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The Law of Place

Wealthy Life

Dy Wakefield
WAKEFIELD. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including
photocopying, without written permission of the publisher. It is illegal to
copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means
without permission from the publisher.

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture is from the King James Version of the
Scripture quotations marked ERV are from the Easy-to-Read Version ©
2006 by the Bible League International. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked TLB are from The Living Bible, copyright ©
1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Wheaton, IL
60189. All rights reserved.

To learn more about Empowering You Events and its owner Dy Wakefield
visit her website:

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The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of this material.
This book is strictly for informational and educational purposes.

Warning – Disclaimer
The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and/or
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Cover Image: From Big Stock Photo Company

Take your heels off, loosen up your bra strap, rest
your crown and scepter, sit and visit with me for a
while as you delve into my book.
~Dy Wakefield

Photo purchased from Big Stock

Dear Queen
As your Queenly duty you must rule righteously on the throne
therefore this book will empower you to rule successfully by
setting regal standards in you Queenpire, Queendom or
According to Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, “Let us make man
in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over
the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the
livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that
creeps on the earth.”

The scripture is stating that you were born to rule and reign by
taking dominion on this earth and you can do this through your
businesses creating wealth not just for you and your family for
generations but also to impact your community. To be able to do
this you have to have God in the center of everything.
I decree I declare you walk in your Wealthy Place!


Queen Dy Wakefield

To God Be the Glory!

Empowering Women to
Perceive their Destiny TM
Awake O Queen, from
slumbering! Arise, and sit
on your throne to decree.TM
 Queen Dy
The Law of Place
The place you are destined to
fulfill your purpose. The place
you are producing, increasing and
succeeding in your business and
life. The place where your light
shines. The place you dominate.
Where You are Headed .............................................8
But People don’t take me Serious ................................. 12
But I had to give up on my Dream .............................. 15
Okay I am Destiny Bound ........................................ 19
Here’s the Keys to your Place ..................................... 24
In Closing… ........................................................ 27
Decree of “Now”..................................................... 28
Journal ............................................................... 29
The Law of Place

Where You are Headed

Destiny is where you are going and Purpose is what you are
going to be doing when you get there. ~Dy Wakefield

Wealthy Life

Are you in a place you feel lost or not fulfilled in
life? Are you tired of going through the motions of
life? Are you scared to do something because you
think you will fail? Are the influences in your life
negative that would change your mind to go and do
something new?

Well Queen what about you? What about your

enjoyment in life? Why are you giving all your time
in others and not in yourself? You only have one
life so live it to the fullest.

For once in your life I want you to be SELFISH.

I want you to think only about you. Are you
happy? This is the time to make a decision; you are
at the crossroads of your life.

What have you dreamed about doing for a long

time but never pursued it? Why want you step out
and do it now? Are there people holding you back?
Is there a person controlling you? Do you think
you will lose a friend if you do something different?
Then you need to reevaluate your friendships.

The Law of Place

Friendships are there to support, encourage and lift

you up not bring you down and control you.

Girl, I made many mistakes with so called friends

by my own wrong decisions I dropped the right
friends and held on to the wrong ones. The Holy
Ghost showed me my mistakes and the wrong path
it led me. I had to go through a process of crawling
out of that hole and gaining courage to let those
wrong friends go.

Girl, I had to let people go and really find myself

and through finding myself I began loving myself
and seeing the path and the place I needed to go to
succeed. The Law of Place determining factor is
who you associate with.

Okay let’s get back to you. You are special you

were born with a purpose.

A dream is a reality in your mind that just will not go away it’s like a
monkey on your back telling you to do something; it’s a problem with a life
purpose that wants you to awaken to it to walk you in your destiny. It will
stay with you until it is fulfilled or it will die with you unfulfilled.
~Dy Wakefield.

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Wealthy Life

You need to find yourself by asking yourself

questions about what you like and don’t like. Then
through all those questionings you will see how
many people have influenced your life’s path.

Here are ten questions to get you started:

1. What’s your favorite movie?
2. What’s your favorite song?
3. What’s your favorite book?
4. What makes you laugh?
5. What makes you cry?
6. What makes you angry?
7. What do you see yourself doing if you knew you
couldn’t fail?
8. Do you feel stuck in your current job? Intimate
relationship? Friendships?
9. Do people go the other way when they see you
coming? Or do they embrace you?
10. Will it be okay? Are you okay?

