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Review of Related Literature

Theory of Mind

Human mind have a capability and ability to help us to be aware of the

things around us and it is also a means of surviving from the factors that
may harm us. The human mind is the superior of all the parts in our body
and it is the one who decides on what to do. There are theories that explain
how human mind works; one of it is The Theory of mind. Premack and
Woodruff (1978) stated on his Theory of mind that the mind has the
potential to attribute mental states insights, thoughts, desires, emotions,
wisdom, etc.- to oneself and others, and to understand that someone has a
unique views, wishes, motives, and ideas form one's own. The theory of
mind is crucial to everyday human social interactions and is used to analyze,
judge and infuse behaviors of others.

Brain mechanisms of social cognition (Sub-Theory)

This theory really explained well what is the function of the mind and
how it works, but same of the other things it maybe also have defects, it
cannot escape the factors that may damage it, one of that is Autism. Autism
is an impairment to social interaction, anyone who have this impairment is
afraid or do not want to face people. Brothers (1996) states that a network
of neural locations containing this so-called interactional mind such as the
amygdala. Since the psychiatric condition of autism in adolescent years
includes deficits in social an amygdala abnormality may cause autism. In this
article we investigate proof of the amygdala’s social function.

The Nature of Behavior of Children with Autism Spectrum

Disorder. Miller (2019) states that mental imbalance range issue (ASD) is a
formative issue that is set apart by two surprising sorts of practices:
shortages in correspondence and social connection, and limited or redundant
practices. This guide diagrams how to distinguish ASD side effects in
youngsters and best practices for determination and treatment of children on
the range. This statement states the behavior of a child with ASD which
means having a repetitious of their actions. It helps us to determine the
behavior of a child with ASD.

Bullying Experiences. Schroeder et al. (2014) states that hardly any

examinations have explored tormenting encounters among kids determined
to have mental imbalance range issue (ASD); in any case, primer research
recommends that youngsters with ASD are at more serious hazard for being
harassed than normally creating companions. The point of the present
examination was to construct a comprehension of tormenting encounters
among kids with ASD dependent on parent reports by looking at rates of
different types of harassing, investigating the relationship among
exploitation and psychological well-being issues, and researching individual
and logical factors as associates of exploitation. Exploitation was identified
with kid age, disguising and externalizing emotional well-being issues,
correspondence challenges, and number of companions at school, just as
parent psychological well-being issues. The purpose of this present
examination was to build an understanding of bullying experiences among
children with ASD, investigating the relationship between abuse and mental
prosperity issues. Since bullying and affect, have investigated bullying
experiences among children resolved to have mental awkwardness range

The Support of Parents and Teachers. Bromley et al. (2004) stated

that (Chang, 2019) guardians of youngsters with medically introverted
range issue (ASDs) are bound to encounter genuine mental trouble than
guardians of kids with other formative incapacity. To inspect the effect of a
scope of variables on mental prosperity, interviews were attempted with 68
moms of youngsters with ASDs to investigate parts of social help,
psychological well-being status and fulfillment with administrations.
Discoveries showed that over portion of moms screened positive for huge
mental misery and this was related with low degrees of family support and
with raising a youngster with more elevated amounts of testing conduct.
Moms were bound to report lower levels of help on the off chance that they
were a solitary parent, were living in poor lodging, or were the mother of a
kid with ASD. The examination additionally explored zones of helpful help
and territories of neglected need, the last including consideration breaks and
exhortation needs. The support of immediate

Related International Studies

1. Autistic children might be hard to understand since they typically display

behaviors and mannerisms that are considered ill-mannered which could
typically result in problems when in a social situation. Problem behaviors are
a common concern for young children with developmental disabilities,
including autism. Epidemiological studies suggest that 13 to 30% of young
children engage in problem behaviors that warrant intervention (Emerson,
1995; McDougal & Hiralall, 1998), and that young children with limited
communication skills and/or poor social development are particularly at risk
for the development of problem behaviors (Borthwick-Duffy, 1996; Koegel,
Koegel, & Surratt, 1992). Problem behaviors such as physical aggression,
self-injury, property destruction, pica, stereotypy, defiance, tantrums, and
disruption are major barriers to effective education and social development
(Horner, Diemer, & Brazeau, 1992; Reichle, 1990). This shows that it is not
that uncommon for autistic children to behave in an undesirable way and
that they could potentially harm themselves due to their aggressiveness.
This also relays that these behaviors of them can potentially be a barrier to
them having an effective education and to relating to their same-age peers.
Young children who engage in problem behaviors are at increased risk for
exclusion and isolation from educational settings, social relationships, typical
home environments, and community activities (Sprague & Rian, 1993). This
literature's message is that problem behaviors are omnipresent and young
kids with autism are especially at danger of developing problem behaviors.
Once problem behaviors become an established part of a child’s behavioral
repertoire, the problem behaviors are not likely to decrease in the absence
of intervention. Problem behaviors are maintained by their functional effect.
Unless there are changes in the value of, availability of, or access to the
consequences maintaining problem behaviors, there should not be an
expectation that problem behaviors will decrease (Oliver, Murphy, & Corbett,
1987; Rojahn, 1994). Purposefully not intervening or waiting up problem
behaviors in the hope that children will grow them is not effective. This is
interesting for it states why most autistic children have problematic
behaviors and that how it is considerably hard to try to lessen these
manners. This gives us a perspective when seeing an autistic child with ill-
manners and understanding why their behaviors won’t usually change.

