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Chapter 1:


1.1 Background of the study
This report is originated as a partial fulfillment of the BBA program of Bangladesh
University of Business & Technology. This report is a mandatory requirement for BBA
completion. We have worked at Brac Bank Ltd. Mirpur branch and the experience of
working at Brac Bank Ltd. has helped us to match our theoretical knowledge with practical
understanding. As an intern of Brac Bank Ltd. I was provided with the topic “Training &
Development Process.”

1.2 Significance of the report

Education will be the most effective when theory and practice blends. Theoretical knowledge
gets its perfection with practical application. We all know that there is no alternative of
practical knowledge which is more beneficial than theoretical aspects. The prime reason of
this study is to become familiar with the practical knowledge. As the students of business
studies we have no knowledge to face the real life situation. By this study we get idea
between the gap theoretical knowledge and practical application & it may help us in practical

1.3 Scope of the report

The report deals with the training & development process in terms of theoretical point of
view & practical use. The study will allow learning about the training & development issues,
importance, modem techniques & models used to make it more efficient. The study will help;
learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the study will
help differentiate between the theories and practice that direct to realize how the organization
can improve their training & development.

1.4 Objectives of the report

Broad objective
The prime objective of the study is to analyse the training & development process by Brac
bank ltd.

Specific objectives:
 To know about the training process followed by BBL.
 To know about the training & development methods followed by BBL.
 To identify the problems of training & development process & to recommend
necessary measures to overcome the problems.

1.5 Methodology
The study requires a systematic process from selection of the topic to preparation of the final
report. The data sources of this study were to be identified and collected, to be classified,
analyzed, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner and key points were to be found
out. The overall process of methodology is given in the followings:

a) Research Design

This is a descriptive Research, which briefly reveals the overall training & development
process it has been administered by collecting both primary and secondary data of Brac Bank

b) Sampling plan:

 Population: The target Population was the Executives, Operative employees

who are working in BBL.

 Sample Unit: Any employee who is working in BBL. at Mirpur branch.

 Sample Size: Total Sample size was respondents which includes both
executive & operative employees, here shown in the following table:

Executive Operative employees Total

2 3 5
 Sampling Method: The non-probability suitable sampling method was
used for collecting the information & to identify the respondents.

 Sample Frame: The list of employees who are working only in BBL.

 Questionnaire Design: Questionnaire was prepared with both open ended

& closed question. Questionnaire was made for executives & operatives. The
average time questioning is 15/20 minutes. The nature of the questions used in
the questionnaire is dichotomy to our questions with determinant choice
questions & one open ended question.

Open ended question: Open-ended questions are ones that require more than one
word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, such as what is your
favorite memory from childhood?
Closed ended question: If you can answer a question with only a "yes" or "no"
response, then you are answering a close-ended type of question like, Are you
feeling better today?

 Types of Data used: Mainly 2 types of data were used:

 Primary data: It is the data which is collected by the researcher
directly by survey observation & experience. Ex: if the researcher
conducts a survey for the collection of data then it is known as primary

 Secondary data: The data taken by the researcher from secondary

sources, internal or external that means which was collected & used
previously for another purpose.

c) Sources of Data

Sources of data of this report can be divided into 2 ways:

 Primary Sources: Through questionnaire survey

 Secondary Sources:
 Annual report of BBL(Year-2014)
 Class lecture
 Web base support from the internet(

1.6 Data Analysis

Both the qualitative & quantitative analysis has been followed in this research. Quantitative
question were scaled with well-known Likert method. To analyze the gathered data different
types of computer software were used as Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel & Microsoft
Power point.

1.7 Limitation of the Study:

Every matter has some limitations. Therefore, this is also not an exception. The
limitations of this report are been sated below:

Time Limitation: Due to time restriction, the study is concentrated in selected areas.
It is really very short time to know details about the overall training & development
process of an organization.
Inadequate Data: Because of the unwillingness of the key persons to provide the
required information, necessary data collection become hard, they are extremely
busy to perform their duty.
Lack of Record: Available data also could not be verified.
Lack of experiences: As a 1st hand researcher of the organization, it was not
possible on us to express some of the sensitive issues as it require.

Chapter 2:
Theoretical Analysis

2.1 Definition of Training:
A process of acquiring the knowledge, developing skills & shape up the attitude that is
important to gain competitive advantage. It should be viewed broadly as a way to create
intellectual capacity that includes basic skills, advanced skills, an understanding of the
customer or manufacturing system & self-motivated creativity.

Organized activity aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the

recipient’s performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

Training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge that relate
to specific useful competencies.

It is a learning that provided in order to improve performance on the present job.

Training is the process of teaching new Employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.
Training is a hallmark of good management and a task that managers ignore at their peril.
Having high potential employees doesn’t guarantee they will succeed. The firm’s training
programs must make sense in terms of the company’s strategic goals- this is the strategic
context of the training program.

