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After All (Holy) - David Crowder Band Words & Music : David Crowder, Mike Dodson, Matt Maher, Mark Waldrop J=66 Verse 1 Cc Am F G 1 can't com-pre - hend Your in - fin - ite - ly beau-ti - ful and per - fect Cc Am. F G love Oh T'vedreamed dreams of ma-jes- ty As bri-lliant as a_i - ion Am G stars But they're ne - ver bright enough af - ter all, You are Chorus Am——_F—____c G&G Am———F—___c G Ho - ly Oh Ho - ly Ho - Verse 2 I will sing a song for You my God With e - v'y - G F G -thing I have in me But it's ne - ver loud enough af - ter all, Hea-ven and earth are full, full of Your glo - ry, Your glo - ry My soul it o - ver-flows, full of Your Am G F Cc Am G glo - ry, Yourglo - ry Blessed is He whoreigns, full of Your glo - ry, Yourglo - ry My F c Am G Foo cup, it can't contain all of Your glo - ry, Yourglo - ry Ho- san - na we are G F found af - ter all, You are Ho - Gam ——F#———c. GF ly Ho - ly, ooh Ending c I. can't com-pre - hend You're in - fin - ite - ly beau-ti - ful

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