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Vishwakarma (caste)

[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Vishwakarmas are a community or caste who have adopted engineering, art

and architecture professions in India, and are followers of Lord Vishwakarma.
They are found all over India. They comprise blacksmith, carpenter,
metalcraftsmanstone-carver, goldsmith. Being largely descended from
Brahmins, Hindu law permits them to wear the sacred thread, perform various
priestly duties and accords them a position equal to that of Brahmins. Hence,
they are also known as Vishwa Brahmin (िविश्विब्राह्मण)


1. Different names of Vishwabrahmin and its meaning

2. Origin
3. Panchal struggle
4. Chittoor Judgement
5. Gotras
6. Pillars of Indian Culture and Civilization
7. Eminent Vishwabrahmin Individuals
7.1 Spiritual Saints
7.2 Literature
7.3 Shilpacharyulu & Vaasthu
7.4 Vishwakarma Brahmin Priests & Astrologists
7.5 Medicine
7.6 Film Industry
7.7 Politics
7.8 Emperor
7.9 Sports
7.10 Television Personalities
7.11 Artists
8. Books on History of Vishwabrahmins
9. References

Different names of Vishwabrahmin and its meaning

Brahminism basically divided in to two groups.


It is only Vishwakarmabrahmins belong to PARUSHEYA Sect. Rest of all

brahmins sects fall under Arsheya sect.

Vishwabrahmin are also known as Vishwakarma Brahmin since they have their
origin from Lord Vishwakarma. They are called Panchal which means
specialized in five different works; they are identical to Kavi, Madhvi,
Suhastasour and Narashansha castes in ancient Vedic reference. They were
called as rathakar because they used to make the chariot for ancient kings. In
Madras they are called Kammalar. Vishwakarma Brahmins / Vishwa brahmins
are called with the following names.

In South India:

• Achari
• Acharya
• Vishwakarma
• Vishwabrahmin
• Sharma
• Kammara,Kambara,Pathara,Shilpi, Bhadigere,Shilpi,Kancgara, Shett.
• Chari, South India

In North India:

• Panchal Brahmin
• Dhiman Brahmin
• Jangid Brahmin
• Maithil Brahmin
• Ramgarhia
• Mistry
• Maharana
• Sharma
• Viswakarma
• Tarkhan
• Kalsi
• Malik
• Mahule
• Sonar
• Swarnakar

Whilst many goldsmiths are descendants of Brahmin ancestry, people of the

Kshatriya caste have also adopted the works of Vishwabrahmins, in particular,
Goldsmith and Jewellery work. For example, in the Punjab region of North India,
another group of Vishwakarmas/Goldsmiths exist, the Mair Rajputs, who have
descended from the Rajput warriors of Rajasthan.

Consequently, Vishwabrahmins have surnames that are similar to those of the

Brahmin or Kshatriya caste. For instance:

• Brahmin: Verma, Sharma, Rao, Rastogi, Acharya/Achari, Chari, Jha,

Ranjan, Dixit, Dhiman, Panchal
• Kshatriya: Soni, Singh, Mair/Mayer/Mehr, Katta, Seth, Chauhan, Babbar,
Rana, Sisodia, Gogna Shinh, Sehdev, Sudera, Kanda, Karwal


According to traditional belief, Vishwabrahmins are descended from five sons of

lord Vishwakarma. They are Manu (blacksmith), Maya (carpenter), Thwastha
(metal craftsman), Silpi (stone-carver) Vishvajnya (goldsmith). The community is
spread widely throughout India and played a vital role in the village economy.
Their socio-economic status varied from a very high level to the low level in
different parts of India as they earned high wages in towns because of their
factory employment and low in villages. About Vishwabrahmins Anand K.
Coomaraswamy says ‘the Kammalar (i.e. Panchal) were known as Vishwa or
Dev Brahman or Dev Kammalar. They spread gradually towards the south and
then reached Ceylon, Burma & Java. The Kammalar claim to have been the
spiritual guides and priests and their position in the society survives in the
saying The Kammalar is guru to the world. They still have their own priests & do
not relay on Brahman. They also perform priestly rites in connection with
consecration of images. They both claim and possess various special privileges,
which they always upheld with much vigour, in some cases they claim a rank
equal to that of Brahmans.” He also mentions “throughout the rest of ceremony
all priest officers had been performed by the craftsman themselves acting as
Brahman priest”.

