alguien miantras estuve tuera ? ia call oo. Las =. 5 Esta yendo a ingiaterra desde hace cuatro avis y aun fo conoce su fala She has to England... four years and Respuesae Second wave: 95th Lesson 1557 ve hundred tityrsover Hundred and forty-fifth (145th) Lesson Signs and notices 1 Way in (Entrance) - Way out (Exit) - No admittance - Private - Admission free ~ Enquiries. 2 No smoking - Spitting prohibited - Do not lean out of the window. (1) 3 Public conveniences - Gents - Ladies - House full. (2) 4 The Management is not responsible for loss ur damaye to guests’ property 5 Early Closing Day - Closed for lunch - Closed for repairs. (3) 6 One-way street - Keep left - Cul-de-sac - No Usturns, 7 Sometimes, notices are a waste of time. This was’ George Bernard Shaw's opk sion, (4) (8) PRONUNCIATION. 1 tavenss.. st, admterss. ase. atari — 2. probit ium = pane konainsaa” erty — ae, ei” opmn 1550. fve hundred and Fitynine isseene terns 8 when he saw" a fishmonger, outside his shop. tying to put” up a notice. 9 On the board was written’: FRESH FISH SOLD HERE. — Where can | put" it? There's no room. (6) 10 — My good man, your sign is useless, said Shaw. — Why? enquired the other. 11 — FRESH: Would you sell" stale fish? Shaw deleted the word with a piece of chalk. (7) 12 — FISH: one can see” — and smell — perfectly well that you do not sell” table- cloths. The second word was crossed out. (8) 13 — SOLD: Since when has a fishmonger gl ven* away his merchandise? (9) 14 And this last word is ridiculous, he said, putting” a line through the word HERE. 15 — It is evident that you do not sell” your fish elsewhere, Good day, sir. (10) Mma. — 9; bead, — 1. es: ad, — echingnie? 18" "in aus — 18 endo sow, EXERCISES 1 Whose is this watch? — I think it's hers. — 2 I's a waste of timo inviting him. — 3 He gave away all his meney and became a priest. — 4 You annoy mo sirl Take your bad manners eleewhere, — 8 f the bread is stale, you can throw It awa yin 558 Leccién ciento cuarenta y cinco Signos y Avisos Entrada — Salida — Se prohibe a entrada — No fumar — Se prohibe escupir — No asomarse por la ventana, Wo." pusicos — Caballeros, — Senoras — Competo (sala de especiacules). a direccion no se responsabiiza 60 fos objelos 0 los siontes perdidos o canaces. Corrado — Cerrado aurente la comida — Cerrado Teparaciones: on unica -~ Manténgase & su izquir jon nin nalida ~~ Prohibicg gitar on ai 7 Races los avigos son una pérdida (deaperdiclo) Ge uompa. Esta era a opinion do George Bernard Shaw, Notes () To prohibit: prohibie. Prohibition: 01 poriogo entre 1800 y 1939 en los Esiados Unidos, cuande se prohibio la venta de alcoho! Se" usa igualmente forbid. Beting forbidden: pro- hibidae las apuestas, {@) Convenient comodo. Conveniences : comosisades. {8) En igltoratodes las ends tienen derecho a srrar llama Early Closing Day. (a) To waste (vest): dovastar, malgaster, desperdiciar. 1 sjetivo waste <0 apliea ‘a los Gosschos, como. por Sjemplo wastoground: “estercolero;wastepaper Daskot” papelera’ wastepipe' tubo de desagie. To waste time. perder) tiempo. (6) George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), dramaturgo c= fanaes famoso por sus declaraciones ineisivas Y ct teas five hundred and sity 560 8 cuanda vid & un pescadero, delanto do su tienda, fntenteeo eolocar Um aviso. 