Once you know what you like, don’t like and what
you want to do. Then begin getting rid of people
who have weighed you down, who are controlling
you and who are mooching off you. If you are
scared of some of these people get someone to help
you even if it has to be a police officer.

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The Law of Place

But People don’t take me Serious

Then I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Who can I send?
Who will go for us?” So I said, “Here I am. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8 ERV

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Wealthy Life

Maybe people do not take you serious, therefore get

serious about your mission and vision of your
business. Take a break from people and become
focus on what and where you want your business to
go. If you have to go back to school and get
training do so. If you have to cut off some negative
friends and family do so. If you have to be isolated
for a time to get things done, do so.

You need to step out and do something not in the

norm so people will see you doing things in a more
serious manner. Then come back strong through
marketing tactics and don’t say a word just let your
success silence them.

You would need a support system to help you, just

like Ruth had with Naomi in the bible. Naomi was a
wise woman whom Ruth took her advice and by
that advice Ruth end up marrying one of the richest
man in that town.

Ruth being a courage woman decided for herself to

leave the place she grew up in to go to another
country with Naomi. Ruth left traditions and
wrong mindsets to follow a wise woman and by
doing so she succeeded in the end.

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The Law of Place

Break free and transform yourself as a Ruth:

 A woman of courage
 A woman who honors
 A woman who take the path less traveled
 A woman who follows instructions
 A woman of confidence

You can take those qualities and apply them in your

business. If you feel stuck in your business you can
take advice from a successful business woman that
can give you tips to help get unstuck. By honoring
this successful business woman she can take you
and keep you on a path of success. You can also
look at your business as a whole to see if the
location is right for your company you may have to
change locations. Whatever you do you must take
courage and have confidence to step out.

Read the Book of Ruth to learn about this woman

who stepped out on faith and took a risk that lead
her on the right path that connected her with the
right person and the rest is HERSTORY.

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Wealthy Life

But I had to give up on my Dream

The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your
loving-kindness, Lord, continues forever. Don’t abandon
me—for you made me. Psalm 138:8 TLB

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The Law of Place

You may feel that because you are married you can’t
fulfill your purpose because your husband purpose
is more important.

You may feel because you have kids that you can’t
fulfill your purpose because you have to put your
kids first so you decide to never go for your
purposeful dreams.

All of that are LIES from the PIT OF HELL!

Who said that you can’t fulfill your purpose because
your husband is the breadwinner, or your husband’s
career is popping now? Who said that you can’t
fulfill your purpose because you had a child?

God created you, your husband and your kids all

with a purpose so that means God wants all of you
guys to fulfill those purposes and be successful in
your marriage, be successful in your family and be
successful in your purposes.

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Wealthy Life

Most successful people who get to the top of the

mountain of success by forgetting about their
spouse and children could tell you they wished they
would have spent time with them. They would tell
you they were chasing the dream and money and
forgot about their spouse and kids. THAT IS NOT
GOD’S PLAN. God wants you to have it all the
successful family and careers. BUT the only way
for this to happen is to put GOD FIRST.

When you put God first He would be the one to

show you how to succeed.
 God would tell you if that job is okay to take.
He would know if you took that job that you
would be working more hours than what the
job description stated.
 God would be the one to tell you if that
location is okay to move to. He would know
if you moved to that location that you would
have trouble with those neighbors or if it
would turn into a high crime area.

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The Law of Place

 God would be the one to tell you if putting

your children in after school clubs and sports
is okay. He would know that if you children
join that after school club or sports team they
would fail their class.

When you seek God He would know what path you

need to take.

Omniscience God is all knowing

Omnipresence God is everywhere

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Wealthy Life

Okay I am Destiny Bound

Place: (1) a specific area or region of the world, (2) a
particular city, country, etc. (3) a building or area that is
used for a particular purpose and (4) a building, part of a
building, or area that is used for shelter.
~Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

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The Law of Place

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of
thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.
Genesis 12:1

The above scripture is stating that God was telling

Abram to leave to get away from wrong ideologies,
traditions, religions, family drama, and
complacency. God wanted to take him to a place of
opportunity, advancement and living the good life.

There are times in your life that you will have to

leave either (a) remove yourself from things you
have been taught which is basically changing your
mindset or (b) removing yourself physically from
where you are to a place you will prosper, grow,
develop and produce.

Changing your mindset

The change in location can be your mindset. Once
you begin to change how you think, you will be able
to break free from things and people that held you

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Wealthy Life

Changing your mindset could be a period of

isolating yourself from family, friends and anyone
or anything that has been influencing you.