Dr. Krishna Rao says “The most highly organized & efficient of the industrial
classes was Virpanchal comprising of Goldsmith, coiner blacksmith, carpenter
and mason. In finest period of Indian art particularly between eighth and ninth
century, they claimed and enjoyed a social status in the community, equal to
Brahmans. The art of engraving & sculpture had attained a high stage of
development. It was exclusively cultivated by Panchals who wore sacred thread
& considered themselves as Vishwakarma Brahmans. The craftsman being
deeply versed in national epic literature always figured in the history of India as
missionaries of civilization, culture & religion. The intellectual influence being
creative & not merely assimilative was at least as great as that of the priest and
the author” .

Panchal are called as Missionaries of civilization, culture & religion because

they spread Hindu Religion to the whole world through their art. Ernest B. Havell
says “The northern quarter of (Patliputra) was assigned to Brahmans & certain
of the higher craftsman such as armor, ironsmiths & workers in precious stones.
The association of skilled craftsmen with Brahmans & Kshatriya is additional
evidence that craftsmanship did not hold inferior status in Indo Aryan society.
The Stapathy or master builder is described in the Shilpa Shastra as officiating
at religious ceremonies which preceded the laying out of the Indo Aryan town or
village and some of the metal worker& carpenter of the south of India still
retains as their caste indication the name Acharya which denotes a teacher of
religion”. In ancient India Vishwabrahmins had great importance. Only
Vishwabrahmins could hold the degree Jagatgur i.e. Guru to whole world which
can be seen in the saying ‘Kammalar is guru to the world’.

Lohars established the Lohara dynasty. Further information regarding this

dynasty can be found at the following web site: http://www.kashmir-

Panchal struggle

Though the Panchal had great importance in olden times some Brahmins
refused to accept Panchal as Brahmins which lead to have bread hereditary
feud between two groups of caste i.e. Panchal & other Brahmins. During
Peshwa rule they suffered a lot. Since Peshwa were Brahmins. Peshwa even
did not allowed Panchal to tide the dhoti or waist cloth up between legs and in at
the waist a mark of Brahminic rank. The Peshwas belonged to the Chitpavan
Brahmin caste and are later migrants to India from the Middle East and Central
Asia. They were at odds with Vishwakarma Brahmins who identified themselves
as the original Brahmins and builder of the Aryan Vedic civilization.

• Nelson Hindu Law “Page 139-140 says - “The refusal of many castes in
ancient times to accept the Brahmans as their pastors and master would
seem to have bread hereditary feud between two group of caste known
as right hand and left hand. the origin and history of the feud at present
are wholly unknown" but it seem to me to be not improbable that the feud
sprang from rivalries & contention between the supporters & adherents of
Brahmans on one hand & those of the Goldsmith & other artificers on the
other hand. In south of India the Goldsmith’s appear as body strenuously
to have resisted the aggressive supremacy of Brahmans & for ages to
have claimed for themselves the right to be priest & spiritual guides
styling themselves Acharyas (religious teacher) &wearing a sacred.”
• Meharban once British collector in his book ‘Bombay Gazetteer’ says
“Solapur Vol XX page 125:-Panchals are composed of five classes"
goldsmith, Blacksmith, carpenter and masons. They consider themselves
equals if not superior to local Brahmans. Their family priest who are
member of their own community are held in high respect. They grid their
boys with sacred thread when they are between seven & nine. A feast
called the Brahmans feast or Brahma Bhojan is held when Kin folic and
caste follows are asked to dine.

Chittoor Judgement

Details about Chittoor District court judgement

In Chittoor district, some Brahmins tried to restrict the Viswabrahmins from

conducting their marriages without the help of the Purohith Brahmin, and
studying the VEDAS, so that we do not have the right to coduct Veda
Adhikaram. It was a controversy between the panchangam gundaiah(brahmin)
and the Margasahaya Achari(viswa brahmin). The brahmin community
harrassed our community by claiming superiority. So Mr. M.S Achary put a case
on the Brahmin community in the Adalath court Chittoor. The judge was Mr.
Daker Dora. Mr.Achary showed direct evidence from the VEDAS proving Lord
Viswakarma is superior to all gods. Mr. Gundappa attempted to show evidence
from puranas, which was written by VYASA who was a not a brahmin (he is the
son of a fisherman). But VEDAS are superior to secondary texts rewritten by

vested interests. The Vedas repeatedly praise LORD OF LORDS Bhagwan

VISWAKARMA. Mr.Achary provided logical arguments and bulletproof answers
to the questions asked by the brahmins. Finally brahmins were forced to shut
their mouths since the Judge agreed with the answers given by Mr.Achary. A
total of 65 questions were asked by the brahmins and every single of them was
answered by Mr. Achary with factual evidence from the Vedas.