8 Encl tebiero estaba escrilo: AOU! SE VENDE PESCADO FRESCO. —-—, Donde puedo ponerio? No hay sito, 10 — Suen homore, su anuncio es init, elo Shaw. — 11 — Enesd0" ; Reato vence vstes pescado pasado? ‘Shaw taché fa palabra con un ozo oo re 42 — FESCABO' Se puede ver — y oler — pertocta- frente bien que'usted no vende mantslel. La Se. (Gunes palabra fue tachada, 1a — Se'Veloe: beece cuando regala un pescadero 14 Vesta cltma palabra es rileula; dijo, poniondo M4 [navraya a lo largo de ta palabre AQUL 45 — frieuente, quesno vende usied 0 pescado on bra part. Bun ola, senor NOTES (continvec) {®) There's na room: no hay aie. Make reom, please fagan sito, po favor Site viele, pasado (epicado pan duro Un oleae feurigo {8 No conlundle clones, vestdos (un vesiso se ice prac ling con eit: tapes, pats. Tele @) To give: car’ fo give away regalar. He gave al his o money away and became a priest: regalo todo su Gore y se nao eacerdote fam puede ser singular © plural, Ave Meh cinco (9) Foscados “Your fist" au (ty pescado, o sus (US) Poscasos 1a comida) Stale bread ” ‘le sock. Rotten vERCICIOS 1a, os ete le? — go ue os ola — 2 Es ae Gira 4 Me mois ube aor Lesase ote aos mdales & dred and sty-one tive hundred and sbtytwo 562 FIll In the missing words: 44 Asegirense de que eu toxto no tenga palabras indtles. 1g Tenemos que pagar pera entrar? — No, mira «Em So have any ‘rads tore words we Pay «90 In? No, loo . 5 Nada esté permitido, Mira: « ronibido fumar», » No ‘SSomarse por ta ventana’ 2. Sus ingresos son muy Bajos. — A! menos esa era camaalee oe anol ‘pinion ce George, - ‘he winsow ts much too... — At least, that was ‘pinion Respuesas 4 behave 1g -(9- Admission tee, — 2 Her inca ow 3. Le Direccion no se hace responsable de ia pérdide de Segigee 3 Management Tor = See - customary /guen Pottraaat Pr en an — Pg tel tes The Is not responsible... the .... of Proper Second wa Hun Si ‘ dred and forty-sixth (146th) Lesson Leccion ciento cuarenta y seis ‘Our tast lesson Nostra ima lecsién 1. You have reached the last lesson, but not i Se ee ee eee the end! etnal! 2 Puede usta falctarse porque lo prnepal eel ta- 2 You can congratulate yourself because the bal i slo lade a cabo bulk of the work has been vornpleted. (1) 3 Deahora en adelano, sera = coser y cantar 3 From now on, it will be "plain sail- ing". 2) Notes (8) Bulk: masa, volumen, granel: te BUI of the work tt gruese, io principal del tabalo’ a bulky parcel: un PRONUNCIATION uk oraer: un pessoal or Ij teh — 2 Hn. DOR. Aimpt — 8. an (2) To sail: navegar a vela (2 sail: una vel): plain {35ing! incica un Wabajo senclo, in complieaciones. tive hundred and sity-tour 804 62. fue hundred and slaythree Por supust, no puode uses exper hablar come 4 Of course, you cannot expect to speak* 4 Grvingise Waa solo unos pocos moses de estusio like an Englishman alter’ only @ few perc ss vai aga avore el pas y sv® ‘months of parttime study, 5 aro ahora sabe vat 5 but now you know" something about the ¢ BPuCe"Tbiea shore a inglaterra, postin touniry and is easton & If you went to England now, you could Serene ‘get by fairly easily REECE. 880 je que 10 se ane do polo at 7 But romamtor the mato of the " Méthode Fee eer sy wn un pts o ne Assimil" daly practice srbedote 8 So, do not let” this book collet dust at 1 Rett on vor a, ag page wn the back of a shelf: (3) 11 _-En tha palabra: mentongase on congo 8 pick it up from time to time and read" a Te Fryers Peri coe escucnando grabacines ye peragraph or an anecdote, a eat eareereaee 40 Repeat them out loud, then do the " see. HLEQAUSP dome y to-veare con natural ond wave" lesson; learn the irregular HE ei8ERostve Senaya eerie vsone ene me rae SEsee'ss Sats ha als W In short, keep" in touch! (4) “ 42 By reading” the newspapers, listening to cords and the radio, by léking™ every ‘opportunity iv speak’, ur vier trots tis! -——> 13 and by not being afraid of making” mistakes, wy 44 you will fee!” the language and use it i naturally 15 We hope