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Hello Sir Manoj calling from kit19.

its a sales automation software solution company which helps to prmote and increse our business

some questions from my side

1. sir are you registered in online lead system like just dial sulekha indiamart etc
how you manage these leads which coming from the same panel

Solution is our kit 19 in this you can mange all leads in one panel by using forwarding and
also you can add enquiry by adding them manually

2. what about the data of your old clients and how you define the client is usefull or not?

3. sir are you using sms or email to promote youur business ? (schedule event & campagin is
good option)

4. what is the process to take feedback from your client and how u manage?

5. brochure and print media using ? Virtual and missed call nunmber is an option

6. IVR

7. Track url and flash sms

8. lead segmentation

put the client to trail demo.

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