Need for Training:

Training is widely considered as an important tool for enhancing a person's Attitude, Skill and
Knowledge (ASK). It is the process of assisting a person for developing his efficiency and
effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge.

2.2 Importance of training:

Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers
and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if
he is trained well.

Training is given on four basic grounds:

1. New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training
familiarizes them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and
the working conditions.
2. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge.

3. If any updating and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope
up with those changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment, changes in
technique of production, computer impartment. The employees are trained about use
of new equipments and work methods.
4. When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so that
employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.

5. Improves morale of employees: Training helps the employee to get job security
and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his
morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be
employee absenteeism and turnover.

6. Less supervision: A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and
will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts.

7. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources: Training and Development helps in

optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to
achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

8. Development of Human Resources: Training and Development helps to provide

an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources. A
technical and behavioral skill in an organization. It also helps the employees in
attaining personal growth.

9. Development of skills of employees: Training and Development helps in

increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to
expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

10. Productivity: Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the
employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

11. Team spirit: Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team
work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to
learn within the employees.

12. Organization Culture: Training and Development helps to develop and improve
the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning
culture within the organization.

13. Organization Climate: Training and Development helps building the positive
perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings
from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

14. Quality: Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work
and work-life.

15. Healthy work environment: Training and Development helps in creating the
healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that
individual goals aligns with organizational goal.
16. Morale: Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work

17. Image: Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

18. Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more
positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

19. Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets
more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organizational policies

20. Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty,
better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually

2.3 Methods of training:

There are mainly 2 types of training methods & those are briefly discuss below:

1. Cognitive method:
Those are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various methods
under this approach provide the rules for how to do something, written or verbal
information, demonstrate relationships among concepts etc.
Focuses- changes in knowledge & attitude by learning.

Methods that come under Cognitive approach

 Lectures:
 Tit used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes
through lecture.
 It can be in printed or oral form,
 It is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical
aspect of a topic.
 Difficult to imagine training without lecture format.
 There are some variations in this methods that means some forms of lectures
are interactive while some are not.

 Demonstrations
 It is a visual display of how something works or how to do something. Like-
trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks of job.
 Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task.

 Discussions
The act of talking about something with another person or a group of people : a
conversation about something

 Computer Based Training (CBT)
 Providing training to employees through intranet or internet.
 CBT does not require face-to-face interaction with a human trainer

Benefits of CBT

2. Behavioral Methods
 Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees.
 The various methods in this allows the trainee to behaviour in a real fashion.
 These methods are best used for skill development.

Methods that come under behavioral approach

Games & Simulations
 Game is defined as spirited activity or exercise in which trainees compete with each
other according to the defined set of rules.
 Simulation is creating computer versions of real-life games.
 It is about imitating or making judgment or opinion how events might occur in a real

I. Business Games
 These are based on the set of rules, procedures, plans, relationships, principles derived
from the research.
 In business games, trainees are given some information that describes a particular
situation and are then asked to make decisions that will best suit in the favour of the

II. Role play:

Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play.

Information is given to trainees related to description of the role

 Concerns
 Objectives
 Responsibilities
 Emotions etc

Then, a general description of the situation, and the problem that each one of them faces, is
given example, situation could be strike in factory, managing conflict between two parties
scheduling vacation days, etc

III. In baskets techniques:

In this technique, trainee is given some information about the role to be played such as,
description, responsibilities, general context about the role

The trainee is then given the log of material that makes up the in-basket and asked to respond
to materials within a particular time period

After all the trainees complete in-basket a discussion with the trainer takes place

IV. Equipment simulators can be used in giving training to:

 Tax drivers
 Telephone
 Maintenance workers
 Product development
 Airline pilots

V. Case study:
The trainee is given with some written material, and the some complex situations of a real or
imaginary organization.

2.4 Process of training:

In a training process there are 6 steps. Those are follows:
Step 1: Decide if training is needed

The first step in the training process is a basic one: to determine whether a problem can be
solved by training. Training is conducted for one or more of these reasons: 1) Required
legally or by order or regulation 2) to improve job skills or move into a different position 3)
for an organization to remain competitive and profitable. If employees are not performing
their jobs properly, it is often assumed that training will bring them up to standard. This may
not always be the case. Ideally, training should be provided before problems or accidents
occur and should be maintained as part of quality control.

Step 2: Determine what type of training is needed

The employees themselves can provide valuable information on the training they need. They
know what they need/want to make them better at their jobs. Just ask them! Also, regulatory
considerations may require certain training in certain industries and/or job classifications.
Once the kind of training that is needed has been determined, it is equally important to
determine what kind of training is not needed. Training should focus on those steps on which
improved performance is needed. This avoids unnecessary time lost and focuses the training
to meet the needs of the employees.