you have enjoyed using this me: thod, and that you will enjoy speaking” English, " painlessly an Alt afl ty ets — Be at = NOTES conve fein altel iy Tels Mes =H SN 8 13) A Ie ook lon ate tnt is saat = so conacs Ben eel aacre (@) Keep fn touch: mantener ‘th LESSON 508 ve hundred and sity-tive EXERCISES 41 My tallor is still rich. — 2 From now on, you will be able to speak English. — 3 The bulk of the work has been completed. — 4 Don't be aftald of making ‘istaes, — 5 I'm alfid | hadi fo cancel the appointment. FIIl In the missing words 1. Si fuera usted @ Inglaterra podria desenvoiverse bas- you England you fairly easily 2 Leyendo ios poriosicos y escuchande Ie radto, podria Usted hacer progresos. By the and .. listening .. the radlo, yeu be able to make progress. 3 Cuando se vaya usted no se olvie de mantenerse en Sonteto. When on't forget to 507 five hundred and sity-neven Notes five hundred and sbtyesix S60 ee aig oh eat en Re ca 44 Permiame felictare por su éxito; ha trabajado usted bien ne you on your 3 you have 5 No pormita que este libro se lene de Powe: ido de Ver"en cuando. Dont ss s+ book elie sss toad i © — trey cog ge — Baan ow SE SO MRE otmtioc ‘Second wave: 97% Lesson hundred and sivtyolght 568 Principales verbos irregulares Para cada verbo incluimos einfnitvo, segulde det pasado fpvetente impertecto) y do! partiople.paoade. En unoe Gasos, estas formas son aftarentes 40 do, 38, done {I 8, Tai, Ihave done} # veces dos de oas son iguales 10 ‘come, came, come (I-came, | came, | has come); y fnal- Imonto, oras voces, son lgualas las tres formas to cost, cost cost (t cost. i cost, it has cost). Lo Importante 0s fue se 10s grabe usted bien an la memoria repiiéndolos Inuchas veces a lo largo de las leciones, se indican con {starisco fodos los vorbosiregulares. Asi, aprenderd usted fo ioe verboe Imegulares may uavalce. Cuando logue ‘dol curs, no estaré demas que do un vstazo & To arise, arose, arisen alovarse, sespertarse ‘To bear, bore, bome born nscids) -soportar ‘To beat, beat, beaten goipesr. Te-become, became, Become... degar a ser To begin, began, begun comenzar To bend, bent, bent plegar. curvar To bid, bade, bid o bidden et oconar, ‘To bind, bound, bound star, amavrar. 1309 te minaret ana omynie To bie, ten To bleed, bed, bled 10 blow, blow, blown To break, broke, broken. To bring, brousht, brought 1 bute, uit, buit ve burned “To must, burst, DUFSE To buy, buug To ealeh, cauaht, causht To enoose, chose, ehocon To eiing,eting, cling To come, came, came To eoct, coat, cost “To creep, crop, eropt 1 cut, cut, cut 571 five hundred and seventy-one To treeze, rozo, rozen To et, got, got. To give, gav given To go, went, gone Te ating, ground, ground ‘To grow, grew, grown To hang, hung, hung () To have, had, had To hear, heard, heard To hide, hid, hidden To iti hit To hola, held, held To hurt, hurt, hurt To koop, kept, kept nat, knelt ae united, knitted, To know, knew, known To tay, la, tats meraer. os ‘solar romper. ‘souesr, engonerar constrain woman arcer stair. aanorveo, aorrarce, costar arraatrarse, carter ster inaines) obener legar a sec ‘olpear, insist. arrodilarse saber, conocer. ‘eve minaret seventy 272 To dig, us, aug... To draw, drew, drawn To éroam, areamt, droamt Sareamed “To sive, drow, dee To dwel, dwelt, dott To ale, caten. to tal 04, faton ‘Te fe, fe fed To feck felt fot q 1 taht, fought, ugh ‘Te find, found, found To Me, Ned, toa to ting, tng, sng To fy, then, flown, To forbid, lorbodo, forbideon, torget,fergoten J, torgave, forgiven tive monde To lead, le, led To lean, leant, leant To teap, leap, leapt To learn, learnt, learnt ‘o lend, lent, lent To tet, ft, te To te, lay, lan (2) To Hight, ut To lose, tos, lost ‘To make, made, mode To mean, meant, meant ‘To meot, mot, m To mistake, mistook, mistaken To mow, mowed, mown ‘To pay, pald, paid To put, pu, put acer. cumz sacar, crouse conduct permanscer: Sloiarse alimentartae sonur(oxgerree encontrar. voler renin erdonar. nd ssvontytwo 572 ‘condor, evar apoyarse, incinarse. restar. dejar, permit, vacer, estar tumbado acer fabricar signitear, querer (at algun). contuncirse agar poner. 