Vishwabrahmins are divided into five gotras or exogamous clans, each

corresponding to a Rishi named in the Yajur Veda (4.3.3) 1. Sanaga Rishi, 2.
Sanaathana Rishi, 3. Abhuvanasa Rishi, 4. Prathnasa Rishi and 5. Suparnasa
Rishi. Each of the five gotras are also identified with a traditional occupation: 1.
Manu (blacksmith), 2. Maya (carpenter), 3. Thwastha (metalcraftsman), 4. Silpi
(stone-carver) and 5. Vishvajnya(goldsmith). The five gotras are further divided
into a total of 25 sub-clans (upa-gotras). Because of their fivefold division, they
are also known as Panchals. They are said to follow five Vedas (instead of the
standard four), the fifth being the "Pranava Veda",

The Pranava Veda is a text that elucidates the process of energy (Brahmam)
turning itself into matter (the material world). In this text, pure energy or
consciousness goes through a process that can be observed as a mathematical
order. That process can be emulated by humans through applying that
mathematical order to dance, music, poetry, architecture and sculpture thus
creating arts that vibrate in a way that causes the viewer, listener, inhabitant to
vibrate with the Divine qualities that the art form does. This Pranava Veda was
cognized by Brahmarishi Mayan about 10,000 years ago. One known copy
exists today and it is in the hands of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati of Chennai, TN,
India, which is being translated to Tamil and English. A translation project is
being sponsored by The America University of Mayonic Science and
Technology under the guidance of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati.

Many people believe that Pranava refers to the sound AUM. In fact, pranava
comes from the roots Pirazh + Nava = Pranava. Turn/Flip or turn into Nine;
Pranava means the transformation of 8 into 9. Brahmarishi Mayan says in the
Pranava Veda that consciousness multiplies itself into 8 units or pulses (units of
Time) of OM light and OM sound. One unit of TIME has 2 aspects, OM LIGHT
and OM SOUND. OM LIGHT divides itself into 8 light atoms that become the
raw material for all visual forms. OM SOUND divides itself into 8 sound atoms
that become the raw material for all aural forms.

Yettin pirazhve navamenavagi - Maamuni Mayan The flipping or turning of 8 is


This combination of 8 units of Light and Sound form the 'Three Gunas' which
then form the five elements or 'Pancha Bhutas'.

The entire process unfolds a mathematical order which can be emulated for the
upliftment of humanity.

The individuals in the various Gotras of Vishwabrahmins use this mathematical

order in their work to create objects, forms - art that has a definite frequency or
vibration that emulates positive qualities of Brahmam.

Pillars of Indian Culture and Civilization

The Vishwakarma Brahmins have contributed greatly to Indian civilization and

culture as temple and city builders, architects, engineers and artists. Without
their immense contribution, Indian civilization would be very poor indeed.

Contribution of Vishwakarma Brahmins to Indian culture and civilization:

1) Nalanda - Vishwakarma Brahmins built this giant educational complex

accommodating over 10,000 students and 2,000 teachers. The university was
considered an architectural masterpiece, and was marked by a lofty wall and
one gate. Nalanda had eight separate compounds and ten temples, along with
many other meditation halls and classrooms. On the grounds were lakes and
parks. The library was located in a nine storied building where meticulous
copies of texts were produced. The subjects taught at Nalanda University
covered every field of learning, and it attracted pupils and scholars from Korea,
Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia and Turkey.

2) Iron pillar of Delhi - The pillar is made up of 98% wrought iron of pure quality,
and is a testament to the high level of skill achieved by ancient Indian iron
smiths in the extraction and processing of iron. It has attracted the attention of
archaeologists and metallurgists as it has withstood corrosion for the last 1600
years, despite harsh weather.

