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Feeling under the weather – feeling unwell

If you ever feel under the weather, just drink a lot of liquid and get plenty of rest.

2. Eleventh hour – at the last minute

To get flying colours for your exam, you must avoid doing things at the eleventh hour.

3. Around the corner – something is getting near

When exam is around the corner, students will start to feel the pressure of it.

4. Over the moon – feeling very happy

I am feeling over the moon for your invitation to visit your country!

5. On the cloud nine – feeling very happy

Jeane is feeling on the cloud nine after got the news that she is accepted to Harvard University.

6. Hit the books – study hard

You may need to start hitting the book because exam is around the corner.

7. Brainstorm – to think very hard

I recommend you to be in a study group so that you can brainstorm these tricky questions with

8. Birdbrain – expression for someone who is not so smart

Don’t be a handsome man with a birdbrain.

9. Bookworm – someone who likes reading

I am not telling you to be a bookworm, but you need to start reading more to write better essays.

10. Hang in there – don’t give up yet

Despite all the chaos happening in your house, just hang in there because after every storm, there
will always be a rainbow.

11. Give/lend a hand – to help someone

If you want to have a happier life, make it a habit to lend others a hand to achieve their goal.

12. Give it a shot – give it a try

Just give this competition a shot, you may be able to unleash your hidden potential.

13. Make up your mind – to decide something

I had to make up my mind as fast as lightning because my sister’s life is currently on the line.

14. Time flies – time passing fast

It is common to feel that time flies during an examination. So just keep track on your time and you
will never hand in an empty paper.

15. Speak your mind – say what you honestly feel

Quit beating around the bushes and speak your mind. I have no time to argue with your endless
mambo jumbo.
16. Beating around the bushes – avoid giving direct answer.
17. Mumbo jumbo – words that intend to confuse

18. Bear in mind – remember

I hope that I have shared enough information about how to write a good essay. Bear in mind that
you can always ask me for more tips and advices in the future!

19. Stretch our legs – get some exercise

Upon reaching Mount Kinabalu’s base point, we stretched our legs and prepare mentally for the

20. Cross my mind – to think about something

You crossed my mind too often lately that I cannot resist but to write you this letter.

21. Slip my mind – to forget something

Pardon me for my carelessness, I will make sure that this task will not slip my mind anymore in the

22. Give a piece of your mind – give some of your thoughts/ideas

Let me give you a piece of my mind about how to handle stress.

23. Cross your fingers – to wish good luck

I hope you have done your best in the competition. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope for the best!

24. Safe and sound – safe

I am glad that you reached in Tenom safe and sound. Send my regards to your family!

25. Out of the blue – without warning

Dark skies and raging thunders, it was terrifying. I was alone in the house and out of the blue, I heard
a sound of shattered glasses in the kitchen. It turned out my naughty cats dropped my favourite cup!

26. Get cold feet – getting nervous

I am pretty sure that Usain Bolt also gets cold feet before every competition. So worry no more. If he
can do it well in every race, so can you!

27. I’m all ears – I’m listening intently

I know that all those troubles in your house is bothering you a lot, but bear in mind that I’m all ears.

28. See eye to eye – agree with each other

To be able to see eye to eye with your partner is the key to a successful marriage. Even if you cannot
do so, compromise is the plan B!

29. At your fingertips – easily accessible

With the latest technology advancement nowadays, searching for information as detail as
someone’s home address is at our fingertips.

30. The bottom line – the final result

The bottom line of the research is that every yea, people eliminate tons of garbage in their

31. Rain check - to cancel something now but will accept it later
Due to my parents’ current financial situation, I need to take a rain check for the annual dinner.

32. A blessing in disguise – something good behind an event

Be strong my dear friend, believe that there is a blessing in disguise. This depressing event will make
you a better and stronger person in the future. Hang in there!

33. Every cloud has a silver lining – something good behind an event

34. Be in hot water – to be in dangerous situation

I regret my decision for coming to this adventure. Not only it was giving me a hard time surviving in a
deep forest, it also made me be in hot water when we encountered the tiger!

35. Call it a day – to stop something after working hard

I decided to call it a day after 5 hours of doing revisions and exercises.

36. Rome was not built in a day – things take time to succeed
Lee Chong Wei is among the greatest badminton player in the world because he started training
early. It shows that Rome was not built in a day. Greatness takes time to achieve.

37. You can’t judge a book by its cover – you cannot tell someone’s true personality simply by
I was feeling blue when I found out that I got that worst looking cookie among my friends. However,
it tasted phenomenal because the ugliness was cause by ample of chocolate chips! This made me
realize that we cannot judge a book by its cover.

38. Go to the extra mile – to make extra effort for something

In order to be better than your friends, you must go to the extra miles where nobody has been.

39. Bite your tongue – to avoid talking

Michone bit her tongue and squeezed the hands when they were making fun of her.

