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1) Why is the Stuxnet event considered to be historic?

Stuxnet was designed to hit one specific target in the entire world. The event
is considered to be historic because it was the first confirmed act of cyber warfare.
Stuxnet was able to crash power grids or destroy oil pipelines. When anti-virus
experts saw the virus code, they understood that it was a completely different code
that they never saw before. Stuxnet virus open a new era of warfare

2) What is a danger that the creators of Stuxnet have created for other
industrial countries, including the United States? What is the greatest
fear created by Stuxnet?

Stuxnet showed other countries that no one is safe from it, and that every
country is vulenerable. In addition, Stuxnet virus code is out in the Internet, and
anyone have access to it. The code can be redesigned and used against countries.
This is the only the matter of time until the next “Stuxnet attack”.

3) Why are people (agents) needed “on the ground” in order for the
Stuxnert virus to work?

Stuxnet virus requires physical implantation in order to work. It increases the

probability of computer infection. In this case someone who have access to the
hardware used a memory stick that contained the virus. These people, usually know
the most vulnerable spots in the system.

4) Why did Iran, and American commentators, not consider Stuxnet an act
of war?

US government officials do not consider Stuxnet an act of war because the

people behind Stuxnet do not considers it an act of war.
Iranian officials did not respond to Stuxnet with war, and so they didn’t
considered it as an act of war.

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