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Sarah May

Honors 100

25 Nov 2019

Autumn Quarter Reflection

I came into Autumn Quarter unsure about my major and unsure about my place at UW. I

filled my time with classes for both the majors I was considering (English and Political Science),

a Hall Council position, and writing for the Daily, hoping to find my niche and figure out what I

want to study. I struggled a lot with my major because English has been my plan for years and

political science wasn’t an interest of mine until last spring; I worried that I would always

wonder about the route I didn’t choose and I felt stressed about choosing right away because I

thought I had to get started on pre-reqs and requirements. I thought that Hall Council would be

boring but a good way to meet people and get familiar with my new surroundings, and I worried

that the Daily might be a bit more journalism focused rather than the skills I wanted to work on,

namely writing or research.

Now, in week 9, it feels like I’ve come a long way from that place. I almost immediately

recognized that Political Science was the major I wanted. I’d been leaning towards it for months

but was worried that if I chose it, I would regret not doing English. Now, I don’t feel rushed or

unsure; my political science coursework this quarter convinced me that that’s what I want to do

and my work with advisors in both Honors and other departments helped me realize that

switching majors is always a possibility, and I don’t have to worry about missing out on other

study routes by choosing a major that I enjoy now.

I also found that while Hall Council is a really good place to meet people, it’s also a

really growing experience that I’m thoroughly enjoying. I’ve been able to apply leadership skills

I gained in high school to a position with more autonomy and responsibility than I’ve had before.

This helped me realize that that’s what a want out of a career and a work environment, and I’m

really grateful that I’ve been able to figure that out now so I can prioritize going forward.

The Daily has really pushed me out of comfort zone but in the best way possible. I’ve

learned a lot about my work style and writing style that I didn’t know before, and I’ve become

much more confident in my communication and research skills. I’m looking forward to

continuing to grow those skills and hopefully gain some new ones next quarter.

In Honors 100, I learned about a lot of experiential learning opportunities that really

appeal to me and the things I’m hoping to gain from my education here are UW. I particularly

hope to participate in an Honors Study Abroad while I’m here because they cover a range of

really interesting topics and locations, and I wouldn’t have known anything about them if it

hadn’t been for Honors 100. I’m even considering applying to one in Italy this summer.

By the end of my first year in Honors, I hope to have acquired some credits and

completed my first experiential learning (Hall Council). I also hope to be going on a study

abroad (hopefully through the honors program!) and getting some credits for either of my majors

or Honors Core Curriculum that way. I hope that I’ve studied some really cool things through the

unique courses offered through Honors; I’ve already had a great start on that with my Game

Theory class this quarter. I hope that I feel like I’m on the right path for my career and my

By the end of my time at UW, I hope to have a clear plan for graduate school and my

career, but I also hope that I feel confident in my abilities and the things I’ve learned in

undergraduate school. I want to feel ready for the next step and for anything life or my career

may throw at me. So far, Honors has made me feel much more prepared for any possible

obstacles I may reach, and I feel very confident that through Honors I will feel the same way by


Words: 704

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