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Kaiden Shin

Oct 31st, 2019
Matthew Owen


It was a wonderful morning at Laura's house. When she looked at the clock, she finally
realized that it was time for her to go to the airport. When she looked out the window, her
friend, Jennie was waiting outside and Laura said,” Wait a minute, I'm just packing my bag”.
Laura was Jennie's best friend since preschool and they were the two girls on the street that
always was eating ice cream together and bragging their barbie dolls on a hot summer day.
Now they were in seventh grade and they were still best friends. They lived in a town near
Green Bay, but they always went to nearby door county for summer break and weekends.
Laura was an American but, she had French ancestry. Jennie was a half Mexican and Half
Chinese But she was born and raised in Green Bay. They were walking to the bus station
because they were going on a five-month trip across the world. First up, They had to go to
New York for their first country, Russia. They were going from Russia to Central Asia, then the
Arabs, Mediterranean and back home from Spain. They grabbed a quick snack from the
airport and was ready to leave. Jennie said that she wanted to see Moscow. Laura said she
wanted to visit Issyk Kul lake in Kyrgyzstan. Once they arrived in New York, They went
straight to the gates and were ready for their first destination, Moscow. After arriving at
Moscow they went straight for the place that they made a reservation for, здравствуйте,
Россия for their shashlik. They ordered Lamb and Chicken and they were satisfied with their
meal. After visiting the main sites and having a long trip to Russia they went to Turkmenistan
to visit Darvaza or Gates to hell. After riding the car for 4 hours across the Karakum desert,
They arrived at the Gates of hell and went to a nearby Yurt to stay in. Jennie was excited and
said hey what if we against the fence at put our leg in the crater? Laura was in the bathroom
and had no answer. Jennie decided that she should just go in and take a picture real quick
and thought life is a risk. The moment when she sat down her leg was on fire and she fell
down to the crater. When Laura was looking at her just next to the fire, she knew that she
had to help, so she tries to lift the fence with some people and threw it was Jennie where
Jennie was but bad throw! It was on the other side of the Crater so plan B she tried to make
bricks out of the hard ground and make stairs. The whole village and tourists helped and they
could make none. The ground was too hard and solid. The last plan was Laura to go in the
crater with one hand on the ground and the other hand on Jennie. Laura slowly entered into
the crater and took Jennie and pushed her up. It worked!!!! Jennie was Safe! Since that day
Jennie chose to never do such dangerous things. The trip was discontinued because they
thought they should be older to travel themselves. They returned back to their houses and
went back to their normal routine and lived happily forever.
Dear Mr.Owen, I’m sorry the story is a little short and may have some
small grammatical mistakes. I had a tight week and I lost the charger
for the computer when I had low battery. The story is written with an
IPad and spent some time on it.Again, I apologize for the lack ness of
length of the story. This story is based on where I want to go and It
may be a little all over the place but I really tried hard on this story.

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