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Good morning.

come back again with me khamidah imania at the hotnews program to preach
reliable news.I will deliver news about the earthquake that occurred in Lombok on the week of July
29, 2018.
The strong earthquake that shook Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) and Bali caused at least 16
people to die, and more than 160 others were injured. Until late Monday local time, more than
5,000 residents were still in temporary shelters. The 6.4 magnitude earthquake on the ritcher scale
also caused more than 1,000 houses to be damaged. Five of the dead were reported to be children.
spokesman for the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo said "After the
earthquake on Sunday morning, there were at least 133 aftershocks"

The biggest aftershock was recorded at 5.7 on the Richter scale. Residents in various earthquake
areas reportedly scattered out of their homes, including tourists who left the hotel in the local
tourism area.
Then Muhammad Iqbal, Director of Protection of Indonesian Citizens at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, claimed to feel a strong earthquake in the Senggigi area, Lombok.
He was in the tourist area when the earthquake occurred.
Iqbal said there were no destroyed buildings around Senggigi. He saw some tourists returning to
activities, while a number of other tourists had entered the hotel.
Meanwhile, the earthquake, which was allegedly caused by the Flood Riding Flores activity, also
caused landslides on Mount Rinjani. The mountain climbing path is now closed to the public.

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