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12 Salvador Gonzalez

Boca del Rio, Veracruz 94298

July 22, 2019

Dear Exhausted,

The reason I’m writing back so quickly is to give you some advice. I really understand your
problem!, because I found myself in a similar situation I didn’t have enough time and I was
very exhausted.

I think that you should change your daily activities and get a sleep at the afternoons. Maybe
you shouldn't have a part job until that you feel better. So when you’ll believe that you’re
well, you can do again your daily routine. I believe that it’s the best way to be less exhausted.

Another thing that you can do is go to the doctor maybe he can give to you some vitamins. I
hope everything goes well, good luck!

Don’t forget to keep in touch.

Carlos Manuel.

Carlos M. García Carvajal

English 5

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