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proper uses
1. for making holes in the ground
2. used for loosening, lifting and turning over soil in gardening
3. moving loosen soil

4. used for digging and chopping soil

5. for planting larger bulbs

6. used for digging, applying, smoothing, or moving small amounts of viscous or particulate material
7. a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials
B. DEscriptions

1. a pointed wooden stick

2. with a handle and several (usually four) short, sturdy tines
3. narrower and less curved
4. shaped like a pickax, with an adze and a chisel edge as the ends of the head
5. have a long handle and can be operated from standing
6. a tool with a pointed, scoop-shaped metal blade and wooden, metal, or plastic handle
7. made of sheet steel usually have a folded seam or hem at the back to make a socket for the handle

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