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First 100 Days

a. Franklin and Eleanor
i. Eleanor was very capable in her own right
ii. Franklin had a lot of affairs
b. Bank Reform
i. Roosevelt surrounded himself with younger men
ii. Bank Holiday
1. Only banks who could prove they were well managed could stay
open after
2. Persuaded public things had been dealt with
c. Civil Works Administration
i. Make work program
1. Build bridges
2. Pave Roads
3. Electrification of Country
4. Hoover Damn
ii. Keynesian Economics (Thanks Levering)
d. General Assistance
i. Assistance to those who can’t work
e. Agriculture Adjustment Act
i. Sets prices for food
f. National Industrial Recovery Act
i. Set Prices for industry
ii. How much workers should be made
2. Critics of the New Deal
a. Supreme Court
i. Schecter v. US
1. Invalidates Agriculture adjustment act
ii. AAA
iii. Swing Votes
1. 5/4 cases
2. Voting politics instead of principals
iv. Court Packing
1. All justices over the age of 70 would be assigned a double
2. Democrats said no we need to separate powers
v. NLRB v Jones and Laughlin
1. “Switch in time that saved nine”
2. Makes court packing plan unnecessary
b. Demagogues
i. Huey Long
1. Kingfish
2. Share the Wealth Society
3. Governor of Louisiana
ii. Fr. Sam Coughlin
1. Banking Conspiracy
2. Union Party
3. Second 100 Days
a. 1934 elections
b. Reinvigorated programs
i. Works Progress Administration
ii. Social Security Act
iii. Response to Supreme Court’s Conservatism
c. 1936 election

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