3) Indus Valley civilization - The earliest known civilization in the Indo-Pak

region of South Asia was the Indus Valley Civilization, comprising many urban
settlements, including the large cities of Harrappa and Mohenjo Daro, and
characterised by a variety of house types, many of which had private baths
connected to public drainage systems. The cities consisted of a citadel raised
above residential and production districts with streets laid out in a grid plan and
lined by drains.The uniformity in urban layouts, house typologies and sizes as
well as construction methods of the standard kiln-fired bricks, is evidence of
significant social and political co-ordination.

4) Hindu architecture - A basic Hindu temple consists of an inner sanctum, the

garbha griha or womb-chamber, in which the image is housed, often with space
for its circumambulation, a congregation hall, and possibly an antechamber and
porch. The sanctum is crowned by a tower-like shikara. At the turn of the first
millennium CE two major types of temples existed, the northern or Nagara style
and the southern or Dravida type of temple. They are distinguishable by the
shape and decoration of their shikharas.

5) Buddhist and Jain architecture - Viharas (Buddhist monasteries) began to

appear soon after the death of the Buddha, particularly during the Mauryan

Empire (321 - 232 B.C) with characteristic stupa monuments; and chaityas
(meditation halls housing a stupa). The same period saw the beginning of stone
architecture, evidenced by palace remains at Pataliputra as well as the Ashoka
Stambha - the monolithic free-standing columns inscribed with edicts put up by
the Emperor Ashoka. The Ashokan period is also marked for the introduction of
brilliant rock-cut architecture, which formed into the 1000-year-long tradition of
cutting and sculpting vast, complex and multi-roomed shrines into natural rock,
resulting in religious edifices belonging to Ajivika Buddhist, Hindu and Jain

6) South Indian architecture - South Indian architecture was a style of

architecture that emerged thousands of years ago in the Indian subcontinent.
They consist primarily of pyramid shaped temples which are dependent on
intricate carved stone in order to create a step design consisting of numerous
statues of deities, kings, and dancers.

7) Konark Sun Temple - Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century Sun Temple

(also known as the Black Pagoda), at Konark, in Orissa. It was built in red
sandstone (Khandolite) and black granite by King Narasimhadeva I (AD 1236-
1264) of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty. The temple is one of the most well
renowned temples in India and is a World Heritage Site.

8) Vastu Shastra - Vishwakarmas are the creators of this ancient Indian system
of architectural design that has gained national and international respect and
following. Vaastu Shastra deals with various aspects of designing and building
living environments that are in harmony with the physical and metaphysical

9) Mahabodhi Temple - The Mahabodhi Temple (Literally: "Great Awakening

Temple") is a Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya, the location where Siddhartha
Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment. Bodh Gaya is located about 96
km (60 miles) from Patna, Bihar state, India.

10) Indian rock-cut architecture - Indian rock-cut architecture is more various

and found in greater abundance than any other form of rock-cut architecture
around the world.

11) Ellora Caves - Ellora represents the epitome of Indian rock-cut

architecture.The 34 "caves" – Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples and
monasteries excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills – were
built between the 5th century and 10th century. The 12 Buddhist (caves 1-12),
17 Hindu (caves 13-29) and 5 Jain caves (caves 30-34), built in proximity,
demonstrate the religious harmony prevalent during this period of Indian history.

12) Ajanta Caves - Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra, India are rock-cut cave
monuments dating from the second century BCE, containing paintings and
sculpture considered to be masterpieces of both "Buddhist religious art" and
"universal pictorial art". Since 1983, the Ajanta Caves have been a UNESCO
World Heritage Site.

13) Mahabalipuram - The monuments are mostly rock-cut and monolithic, and
constitute the early stages of Dravidian architecture wherein Buddhist elements
of design are prominently visible. They are constituted by cave temples,
monolithic rathas (chariots), sculpted reliefs and structural temples. The pillars
are of the Dravidian order. The sculptures are excellent examples of Pallava art.
It is believed that this area served as a school for young sculptors. The different
sculptures, some half finished, may have been examples of different styles of
architecture, probably demonstrated by instructors and practiced on by young
students. This can be seen in the Pancha Rathas where each Ratha is sculpted
in a different style.

14) Badami Cave Temples - The Badami Cave Temples are composed of four
caves, all carved out of the soft Badami sandstone on a hill cliff in the late 6th
century. The four caves are simple in style. The entrance is a verandah with
stone columns and brackets, a distinctive feature of these caves, leading to a
columned mantapa and then to the small square shrine (sanctum sanctorum)
cut deep into the cave. The temple caves represent different religious sects.
Among them, two are dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one to Lord Shiva and the
fourth is a Jain temple. The first three are devoted to the Vedic faith and the
fourth cave is the only Jain temple at Badami.