Step 3: Identifying Goals and Objectives

Once the employees' training needs have been identified, employers can then prepare for the
training. Clearly stated training objectives will help employers communicate what they want
their employees to do, to do better, or to stop doing! Learning objectives do not necessarily
have to be written, but in order for the training to be as successful as possible, they should be
clear and thought–out before the training begins.

Step 4: Implementing the Training

Training should be conducted by professionals with knowledge and expertise in the given
subject area; period. Nothing is worse than being in a classroom with an instructor who has
no knowledge of what they are supposed to be teaching! Use in-house, experienced talent or
an outside professional training source as the best option. The training should be presented so
that its organization and meaning are clear to employees. An effective training program
allows employees to participate in the training process and to practice their skills and/or
knowledge. Employees should be encouraged to become involved in the training process by
participating in discussions, asking questions, contributing their knowledge and expertise,
learning through hands–on experiences, and even through role–playing exercises.

Step 5: Evaluation Training Program

One way to make sure that the training program is accomplishing its goals is by using an
evaluation of the training by both the students and the instructors Training should have, as
one of its critical components, a method of measuring the effectiveness of the training.
Evaluations will help employers or supervisors determine the amount of learning achieved
and whether or not an employee's performance has improved on the job as a result.

Step-6. Feedback

Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in the training
program and improve the same in future. For this purpose, information relating to class room,
food, lodging etc. are obtained from participants. The obtained information, then, tabulated,
evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark weak areas of training programs and for future

2.5 Definition of Development:

The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or

An extension of the theoretical or practical aspects of a concept, design, discovery,
or invention.

The more future oriented method and more concerned with education of the employees. To
become a better performer by education implies that management development activities
attempt to install sound reasoning processes.

The process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural
and environmental factors and their interactions.

Development is an educational process in which the personnel of the organization get the
chance to learn the in depth application of theoretical knowledge for their overall growth.

2.6 Methods of development of Brac Bank Ltd.:

Various methods are used to train personnel for managerial level jobs in the company. These
methods can be explained with the help of following diagram:

On the Job Training Methods

On the job method refers to training given to personnel inside the company. There are
different methods of on the job training:

1. Job rotation: Movement of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives
job knowledge & gain experience.

2. Planned progression: In this method juniors are assigned a certain job of their senior
in addition to their own job. The method allows the employee to slowly learn the job
of his senior so that when he is promoted to his senior job it becomes very easy for
him to adjust to the new situation. It also provides a chance to learn higher level jobs.

3. Coaching and counseling: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who
functions as a coach. The supervisor provides feedback to the employee & supports
him to improve.

4. Under study: In this method of training a junior is deputed to work under a senior.
He takes orders from the senior, observes the senior, attends meetings with him, learns
about decision making and handling of day to day problems. The method is used
when the senior is on the verge of retirement and the job will be taken over by the

5. Junior board: In this method a group of junior level managers are identified and
they work together in a group called junior board. They function just like the board of

Off the Job Training Methods

Off the job training refers to method of training given outside the company. The different
methods adopted in off the job training are the following:

1. Class room method: It is provided in company class rooms or educational institution

through lectures audio visual aids, case studies and group discussion. It is very helpful
and teaching problems solving skills and new concepts. It is also useful in orientations
and safety training programs. For teaching new technologies to software
professionals, class room training is often used.

Example: Truck drivers could receive lectures on issues such as company policies
and safety.

2. Simulators: Simulators are used to imitate real work experiences. Simulation

involves creating atmosphere which is very similar to the original work environment.
The method helps to train manager handling stress, taking immediate decisions,
handling pressure on the jobs etc. An actual feel of the real job environment is given

Example: Truck drivers could use simulators to practice responding to dangerous

driving situations.

3. Business Games: This method involves providing a market situation to the trainee
manager and asking him to provide solutions. If there are many people to be trained
they can be divided into groups and each group becomes a separate team and play
against each other.

Example: In a trucking business, managers could create games that teach truckers the impact
of late deliveries, poor customer service or unsafe driving.

4. Committee: A group of trainees are selected & gives an opportunity to resolve a live
case in the organization. This will enhance their decision making & problem solving

5. Readings: This method involves encouraging the trainee manager to increase his
reading related to his subject and then ask him to make a presentation on what he has
learned. Information can be collected by trainee manager from books, magazines and
internet etc.

6. In -basket Training (IBT) Method: IBT is a method where the trainee is required to
examine a basket full of papers and files relating to his area of work and make
recommendations on problems contained in them. This method is meant for trainees
in a managerial level to improve their decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
This is a form of simulation training designed around day to- day business situations
and hence is transferable to the job experiences.

7. Conferences: A group of meet together pose ideas, examine & share faces, ideas &
data, test assumptions, draw conclusions, all of which contributes to the improvement
of job performance.

