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Question 1

a. In order to support others to achieve work responsibilities in the workplace, the

information such as organization policies and procedures including employment
conditions, work health and safety, technical process, communication procedures,
performance reviews, security arrangements and other procedures are communicated
so that organization and the team member operate smoothly.

b. Information plays a significant role in an organization because it guides the

decision an organization makes. The purpose of information is to guide in decision-
making process and problem solving process in an organization. Without a
information, organization are bound to make mistakes in the decision making process.
The audience would be the employees, supervisors, senior management, colleagues,
customer, potential customers, suppliers, stakeholders and also the specific target

c. Effective communication is imperative in an organization as it eliminates the

misunderstandings and creates a joyful and motivating work environment. There are
various methods that employees use to communicate the ideas and information
because communicating ideas and information helps in problem solving and decision
making process. The employees can communicate through open meeting where ideas
can be shared in a team; emails or face-to-face meeting can also be conducted. Not
only this, communication can also be done through training and also they need to
make sure that they need to make simple words so that every individual can
understand. In addition to this, presentation is also one of the methods that can be
used to communicate the ideas and information. Moreover, feedback is the most
important form of communication as it helps employees gain motivation and

Question 2
a. Encouraging the employees in planning and decision making process can be
beneficial for the organization as well as employees because it helps to create
various ideas and information as well as employees will feel as their voice are heard
and taken and they are the important part of an organization. There are various ways
employees can be encouraged to be involved in decision making and planning
process. A system should be created where employees’ suggestion, ideas are
collected through group meeting or any other forms of communication, which will
motivate them to work more hard. Survey is also another way where employees’
feedback can be collected and their proper response can be used in planning and
decision-making. In addition to this, team works needs to be encouraged as lots of
ideas and information are generated and can be used to planning as well as decision

b. The two strategies that would encourage team members to participate are as follows:

 Encourage ownership: if a team feels sense of ownership in the success or

failure of any project then a team works more harder. Team members should
be provided freedom in making any decision because they will feel that it is
their project rather than employers. So, employees needs to be provided with
freedom to experiment with various solution and if any issues arises, every
team members can generate the ideas and solutions to solve it.
 Provide every team member a chance to speak: Every employees have their
own personality where some people tend to be extrovert and some introvert and
shy. So as an employer, they can arrange one to one meeting where all the ideas
can be heard from introvert or shy people as well because people who are shy
will not be able to say their ideas in front of team members. So, every individual
should be provided a chance to speak.

c. Meeting is one of the significant forms that provide opportunities for members to
participate. Apart from meeting there are other ways that an individual can participate
in running a team. Mentoring the team members is one of the ways. As a mentor, they
can help individual in providing constructive feedback, offer practical advice and help
other learn the skills and attributes, which are useful for organization. Apart from
mentoring coaching is also one of the activities that can be done. Coaching can be
provided to motivate the employee and provide support to other members to conduct
the task.
Question 3
a. Feedback is one of the significant parts of the organization. Feedback motivates and
improves the productivity and efficiency of an employee or team members. If the
performances are below the level, then feedback should be provided to employees
and also if the performances are beyond the expectation, feedback should be
provided as sign of appreciating the hard work and integrity of the employee or the
b. The three strategies are as follows:
 Recognize employee achievement
 Provide mentorship program
 Customized training program

c. Providing feedback is integral part in business. These strategies helps employees

learn and grow and incentives and reward helps employees work more hard and
offering them training program helps to boost their skills and improve in their career

Question 4
In order to solve the organizational issues promptly managers must develop and
implement specific process. The process that has been developed must be easy to
follow and every staff members are aware of them. The first process is to identify
problems. Problems come in different forms and various levels. So, the problems that
has been identified needs to be recognized and reward for their action. The next step
is to conduct a meeting with the team members and gather all the required data and
take every members viewpoint. The data can be collected through conducting surveys
or collecting from eyewitness or from practical devices. The third process is to
analyze the data and team members need to work with the relevant legislation, codes,
and national standards. Then the final decision needs to be taken which needs to be
fair and bias free.