1973. fve hundred and seventy-three To read, read, road leon To ri, rd, ra deshacorse ce, Iibrarse 30 To ride, rode, ridden cabalzar, montar To ring, rang, rung ‘lamar (ae puerta. To rie, rose, ren levantarse To run, ran, run corre To saw, sawed, sawn (2) ‘asorrar. To see, sam, seen ver To seok, sought, sought buscar Te sel, s014, sold vender ‘To sond, sent, sont enviar To sot, set, eet poner, cola. To shake, shook, shaken secur. To shine, shone, shone rian ‘To shoot, shot, shot. stat lovee To show, showed, shown ‘mosivar, onsonar To shrink, shrank, shrunk encogerse 1575 ve hundred and seventy-five To spread, epresd, spread extender, propagar. To salar, surgi. To stand, stood, stood estar de pio To vobar. 10 clavar, encajar. to picar (an insecto. Te apostar To strike, struck, struck golpear. To swear, swore, sworn jurar To sweep, swept, swept areer To swell, swelled, swollen Intar,hinchar. muna, swung balancear, columplar, To take, t00k, taken caper, tomar. To toach, taught, taught ensenar To toll, tol, told er, To think, thought, thought pensar. To throw, threw, thrown Janzar, tar. To tread, trod, wodden pisar, andar sobre To shut, shut, shut cenar To sing, sang, sung, cantar To sink, sank, sunk hundise. To sit sat, sat sentarse, estar ‘To sleep, slept, slept. orm To slide, ata, ats osiiarse To ait, sit, st ralar, endl To smell, smelt, smelt ler. ‘To sow, sowed, sown (8) sombrar ‘To speat, spoke, spoken hablar To spell, spat, epeit (5) oletrer. To spond, spent, spent star To spl spit, spit (6) derramar, exparci hua, rar, hacor iar ‘To ep, spat, spit eseupir: To spl, split, split rong a, earns co eee ne meas 15) Oembin: soe Se wirgrad and seventy-six 978 ‘To understand, understood, Understood: entender. To upset, upset, upset volear To wake, woke, woke (7) esperar. To wear, wore, worn evar puesto. To weep, wopt, wept Morar ‘To win, won, won ganar To write, wrote, writen escribir Vd. quiere aprender el inglés de manera rapida y eficaz. Tiene todos los triunfos en la mano para llevar a cabo su estudio con pleno éxito. DE “ASSIMILISTAS” SATISFECHOS LO CONFIRMAN ! j MILLOD Sin artificios initiles, a raiz de media hora diaria de estudio relajado, aprenderd el inglés como aprendié, cuando era nifio, a hablar espaiiol. Su aprendizaje del inglés se hard en 2 fases : ePrimeramente se contentard con repetir y coniprender : es la fase pasiva. e Mas tarde, cuando se lo indiquemos, pasaré a la fase activa en la que, al mismo tiempo que continue avanzando, empezara ya a formar sus propias frases. “Assimilar” el inglés le exigira unos 7 meses (sin embargo, podra empezar a desenvolverse a partir de los 2 primeros meses) : le proponemos un estudio serio. Se obtiene el nivel de la conversacién de todos los dias en un inglés vivo, util y actual. Las grabaciones, que se pueden adquirir por separado, han sido realizadas con esmero y a un ritmo progresivo por profesionales. Incluyen el texto integro de las lecciones del libro. Le seran de una ayuda extraordinaria para su estudio. j; ANIMO Y ADELANTE ! | | llustaci6n : P. de Montmahoux 5410"003505) ISBN : 2-7005-0099-7

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