Fig: Methods of development of Brac Bank Ltd

2.7 Difference between training & development:
There are some differences between training & development. Those are given below:

Basis of Comparison Training Development

Training is a learning Development is an

process in which employees educational process in
get an opportunity to which the personnel of the
develop skill, competency organization get the chance
and knowledge as per the to learn the in depth
job requirement application of theoretical
knowledge for their overall

Term Short Term Long Term

Focus on Present Future

Concentrated towards Job Career

Instructor Trainer Self

Objective To improve the work To prepare employees for

performances of the future challenges

Number of Individuals Many Only one

Chapter 3:
Company Overview

3.1 History of Brac Bank Limited

BRAC Bank Limited, one of the latest generation of commercial banks started its journey on
July 04, 2001. It is an affiliate of BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee), one of
the world’s largest non-governmental development organizations founded by Fazle Hasan
Abed in 1972. It has been the fastest growing Bank in 2004 and 2005. The Bank operates
under a "double bottom line" agenda where profit and social responsibility go hand in hand as
it strives towards a poverty-free, progressive Bangladesh.

BRAC Bank Limited, with institutional shareholdings by BRAC, International Finance

Corporation (IFC) and Shore Cap International, has been the fastest growing Bank in
Bangladesh for the last 3 successive years. In the recent past, the bank has gone public with
price of shares reaching impressive heights, further showing promising future.

BRAC Bank, a fully operational Commercial Bank, focuses on pursuing new market niches
in the Small and Medium Enterprise Business, which till then has remained largely available
within the country. In the last 5 years of operation,

The bank’s investments during the year 2014 were mostly in Government
securities, which stood at BDT 20,559 M as of December 31, 2014 as opposed to BDT
19,365 M in the previous year. Out of the total investments, 78% was concentrated in
Government Securities to maintain comfortable CRR and SLR ratio of the bank.

The management of the Bank believes that this sector of the economy can contribute the most
to the rapid generation of employment in Bangladesh. Since start in July 2001, the Bank's
footprint has grown to 36 branches, more than 400 SME unit offices and 38 ATM sites across
the country, and the customer base has expanded to 200,000 deposit and 45,000 advance
accounts through 2006. In 2005, BRAC Bank had a $178 million portfolio consisting of
around 21,000 loans with an average loan size of $8,000. It has around 400 regionally-placed
loan processing units offering services in the heart of rural and urban communities and
employs over 700 business loan officers – around 60% of total staff.

BRAC Bank is one of country’s fastest growing banks. With 155 Branches, SME Service
Centers & SME/Krishi Branches, 14 Apon Shomoy, 322 ATM Booths, 31CDMs, 398 SME
Unit Offices and more than 7,695 (as on May 2014) human resources, BRAC Bank’s
operation now cuts across all segments and services in financial industry. With more than 1.3
Million Customers, the bank has already proved to be the largest SME financier in just.

12 years of its operation in Bangladesh and continues to broaden its horizon into Retail,
Corporate, Foreign Remittance and other arenas of banking. In the year: 2010, BRAC Bank
has been recognized as Asia’s most Sustainable Bank in Emerging Markets by the Financial
Times and IFC.

BRAC Bank Limited has won prestigious ‘Best Bank in Bangladesh Award’ from Finance
Asia as part of Country Awards for Achievement 2013.
Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director & CEO, BRAC Bank, formally received
the award at Country Awards Gala Dinner at Hotel Fort Canning in Singapore. In this earlier
year, 2nd international honor for BRAC Bank “Best Managed BRAC Bank Award” comes
from the Asian Banker. Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman formally received the awards at The
Asian Banker Summit 2013 at Ritz Carlton Jakarta in Indonesia BRAC Bank has also been
awarded with ‘Sustainable Marketing Excellence Award’ from CMO Asia. The award is as
part of Global Brand Excellence Awards of CMO Asia, the most prestigious brands award in
The award was handed over to BRAC Bank at World Brand Congress at The Pan Pacific,
Singapore on July 31, 2014. Mr. Zeeshan Kingshuk Huq, Head of Communication and
Service Quality, BRAC Bank, received the award at the annual conference of brand gurus.

BRAC bank Limited, with institutional shareholding by BRAC, International Finance

Corporation (IFC) and Shore Cap Exchange, has been the fastest growing bank for last
several years.

3.2 Corporate Profile:

Known As: BRAC Bank Ltd (BBL)

Chairman : Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG

Managing Director and CEO: Syed Mahbubur Rahman

Secretary: Rays Uddin Ahmed

Date of Incorporation: May 20, 1999

Inauguration of the first branch: 4th July 2001

Head Office: 1 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan -1, Dhaka 1212

Authorize Capital in BDT (mn): 12,000.00

Paid-up Capital in BDT (mn): 7,092.87

Market Capital in BDT (mn): 24,115.77

Number of employees: 7000 (approximately)
Category: Commercial Bank
Type: Privet.
Origin: Local
Industry: Financial Services
Stock Code: BRACBANK
Phone +880-2-885 9202, +8801819230000 (Call Center)
Fax +880-2-986 0395
24 Hour Call Center: 16221
For Overseas Callers: +880 2 8852233
Website: http://

3.3 Vision
Building profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Market and
Business with Growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders to build a just,
enlightened, healthy democratic and poverty free Bangladesh”.