You have to seek successful people and basically be

hungry to listen and learn from them as your mind
is detoxifying itself from all wrong mindsets.

You have to take courage because people will call

you a loner, an old fuddy duddy, party pooper but
just brush those words off and seek the wisdom to
get you to the place you have been dreaming of.

During this time you could be going back to school

to improve your life skills and/or professional skills.

Changing your physical location

The change in location can be literally leaving to
explore new horizons because where you are at now
there is no advancements.

You’ve change your mindset, you let go of those

who were holding you back and you are free. You
know yourself and what you want in life and your
current location is not there.

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The Law of Place

Take courage and follow the Holy Ghost leading to

a place where He will advance and prosper you.

Don’t make the mistake of bringing your past, old

ideologies, traditions, and religions with you in this
new area. You should have let that go when you
changed your mindset.

Also you may have to go at it alone unless you are

married, have children and etc. other than that say
your goodbyes.

Don’t make the same mistake Abram did where he

let his nephew Lot tag along after God only told
Abram to leave and take his wife and their
belongings. Lot could see there was something
better elsewhere and he could see his uncle had a
great idea to leave so he left with him. Lot was a
distraction and hindrance to Abram which caused a
lot of problems amongst them so they had to

If people want to tag along and you know it is not

wise let them go and/or say no.

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Wealthy Life

Wrong people rarely leave voluntarily, release them.”

-Dr. Mike Murdock

After Lot was out of Abraham’s life God was able

to speak to Him and reveal to him what his purpose

Abraham became a very wealthy man in this new

territory. According to Genesis 24:35 And the Lord
hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become
great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and
silver, and gold, and menservants, and
maidservants, and camels, and asses.

Take courage and be led where God is leading you

He will take care of you there and reveal your
purpose as you seek Him in the discovery of it.

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The Law of Place

Here’s the Keys to your Place

Immerse yourself in the Word of God all these scriptures
deal with going to a place. Read them morning, noon and
night and listen to what God tells you in regards to your
destiny the place you are to take dominion of and be

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Wealthy Life

And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying,

Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to
Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded
a widow woman there to sustain thee.
1 Kings 17:8-9

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out
of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.
Genesis 12:1

But now I must obey the Spirit and go to Jerusalem.

I don’t know what will happen to me there. Acts
20:22 ERV

And when they were departed, behold, the angel of

the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying,
Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and
flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee
word: for Herod will seek the young child to
destroy him. Matthew 2:13

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The Law of Place

And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How

long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which
the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?
Joshua 18:3

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after

our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26

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Wealthy Life

In Closing…
Find you, let go of some people and seek God and finally
Girl go live your dream.

I bless your customers and clients. I bless them to pay your

expertise prices. I bless them to be a blessing to you. I bless
your business to be a blessing to the community and the
Kingdom of God. I bless your business to make money 24/7
because according to Isaiah 60:11 your gates shall be open
continually; day and night they shall not be shut, that people
may bring to you the wealth of the nations, with their kings led
in procession.. I bless your staff to help you fulfill your
business dreams. I bless you with creative ability and wisdom.
I bless you and your family for more quality family time
together. I bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I decree Psalm 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:18 over your life and
business "[You and Your Business] will be like a trees planted
by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruits in its season; its
income sources shall never wither or [stop streaming] and
whatsoever your business does shall prosper. [You] won't fear
when [competition] comes, and [Your Business] leaves will be
green [prosperous]. In a year of drought [recession, depression]
[You] won't be concerned, nor will [Your Business] stop
producing fruit.

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The Law of Place

Decree of “Now”

If you laid down your dream, you know, that business, that ministry,
those dance shoes, that baby, that ball, that tool, pick it up.

Pick it up I say, Pick it up!

You are in the Spirit of Now.

Now I can have that Business.

Now I can have that Missions Ministry.
Now I can Dance.
Now I can have that Baby.
Now I can play Pro Basketball
Now I can be a Mechanic
Now! Now!

Say Now and Pick it Up!

Decree over your life! Decree that whatever dream you let die or put
aside that you pick it up Now. Decree you will get goals for it.
Decree you will find a mentor to help you. Decree over your life!

