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1. The Maasai People of East Africa.

2. The Himba peple

3. The San Bushmen (Basarwa)of the Kalahari

4.The Samburu of Kenya

5. Omo River Tribes, Ethopia

6. The Hadzabe and Datoga tribes

• The Maasai tribe of East Africa are pastoralists and
warriors. Self-sufficient and proud. The Maasai are now
struggling to maintain their traditions. Their grazing lands
are being parcelled off much of it is now protected by the
National Park land.
• The Himba are semi-nomadic pastoralists
who live in Laokoland which is in the
Northwest of Namibia, The Himba are a
striking people to look at because they have
maintained their traditional culture and dress.

• The women are

topless and cover
their bodies with the
paste made from fat
and ochre.
• The San Bushmen (Basarwa)of the
Kalahari are more commonly known as
the Bushmen. The San are traditionally
hunter-gatherers and live in a small
mobile family groups.
The Samburu of Kenya live
in Northern Kenya, in the
beautiful Rift Valley region.
The Samburu are staunch
traditionalists and still lead a
semi-nomadic lifestyle for
most part.

• Visitors of the region can

enjoy staying at a
community run eco-lodge
or hop on the back of a
camel led by a Samburu
• Ethiopian Tribes living in the Omo River
Region, South-western Ethiopia are Mursi,
Hamer, Bodi, Ari, Bumi and Karo tribes.
• Each tribes has its unique customs, language,
rituals and ceremonies.
• Hadzabe and Datoga
tribes are from the Lake
Eyasi, Tanzania region.
• The cultural and trekking
tours in the Lake Eyasi
region is famous tourist

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