3.4 Mission
 Sustained growth in Small & Medium Enterprise sector.
 Continuous low-cost deposit Growth with controlled growth in retail assets.
 Corporate Assets to be funded through self-liability mobilization. Growth in Assets through
syndications and investment in faster growing sectors.
 Continuous endeavor to increase non-funded income.
 Keep our debt charges at 2% to maintain a steady profitable growth.
 Achieve efficient synergies between the bank’s branches, SME unit offices and BRAC field
offices for delivery of remittance and Bank’s other products and services.
 Manage various lines of business in a full controlled environment with no compromise on
service quality.
 Keep a divers, far flung team fully controlled environment with no compromise on service
 Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards materializing the bank’s
vision into reality.

3.5 Our Slogan

The slogan of BRAC Bank is “Astha Obichol”. These two words are Bengali
words that denote enormous trust on the organization.

3.6 Objectives

The objective of BRAC Bank Limited is specific and targeted to its vision and to position
itself in the mindset of the people as a bank with difference. The objective of BRAC Bank
Limited is as follows:

Building a strong customer focus and relationship based on integrity, superior service.

►To finance the industry, trade and commerce in both the conventional way and by offering
customer friendly credit service.

►To encourage the new entrepreneurs for investment and thus to develop the country’s
industry sector and contribute to the economic development.

►To work as a team to serve the best interest of our owners

►To develop the standard of living of the limited income group by providing Consumer

►To base recognition and reward on performance

►To responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do

►To mobilize the savings and channeling it out as loan or advance as the company approve.

►To establish, maintain, carry on, transact and undertake all kinds of investment and
financial business including underwriting, managing and distributing the issue of stocks,
debentures, and other securities.

3.7 Core Values

Our Strength emanates from our owner - BRAC. This means, we will hold the following values and
will be guided by BRAC as we do our work.

 Value the fact that one is a member of the BRAC family

 Creating an honest, open and enabling environment
 Have a strong customer focus and build relationships based on integrity, superior service
and mutual benefit
 Strive for profit & sound growth
 Work as team to serve the best interest of our owners
 Relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement
 Value and respect people and make decisions based on merit
 Base recognition and reward on performance
 Responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do.

3.8 Commitments to clients
 In serving customers:
 Customer-first
 Quality-focus
 Credibility and secrecy
 In serving the Bank:
 Loyalty
 Total commitment and dedication
 Excellence through teamwork

 Carrying ourselves at work:

 Discipline
 Integrity
 Sincerity
 Caring
 Creativity

3.9 Ethical Principles

o Integrity

o Sincerity

o Righteousness & making one’s work perfect

o Trustworthiness

o Legality

o Objectivity

o Faith-driven conduct

o Professional competence & diligence

o Professional conduct & technical standards

3.10 Core Business

a. Corporate Banking g. Trade Finance m. Government Treasury function

b. Project Finance h. Loan Syndication n. Money market operation

c. SME Finance i. Foreign Exchange dealing o. Rural & Micro credit

d. Remittance j. International Trade p. Capital market operation

e. Lease Finance k. NGO-Linkage loan q. Special small loan

f. Consumer credit l. Investment

3.11 Management
The management of the bank is vested on a Board of Directions, subject to overall supervision &
directions on policy matters by the board which is constituted in terms of Bangladesh Bank Order
1972. Board of Directions constituted by 7 members, has authority to organize, operate & manage its
affairs on commercial consideration within the Board policy of government. There are directions
appointed by the government. Other members of the Board including MD are also government
appointed out of that at least 3 have the experience in the field of Finance, Banking, Trade,
Commerce, and Industry & Agriculture. The managing director is the Chief Executive of Bank. He
executes all the activities under the direction of Board. All line & staff personnel of Bank’s are own
recruitment except member of Board of Directors.

Management committee

Syed Mahbubur Rahman

Managing Director & CEO

Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid Ishtiaq Mohiuddin
Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director

Rais Uddin Ahmad Nabil Mustafizur Rahman Firoz Ahmed Khan Mahmoodun Nabi Chowdhury
Group Company Secretary, Chief Risk Officer Head of Retail Banking Head of Corporate Banking
Head of Legal & Regulatory
Affairs and CAMLCO

Shah Alam Bhuiyan Fatema Rizwana Syed Abdul Momen Md. Mahbubul Alam
Head of Operations Head of Human Resources Head of Small Business Head of Learning & Development

Md. Shaheen Iqbal Abu Nur Md. Parvez Sajjad Zara Jabeen Mahbub
Head of Treasury and Financial Institutions Chief Financial Officer Head of Communication
& Service Quality

3.12 Organization
BRAC Bank Limited, one of the latest generation of commercial banks started its journey on
July 04, 2001. It is an affiliate of BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee), one of
the world’s largest non-governmental development organizations founded by Fazle Hasan
Abed in 1972. It has been the fastest growing Bank in 2004 and 2005. The Bank operates
under a "double bottom line" agenda where profit and social responsibility go hand in hand as
it strives towards a poverty-free, enlightened Bangladesh.