- Dy Wakefield

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Wealthy Life





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The Law of Place





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The Law of Place





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Wealthy Life



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For Inquiries:
Empowering You Events, LLC.
501 Old Greenville Hwy
Ste 8 PMB 393
Clemson, SC 29631

Telephone 864.986.0588
Prayer Request 864.506.8593

The Wealthy Woman Dy Morning Show

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The Law of Place

God as your Business Partner

If your tired of trying to do things your way in life and

business, how about giving Jesus a try? Ask Jesus to be the
Lord and Savior over your life and business. Allow Him to
come into your heart. Be sincere. Be fed up with how
your life and business is going now and tell Jesus you will
try Him. All I ask is for you to just try Him. Your life will
never be the same. Give Him a try.
Please repeat after me, “Jesus come into my heart, I am
tired of living the life I am living now. I confess that you
died on the cross for my sins and rose again. Jesus I
choose you to be the Lord and Savior over my life. God I
also want you to be my Business Partner in the Name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.”
A gift for you
If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord, Savior, and
Business Partner, please write to me or email me [See
Contact Page] to receive your gift book “New Beginnings
as Queen and Priestess.”
In your letter or email include your full name, address and
phone number. (We will only call you if we have issues with
mailing of your book).

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Wealthy Life

Prayer for Healing

Lord according to Isaiah 45:11 I command your hand to stretch

forth according to Acts 4:30 and to cast out unclean spirits from
this Queen, heal every sickness and disease and resurrect things
in her life and that signs and wonders may be done by the name
of thy holy child Jesus. Jesus identify with this Queen as a baby
in her mother’s womb at the time she was experiencing seeds of
rejection which took root and clouded her whole perception of
life. Heal her heart and set her free. Awaken this Queen and
remove scales from her eyes. Lord forgive her of any sins of
commission and omission. I apply the blood of Jesus, deposit
the Dunamis Power and shine the Glory Light of Jesus in her
soul in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. Be healed
and be made whole Queen!

Faith Confession:
But [Jesus] saw (me) and he called (me) and said to (me),
“Woman, you are released from your affliction.”

To really be set free and healed you must forgive. Start off with
your parents (if you know them or not) but say Lord I forgive
my parents of their sins against me. Then ask God to reveal to
you people you need to forgive. When He shows you ask Him
to give you the power to forgive them and one by one forgive
them from what they did to you so you can be free.

Acknowledgement: I want to thank John and Paula Sandford for

their teaching “Healing prenatal wounds and sins” which was a part
of the prayer. .

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The Law of Place

Walking in your Queenly Authority

PLEASE NOTE: You must be saved or in other words you must
have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by confessing
that with your mouth before you can be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Please repeat after me, “I am now reborn! I am a Christian - a child
of Almighty God! I am saved! You also said in Your Word, “If ye
then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children:
HOW MUCH MORE shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit
to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13). I’m also asking You to fill me
with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God.
I fully expect to speak with other tongues as You give me the
utterance (Acts 2:4). In Jesus’ Name. Amen!”
Begin to praise God for filling you with the Holy Spirit. Speak
those words and syllables you receive - not in your own language, but
the language given to you by the Holy Spirit. You have to use your
own voice. God will not force you to speak. Don’t be concerned
with how it sounds. It is a heavenly language!
Continue with the blessing God has given you and pray in the spirit
every day. You are a born-again, Spirit-filled believer. You’ll never
be the same!

Acknowledgement: This Baptism in the Holy Spirit prayer is from

Kenneth Copeland Ministry my spiritual parents and partner.

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Wealthy Life

Show Your Commitment

Think about documenting your commitment to God as

your Business Partner. Commit to giving 10% of all your
business revenues to your local church as Tithes. Commit
to give a portion (per your discretion) of your revenues to
help the poor (God’s Heart is to the poor). If you do not
have a church, ask God to direct you to the right church.
As a Business Partner He can direct you in the right
products and services, right pricing levels for your products
and services, who to hire and who not to hire, who to fire,
who to have as clients or who not to deal with. God can
reveal things to you that you cannot discern with your eyes.
Let God lead you and watch Him accelerate your business.
One thing to remember, do not forget that God is the one
that gave you this wisdom and enablement. Praise God in
all you do. Always share your testimony to others of the
Goodness of God in your life.
Business women who have God as their Partner:
 Mary Kay Ash - Mary Kay Cosmetics
 Madam CJ Walker - Black Hair Care
 Mary C Crowley - Home Interiors and Gifts
 Dy Wakefield - Several Companies

