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Globalization is the growth of international trade, investment, technology and

information all over the world. It is the merge of all Asian countries with each other.

Technology is a big factor of globalization. The advanced and modern technology can

help each nation to access borders and top increase the economic growth of each

country. Globalization expands more in terms of the social, cultural, legal, and

political. Each country has its own cultural globalization and they represent and

exchange it to other countries about the new ideas and values of their country. They

also share the development of their country and help some country if needed. As to

the Philippines, Globalization brought many opportunities to all the Filipino people,

overseas multi-national company head-over to the country to expand and establish

businesses to cater and give livelihood to the Filipino people.

As to this, Filipinos who is working far away from their household needs a

transportation system to help them get to their destination. There are wide range of

means for the Filipino people to land to their destination such as jeepney, buses and

trains in which is a budget friendly for the minimum wage earner. As to jeepney, the

minimum fare is 9pesos, as to the buses it is 12pesos or less if you are riding a

ordinary buses and a train, in which cost roughly 13-15pesos per ride depending upon

the destination. In this, transportation system is not exempted to changes, or

somewhat say modernization due to the globalization. That we are adapting and

making a better and convenient way of transporting people to their places like to other

host countries.
And government is proposing the Jeepney modernization, as to the government it

aims to provide and improve the quality of the transportation system of the jeepney

riders and helps the environment because they say that it is a environment friendly

unlike the usual jeepney. However, it is a bad news for the jeepney drivers and

operators despite the financial assistance that the government is actually extending to

these people saying it will lessen the burden to adapt to the changes.

The initiative of the government is to phase out the old aging jeepney and the

government will put a much safer jeepney on the street and this is introduced by no

other than the LTFRB last 2015. The LTFRB released a resolution saying that they

they will not be approved for a franchise, extend their Certificate of Public

Convenience (CPC), increase of number of vehicles, or substitute their vehicles if

their unit is more than the minimum age requirement. The unit should not be more

than fifteen (15) years old reckoned from the date of manufacture of subject vehicle. It

is also applicable to all.

The newly proposed franchise system is to compared to the current franchising system

where jeepney operators propose the routes of jeepneys, the new franchising system

will be fully regulated by the government. The routes will be planned by the

government, Single unit operators will no longer be eligible for a franchise. Initially,

the minimum number of jeepneys for franchise is 20. By 2019, the minimum number
will be raised to 40. Standardize income of jeepney driver, provide them with regular

employment benefits, and abolish boundary system.

Improving PUVs to international standards

The new modernization jeepney has a rundown impact and upgrades imposed by the

LTFRB in which;

1. Vehicles with combustion engines must have low emissions in compliance with the

EURO IV emission standards or better. Like cars.

2. Speed limiters

3. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera for selected types of PUVs

4. Dashboard camera

5. GPS

6. Person with disability (PWD) friendly

7. Comfortable seats

8. Provision of Wi-Fi access

9. For buses, standing passengers must not exceed five persons

And the Training for drivers, The modernization of the public transport will not be

successful without the cooperation from the drivers manning the roads. This is why

the modernization program will also include training for jeepney drivers. The
training will serve as a refresher (and a crash course) on the technicalities of driving,

safe measures, and proper etiquette in dealing with passengers.

As to this, the commuter will get the advantages and benefits of safety and comfort,

Aside from the essentials, these e-jeeps also come with GPS navigation system, a

CCTV camera, dashboard camera, and even a Wi-Fi connection. These may just be

the icing on the cake, but they can make a world of difference in improving the

quality of commuting for passengers. Second, health and environment friendly due to

the combustion engines of EURO 4 emission standards and a better payment system,

because the newly equipped jeepneys that will soon be hitting the streets come

equipped with a tap card-based fare collection system, well-maintained regular

jeepneys that are not older than 15 years old will still remain on the streets. No more

passing change from one passenger to the other, all you’ll need is a loaded Beep card

and you’re good to go.

The disadvantages of it in the part of the operators and the drivers are;

The high cost of the newly equipped jeepney, this is the part that has caused the

outrage in light with the modernization of public transport. These modern jeepneys

will cost about ₱1.2 million to ₱1.6 million, which are payable for up to seven years.

The estimate for the subsidy of these vehicles is about ₱800 per day or ₱24,000 per
month. While this is basically the current boundary rates of jeepney drivers in Metro

Manila, operators, on the other hand, will not be able to profit for a long time if this

gets implemented.

The government subsidy, the government will provide for a ₱1.5-billion loan facility

for the jeepney cooperatives. The DBP will provide loans to cooperatives to finance

the acquisition of new jeepneys. The government will be subsidizing ₱80,000 per

vehicle purchased by operators or drivers. However, that amount is only about 5% of

the total price of these new PUVs and could hardly bring down the monthly

repayment, which is the root cause of the outrage from certain transport groups.

The transport cooperatives, Cooperatives will grant access to credit facilities, organize

operators and drivers (more streamlined implementation of rules and regulations),

enhance the service quality of public transport, and reduction of competition. Not only

will it fill the financial needs of both jeepney drivers and operators to continue their

livelihood, but it will also oversee Public Utility Vehicles better. Jeepneys despite

being a form of public transport aren’t completely controlled by the government.

Forming cooperatives is one step towards achieving this, and the income structure of

jeepney drivers and operators will be regulated – veering it away from the boundary

system. Cooperatives will treat operators as investors and guarantee them a steady

income. Meanwhile, drivers would earn a fixed rate with overtime pay and be given

social security and health benefits.

Many will not agree and many will agree but the question will always be, did the

government do proper research and weigh the scale for the jeepney driver and

operators or they just did it because they can gain a commission and knowing that the

drivers cannot and somewhat will never afford it.

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