40. Grab a bite – eat

Remember to grab a bite before starting your day.

41. Practice makes perfect – with a lot of practices, you will get better
Just like the guy in the movie Whiplash, he practiced drumming all day and night because he knows
that practice makes perfect.

42. Raining cats and dogs – the rain is heavy and noisy
I was starting to feel worried, my parents still had not fetch me from school and I had a sixth sense
that it will rain cats and dogs soon!

43. You are what you eat – if you eat healthy food, you will get a healthy body
Obesity is a forever rising issue among every range of ages. So bear in mind that you are what you
eat. Start practicing healthy lifestyle now.
44. Race against the clock – an attempt to do something very quickly
Never race against the clock while finishing your assignments.

45. At the crack of dawn – early in the morning

We started our journey to conquer Mount Everest at the crack of dawn.

1. An arm and a leg – Very Expensive. Cost a large amount of money

That camera cost me an arm and a leg! I hope this will benefit me in the future as a photographer or
YouTuber because I really love taking pictures and videos.

2. Chew someone out – Verbally scold someone

Seems like our boss is looking to chew someone out with that straight face and vibe. We must hurry
our works and behave!

3. Crack someone up – To make someone laugh

I love cracking someone up with my videos.

4. Cross your fingers – To hope something happens the way you want it to
If you have done your best in something, just cross you fingers, hope for the best, and pray that you
will get what you deserved!

5. Get up on the wrong side of the bed – Someone who is having a horrible day
So many terrible things happened to me today. First, I forgot my wallet, then while walking to the
bus stop someone carelessly drove over the puddle and got my shoes wet, now I am scolded at the
office. I guess I got up on the wrong side of the bed today.

6. Pig out – To eat a lot and quickly

Ali just came back from a 3 days 2 nights camp in the jungle. The moment he reached home, he
pigged out and the slept the whole day.

7. To Steal someone’s thunder – Taking the credit from someone else

Nobody wants to work with Michael now because he tends to steal someone’s thunder on his
previous group projects.

8. Tie the knot – To get married

My aunt is finally tying the knot this Monday and my family cannot wait to attend it in London!

9. Head over heels – Very excited/joyful, especially when in love

I am head over heels when I realised there are lots of people reading and commenting my blog!

10. Hit the sack - Go to bed or go to sleep

I just had a long day at the training center today. I think I will hit the sack early today. Good night.

11. Hold you horses – be patient

I know that this situation is not very convenient for you, but hold your horses and don’t do
something you will regret. Patience is virtue.

12. A leopard cannot change his spots – You cannot change who you are
No matter how hard I try, I cannot please everyone I meet. A leopard cannot change his spots. If you
are not happy with who I am, then grab your bags and leave. I tried.

13. A drop in the bucket – A very small part of something big/whole

Try not to overwork and spend more time with your family. You are just a drop in the bucket in this
company. The moment you are sick or die, they will just replace you with someone else. However,
your family will always be there for you.

14. Bite your tongue – To avoid talking

When your parents are giving you a lecture, just bite your tongue.

15. Cut to the chase – Leave out all the unnecessary details and get straight to the point
I told Sami to just cut to the chase and tell me the whole story. So know I know everything about
your problem. Stay calm because I will always be here for you.

16. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch – Don’t rely on something until you are sure of it
Before taking a risky action, don’t count you chickens before they hatch. We must wait to have the
final results and discuss with everyone about this situation.

17. Get over it – To move beyond something that is bothering you

Even though we did not get the award for the best video, we must learn to get over it because there
will be more works and awards to look forward to.

18. Go out on a limb – Put yourself in a tough position in order to support someone/something
I went out on a limb to talk you out of that situation. Now you must straighten up and find yourself a
job and house.

19. Go to the extra mile – Going above and beyond whatever is required for the task at hand
If you want to achieve more things than others, you must go to the extra mile and do things that
other people do not do.

20. Graveyard shift – Working hours from about 12:00 am to 8:00 am. The time of the day when
most other people are sleeping
My father works at graveyard shift as a security guard. We rarely see him and if we do, he is always

21. He lost his head – Angry and overcome by emotions

After the accident and the death of his wife, Sam just lost his head and he is no longer the same
person we used to know.

22. Keep your chin up – To remain joyful in a tough situation

No matter how frustrating and depressing it is to lose a competition, we must keep our chin up
because next year we will be tougher and stronger.

23. Know the ropes – To understand the details

Don’t worry, Joe. We will show you the ropes in this line of work and you will be an expert in no

24. Face the music – To accept punishment for something you have done
After all the years of robberies, rapes, and murder, a gangster leader, Thomas Shelby is finally caught
and now facing the music of his crimes.

25. Gut feeling – Personal intuition you get, especially when something may not be right
I told you not to befriend him. I always had this gut feeling about him ever since I met him.

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