BRAC Bank is one of country’s fastest growing banks. With 155 Branches, SME Service
Centers & SME/Krishi Branches, 14 Apon Shomoy, 322 ATM Booths, 31CDMs, 398 SME
Unit Offices and more than 7,695 (as on May 2014) human resources.

Principal office headquarter has control over the whole area of a district i.e. the principal
office is the local point of the bank’s administrative zone of the district. The regional office is
situated in the Thana level within the district, is under control and supervision of the principal
office of the district. Regional offices are responsible for their activities to the principal

Regional heads exercise control and supervision overall the branches within their jurisdiction
and keep the head of principal office informed the progress of their respective areas from
time to time.

3.13 Organ gram

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG


Muhammad A. (Rumee) Ali Shib Narayan Kairy Tamara Hasan Abed
Director Director Director

Nihad Kabir Dr. Hafiz G.A. Siddiqi Zahida Ispahani

Director (Independent) Director Director

Syed Mahbubur Rahman

Managing Director and CEO

3.14 Divisions
For providing service to clients and to organize and co-ordinate the functioning of its several
branches throughout the country Brac Bank Ltd. has established the following divisions in
Head Office:

a) Financial Administration Division:

This division can handle the credit proposal, disbursement, monitoring and credit recovery
position that is given by all branches. Each branch has their own credit division and all
branch-wise activities are supported to the head office credit services division.

b) Audit & Inspection Division

This division can control all the financial position, activities of overall organization. They
provide the total budgetary limitation to every department for the respective year. They also
carry out the financing activities with the access and operational activities.

c) Marketing & Public Relations Division

This division mainly works for

 Improving the marketing network throughout the country.

 Implementing the marketing strategies and the concept of Trade Marketing.
 Improving the procedure which is ultimately provided data regarding to
competition and relative market.
 Arranging the several workshops and seminar this can improve the quality
officers as a competitive edge position.
d) Human Resources Division(HRD)

This division deals with the employees as the core resources of the organization. This
division mainly emphasis on the recruitment of employees and the employee benefits and
services. The main philosophy of this division is to motivate the employee to work with
efficiently and effectively.

e) International Division

This division can work on internationally. The entire branch-wise international work
controlled and monitored by this division.

f) General Banking Division/ Common Service Division

This division can handle all the general activities except the credit and financial sector. All
the administration activities are designed and implemented by this division.

g) Information & Technology (IT) Division/ Computer (IT) Division

This division can handle the IT activities. Each branch has their own IT division and a
branch-wise activity is reported to the head office IT division.

h) ATM Card Division

i) Budget & Monitoring Division

j) Credit Card Division

k) Law & Recovery Division

l) Commercial Banking Division

m) Resolution Division

3.15 Products and Services:

Brac Bank’s product and services are categorized into three sections-

Retail Banking Products

BRAC Bank has a variety of retail banking products for consumers including
 Loans,
 Deposit Schemes,
 Accounts Service,
 Cards,
 Other Services.
 VISA local
 international credit & debit cards
 ATM Network
 BRAC bank has recently started e-commerce banking

Services Provided By BRAC Bank:

 SME Banking
 Corporate & Institutional Banking
 Retail Banking
 Banking Services for Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)
 SMS Banking
 Probashi Banking
 Islamic Banking

At a Glance
Population Reach 138 millionEDUCATION
Annual Expenditure (BRAC) USD 728 million
Annual Expenditure (BRAC USD 91 millionNumber of Schools 44,909
International) Number of Students 1.3 million
Number of Employees 119,331Graduated Students 10.8 million
Members in Community Libraries 1.2 million

Community Health Workers 110,944
Number of Clubs 10,575
Women Received Ante-natal Care 25.6 million
Number of Club Members 323,658
Women Received Post-natal Care 27.4 million


Total Borrowers 4.4 million
Human Rights and Legal Education 3.9 million
Cumulative Disbursement USD 12.58 billion
Number of Legal Complains Received 217,288
Community Institution (Polli 13,712
Shomaj) Built
Seeds Distributed 1,772 MT
Shows Staged by Our Popular 180,298
Poultry Vaccination Provided 55.3 million
Theatre Group


No. of People Served with Hygienic 32.4 million
Women Received Assets 451,171
Women Received Training 1.5 million
No. of People Served with Safe Drinking 2.2 million