2. Aller (2017) conducted a systematic review examining the developmental

effect that classrooms have on kids diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD). Nine papers included in this research led in a comprehensive
review of current literature. The prevalent topics recognized in the literature
include: socialization; preparedness of teachers; educational effect of age;
and educational individuality. Results stated that education alone does not
affect kids with ASD growth. In order to fill the gap in literature concerning
the cognitive developmental impact instructional environments produce and
determinants of the best instructional environment for kids with ASD, further
study requires to be done. Her study covers through one of the most
overlooked aspect in the lives of kids with ASD which is how their learning
environment is, how the classroom of the kids and students with autism
itself affect their condition. She cited out other references that supported her
own review. One of many references she cited according to the factor of
social interaction, Gengoux (2014) states that kids with ASD had more
interactions with kids without ASD in inclusive environments, which were
explored in short priming sessions. Majoko (2016) states that the factor of
the impact of the teacher’s preparedness, research found through interviews
that educators thought that social rejection, impairment of communication,
and behavioral difficulties of kids with ASD intervened with integration in
mainstream schools. Majoko's primary argument based on his findings is
that training of teachers, collaboration of stakeholders, and
institutionalization of social support facilities and programs would promote
integration. Lastly, her review digs into the educational effect of age. et al.
(2015) initiated a qualitative study aimed at identifying the complications of
achieving the needs of teenagers with ASD in high school settings. Results
showed: there was an impression that secondary schools did not adequately
address the educational needs of adolescents with ASD; there were
ineffective or inconsistent interventions; and there were limited suitable
programs and transition services (Kcharczyk et al., 2015). Her review makes
us ponder over these, like I’ve mentioned before, overlooked aspects in the
daily lives of autistic people. In is often mention that socialization and the
upbringing of these kids are huge factors that their condition, but to what
specific context are we looking at? This gives us awareness that every little
thing around us is a suspect, a concept, an idea, and could be something for
the betterment of the lives of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

3. Here's a crisp report which was made just recently. It was a kind of
experimentation finished with the coordinated effort with University of
Washington and Seattle Children's Research Institute.And what's so good at
this is that it experienced various analyses and is continuously advancing.
Chang (2019) conducted a research about autism recently which explained
about how early exposure to air pollution in life can lead to autism for
anyone. Researchers have linked aerial emissions to a greater danger of
autism, particularly traffic-related air pollution, and then this latest study
has a kind of response to how this link operates. Specialists led tries
different things with mice and found that formative introduction to diesel
fumes could cause unpretentious changes in the structure of the cerebral
cortex (the external layer of neural tissue of the cerebrum of the mind), as
found in the cerebrums of mentally unbalanced patients. Costa (2109) states
that this study gives a creature model that will permit further examinations
on the natural believability for a relationship between air contamination and
mental imbalance range issue, which shows up in Brain, Behavior and
Immunity. To end this, the pros expresses that they need to improve the
investigation and perceive how quality condition association impacts mental
unevenness range issue and to improve protection for vulnerable peoples. At
this point around, the scientists are searching for any advancement on this

4. Fronzaglio et al. (2017) audited and talked about to decide how kids with
mental imbalance are influenced by music treatment on by and large
conduct contrasted and medically introverted youngsters who did not get
music treatment, in this paper. Every article was separated into social,
communication, and enthusiastic impacts. Various techniques were utilized
to direct each investigation to know whether music treatment can improve
conduct abilities. Subsequent to checking on a few articles and analyses, it
was resolved that music treatment improves social abilities of kids with
chemical imbalance. Music treatment enables kids with chemical imbalance
to develop and create. Among the other researches about autism treatment
or such, this one is the most interesting one. Music has been, without a
doubt, one of the most creative ways the human mind can be, well, creative.
This study holds a unique placement in every other research we’ve ever
encountered. We’ll give this one to the researchers for thinking of conducting
this research study.

