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The topic that I would like to research is if teens who spend more time on social media

more likely to suffer anxiety or depression. I chose this topic because it seems very interesting
and I want to learn more about it. Another reason why I chose this topic is because I feel as if it
could relate to me. I am a teenager and I use my phone quite a bit. I also use social media a lot
so I am interested on if it could be affecting me in a negative way. I also just want to learn more
about the human brain and what can make a person have anxiety or depression and what
causes it.

How I feel about this topic is very interested because I have never thought about how
social media and using your phone a lot could affect how you feel. What I think about this topic
before I research it is that it is crazy that your phone can change your attitude and make you
depressed. What I believe about this topic is that it can cause anxiety and depression because
social media can be a dangerous place and their can be very mean people on social media.
What I already know about this topic is that social media can be a good thing and a bad thing. I
also know that cyber bullying is a very real thing and it can cause people to be sad and have

What I still need to learn about this topic is how social media can make someone have
anxiety or depression just through apps on a phone. Im hoping to learn how the brain can
change and get anxiety and what causes it and also what social media apps are the worst and
can make you the most sad and change your mood. I think that I will start to find the answers
through research on websites and maybe some books. A research question is, how does being
on your phone a lot change your brain? Another is, how does social media make someone get
anxiety or even depression?

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