Question 5
a. The trust building behaviors such as being open and honest while communicating,
sticking to the commitments, being consistent behavior wise, appreciating other and
showing respect to every members in organizations, listening carefully to others
opinion etc are being demonstrated in the organization.

b. In order to attain the traits, managers can use strategies such as the managers need to
build trust among the employees and provide trainings to the staffs regarding the
skills and personality development. Not only this, managers need to encourage and
motivate staff as well as provide what has been promised to the staff to build trust.
The important strategies is to trust the employees and the hard work that they have
done for the company and appreciate the hard work.

c. The three behaviors are respecting each other, being open and honest and listening
to others viewpoint. Behaviors are something that a person gains in return. So, if the
person behaves badly with others, in return the person will also get the bad behavior
from others. So, building trust is difficult. Even with the suppliers and contractors,
employees need to be specific and provide relevant information to them so that they
can trust employees. Also, employees need to work efficiently and communicate
being open and honest regarding the relevant subjects so that trust can be build up

d. Building up trust in an organization may take a long time. The time when I gained
trust is when I started taking initiative and started doing administration jobs such as
handling phones, taking complaints and resolving issues and other regular jobs.
From that experience I learnt is that I need to take initiative and show the skills that I
have. Also, need to work with full dedication and complete the assigned task to
build trust with the employers.

Question 6
a. The traits that organization would list in its job description are simplicity, which
means the cultural environment of the organization is simple. Time management is
the second traits where the staffs need to be punctual as well as submit the assigned
task within the deadline and the entire task should be done on time. The third trait is
accountability, which means members are accountable for their responsibility. The
fourth trait is resources and fifth trait is tracking which means monitoring progress,
providing support to the required staff. The sixth trait is emotions.

b. The approaches that can be taken to teach staff about ethical and cultural
expectations are through meeting where the staffs should be informed about the
ethical and cultural expectations of organizations. The other approaches would be
through surveys, presentations, information session, and discussion.

Question 7
a. Networks in an organization can be formal or informal, internal or external, structured
or unstructured and individuals or groups. Networks are vital in any organizations. In
order to support outcomes organizations uses networks through sharing ideas between
different mediums, communicating using various mediums, using plans and projects,
through the discussion and gathering views.

b. Through the enhanced relationship with other industry or community groups an

organization can strengthen the business connections and getting assistance
whenever required. Networking helps in grabbing fresh ideas or offering others
helpful ideas will enhance the relationship. Moreover, networking helps in career
building by easy access to job opportunities. Not only this, through networking, you
get to know new people everyday which will build up the confidence and gain social
skills that are required in this competitive market.

Question 8
a. Networks are significant for organizations as well as for employee. Through
networks one can benefit by getting help from companies or other communities
whenever it is required. One can always strengthen the business connection or
personal connection and also can share the new ideas. Career building and getting
opportunities through networking is also one of the benefits. Not only this,
networking can help people resolving various issues whether in organization or in
personal life. So, networking is beneficial.

b. In order to present myself in networking conference, seminar or function to support

individual and organizational outcome first of all I will provide my personal
background which includes my name, where I com from, my educational
qualification, the purpose of coming in the seminar and then in second part I will
provide a brief description on my professional expertise which includes the
company I have been working for, all the experience gained, the article that have
been written or read, the achievement that I have made during the professional life,
and how the improvement can be made throughout the career.

Question 9
a. In every organization problems arises and the problems needs to be solves as soon as
possible. There are various indicators that indicate a problem is developing within
an organization and they are:
 Bullying
 Harassment
 Discrimination
 Performance issues
 Lack of communication
In order to stop employees from discrimination is making them aware that what
action can be taken by the related authority if the victim complains to the authority
and also making them aware that these kind of activities should not exist in the
organization and train the employees that every staff no matter which background
they come from are all equal and should respect each other. Also, Lack of
communication is a major problem in an organization that can cause various
problems. So, the staffs should be properly trained regarding the communication and
should make them aware of the problems that can create due to poor communication
an organization.

b. The relationship difficulties that employees could encounter are as follows:

 Gossip
 Lack of communication
 Poor performance
 Bullying
 Harassment
 Discrimination
c. Leader plays an important role in an organization. They are the ones who lead the
team members together and keep the employees motivated to work as a team. In
circumstances of making an allegation against team member, first of all the incident
should be recorded in complaint form then meeting should be conducted with both
of the parties to know actually what happened, evidence should be collected in the
form of witness and also evidence from practical device such as surveillance camera
should be collected. After collecting all the evidence the data should be analyzed
and finally decision should be made fairly with no biasness or preferences.

