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This day symbolizes the transformation from girl to woman.

In LatinAmerica, it’s celebrated

with a party.
The party can have religious orientation in countries like Mexico and Peru
In the Latin America Countries, this tradition have 2 characteristics in common: the elegant
dress and the principal dance. But it can varies a bit between them, that it'll depend on
traditions country or family. For example:
In Colombia: the parents give her one last toy to say goodbye to his childhood.
In Mexico: it'll begin with the traditional mass, where, the father will give her a rosary of the
Virgin of Guadalupe. Then, at the party she'll be accompanied by 15 chamberlains and the
Mariachis'll sing
in Peru is tradition, the swords crossing made by 12 cadets . The entrance at the party will be
with her father, who will take her to her mother's arms that waits inside the ballroom.

We known This day symbolizes the transformation from girl to woman. In our continent, it’s
celebrated with a party.
The party can have religious orientation in countries like Mexico and Peru
In all the Latin America, it is common to celebrate this tradition , but no in Chile, here it's has
never been relevant, on the contrary, in the past until about 1970 , it was only celebrated by
families of high social sectors.
the different form to celebrate this in the latin american countries, have 2 characteristics in
common: the elegant dress and the principal dance.
But it can varies a bit between them, that it'll depend on traditions country or family. For
In Colombia: the parents give her a present.
but what is this?
it is a toy, the one last toy. and with this she say goodbye to his childhood.

In Mexico: it'll begin with the traditional mass, where, the father will give her a rosary of the
Virgin of Guadalupe. Then, at the party she'll be accompanied by 15 chamberlains and the
Mariachis'll sing

In Mexico: it'll begin with the traditional mass, where, the father will give her a rosary of the
Virgin of Guadalupe. Then, at the party the Mariachis will sing tradicional music of mexico,
also, she will be accompanied by 15 chamberlains. this distinguishes it from Peru
in Peru she'll be only accompanied by 1 chambelan. also is tradition the swords crossing made
by 12 cadets. let's not forget the entrance at the party will be with her father, who will take her
to her mother's arms that waits inside the ballroom.

In Mexico: it will begin with the traditional mass, where the father will give him a rosary of the
Virgin of Guadalupe. Then, at the party, Mariachis will sing traditional music from Mexico, in
addition, it will be accompanied by 15 chamberlains. this distinguishes it from Peru


in Peru only 1 chambelan will accompany her. The crossing of swords made by 12 cadets is also
tradition. Let's not forget that the entrance to the party will be with her father, who will take
her to the arms of her mother who is waiting inside the ballroom.

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