Chapter 4:
Training & Development
Systems of BBL

4.1 Introduction
Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and
to the experiences of people in work. Training has implications for productivity, health and
safety at work and personal development. All organizations employing people need to train
and develop their staff. Most organizations are cognizant of this requirement and invest
effort and other resources in training and development. Such investment can take the form

of employing specialist training and development staff and paying salaries to staff
undergoing training and development. Investment in training and development entails
obtaining and maintaining space and equipment. It also means that operational personnel,
employed in the organization’s main business functions, such as production, maintenance,
sales, marketing and management support, must also direct their attention and effort from
time to time towards supporting training development and delivery. This means they are
required to give less attention to activities that are obviously more productive in terms of
the organization’s main business. However, investment in training and development is
generally regarded as good management practice to maintain appropriate expertise now
and in the future.

4.2 Training & Development methods of Brac bank:

Various methods are used to train personnel for managerial level jobs in the company.
These methods can be explained with the help of following diagram:

Off the Job Training Methods

Off the job training refers to method of training given outside the company. The different
methods adopted in off the job training are the following:

1. Class room method: It is provided in company class rooms or educational

institution through lectures audio visual aids, case studies and group discussion. It
is very helpful and teaching problems solving skills and new concepts. It is also
useful in orientations and safety training programs. For teaching new technologies
to software professionals, class room training is often used.

Example: Truck drivers could receive lectures on issues such as company policies
and safety.

2. Simulators: Simulators are used to imitate real work experiences. Simulation

involves creating atmosphere which is very similar to the original work
environment. The method helps to train manager handling stress, taking immediate
decisions, handling pressure on the jobs etc. An actual feel of the real job
environment is given here.

Example: Truck drivers could use simulators to practice responding to dangerous

driving situations.

3. Business Games: This method involves providing a market situation to the trainee
manager and asking him to provide solutions. If there are many people to be
trained they can be divided into groups and each group becomes a separate team
and play against each other.

Example: In a trucking business, managers could create games that teach truckers the
impact of late deliveries, poor customer service or unsafe driving.

4. Committee: A group of trainees are selected & gives an opportunity to resolve a

live case in the organization. This will enhance their decision making & problem
solving approach.

5. Readings: This method involves encouraging the trainee manager to increase his
reading related to his subject and then ask him to make a presentation on what he
has learned. Information can be collected by trainee manager from books,
magazines and internet etc.

6. In -basket Training (IBT) Method: IBT is a method where the trainee is required to
examine a basket full of papers and files relating to his area of work and make
recommendations on problems contained in them. This method is meant for
trainees in a managerial level to improve their decision-making and problem-
solving abilities. This is a form of simulation training designed around day to- day
business situations and hence is transferable to the job experiences.

7. Conferences: A group of meet together pose ideas, examine & share faces, ideas
& data, test assumptions, draw conclusions, all of which contributes to the
improvement of job performance.

Fig: Off the Job Training Methods

4.3 Training Process of Brac Bank Limited

The general objective is to access the Employee Training and Development on BRAC
Bank Ltd. in Bangladesh. In this study, exploratory research was undertaken to gain
insights and understanding of the overall the Employee Training and Development on
BRAC Bank Ltd. in Bangladesh to determine their efficiency. After that a more
comprehensive conclusive has been undertaken to fulfill the main purpose of the study.

In a training process there are 5 steps. Those are follows:

a) Training needs analysis

 Organization analysis: Identify training needs of the organization according to its
long-term goals-set the training goals.
 Job analysis: Identify training needs of the organization according to job
descriptions & specification-specify skills/ knowledge/ behavior to be trained.
 People analysis: Identify people that need training & their trainability- identify
potential trainees.

b) Instructional design
 Set training goals
 Determine what to train
 Identify trainees
 Choose training materials
 Determine training modes & methods
 Select training
 Develop training budget

c) Validation

 Validate the training program before implementation:

 Direct study: Conduct the program with a small number of trainees to test
its effect.
 Consultation: Consult the trainees & their supervisors on the
appopriateness of the program.
 Make revision of the training program before implementation
d) Implementation
Obtain continuous support from line-management to the training program.
Appoint manager for the training program.
Develop logistic support.
Conduct separate evaluation of the program.

e) Evaluation & follow-up

There are 3 types of evaluation & those are given bellow:
I. Concurrent/ Separate evaluation: Evaluate training effects during
II. Immediate final evaluation: Evalute training effects at the end of the
III. Follow-Up evaluation: Evalute training effect by evaluating trainees
performance over time.

Training needs analysis

Instructional design



Evaluation & follow-up

4.4 Questionnaire Survey Analysis:

1. Your organization does provide training.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the organization provide
training to the employees.

2. Your organization does follow the following training methods.

According to the graph, that 60% of the respondents give the information that Brac Bank
Limited use off the job training method and 40% respondents said that both training
methods are followed by the bank.