15) Pancha Rathas - Pancha Rathas an example of monolith Indian rock-cut

architecture dating from the late 7th century located at Mamallapuram, a tiny
village south of Madras in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The village was a busy
port during the 7th and 8th century reign of the Pallava dynasty. The site is
famous for the rock-cut caves and the sculptured rock that line a granite hill,
including one depicting Arjuna's Penance. It has been classified as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. The Pancha Rathas shrines were carved during the reign
of King Mahendravarman I and his son Narasimhavarman I. Each temple is a
monolith, carved whole from a rock outcropping of pink granite. The five
monolithic pyramidal structured shrines are named after the Pandavas (Arjuna,
Bhima, Yudhishtra, Nakula and Sahadeva) and Draupadi. As noted, each shrine
is not assembled from cut rock but carved from one single large piece of stone.
It is likely their original design traces back to wood constructions.

16) Indian art - The vast scope of the art of India intertwines with the cultural
history, religions and philosophies which place art production and patronage in
social and cultural contexts.

17) Indian painting - Somewhere around 1st century BC the Sadanga or Six
Limbs of Indian Painting, were evolved, a series of canons laying down the main
principles of the art. Vatsyayana, who lived during the third century A.D.,
enumerates these in his Kamasutra having extracted them from still more
ancient works. These ‘Six Limbs’ have been translated as follows : 1.
Rupabheda The knowledge of appearances. 2. Pramanam Correct perception,
measure and structure. 3. Bhava Action of feelings on forms. 4. Lavanya
Yojanam Infusion of grace, artistic representation. 5. Sadrisyam Similitude. 6.
Varnikabhanga Artistic manner of using the brush and colours. (Tagore.) The
subsequent development of painting by the Buddhists indicates that these ' Six
Limbs ' were put into practice by Indian artists, and are the .basic principles on
which their art was founded.

18) Buddhist art - Buddhist art originated on the Indian subcontinent following
the historical life of Gautama Buddha, 6th to 5th century BCE, and thereafter
evolved by contact with other cultures as it spread throughout Asia and the

19) Indian coinage - The Vishwakarma Brahmins minted beautiful coins

displaying great artistic talent.

20) History of metallurgy in the Indian subcontinent - History of metallurgy in the

Indian subcontinent begins during the 2nd millennium BCE and continues well
into the British Raj. The Indian cultural and commercial contacts with the Near
East and the Greco-Roman world enable an exchange of metallurgic sciences.

21) History of Indian Science and Technology - The History of Science and
Technology in India begins in the pre-modern era. Archaeological evidence from
Mehrgarh (7000 BCE) shows construction of mud brick houses and granaries.
Farming, metal working, flint knapping, bead production, and dentistry, are
known to the people of Mehrgarh. The more advanced Indus Valley civilization
yields evidence of hydrography, metrology and city planning being practiced on
a sizable scale. Great attention to medicine, astronomy and mathematics is
seen during the Vedic period (1500 BCE—400 BCE)—which also witnesses the
first inquiry being made into the field of linguistics. Construction of stepwells and
stupas, use of diamond as a gemstone, and plastic surgery operations become
visible during later periods. Indian mathematicians made early contributions to
the study of the decimal number system, zero, negative numbers, arithmetic,
and algebra.

22) Jaivana cannon - The Jaivana cannon is the largest wheeled cannon ever
constructed. It is located at the Jaigarh Fort, Jaipur.

23) Yantra Mandir - The Yantra Mandir (commonly known as the Jantar Mantar)
is an equinoctial dial, consisting a gigantic triangular gnomon with the
hypotenuse parallel to the Earth's axis. On either side of the gnomon is a
quadrant of a circle, parallel to the plane of the equator. The instrument is
intended to measure the time of day, correct to half a second and declination of
the Sun and the other heavenly bodies.

