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Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is a animal that rarely found in temperate waters, but

are very widely spread in tropical regions close to the coastal continents and around the islands.

Therefore, green sea turtle is the most turtle species common in Indonesian waters. Although

Green Turtle is the most type found a lot, but its sustainability still a problem. Green sea turtle

has been extensively hunted in Indonesia since in ancient times, especially for meat and the

eggs. Green sea turtle has a greenish yellow color or dark black brown. The shell is ovoid when

viewed from above and the head is relatively small and blunt. The length is between 80 to 150

cm and the weight can reach 132 kg. Green sea turtle prefers the beach free of tides. This area

will attract turtle instincts for make a nest. The more sloping beach laying are increasingly

make it easy for turtles to do landing activity looking for locations nest as a place to lay eggs.

Adult green sea turtles are like herbivore sea turtles. Their main food is seagrass or algae, which

lives in tropical and subtropical waters. But the children are assumed to be omnivores to

accelerate their body growth. Most likely there is a gradual transition when turtles reach large

enough to be able to avoid predators. The most common types of predators are wild dogs, red

ants, and beach crabs. Predator is a threat to female turtles as well hatchlings. Hatchling phase

is the most critical phase in his life because at that moment easiest predator to eat it.

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