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Dhia Fitri Ananda


The Library of UPN Veteran Jakarta University

Sumber dari tanggal 7 Oktober 2019.

This is the library of UPN Veteran Jakarta University. The location at Rumah Sakit Fatmawati Street,
Jakarta. The library has 2 floor. The first floor is reading room and reference room and the second floor is
a collection room, a circulation, a internet's room, locker loan, 2 focus group discussion's room, and
staff's room. It has clear and big glass around the room and lamps, so it has a good lighting. The type of
collections are text books, references, theses, etc. The strong, big, steel bookshelves are placed in order
and it can fulfilled the collections. The temparature is 18°C. The tables are big, strong, and made of
wood. In my opinion, the library was small, but it was comfortable to do assignment, discussion, reading
book, etc.

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