24) Khajuraho Temples - The Khajuraho temples, constructed with spiral

superstructures, adhere to a northern Indian shikhara temple style and often to
a Panchayatana plan or layout. A few of the temples are dedicated to the Jain
pantheon and the rest to Hindu deities - to God's Trio, Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva, and various Devi forms, such as the Devi Jagadambi temple. A
Panchayatana temple had four subordinate shrines on four corners and the
main shrine in the center of the podium, which comprises their base. The
temples are grouped into three geographical divisions: western, eastern and
southern. With a graded rise secondary shikharas (spires) cluster to create an
appropriate base for the main shikhara over the sanctum. Kandariya Mahadeva,
one of the most accomplished temples of the Western group, comprises eighty-
four shikharas, the main being 116 feet from the ground level. These temples of
Khajuraho have sculptures that look very realistic and are studied even today.
The Khajuraho temples are UNESCO World Heritage Site.

25) Wootz steel - Wootz is a steel characterized by a pattern of bands or sheets

of micro carbides within a tempered martensite or pearlite matrix. It was
developed in India around 300 BC.

Eminent Vishwabrahmin Individuals

Spiritual Saints

• Brahmarishi Mayan
• Siddhar Bhogar
• Saint Visobha Khecher (Guru of great Marathi saint Namadev)
• Saint Jalogi & Malogi Maharaj (Two brother saint from Maharashtra)
• Saint Changdev (Great saint from Maharashtra who believed to live for
1400 years)
• Saint Narahari Sonar (Famous saint from Maharashtra, India).
• Saint Sri Potuluri Veera Brahmendra Swami (AP, India. He is considered
as Indian Nostradamous)
• Saint Sanari Viswaswara Swamy (AP, India. It is believed that from the
past 100 years he is still in tapasya in Nallamala Hills, India)
• Saint Achalananda Yogi
• Saint Bendapudi Swamula Varu( From Andhra Pradesh)
• Saint Eeswaramma Varu( She is grand daughter of Veera Brahmam
• Saint Tadakanapalle Ramayogi( He is From Andhra pradesh)
• Saint Bodabonda Timmagurudu Govinda Swamy ( He is from Andhra
• Saint Shivarama Brahmendrula varu (Great saint from AP)
• Saint Ramamadugu Brahmendra swamula Varu
• Saint Mahayogi Yaganteeswara Swamy
• Saint Cherukuri.Shivarama Brahmendra Swamula Varu
• Saint Veeranarayanamma
• Saint Kommuri Balabrahma Ananda Dasu
• Saint Rajupalem Sree Sree Balayogini Amma Varu


• BrahmaSri Kandukuri Rudra Kavi- He is one of the Ashtadiggajas of Sree

Krishnadevaraya dynasty. He has authored one of te great books of
• Brahmasri Repaka Ekamabaracharyulu
• Sunkoji Devendrachary, Legendary writer Currently in USA
• Bimal Kar- A well known Bengali writer and novelist and winner of the
Sahitya Akademi Award in 1975

Shilpacharyulu & Vaasthu


• Amarashilpi Jakanachari - A legendary sculptor credited with building

many fine temples for the Kalyani Chalukyas and Hoysalas, including the
famous sculptures at Belur and Halebidu
• Bisu Maharana(Vishwakarma Brahmins have Maharana as their last
name in Orissa State. Bisu Maharana Is the prathana Shilpacharya of the
world heritage temple KONARK)
• Ramappa Acharya (Any one from telangana area of Andhra pradesh
would have heard Ramappa. The Siva temple sculpted in 12th century is
called as Ramappa temple)
• Late Shree Narayan Sonaodekar (Famous artist who has created the
statue of Swami Vivekananda at Kanya Kumari)
• Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati (A great living sage who is translating The
Pranava Veda and has built the Thiruvalluvar Statue) - Rediff interview
with Shri Ganapati Stapati:
• Gorasa Veera Brahma charylu( He is a living legend in AP author of
• Arasivilli Kameshwara charyulu( He is a well renowned vaasthu siddanthi
in AP and author of Kameshra vaasthu book)
• Shri Phani Bhooshanacharyulu - He is feliciated by the title UDDANDA
PINDA STHAPATHI,He is known for Vigraha Prana pratishta
• Sri Payyannur Keshavachari - Living legend architect from Kerala
• Vastu Bhramha Melpadi Ragavachari-Writer of VASTURAGAVEYAM
from Andhra Pradesh Chittor Dist.

