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font-size: 72px;

background: linear-gradient(to top, blue, yellow, red);

-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

background: linear-gradient(160deg, orange 0%, yellow 100%);

import React from 'react';

import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
const dates = [{
slug: 'http2',
title: 'Implementing HTTP/2 with Node.js and Express',
link: '',
text: 'The modern Internet with its TCP/IP protocol started around 1975 which
is astonishing 41 years ago. For the most part of its existence, we used HTTP and
it�s successor HTTP/1.1 (version 1.1) to communicate between clients and servers.'
}, {
slug: 'es6',
title: 'Top 10 ES6 Features Every Busy JavaScript Developer Must Know',
link: '',
text: 'This essay will give you a quick introduction to ES6. If you don�t know
what is ES6, it�s a new JavaScript implementation...'
}, {
slug: 'you-dont-know-node',
title: 'You Don\'t Know Node: Quick Intro to Core Features',
link: '',
text: 'This is a kitchen sink of subjectively the most interesting core
features. The key takeaways of this essay are:...'

function Posts(props) {
return <div>Posts
{, index)=>
<li key={index}><Link to={`/posts/${post.slug}`}>{post.title}</Link></li>
export default Posts;

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