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Choreographed Dance/Fitness Routine – 25 points

Mrs. Bayne’s Move for Fitness Class

1st & 8th period

Effort– 5 points
When presenting the dance to the class you look engaged and put forth effort in doing your dance for
everyone. SMILE!!!

Obvious Teamwork/Cooperation – 5 points

You and your group members have worked together to make up a choreographed routine and you have
divided out parts to share before performing the dance for the 2nd time. You will do the dance as a
group, teach the dance to everyone, and then do the dance with the class.

Creative/Fun – 5 points
Variety in choreography - formations, levels/floor work, partner work, and direction changes,
etc. Again, do not forget to SMILE!

Written Steps/Choreography – 5 points

Please type out the Song Title, Artist, Group Member Names (first and last) and ALL dance steps for Mrs.
Bayne. Example - If you are doing the same move 8 times write - Grapevine R x4/Grapevine L x4 = 8 total

Use of Class Time & Overall Performance of Dance- 5 points

When all is said and done, you used your given class time to work with your group on your routine and
were ready to perform on your assigned day. Your performance meets all the criteria and you have
turned in your choreography to Mrs. Bayne. You worked hard together and came up with a fun little
routine where you perform from the beginning to end of the song. You all know the steps, counts, and it
looks seamless and you are having fun performing it for the class.

Create an original dance – use resources - Google and YouTube!
Dance from beginning to end of song (song needs to be at least 1:30 in total length – longer is
fine ).

Must cut or download your own music. Please make sure the song is edited and appropriate.
Make sure you have Bluetooth capability to connect to my speaker or share the song with
me, so I can have it on my iPad to play through the speaker.

No more than 4 people in a group.

Choreography is typed out and turned in prior to dance.

This project will be performed in front of the class. If you are absent on the day of your
group’s performance, you will receive a failing grade on this project unless you arrange to
make it up with all of your group members present.

***Extra Credit***
Costumes (this includes hair and make-up if you want) or some sort of outfit that fit with the
theme of your dance. 😊 Be creative!!!

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