5. Charman et al. (2003) stated that parent report information on early

language advancement estimated utilizing the MacArthur Communicative
Development Inventory (CDI–Infant Form) was gathered on 134 preschool
youngsters with chemical imbalance range issue. The example of
improvement of comprehension of expressions, word appreciation and
articulation, and generation of motions, was contrasted with the average
example. In the same manner as the run of the mill advancement, there was
an impressive inconstancy in language procurement, in spite of the fact that
for the gathering all in all this was altogether deferred contrasted with the
typical course. What's more, atypical examples were distinguished in the
development of language abilities in the example. Understanding of words
was deferred in contrast with word creation, and generation of early signals
(including sharing reference) was postponed in respect to the creation of
later motions (including utilization of articles). Nonetheless, different parts of
language improvement were like that found in normally creating newborn
children, incorporating word perception being ahead of time of word
generation in total terms, motion generation going about as a 'connect'
between word understanding and word creation and the wide example of
securing crosswise over word classes and word shapes. The suggestions for
appraisal and intercession with preschool youngsters with chemical
imbalance range issue are talked about. In the said study, it showed that a
child with autism has different pattern of development with regards to
understanding of phrases, production of gestures, word comprehension and
expression compared to the typical pattern.
Related Local Studies

1. Lapuz et al. (2010) this field research aimed to explore how autistic
individuals affect the different aspects of their families' lives and how they
are perceived by society. The perception of autism by society is influenced
by movies; two were evaluated consistently in depicting individuals with
autism to the indications described in the two factors being analyzed for
content. Interviews with six parents, five siblings and seven intervention
experts gave insights into their perception, attitude towards and coping with
the people impacted. Perception, attitude and acceptance of parents of the
situation were the main variables that verify how the family considers the
involvement program and collaborates. Their study relates to ours as well. It
tackles the apprehension and outlook, how the people with Autism Spectrum
Disorder that, in a way, relates to our study which is about the behavior,
bullying experiences, and the support of parents and teachers of children
with ASD. Due to complicated stressors, the situation of autism in the family
impacts the lifestyle. The disease is masked from the seemingly ordinary
physical appearance and for numerous reasons diagnosis is hard to achieve.
The immediate family members, the parents and teachers, must cope with
behavior that insists on obsession, routine and resists change and standard,
emotional non-reciprocity and communication failure, and tannery and/or
harmful acts. The established view of society on people with Autism
Spectrum Disorder is insufficient; our understanding of the whole and
complex entirety of the spectrum. Not enough research has been made for
there to be a single, concrete answer to all the questions regarding to how
autism came to be in the first place; how to prevent this disorder from
getting genetically acquired; how to cure autism effectively and efficiently.
Most studies focus on promoting awareness of the disorder, impacts on the
lives of the people directly involved with the autistic person like their parents
and teachers, strategic coping methods on handling the challenges
presented. And all in all, it makes us Filipinos proud to see our fellow
countrymen have researches qualified internationally to better understand
Autism Spectrum Disorder and for innovation as well.

2. Liwag (1989) found out that twenty-two of the 25 guardians voiced this
dread in the Sentence Completion Form, and when later approached to make
a desire for their tyke, collectively wanted for the person in question to be
typical, to "become like us," a "conventional individual." Perhaps the most
striking data gotten by guardians at the determination (and here and there
the one in particular that truly enlisted in their psyches) is that mental
imbalance has no fix. They have been told again and again, that "we can
dare to dream to augment his possibilities," "attempt to make him as close
ordinary as would be prudent" however that "no case at any point
improved." Parents of children with Autism aside from being in a difficult
situation, they also experience anxiety for the future of their children. And
they also hope that they can become normal like us.

3. Catama et al. (2017) stated that one of the characterizing attributes of

youngsters with Autism Spectrum Disorders is shortage in engine working.
The need of mediation exercises in improving the engine aptitudes of kids
with ASD is incredibly required. Accordingly, this investigation was a degree
of viability of the gross and fine engine mediation exercises that are utilized
by twelve (12) Special Education (SPED) instructors who have an immediate
contact with those kids with ASD in three (3) school-focuses in Baguio
City.In this investigation, the analysts discovered that the mediation
exercises for gross engine aptitudes and fine engine abilities affected kids
with ASD. Especially, it was discovered that the degree of viability of the
gross engine mediation exercises for kids with ASD wascompelling,while the
fine engine mediation exercises for yo (Liwag, 1989)ungsters with ASD
brought about being extremely compelling.In view of the discoveries, it is
then suggested that proceeds with utilization of these engine intercession
exercises (net engine and fine engine mediation exercises) be continued to
further upgrade the beneficial outcome on the engine aptitudes of
youngsters with ASD.To put it plainly, people with ASD are having deficiency
in engine aptitudes however it tends to be improved through intervention
exercises.It was great that some of clutters think of an incredible
arrangement that makes the rates of ASD diminishing as time passes by and
as extraordinary detailing of arrangement came to exist.

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