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The Law of Place

About the Author

Dy Wakefield, The Queen of Wealth Advice ™ is an Author, Speaker,

Radio Host, Tax Strategist, Social Entrepreneur, and Network Marketing
Dy is the founder of Wealthy Woman Dy Investments, Inc., Dy
Wakefield International, LLC. and Empowering You Events (EYE).
Dy has over 20 years in Accounting, Bookkeeping, Tax Preparations and
Business Start-Up. Dy received her BS in Accounting from Clemson
University and a Master in Finance specializing in Financial Planning from
Kaplan University.
Dy has dedicated her life to empower women by awakening the Queen
inside into leaders to own businesses and to be world changers. To help
them achieve their destiny through a balanced life and excellence.
Queen Dy’s passion for helping women stems from personal experience
of being under paid and underappreciated in corporate America. She wants
to break the cycle by helping birth out leaders. 'Dy' is the acronym for
"delivery" and she calls herself the midwife for business women. Being a
double minority Black and Woman, Dy at times felt like she was at the
bottom of the totem pole but she knows that it is God's grace and faith that
elevate you not what society has limited you to.
Queen Dy passion to help women has led her to puts on annual
EMPOWERING YOU Events. These events are live seminar geared
toward Women who are interested in starting a business or already have a
business. This event is a sisterhood to EMPOWER. TRAIN. CREATE to
be Wealthy and Healthy. This event will focus on the importance of
balance in FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS and FINANCE as women
embrace the role of Queen ruling and reigning in their business Queendom.
The events motto is Empowering Women to Perceive their Destiny™

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EYE Partnership

To learn more about what each partnership level’s offers and its
pricing please go to

I promise to do the following for you:

1. Offers per partnership type [GO TO WEBSITE TO SEE
a. One-time Partnership
b. Monthly Partnership
c. Royal Partnership
d. Queen of Sheba Partnership
e. Queen Esther Partnership
2. Monthly Empowerment Partner Letter
3. Monthly Empowering You Magazine
4. Monthly Empowerment Teaching CD or USB by Dy
5. Commit to pray for you, your family and business daily
6. Commit to stand in agreement with your prayers to God and
your faith. Note: Pray with right motives James 4:3
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all
of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership.
Philippians 1:3-5

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Books by Dy Wakefield

Dy Wakefield International, LLC.:
1. How Dr. Mike Murdock Inspire Me to be a Millionaire
2. I Am Myself Again: How to Break Free from Controlling
3. When All Hopes Are Lost: Empower Yourself
4. Your Gratitude Determines Your Blessings: A 30 Day
Gratitude Journal
5. Couponing 101: Compilation from Wealthy Woman Dy Blog
6. Dream Journal: Awake to the Mysteries of the Night
7. 10 Minutes with God: Shutting everything down to hear
from God
8. Be Healed in Jesus Name: Demanding your healing from
9. I Am Myself Again Journal: A Companion Journal for
10. Soul Vacation: Taking Time out to Heal your Soul
11. Stop Giving your Control Away: A Complement to “I Am
Myself Again” book
12. A Biblical Account of Financial Prosperity: Scriptural
13. Hiding behind the Auto Correct: Living with Dyslexia
14. Faith, Family, Fitness and Finance Decrees: Achieving
15. Prayer Journal: How to keep track of your Answered Prayers?
16. Seed Journal: How to keep track of your Charitable Giving?

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Wealthy Life

17. Vow Journal: How to keep track of your Vows to God?

18. I know who I Am, I know Whose I Am: Building up Your
Faith to be Confident in Who You Are
19. Be Fruitful and Multiply: Building up Your Faith to Increase
your Family
20. Blessings Journal: How to keep track of all the gifts big or
small you receive?
21. The Seed, The Dormant Seed & The Harvest: Germination
of Your Life

Wealthy Woman Dy Investments, Inc.:
1. How Individuals Can Save On Taxes: Year End Strategies
2. Start Your Own Business and Create the Lifestyle You Want
3. Quotes for Aspiring Business Owners: Inspiration to Start a
4. Quotes for Small Business Owners: Inspiration to Run your
5. Queen Dy’s Decree: 7 Decrees to walk you in your Business
Wealthy Place
6. Aspiring Business Woman: Start Your Own business
7. The Queen in You: 3 Steps to your Business Queendom
8. 3 Types of Business Queens: Which One are You?
9. Charitable Queen: Tikkun Olam-Using your business to Heal
the World
10. The Ezine Years: Compilation of Article by Dy Wakefield
11. Be the Business Queen you were Born to Be: Stop living your
life as a Movie or TV Character