Vishwakarma Brahmin Priests & Astrologists

• Sri Bantumilli Srirama Murthy Siddhanthi - Worked as Archaka and

Purohit in Mandapeta. He trained many Viswabrahmin Purohits all over
the state. He was feliciated by the AP state government with the Andhra
Rashtra Ugadi Puraskaram by the chief minister Y. S. Raja Sekhar
Reddy in the year 2005
• Shri LK Vishwakarma
• Shri Vangipurapu Veera brahma Daivagna - Famous panchangam writer
& astrologer
• Gorasa Veera Bhadracharyulu - Famous panchangam writer & famous


• Prof.Raveesha, Chairman and HOD,Dept. of Microbiology, University of

Mysore,is a renowned plant pathologist in this world.

Film Industry

• M. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar (First Tamil super star of Tamil film

industry also called as MKT)
• Dr.Brahmanandam (Guinness book of world record holder for the highest
number of comedian roles in Telugu language)

• Jagjit Singh (Viswabrahmins have Dhiman as the last name in Northern

• Ramanand Sagar (Famous creator of television series Ramayana and
Shri Krishna. Sagar is a common Vishwakarma surname in the state of
MP and UP)
• Gulzar (Famous Indian poet, lyricist, film-maker, director - Winner of the
Academy Award (Oscar) for best original song lyrics in 2008 for the song
'Jai Ho' from the movie Slumdog Millionarie, along with A.R. Rahman)
• Ajay Devgan (He is of Sikh Ramgarhia origin, Vishwakarma)
• Prakash Jha (He is of Vishwakarma caste from Bihar. Jha is usually a
Brahmin surname but is used by Vishwakarmas too)
• Udit Narayan (He is of Vishwakarma caste from Bihar. Jha is usually a
Brahmin surname but is used by Vishwakarmas too)
• Kadaru nagabhushanam (great producer and great director from telugu
• Eswar (the famous and great artist publicity designer.)
• Anupoju brothers - famous still photographers in film industry.
• Haridas (famous malayalam film industry singer and judge of somany
• Ammu (famous malayalalm film industry and TV child artist)
• Asha Parekh {Hindi movies superstar actress. Parekh are the Goldsmith
caste from Gujarat state)
• Chalam and his son anand sai (famous art directors)
• JAGATHI famous cine camedian in malayalam film industry
• Chintada Girinadh produced movies in telugu film industry
• V Santharam famous hindi film director
• K Vijayabhaskar famous film Director telugu industry (directed
mallisweri ,nuvvu naaku nachhav,jai chiranjeeva etc films)
• Chintada mohan basheer babu asst art director Tamil film industry
• Prabhakar famous T V anchor and film artist (father is traditional
• KAVIYOOR PONNAMMA (well known actress in Malayalm movies since
• KAVIYOOR REVAMMA (Kaviyoor Ponnamma's younger sisiter- another
well-known actress, passed away few years before)
• KP.Nanjundachar ( Film Financiar for Kannada Industry)
• Shruthi - Famous Kannada Actress
• Kaveri Zhaa - upcoming heroine
• Sharath - Famous malayalam music director/composer,judge of Asianet
Idea star singer(music reality show)
• Charan
• Elanchezhian (A great patriot of karikala cholan dynasty and plays a
major role in constructing kallanai dam)
• Jaya Suriya ( Malayalam actor )
• Veeru Devgan (Veteran Bollywood Action composer and father of Ajay
• Preity Zinta (Indian Film Actress, Zinta is a Tarkhan Vishwakarma
surname from Punjab)
• Ameet Channa (British Film Actor)
• Kulvinder Ghir (Actor/Comedian Goodness Gracious Me)

• Satnam Bhogal (Actor - Holby City)

• Vicky Bhogal (UK TV Chef & Author)
• Harbhajan Jabbal (TV/Theater artist)
• Kanwaljeet Singh (Punjabi film star, acted in a number of serials and
Punjabi films with Harbhajan Maan)
• Kanwaljit Singh Virdi (Journalist at Chandigarh(Buerau Chief North with
Standard World TV
• Dev Sagoo (TV/Theater actor and director)
• Jaikishen (Jaikishen Panchal of the famous Hindi music duo of Shankar
Jaikishan fame)


• Giani Zail Singh (Former President of India)

• Dalip Singh Saund - He was the first Asian American, Indian American
and Sikh member of the United States Congress
• Professor Kottapalli Jayashankar - He is Siddantha kartha for TRS party
in Andhra Pradesh


