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Anoop P


Report on Industrial Visit conducted on 15/10/2018

On receiving the letter of permission from Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore,
all students with two faculty members (Mr. Lokesh and Mrs. Niviya) went on an industrial visit
to the factory on 15-10-2018. We all assembled at the college at 8:30 am and left the college in
a bus. We reached the factory by 12 pm.
We were shown a brief video about safety measures and rules to be followed while entering
production facility. A Quality Incharge took us into the production facility to give us a guided
tour. She told us that it is a bottling facility and the concentrates comes from the national
distributor. She showed the preforms that are used for the bottle production. We were shown
the life cycle of the plastic bottle from formation to filling. We were also shown the water
filtration facility in which water from Kaveri river goes through various filtration process which
ends up in their products and is also used for other purposes in the production facility.
We also saw the facility for cleaning and filling the glass bottles.
They showed us how they keep the quality in check at various stages of the production.
They use the TPM 8 pillar approach in their facility which was displayed in the facility itself.
The visit came to an end at 2 PM.
We left the premises at 2:30 PM. It was an informative and a successful visit. As students of
MBA, we learned how the production facility is run and how they ensure quality. We express
our thanks to the Department and the faculty members who accompanied us and the officials
who explained to us about the workings of the facility.
On behalf of the students I request you to arrange more such industrial visits where we get to
learn directly from the industry personnel.

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