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2- The film has been developed on an island in front

of Costa Rica where they built a theme park called

Jurassic World.

3- A new species of dinosaur was created artificially

by scientists in the park, it turned out to be more
intelligent and dangerous, and was called
Indominus Rex.
4- Among the characters in the movie we have:
Claire in charge of the park, 16 year old Zack and
11 year old Gray, Claire's nephews, who visit her at
the park, Dr. Henry Wu scientist creator of the
park's dinosaurs (geneticist), Simon Masrani owner
of the park, Owen Grady velociraptor trainer.

5- The I-Rex manages to escape from the place

where it has grown and endangers all living things in
the park.
6- Claire and Owen leave in search of Zack and
Gray while the madness in the valley of the gyros is
unleashed, since they are persecuted by the
Indominus Rex

7- The I-Rex destroys the aviary of the Pterodactyls,

causing chaos in the park.

8- The velociraptors are released to be used as

weapons against the I-Rex, however the
velociraptors help the I-Rex since they share DNA
causing even more chaos.
9- They arrive at the center of the park where a
battle between the velociraptors against the I-Rex
takes place, does not work and Claire releases the

10- The weak I-Rex is taken to the edge of the pool,

and is devoured by the Mosasaurus and thus
everyone manages to escape from the island.

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