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Assalamualaikum wr wb.

The honorable the school headmaster, teachers, staff, and all the invited guests.

Let us say gratitude to God who has given His mercy and grace so that we are able to be here for
attending a drug counseling program.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The addictive drug is a kind of drug which is often misused and causes a lot of problems on
one’s nerves. Drug abusing can cause nerve damage, resulting the addiction, and dependence.
The use of drugs that does not fit to the existing rules is now easily found in many levels of

When the drug is used, then some effects are to be obtained by the users. First, the drug is able to
provide peace to them and makes them unconscious. When used in excess, the drug can even
result in death. Then, it can also lead to stimulation and arousal which will be high on something
so that it is widely used by workers to provide spirit and enthusiasm.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Drugs are not only used by adults, but its abuse has been committed by teenagers. In Indonesia,
we often see a lot of kids who use drugs and they even have been addicted. Of course, the use of
those addictive substances causes wide bad impacts for them. They will experience a change in
behavior, lowering the quality of work, potentially causing crime, and experience health
problems that lead to death.

We as teachers and parents, should prevent this abuse. We can make a variety of programs and
activities such as playing music, exercising, making learning clubs, and other social activities. In
essence, we make a variety of activities aimed at diverting the attention of the students, so they
are not tempted by drugs anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In addition to providing programs that make them do not remember drugs, we are also supposed
to provide moral education and knowledge to them about the dangers of drugs, and various
consequences of the drug abuse.

Let us do a variety of businesses over consistently and never giving up. I am sure, we can
eradicate the drugs abuse in Indonesia.

I think that’s all I can say and thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

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