d. The problem that arises in an organization affects every member of the organization.
All the employees, team members, supervisors, managers and all the senior
management can be affected by the problems.

e. The three possible course of action an employee could follow to resolve workplace
problems are as follows:

 Need to take action immediately

 Record the incident as soon as possible
 Face to face meeting with both parties
 Interview both the parties and collect evidence as eye witness
 Collect evidence from all practical device located in organization
 Analyze all the information
 Make a fair conclusion

Question 10
a. The conflict can occur anytime in workplace or in personal life. The recent conflict
that has occurred in my workplace was due to miscommunication and
misunderstanding of the issue. The manager communicates that the working hours
of all the staff needs to be reduced and sends a new roster to all the staff. But as a
supervisor looking at the new roster finds out that there is no staff in between the
morning and afternoon staff which can make the work more difficult. So, as a
supervisor, I contacted the manager and informed him about the issue but the
manager did not focus much on the issue because manager thought that it would be
managed without the staff in daytime. Later on, the problem arises in the company
and there was no staff in the company to look after the issue. So, the facility
manager tries to contact the manager but the manager puts blame on the supervisor
stating that he is the one for the new proposed roster. SO, there was a
misunderstanding between the manger and the supervisor regarding the issue and the
new roster. Later on, they had a face-to-face meeting and the situation was managed
by re making of the new roster and discussion with each other in the meeting.

b. The three initiatives that can be taken to resolve the issues are as follows:

 Face to face meeting: To resolve the issues either in workplace or

personal life face-to-face meeting is a must. All the problems can be
discussed and also solutions can be generated.
 Needs to be objective and constructive: In order to handle the conflict
in an organization it is good to handle situation in constructive way so
that it is handled in a positive way and also in a conflict you need to
listen to others point of view as well as negotiate to handle the problem
 Defuse difficult situation: In order to resolve the issue in the
workplace, if there are difficult situation then break is a must. You
need to be calm and think positively. Anger and stress will not help to
resolve the issue.

c. Dispute resolution process is the process where disputes are brought to an end. At
first employee and/or any employee representative meet with the employee's direct
supervisor to discuss a problem. The supervisor listens carefully to the employee
and together they try to resolve the dispute. If the supervisor and employee are
unable to resolve the dispute or it is not appropriate that the supervisor deal with it,
the matter should be referred to senior management. Then senior management
listens to the employee's concerns and either resolves the dispute or refers the matter
to more senior management. Additionally, national officers listen to the employee
and attempt to resolve the dispute. It is either resolved or referred to an independent
body. An independent conciliator or mediator (for example the Fair Work
Commission) assists to resolve the dispute.

d. Communication is vital in organization. Effective communication helps in making

the work more effective. Once the resolutions are made it needs to be communicated
to the staff as quickly as possible. The resolution can be communicated to the staffs
through one to one meeting or team meeting where everyone gathers and everyone
is informed about the resolutions or they can also form one to one meeting and
effected parties can be informed. Also, it can be communicated through emails so
that there is a evidence that management has communicated to the staff.

e. At various level of organization these procedures will be very useful at any stage but
their needs to be improvement made. The dispute resolution procedures should be
communicated well within the members. The resolution procedures are handled
through various stages where employees and higher level are also involved in
resolving the issue. The procedures can be improved by being specific, and trying to
resolve the issue within an organistaion. The staff members needs to be aware of all
the procedures and staff needs to be informed or communicated about all the issue.

Question 11

a. If I were in Costas place and if sherri refuses to cooperate then as a manager I

would interfere in the matter and try to convince sherri the reason why they are
responsible for arranging the programs. I will also let sherri know the benefits of
letting them do because they are involved with the community groups.


Task Person Completion date

Event management Sherri 31st august

Guest invitation Hemi 30th july

Program planning Leanne 1st july

Consultation Sherri 5ht july

Catering service Hemi 31st august

c. The progress can be reviewed thorough conducting follow up. The event should be
planned properly ahead and continuous monitoring should be conducted. Then
evaluation should be done as well because it helps to reflect and learn from what it
has been done. After the continuous monitoring and evaluation we can find out how
and where it needs the improvement. The feedback can be obtained through various
ways such as conducting surveys or sending forms in emails. The feedback can also
be obtained through asking customers via online or sending the feedback form.

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