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The Law of Place

12. Business Tax Strategies: Multiplying your Business

Queendom’s Wealth
13. How to Protect your Real Estate Assets: Worry Free Estate
14. Owning Property with Tax Lien Certificates: Low Risk
15. Empowering Queens: Birthing out the Entrepreneurial Spirit
16. The Queen on the Throne: Ruling Successfully in your
17. Ruling as Queen: Inspiration from Queen Esther
18. How to Write a Book: A 7 Step Guide
19. Expanding your Queendom: Creative Ideas for other Streams
of Income
20. Power is in your Purpose: Emancipation to a Queendom
21. Power, Purpose, Position, Place and Power: 5 P’s of a
Successful Queen
22. The Queen in You Journal: A Companion Journal to The
Queen in You book
23. Aspiring Business Woman Journal: A Companion Journal to
Start your Own Business
24. Establishing your Business Queenpire from the Kingdom of
25. Awake O Queen from Slumbering!: Arise and sit on your
Throne to Decree
26. Throne Cleaning: Removing the Wicked Officials - How to
Identify Toxic and Difficult Employees

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Wealthy Life

27. Shaved my Legs and Nowhere to Go: What is keeping you

from your Business Destiny?
28. Queen, are you dealing with Stress? Managing Stress in your
29. Increase: Preparing your Queendom
30. Your Queendom the Territory you Control: How to make it
31. Ideas, Concepts, Strategies & Solutions Journal: Power to get
Wealth for your Business Queendom
32. Business Women of the Bible: 4 Areas of Establishment
33. Renaissance Woman: Focus on One thing, Huh???

Empowering You Events, LLC.:
1. Empowering You Decrees: Moving you into Now!
2. Successful Business Women: You too can be One
3. Delegation: Organizing your Company and Beyond
4. Run Your Race: Stay Focused
5. Most Likely to Succeed: You?
6. Unglued: Overcoming Anxiety and Confusion
7. The Queen: Repairer of the Breach
8. Confessions of a Business Queen
9. The Law of Place: Your Wealthy Place
10. The Law of Position: Prominence

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The Law of Place

Queen Dy is a Charitable Queen

Eight (8) Philanthropic areas of Empowering Women and Girls

Our Global Division

Women's Economic - support entrepreneurship, advocacy and
eradicating poverty, homelessness, and hunger

Dy is bridging the gap by helping women in war torn and

impoverished countries through Economic Empowerment so they
can impact their communities.

Our United States Division

Women's Health – encourage annual checkups, research, education
and advocacy
Women's Education - support accredited, post-secondary
institutions in South Carolina, support organizations for literacy and
learning disabilities
Women in Arts - support fashion, etiquette, literature, performing
arts, media arts, and visual arts
Women's Protection - support eradicating modern slavery, women
prisoners transition and domestic violence shelters
Women with Guns - support and honor women in the military,
women working in the field of homeland security, women forest
rangers, and police women
Women who Fly - Supporting organizations that encourage Women
in Aviation
Women in Sports - Supporting Women in Sports

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Wealthy Life

You no longer have

to work for The Man
you can be the
- Dy Wakefield

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The Law of Place

Deuteronomy 30:19
[When you make a decision to ‘Choose Life’ you are
deciding to Live and Be Blessed. If you decide to choose
the other way you are deciding to Die and Be Cursed. To
make it easy for you God is saying ‘CHOOSE LIFE’.]

Choose Life to live and fulfill your destiny on earth! Don’t

give up on life by choose the other alternative. There is a
vision inside of you that must be fulfilled. Choose to
follow your purpose!

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Wealthy Life

By having your own business

you do not have to worry about
status quo or equal pay because
you are creating your own wealth
without limits.
~Dy Wakefield

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The Law of Place

Thanks and Honor

To God Be the Glory (God, Jesus & the Holy Ghost)

My mama Carolyn Elizabeth Wakefield

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Ministry

Dr. Mike Murdock Ministry
Drs. Creflo & Taffi Dollar Ministry
Jesse & Cathy Duplantis Ministry
Gary & Drenda Keesee Ministry
Apostle Leroy & Carolyn Thompson Ministry
Keith & Phyllis Moore Ministry
Jerry & Carolyn Savelle Ministry
Dr. Peter J. & Robina Daniels
Drs. Bill & Veronica Winston Ministry
Drs. Nassir & Anita Siddiki Ministry
Apostle Fred KC & Betty Price Ministry
Charles Capps Ministry
Kenneth Hagin Ministry

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, Melekh Ha`olam- Blessed are

You My God the King of the Universe

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