3. Training program does create good relationship between employer-employee.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the organization provide
training to the employees.

4. Training does help to motivate the employee.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the organization help to
motivate the employee in the training.

5. Training does increase the productivity of employee.

According to the graph, that 60% of the respondents agree and 40% of the respondents
strongly agree that training increase the productivity of employee.

6. Training program is necessary for every employee on the basis of their job.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents strongly agree that the training
program is necessary for every employee on the basis of their job.

7. Training program is necessary for this organization.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents strongly agree that the training
program is necessary for this organization.

8. Training program that your organization organizes is useful.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents strongly agree that the training
program is useful.

9. Training environment of your organization is favorable to employees.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents strongly agree that the training
environment of your organization is favorable to employee.

10. Institute takes too much time for training program.

According to the graph, that 80% of the respondents strongly disagree and 20% of the
respondents strongly agree that institute takes too much for training program.

11. Training program of your organization is up to date.

According to the graph, that 60% of the respondents agree and 40% of the respondents
strongly disagree that training program of the organization is up to date.

12. After training program employee do well.

According to the graph, that 80% of the respondents strongly agree and 20% of the
respondents agree that after the training employee do well in the work.

13. Training process helps to increase employee skills.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents strongly agree that the training
process helps to increase employee skills.

14. The trainer you have ever got is cooperating with all.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the trainer is cooperative
with all.

15. Training helps the organization to reduce turnover.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the training helps the
organization to reduce turnover.

16. To identify right employees for future training& development methods help the

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents agree that the training and
development methods help the organization to identify right employees for future.

17. You are satisfied with the training and development method.

According to the graph, that 100% of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the
training and development method.

Chapter 5:
Major Finding


1) The organization provides training to their eemployees.

2) The organization follows only off the job training methods.
3) Training program creates good relationship between employer-employee.
4) Training helps to motivate the employee.
5) Training increases the productivity of employee.
6) Training program is necessary for every employee on the basis of their job.
7) Training program is necessary for this institute.
8) Training program that the institute organizes is useful.
9) Training environment of the institute is favorable to employees.
10) Institute does not take too much time for training program.
11) Training program of the institute is up to date.
12) After training program employees do well.
13) Training process helps to increase employees’ skills.
14) The trainer has cooperating with all.
15) Training helps the institute to reduce turnover.
16) To identify right employees for future training & development methods help the
17) Employees are satisfied with the training and development method.

Chapter 6:
Conclusion and Recommendations

Training and development is a necessity for both the trainer and the trainee. The trainer
(the company) would want to make its staff more efficient in this highly competitive
world. It would want its employees to know the latest trends and technologies and use
them according to the company’s principles and objectives. The trainees (staff) view
training and development as a stepping stone for enriching their career and fulfilling their
personal needs. Training and development is another round of education for them, the
knowledge from which is to be applied later. So, it’s more of mutual necessity and
agreement between the companies and their respective employees when it comes to
training and development.


The recommendations are made on the basis of analysis and findings are as follows:

1) Brac Bank Ltd. should need to follow both on the job training methods & off the
training methods.

Chapter 7:
Annexure & Appendix


 “Gary Dessler” tenth edition- Human Resource Management

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

 Class lecture.
 Annual Report 2014

 Website:

 WWW.Wikipidia.Com

Appendix: Questionnaire
We are the students of BBA Program, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology
(BUBT).We are conducting a resource on the topic “Training & Development system” of
Brac Bank Ltd. We are assuring you that your information will be used exclusively for
academic purpose only & will be kept confidential.

Please write down the correct answer you think appropriate by tick ( ) in specific
category & answer on dash (-) area only. Your co-operation in answering the following
questions will highly appreciate. Thank you.

General information:

i. Name: …………………………………………
ii. Gender: ……………………………………….
iii. Education: ……………………………………….
iv. Institute name: …………………………………………………
v. Branch name: ……………………………………………….
vi. Designation (title): …………………………………………
vii. Contact no.:

Closes questions

1) Your organization does provide you training.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

2) Your organization does follow the following training methods.

1. On the job training method
2. Off the job training method
3. Both

3) Training program does create good relationship between employer-employee.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

4) Training does help to motivate the employee.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

5) Training does increase the productivity of employee.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral

4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

6) Training program is necessary for every employee on the basis of their job.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

7) Training program is necessary for this organization.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

8) Training program that your organization organizes is useful.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

9) Training environment of your organization is favorable to employees.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

10) Institute takes too much time for training program.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

11) Training program of your organization is up to date.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

12) After training program employees do well.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree

3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

13) Training process helps to increase employees’ skills.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

14) The trainer you have ever got is cooperating with all.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

15) Training helps the organization to reduce turnover.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

16) To identify right employees for future training & development methods help the
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

17) You are satisfied with the training and development method.
1. Yes
2. No


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