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Rhythmic Telephone

Lesson Plan for Grade 2, General Music

Prepared by Miss Bryson


Students will affirm their rhythmic abilities by whispering a rhythm in the ear of the student next to them,
giving them confidence in themselves, as well as passing a rhythm around.


2.4 The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include half notes, half rests, whole notes, and
whole rests

2.6 The student will create music by

1. improvising simple rhythmic question-and-answer phrases;


1. Students will be able to repeat rhythmic patterns

2. Students will be able to keep the beat in their feet while saying or whispering rhythmic patterns
3. Students will be able to create their own rhythmic patterns, to pass to their classmates




Steps to check for student understanding

1. Teacher passes the first pattern, and when it is the students turn to reveal the pattern, the teacher
assesses by listening if it is the same.
2. Teacher watches students as they keep the beat in their feet
3. Teacher assesses student’s ability to make new patterns, by listening to their rhythms


Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson

1. Students will stand in a circle and begin keeping the beat in their feet
2. Students will do some rhythms together, continuously stomping to the beat
3. Teacher explains game
4. One round is completed out loud, so students know how to play
5. Next round is played with whispers
6. After 5 students have heard the pattern, the next student reveals what it is, and creates a new
7. That pattern is started where the students left off, and passed to the next 5 people
8. This is repeated, while students continue to keep the beat in their feet

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