• Harshavardhana (The fourth pillar of Buddhism - Harsha belonged to the

Vaishya caste. In Bengal, Vishwakarmas are classified as Vaishya and
have the surname Kar.)
• Rama (since his ancester was the Sun who is a son of Vishwakarma)
• Maya (father-in-law of Ravana) and many more


• Harbhajan Singh (Great Indian spin bowler)

• Monty Panesar (Great spin bowler from the UK)
• Gursharan Singh (Played for the Indian test team)
• Virender Singh (Famous right-half of the Indian hockey team that won the
1975 World Cup)
• Joginder Singh Gindi (Member, Indian Hockey Team in the 60s)
• praveen pragnaan ozha - india's left arm spinner

Television Personalities

• Suzanne Virdee - Famous BBC News Presenter.

• Ravi Dhiman - Famous Star News India Presenter.


• Sobha Singh (painter) - Artist and Famous Religious Painter.

• Kirpal Singh (Artist par excellence who painted the bulk of the Sikh
Museum at the Golden Temple, Amritsar)

Books on History of Vishwabrahmins


• Roberts, A.E. (1909). Visvakarma and his descendants. Calcutta: All-

India Vishvakarma Brahman Mahasabha.
• Dr.Gnanananda, G. (Ed.) (1981). Sri Visvakarmayaya bhushanam
(Kannada) original by K.P. Dixit (1878). KGF: Jnana Bhandara.Kashyapa
Shilpa Shastram,Brahmeeya Chitra Karma Shastram.

• Sharma, A.S. (1989). Visvakarma Smaj ka sankshipt itihas (short history

of Vishvakarma Society). New Delhi: Visvakarma Institute of Research
and Education.
• Chinmayacharya, K. (2002), Devudu Manavudu, East Godavari.:
Ramesh Kumar, K.,

• ‘Shilpashastra’ (िशिल्पशिास In Marathi). It was written on Shake 1165 that is

more than 700 years back & was published by B.S. Sutar (Igatpuri, Nasik
• Vaddepati Niranjana Shastry. Vishwakarma Brahmana Vamshagamamu.
Lang.: Telugu.
• Swarna Subramanya Kavi. Vishwabrahmanulaku Prathama Satkara
Arhatha. Lang.: Telugu.
• Phanidapu Prabhakara Sharma. Vishwabrahmana Gothra Gayathri.
Lang.: Telugu.


1. Russell R.V. and Lai R.B.H., The tribes and castes of the Central
Provinces of India, Asian Educational Services, 1995, ISBN 812060833X
2. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Indian Craftsman, Probsthain & co., 1909
3. Krishna Rao M.V., Govardhana Rao M., Jeevanna Rao K., Glimpses of
Karnataka, Reception Committee, 65th Session, Indian National
Congress, 1960
4. Ernest B. Havell, The history of Aryan rule in India, from the earliest
times to the death of Akbar, K.M.N. Publishers; (distributors: Atma Ram,
Delhi), 1972, ASIN: B0006C8DA6

• The Tribes & Caste of Bombay –Enthoven.

• Shree Scanda Puran (Sayadri Khandha)-Ed. Dr. Jarson D. Kunha,
Marathi version Ed. By Gajanan shastri Gaytonde. Published by Shree
Katyani Publication, Mumbai.
• Gomantak Prakrity & sanskriti –B. D. Satoskar. Shubhada Publication
• The Lohara dynasty of Vishwakarma Hindu Emperors:
• Sacred Writings, Volume 5, Hinduism: The Rig Veda. Edited by Jaroslav
Pelikan. Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith. Published in 1992 in United
States of America. Book of the month club, New York

(Pages 591 and 592. The 10th mandal of rig veda has two suktas 81 and 82.
Each of these have 7 mantras each, making a total of 14 mantras
exclusively talking about Vishwakarma.)

• Books from the publisher Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd:

1) Brahmavaivaryta Puran, refer to, Krishna Janma Khand, Adhyaya 47 2)

Atharaveda, refer to, 19 Khand, Sukta 34 (10 Mantras) and 35 (5 Mantras) 3)
Skanda Purana refer to Kashi Khand, Skanda Purana refer to Prabhas Khanda
4) Vayu Purana refer to Adhaya 22 5) Matsya Purana refer to Adhaya 5 6)
Yajurved, refer to Adhaya 17, Mantra 17 to 34

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