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Describing graphs

A - ii, iv
B - ii, iii
C - ii, iii
D - iii, iv
E - ii, iii
F - ii, iv
G - i, ii
H - iii
I - i, iii

Verbs of movement
1) h
2) d
3) b
4) g
5) j
6) i
7) a
8) e
9) c
10) f

1) The price of laptops fell and then leveled off.
2) Numbers hit a peak in the year 2009.
3) The amount of money spent fluctuated.
4) Visitor numbers to the website plummeted in the frist quarter of the year.
5) Book purschases rose gradually over the year.
6) The number of students applying to the university remained stable over the
7) Attendance at the conference fell gradually last year.
8) The growth rate dipped during the previous year.
9) Memeber numbers hit a low in March.
10) Car sales soared over the period.

Not correct:
a bottom out
a rocket
a soar
a level off
1) There was a drop in the price of laptops followed by a period of stability.
2) There was a peak in numbers in the year 2009.
3) There was a slight fall and then quick recovery in the amount of money spent.
4) There was a plunge in the visitor numbers in the first quarter of the year.
5) There was a slow but sure increase in the book purchases over the year.
6) There was a stabilization in the number of students applying over the decade.
7) ...
8) There was a steady declime in the attendance at the conference last year.
9) ...
10) ...


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